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Literature Review

Domain C Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning -

Damon Garner
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690 Capstone Course
Dr. Pengilly

Literature Review


In this literature review I will be examining Robert Marzanos New Art and Science of

Teaching. Specifically I will be looking at chapter 7 that covers the topic of Using Engagement

Strategies. Robert Marzano discusses different strategies for making sure students stay inspired,

engaged, energized and ready to learn.

Literature Review

One of the key elements to making sure your class is successful is to properly

engage your students. We will be looking at Dr. Robert J. Marzanos engagement strategies for

the classroom. One of the challenges to engage your students is the amount of time and days you

see your students. There are 182 instructional days in the school year. Trying to think of and

create that many engaging lesson plans is very daunting. Dr. Marzano states that (2017), The

most basic set of strategies that relate to engagement simply involve a teacher being aware of and

reacting when students are disengaged. (p. 65) When a student has his head down and is

attempting to sleep, this is a pretty good sign you have work to do! Dr. Marzano has 4 element

components to his strategy of engaging students. They are, (2017) paying attention, being

energized, being intrigued and being inspired. Marzano states, (2017) the first steps as a teacher

to gauge engagement is to monitor individual student engagement, monitor overall class

engagement, use self-reported student engagement data, re-engage individual students and boost

overall class energy levels. (p. 66) The question becomes how does one do this?

One strategy is to increase response rates. We can do this by following some of

Dr. Marzanos strategies. They include the following, (2017) Calling on random names, using

hand signals, response cards, paired response, choral response, wait time, multiple types of

questions and elaborative interrogation. (p. 67) Ill look at one of these strategies in detail that I

use currently in my classroom. Paired Response or Think Pair Share enables students to rely

on each other, confer, and help alleviate some of the stress from having the wrong answer.

Students can work together and answer more confidently. Another strategy is physical

movement. In our district we have block scheduling. Sitting for 102 minutes can be brutal,

especially for a high school teenager. One of the strategies Dr. Marzano suggests is using 4

corners. (2017) The gist of 4 corners is that you have an activity where the teacher splits the

Literature Review

class into four groups, which then rotate to each of the four corners of the classroom to examine

four different questions related to key content. The teacher assigns a recorder to stay in each

corner to summarize students comments about that corners question. (p. 68) I use this strategy

specifically for DBQ assignments where there is an essential question and there are options for

the students to debate. An example would be What was the main cause of WWI? The choices

were: Imperialism, colonialism, nationalism or militarism. This strategy allows the students to

get up talk with their groups and then have a lively discussion or debate with their classmates

while standing. The students then will vote on the group that gave the best argument and can use

all of that information and discussion in their essays.

As teachers we need to maintain a lively pace and display enthusiasm and energy

ourselves. Having a class that is 102 minutes long definitely needs to have chunks of

differentiated and engaging instruction. How do we accomplish this? Dr. Marzano states, (2017)

the instructional segment strategy relates to effective preparation for the different types of

activities that occur in the class. (p. 69) Dr. Marzano states that we need, (2017) motivational

hooks that quickly present pieces of content that are highly interesting and help capture and

maintain student interest. (p. 69) A teacher who has intensity and enthusiasm alone will hook

most of his class. Paired with the other engagement strategies and you will likely get one

hundred percent engagement. Dr. Marzano states to, (2017) use personal stories, humor, explicit

connections to the world outside and film or movie clips are just a few strategies to use in your

classroom. (p. 70) All of these strategies are crucial for effectively maintaining engagement in

your classroom. Dr. Marzano has mapped out very successful, tried and true examples for us to


Literature Review


Marzano, Robert J. The New Art and Science of Teaching. Solution Tree Press. 2017

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