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Reflection Domain B Artifacts

Reflection for Domain B Artifacts

Damon Garner
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690 Capstone Course
Dr. Pengilly

Reflection Domain B Artifacts


I will be looking back at my 3 artifacts, or pieces of evidence for Domain B of the

California Teaching Performance Expectations. Assessing student learning is the focus of this

domain. I will cover the rationale and value of selecting these artifacts.

Reflection Domain B Artifacts

With our changing focus of instruction, content -based standardized testing, to a

more skills based common core curriculum, it can be a challenge on figuring out how to properly

assess our students. In social science much of the emphasis was placed on the facts, or names

and dates, of the curriculum. We are steadily moving away from this DOK level 1 style of

learning. In my first artifact I used a spreadsheet with my class roster, their scores and the

number of times a student missed or got right a particular question. In our U.S. History

department team we create and work on the tests together. This data will be invaluable to help us

plan accordingly for the upcoming school year.

The second piece of evidence is a unit test for U.S. history. What I wanted to show was

the incorporation of Common Core style questions being plugged into an old content,

standardized test. We started to add in multiple, multiple choice questions, where students have

to select more than one right answer. This will make them think critically and also help prepare

them for the style of questioning on the SBA testing their junior year. We also use short answer

essay questions that require them to write about both the content of the answer and its

significance thus leading to at least DOK level 2 and 3 questions.

My final piece of evidence is a literature review of Dr. Robert Marzanos the New Art

and Science of Teaching. I probably could have used Dr. Marzanos book for all six domains, it

was that good. One of the quotes I enjoyed out of his book focused on using different informal

assessment techniques successfully. Marzano states that, (2017) Students will readily engage in

whole-class assessment activities, describe the status and growth of the class as a whole, will

seem interested in the entire classs progress and appear pleased as the whole classs

performance improves. (p. 22) In assessing the students work, we must find ways to engage

them and prepare them by using data and re-working, if needs be, our assessments.

Reflection Domain B Artifacts


Marzano, Robert J. The New Art and Science of Teaching. Solution Tree Press. 2017

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