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Oral Diseases (2010) doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01727.

 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S
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HIV infection and periodontal diseases: an overview of the

post-HAART era
M Mataftsi1, L Skoura2, D Sakellari3
Private Practice; 2Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; 3Department of
Periodontology, Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

HIV infection remains a global health problem of worldwide and has generated profound demographic
unprecedented dimensions, although the development of changes in the most heavily aected countries. While the
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has signifi- percentage of people living with HIV has stabilized since
cantly modified the course of HIV disease into a man- 2000, the overall number of people living with HIV has
ageable chronic disease with longer survival and steadily increased, as new infections occur each year,
improved quality of life in HIV-infected subjects. Among HIV treatments extend life and in addition, new
the HIV-associated infections, oral lesions have been infections still outnumber AIDS deaths.
recognized as prominent features since the beginning of The development of highly active antiretroviral ther-
the epidemic and continue to be important. Periodontal apy (HAART) especially after 1995, has signicantly
diseases strongly associated with HIV infection are clas- modied the course of HIV disease, at least in the
sified as linear gingival erythema, necrotizing ulcerative industrialized world, into a manageable chronic disease
gingivitis and necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis and are with longer survival and improved quality of life in
included among the cardinal oral lesions. Although oral HIV-infected subjects.
candidiasis appears to be the infection more significantly HAART generally consists of a dual nucleoside
decreased after the introduction of HAART, the current analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) back-
literature suggests that the prevalence and course of bone and a third or cornerstone drug, such as a non-
periodontal lesions have also been modified. Higher nucleoside inhibitor (NNRTI) or a protease inhibitor
prevalence of opportunistic microorganisms has been (PI), usually a boosted one. The use of a NNRTI as a
frequently detected in the subgingival flora of HIV- third drug is less potent and therefore, in most settings
infected individuals, probably due to the immune status not a preferred option and it is recommended that
of those patients, as colonization and overgrowth of baseline resistance testing should guide the specic
atypical pathogenic species is facilitated by immuno- regimen design.
suppression. Additional research is required regarding HAART increases CD4 + cell count, decreases
biological issues such as the role of oral immune factors levels of HIV RNA and extends AIDS-free survival, at
and periodontal disease in the persistency of HIV infec- least in the short-term. Moreover, HIV suppression with
tion, the possibility of oral transmission and the antiretroviral therapy may decrease inammation and
re-emerging of HIV infection. immune activation thought to contribute to higher rates
Oral Diseases (2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01727.x of cardiovascular and other co-morbidities reported in
HIV-infected cohorts.
Keywords: HIV; periodontitis; highly active antiretroviral therapy Eradication of HIV infection cannot be achieved with
available antiretroviral regimens. This is mainly attrib-
uted to the fact that the pool of latently infected
CD4 + T-cells is established during the earliest stages
Introduction of acute HIV infection and persists with a long half-life,
HIV infection remains a global health problem of even with prolonged suppression of plasma viraemia.
unprecedented dimensions. Unknown 27 years ago, It is known that HAART is associated with signicant
HIV has already caused an estimated 25 million deaths problems, including toxic side eects, development of
virological resistance and great nancial expense. Up to
Correspondence: Dimitra Sakellari, Assistant Professor, Department
half of patients on antiretroviral therapy may experience
of Periodontology, Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki adverse eects of the medications (Fellay et al, 2001).
54124, Greece. Tel: +30 2310 999565, Fax: +30 2310 999613, E-mail: Common side-eects vary depending on the drug regimen, but can include hypersensitivity, lactic acidosis,
Received 2 February 2010; revised 5 May 2010; accepted 11 May 2010
HIV infection and periodontal diseases
M Mataftsi et al

increases in blood lipids, bleeding events, anaemia, et al, 2006; Ramrez-Amador et al, 2007). However,
neuropathy, lipodystrophy and pancreatitis (UNAIDS, HIV-associated periodontal infections are less common
2008). While most side-eects diminish over time, some than oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia and
can be life-threatening, underscoring the importance of thus not included as criteria in the Centers for Disease
careful patient monitoring (UNAIDS, 2008). Control (CDC) classication (CDC, 1992). HIV-associ-
Due to the intensity of combined antiretroviral ated periodontal infections have characteristic clinical
treatment and widespread use of HAART, the incidence appearance which has been well described (Winkler and
of many AIDS-related opportunistic infections in Robertson, 1992; Murray, 1994; Reznik, 2006; Green-
patients with advanced HIV infection has signicantly span and Greenspan, 2008).
decreased but despite dramatic declines in the incidence Linear gingival erythema (LGE) is a form of gingivitis
of opportunistic infections in many resource-rich characterized by a distinct ery red band along the
nations, opportunistic infections remain a leading cause margin of the gingiva (EC-Clearinghouse, 1994). It is
of hospitalization and death for persons with HIV usually associated with anterior teeth, commonly
infection. extended to the posterior teeth, accompanied in some
Among the HIV-associated infections, oral lesions cases by bleeding and discomfort (Reznik, 2006). In
have been recognized as prominent features of HIV other cases it presents as petechia-like patches on
infection since the beginning of the epidemic and attached or free gingiva. Currently, Candida species
continue to be important. have been implicated to the aetiopathology of LGE as
Purpose of the present review is to overview the well as other HIV-associated periodontal pathology.
features, prevalence, bacteriology and host response Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is character-
characteristics of periodontal infections in HIV patients, ized by rapid onset and acute painful inammation of
especially as modied during the HAART era. gingiva with rapid destruction of soft tissues, while
necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (NUP) is escorted by
bleeding, sharp pain, ulcerated gingival papillae, rapid
Features of periodontal lesions in HIV-infected
and extensive soft tissue necrosis and advanced loss of
periodontal attachment, frequently leading to bone
HIV infection in adults is linked with the expression of exposure (Murray, 1994; Reznik, 2006; Greenspan and
various types of periodontal lesions, which include Greenspan, 2008).
specic forms of gingivitis and necrotizing periodontal The rapid establishment and course of necrotizing
diseases, as well as with possible exacerbation of preex- forms of periodontal disease in patients with HIV AIDS
isting periodontal disease (Winkler and Robertson, 1992; infection, contrary to the gradually progressing peri-
EC-Clearinghouse, 1993; Robinson, 2002). Periodontal odontal disease in adults in the general population has
diseases strongly associated with HIV infection are been outlined in many studies and had not been
classied as linear gingivitis erythema (LGE), necrotizing reported before AIDS epidemic (Murray et al, 1989;
ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) and necrotizing ulcerative Barr et al, 1992; Yeung et al, 1993a; Murray, 1994).
periodontitis (NUP) and are included among the seven HAART appears to have profoundly inuenced the
cardinal oral lesions, which have been identied and prevalence, severity and course of periodontal lesions as
recognized internationally, as follows: oral candidiasis, will be further discussed in the next section of the
oral hairy leukoplakia Kaposi sarcoma, LGE, NUG, present review (Parveen et al, 2007).
NUP and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (EC-Clearinghouse, Risk factors for periodontal disease in HIV-infected
1993; Armitage, 1999; Coogan et al, 2005). individuals besides the general factors of age, smoking,
The criteria for diagnosis of HIV-related oral lesions preexisting gingivitis, poor oral hygiene and poor diet,
are not well dened in children. Orofacial manifesta- include counts of CD4 + cells (Glick et al, 1994b),
tions have been categorized into three groups: those less viral load and specic species of microbiota.
commonly, commonly and strongly but rarely associ- Oral opportunistic infections, mainly oral candidiasis
ated with pediatric HIV infection. LGE has been (OC) and oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) have been
reported between those commonly associated (Ramos- associated with CD4 + count in both the pre-HAART
Gomez et al, 1999; Coogan et al, 2005). and the HAART era in several studies. Based on these
Together with other oral infections, HIV-associated ndings, low CD4 + counts are now considered as the
periodontal diseases are regarded as serious complica- main risk factor associated with the development of oral
tions of HIV infection and have an important diagnostic lesions and especially of oral candidiasis (Margiotta
and prognostic value (EC-Clearinghouse, 1993; Glick et al, 1999).
et al, 1994a; Shangase et al, 2004; Coogan et al, 2005). Regarding periodontal disease, there is little and
They belong among the earliest clinical features of the unclear data, especially during the HAART era. In
infection and could predict progression of HIV disease 1994, Glick et al have reported an association between
to AIDS (Robinson, 2002; Coogan et al, 2005). It NUP and CD4 + count below 200 cells mm)3 in HIV-
should also be mentioned that for patients on antiret- infected patients and suggested that NUP may be a good
roviral therapy, HIV-related oral lesions in general, may marker of immune deterioration. The same authors
suggest possible treatment failure as will be further reported in another 1994 study a positive predictive
discussed in the present review (Margiotta et al, 1999; value (95.1%) for periodontal diseases, which was
Eyeson et al, 2002; Gaitan-Cepeda et al, 2005; Flint higher than the values reported for oral hairy leukopla-

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HIV infection and periodontal diseases
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kia (70.1%) and oral candidiasis (69.9%) (Glick et al, relevant studies vary widely due to several factors. Many
1994a). High positive predictive values have also been studies refer to HIV-infected individuals, without men-
reported for necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (80%) tioning the stage of AIDS or the use and the type of
and a moderate (54.5%) one for LGE (Begg et al, 1996; antiretroviral therapy, the use of protease inhibitors or
Patton, 2000). In agreement with the previous studies, not, as well as the use of adjuctive antimicrobials
Margiotta et al (1999) reported that NUP and NUG (antibiotics, antifungals). Factors which inuence the
were signicantly associated with CD4 + counts lower prevalence of periodontal disease such as age, immune
than 200 cells mm)3 in a cohort of Italian subjects system competence, smoking habits, oral hygiene level,
infected with HIV. In contrast to these reports, Schu- are not always taken into consideration (Barr et al,
man et al, in a study conducted in a US population, 1992; Alpagot et al, 2004). The type of lesion is often
after the introduction of HAART, reported that LGE not mentioned, while there is some confusion with the
and NUG were not related to HIV serostatus or terminology. Additionally, it is usually unclear whether
CD4 + lymphocyte count (Schuman et al, 1998). diagnosis is made by trained examiners or if universally
Contradictory results have also been reported in a accepted criteria are used (EC-Clearinghouse, 1993).
2000 study by Patton. The author reported that the viral Introduction of antiretroviral therapies and mainly
load was signicantly related to the presence of strongly the HAART in 1995 has changed the epidemiology of
HIV-associated oral lesions (Patton, 2000) but that opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients (Holt-
among periodontal lesions, only LGE has a signicant zer et al, 1998; Paul et al, 2002) and has decreased the
predictive value (70%) for immune suppression when mortality and morbidity of HIV infection (Palella et al,
measured by CD4 cell counts below 200 cells mm)3. In 1998). A signicant decrease of the overall prevalence of
the same study, the predictive value for necrotizing oral lesions from 4785%, before the introduction of
ulcerative diseases was lower (47.4%) compared to the HAART, to 3246%, post-HAART has been reported
values reported previously, a nding which could be (Patton et al, 2000; Schmidt-Westhausen et al, 2000;
attributed to the improved antiretroviral management of Gaitan Cepeda et al, 2008). Oral manifestations signif-
HIV disease of the population under investigation. A icantly decreased in patients on dual and triple therapy
signicant correlation between necrotizing ulcerative in comparison with patients on monotherapy and those
diseases and CD4 + T cells number below 200 mm)3 on no antiretroviral therapy (Tappuni and Fleming,
was also reported in a study from South Africa, with a 2001). Moreover, a lower prevalence (32%) of oral
positive predictive value of 69.6% for HIV infection in lesions was found in patients on HAART, including
otherwise asymptomatic subjects (Shangase et al, 2004). efavirenz, compared to patients on HAART including a
As HIV infection gradually becomes a chronic disease, PI (63%). (Aquino-Garca et al, 2008). Recently, in a
the features and course of chronic periodontal disease in retrospective epidemiological analysis performed in
HIV infected patients require more extensive investiga- Brazil from 1988 to 2004, HAART was found to be
tion. The conventional periodontal diseases in the associated with signicantly lower prevalence of oral
HAART era have been mentioned in very few studies manifestations (Ferreira et al, 2007). Among oral man-
(Alpagot et al, 2004; Kroidl et al, 2005). Conventional ifestations, oral candidiasis appears to be the lesion
periodontitis progresses gradually, causing no or minimal most signicantly decreased after the introduction of
pain or discomfort, being thus undiagnosed, until con- HAART as shown by several studies.
siderable tissue loss occurs (Alpagot et al, 2004). Gener- Regarding the prevalence of HIV-associated peri-
ally, periodontal inammation seems to be more severe in odontal diseases in the pre-HAART era, data vary
cases where CD4 + counts are low (Kroidl et al, 2005) widely both in developed and developing countries.
and research nowadays is focused on the accelerated rate Indicatively, reported rates of prevalence for LGE range
with which chronic adult periodontitis presents in sero- between 9 and 50%, for NUG between 11 and 25% and
positive patients (Lamster et al, 1997). for NUP between 1 and 18% (Tukutuku et al, 1990;
Overall, ndings from the above mentioned studies Laskaris et al, 1992; Masouredis et al, 1992; Glick et al,
suggest the value of the identication of periodontal 1994b).
disease, even in patients on HAART therapy, in After the introduction of HAART, ndings from
screening the immune suppression, both in diagnosed relevant studies also vary and cannot be compared,
and undiagnosed HIV infection in adults. partly because of the dierent types of therapy received
The relation between oral lesions in general and by participating patients. Data from representative
immune and virologic status is still not well established studies in developed and developing countries concern-
in children. No association was found between the ing adult and paediatric populations are shown in
prevalence of oral lesions and immunological status or Table 1. The eect of HAART on prevalence of HIV-
viral load in children, while there are no data for associated periodontal disease is shown in Table 2. It
periodontal diseases (Gaitan-Cepeda et al, 2002). appears that HAART is associated with a lower
prevalence of HIV-associated periodontal disease in
adults. The dierence between pre- and post-HAART in
Prevalence of periodontal diseases in HIV-
most of the studies was found to be statistically
infected individuals signicant.
The prevalence of periodontal diseases in HIV-infected On the contrary, HAART does not appear to
individuals remains a controversial issue. Data from signicantly aect the prevalence of periodontal disease

Oral Diseases

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Table 1 Prevalence of HIV-associated and conventional periodontal disease in the HAART era

HIV-associated periodontal disease Conventional

Authors Country Subject sample LGE NUG NUP GING PERIO

Schuman et al (1998) USA 867 HIV+35% on ART 13.6% 11.6%
Patton et al (2000) USA 606 HIV+30% on HAART PI 3.3% NUG NUP = 3.1%
Ceballos-Salobrena Spain 154 HIV+100% on HAART 0.6% 0.6%
et al (2000)
Eyeson et al (2002) UK 203 HIV+69% on HAART 6% 8% 3%
Reichart et al (2003) Thailand, 87HIV+63HIV+none Thai 8% Thai 0%
Cambodia on HAART Cambodian 12% Cambodian 27.7%
Pinheiro et al (2004) Brazil 161 HIV+70.8% on ART Periodontal disease = 4.4%
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HIV infection and periodontal diseases

Kroidl et al (2005) Germany 139 HIV AIDS 100% on HAART 9% NUG NUP = 3.6% 28% 30%
Bravo et al (2006) Venezouela 75 HIV+63% on ART 52% on 8%
Ranganathan et al (2004) India 774 HIV+11% on ART 72% 33%
Gaitan Cepeda et al (2008) Spain 86 HIV AIDS 100% on HAART 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Brady et al (1996) USA 25 HIV AIDS 84% 52%
Ceballos-Salobrena Spain 396 HIV+ Periodontal disease
et al (1996) 78.3%
Alpagot et al (2004) USA 152 HIV+ patients 63% on 19% 73%
Santos et al (2001) Brazil 80 HIV+ 17.5%
Khongkunthian et al (2001) Thailand 45 HIV+ 33.3% on ART 2.2%
Gaitan-Cepeda et al (2002) Mexico 48 HIV+ Periodontal gingival disease 4.2%
Reichart et al (2003) Thailand 45 HIV+ 33% on ART 2.2%

ART: any type of antiretroviral therapy; HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy; HAART PI: highly active antiretroviral therapy with protease inhibitor as the third drug; GING: gingivitis;
PERIO: periodontitis; LGE: linear gingival erythema; NUG: necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; NUP: necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis.
Table 2 Effect of HAART on prevalence of HIV-associated periodontal disease in HIV-infected adults

HIV-associated periodontal disease

Authors Country Subject sample LGE NUG NUP Effect of therapy

Aguirre et al (1999) Spain 72 HIV+ patients 48.6% 31.9% LGE are down,
CD4+ <499 NUP has remained steady in comparison
on HAART to two earlier studies from the Spain
Schmidt-Westhausen Germany 103 HIV+ patients 1.9%. 2.9% After 6 months of therapy, from 61
et al (2000) 1 month on HAART re-examined patients only one had NUP
Patton et al (2000) USA Pre-HAART, 271 HIV+ 4.8% Signicant decrease of NUP
8% on HAART 1.7% (P = 0.03)
Post-HAART, 299 HIV+
42% on HAART.
Ceballos-Salobrena Spain 154 HIV AIDS 0.6% 0.6% More than 30% decrease of HIV
et al (2000) on HAART PI associated periodontal disease in
for atleast 6 months comparison with historical controls
Tappuni and Fleming UK 195 HIV+ not on ART 6% Decrease of NUG
(2001) 89 HIV+ on ART 2%
Ramrez-Amador et al Brazil Study of 12 years Periodontal disease Signicant decrease of periodontal disease
(2003) before HAART 4.1% (19891991) between before and after HAART
M Mataftsi et al

(19891995) 1.7% (19921995) periods

after HAART 0.4% (19961998) (P = 0.002)
(19962001) 0.7% (19992001)
Ferreira et al (2007) Brazil 1230 HIV+ 2.5% 1.6% 1.3% HAART associated with a signicant
(19882004) lower prevalence of LGE (P < 0.001)
Nicolatou-Galitis et al Greece HIV+ not on ART 8.1% Decrease of NUG
HIV infection and periodontal diseases

(2004) HIV+ on double ART and HAART PI 0%

HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy;,HAART PI: highly active antiretroviral therapy with protease inhibitor as the third drug; ART: any type of antiretroviral therapy. HIV-accociated
periodontal disease: LGE: linear gingival erythema; NUG: necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; NUP: necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis.

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in children (Flanagan et al, 2000; Khongkunthian et al, such as proteomics and the study of biolms will allow
2001; Parveen et al, 2007). an extensive investigation of the microbiota in HIV-
infected individuals and the pathogenetic role of
unusual species.
Bacteria associated with periodontal disease in
As shown in Table 3, bacteria that are not usually
HIV-infected patients
linked with periodontal disease, such as Enterococcus
The development of periodontal disease is generally faecalis, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aerugin-
accepted to depend on the interaction between the host osa and Campylobacter pylori, were frequently detected
response and the resident oral microbiota, which con- in HIV-infected patients, in most of the studies (Gon-
stitutes a complex dynamic biolm of multiple microbial calves de Souza et al, 2004, 2007; Goncalves de Souza
communities. Considering that it is a microbial com- et al, 2009; Aas et al, 2007). Putative periodontopatho-
munity disease, a distinct microbial prole in these genic bacteria, such as T. forsythia, P. gingivalis, P.
patients, if identied, could assist our understanding of intermedia, were associated with periodontitis (Alpagot
the aetiopathological mechanisms (Kuboniwa et al, et al, 2004; Goncalves de Souza et al, 2004) in HIV-
2009). positive patients and were considered as risk factors
Results from studies on the subgingival microbiota in (Goncalves de Souza et al, 2004), whereas in many
HIV-infected individuals are quite diverse. Some studies studies the prevalence of these classical periodontopath-
have shown that the microbiota is similar in HIV- ogenic bacteria was found smaller in HIV-positive than
positive and HIV-negative patients with periodontitis in HIV- negative subjects (Paster et al, 2002; Patel et al,
(Zambon et al, 1990; Brady et al, 1996; Nakou et al, 2003; Aas et al, 2007; Goncalves de Souza et al, 2007;
1997; Teanpaisan et al, 2001; Tsang and Samaranayake, Goncalves de Souza et al, 2009). Possibly, pathogens
2001). Other studies have shown a higher prevalence of such as P. gingivalis, that are commonly associated with
putative periodontal pathogens such as Aggregatibacter periodontal disease, do not consist the principle path-
actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Por- ogenic factor, while both atypical oral organisms and
phyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella typical periodontopathogenic bacteria inuenced the
forsythia and Treponema denticola, in HIV-positive pathogenesis of periodontitis in HIV-infected patients.
patients, in comparison to HIV-negative patients (Mur- Moreover the recognition of dierent microbial pro-
ray et al, 1989; Cross and Smith, 1995; Scully et al, les in the subgingival area of these patients may be
1999; Alpagot et al, 2004), while there are studies that signicant. More complex microbial proles were dem-
present the exact opposite, i.e. that putative pathogens onstrated in diseased sites than in healthy periodontium
are less prevalent in HIV-positive patients. (Tenenbaum in HIV-infected patients (Paster et al, 2002), while
et al, 1997; Paster et al, 2002; Patel et al, 2003; Botero certain combinations of microbes were detected exclu-
et al, 2007; Goncalves de Souza et al, 2007). sively in HIV-infected individuals. These specic com-
Several authors agree that certain microbial species plexes may be responsible for chronic periodontitis in
such as Candida spp. (Jabra-Rizk et al, 2001), Enterob- this group of patients (Patel et al, 2003) since it is known
acter faecalis (Zambon et al, 1990; Nakou et al, 1997; that changes in the humoral and cellular immunity can
Goncalves de Souza et al, 2004, 2007), Clostridium aect the establishment and growth of pathogens and
clostridiiforme (Zambon et al, 1990) Clostridium difcile the resultant combination of microbes in the subgingival
(Zambon et al, 1990; Nakou et al, 1997; Goncalves pockets of HIV-positive subjects.
Lde et al, 2007), Klebsiella pneumoniae (Zambon et al,
1990; Nakou et al, 1997; Botero et al, 2007; Goncalves HIVhost interaction in the periodontal environment
de Souza et al, 2007), Mycoplasma salivarium (Zambon Periodontal disease may result from a loss of regulation
et al, 1990; Moore et al, 1993; Nakou et al, 1997; of immune responses to oral microbiota (Jotwani et al,
Goncalves de Souza et al, 2007), Pseudomonas aerugin- 2001).
osa (Nakou et al, 1997; Botero et al, 2007; Goncalves de However, in HIV-infected patients, pathogenetic
Souza et al, 2007), Acinetobacter baumanii (Nakou et al, mechanisms involved in immune responses and in
1997; Goncalves de Souza et al, 2007), Enterobacter tolerance at the oral mucosa in health and inammation
cloacae (Nakou et al, 1997; Botero et al, 2007), which remain unclear and studies are required in order to
are frequently found in the periodontal environment of dene the interaction between the immuno-compro-
HIV-positive patients, are uncommon in other individ- mised host and microbes. In general, it is poorly
uals. The role of these uncommon species in the understood how HIV or HIV-infected cells aect oral
pathogenesis of periodontal disease in HIV-infected mucosal epithelium and inuence innate and acquired
individuals is not yet fully understood, while it is immunity and how the altered local or systemic immune
suggested that the higher prevalence of such opportu- response of these patients contributes to the pathogen-
nistic micro-organisms is due to the immune status of esis of periodontal disease (Alpagot et al, 2004; Challa-
those patients as colonization and overgrowth of atyp- combe and Naglik, 2006). Subgingival biolm micro-
ical pathogenic species is facilitated by severe immuno- organisms have the capacity to activate inammatory
suppression (Goncalves de Souza et al, 2004). cells including polymononuclears (PMN), lymphocytes
Data from studies in the HAART era, which apply and macrophages, which produce inammatory media-
culture-independent molecular techniques are displayed tors and subsequently induce MMPs and their inhibitors
in Table 3. These techniques as well as other approaches production. It is known that, in periodontal disease,

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Table 3 Studies of subgingival plaque microbiota in HIV-infected patients in HAART era using culture-independent methods

Authors Subject sample Methodology Principal ndings

Paster et al (2002) 8 HIV+ NUP Checkerboard DNA 108 species identied (65 uncultivable)
HAART: data not available hybridization assay Most frequent: Bulleidia extructa, Dialister, Fusobacterium,
Over 200 probes Selenomonas, Phylum TM7
Peptostreptococcus, Veillonella,
Classical periodontal pathogens not detected
Different and more complex microbial proles
in periodontitis than in healthy periodontium
Patel et al (2003) 20 HIV+ CP PCR for P nigrescens, C.rectus, T. denticola and P .gingivalis less prevalent in HIV+ subjects
HAART: data not available P.intermedia,P gingivalis, Three microbial proles exclusively in HIV+
T.denticola, E.corrodens, P. nigrescens C.rectus
A.actinomycetemcomitans P. nigrescens P. gigivalis
P. nigrescens T.denticola
Alpagot et al (2004) 152 HIV+ CP Fluorescent assay for selective F.nucleatum, P. intermedia, A. actinomycetemcomitans,
63% HAART Gram-negative species P. gingivalis: risk factors for periodontitis in HIV+
Goncalves de Souza et al (2004) 64 HIV+ CP Checkerboard DNA hybridization Several classical pathogens more prevalent in HIV+ CP than
100% HAART assay in HIV+ healthy periodontium: E. faecalis, F. nucleatum
Probes for 22 species more prevalent in patients with lower T CD4 + cells
Goncalves de Souza et al (2007) 37 HIV+ CP Checkerboard DNA hybridization Bacterial species and classical periodontal
35 HIV+ HP assay pathogens less frequent in HIV+ CP, than in
100% HAART Probes for 33 species HIV) CP (T. forsythia, S. gordonii. P.gingivalis,
S. intermedius,)
M Mataftsi et al

Unusual for CP species more commonly in

HIV+ (A.baumannii, E. faecalis)
Aas et al (2007) 14 HIV+ CP, gingivitis, LGE 16S and 18S rRNA- cloning and 109 species (42% uncultivable) were identied
HAART: data not available sequencing Gemella, Dialister, Streptococcus, Veilonella were predominant
Classical periodontal pathogens not detected (T.denticola,
P.gingivalis, T. forsythia)
Unsual for CP microbes (Pseudomonas, Neisseria) more
HIV infection and periodontal diseases

commonly in HIV+ and severe immunosupression

Goncalves de Souza 13 HIV+ CP PCR for Unusual for CP microbes more frequent in
et al (2009) 10 HIV+ HP H. pylori, E. faecalis, P. aeruginosa CP than in healthy periodontium (E. faecalis,
100% HAART E. pylori, P. aeruginosa)
E. pylori most prevalent in CP in HIV+

CP: chronic periodontitis; NUP: necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis; HP: healthy periodontium; HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy; LGE: linear gingival erythema.

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most of the tissue damage is caused by host response (Kim et al, 2006). Moreover, studying the possible eect
(Lamster and Novak, 1992; Van Dyke and Serhan, of microbial components on HIV, inhibition of virus
2003). In HIV-infected patients with periodontitis an entry by a binding domain (HGP44) of P. gingivalis was
increase of inammatory mediators has also been demonstrated (Xie et al, 2006).
detected. Alpagot et al (2003) reported that the higher HAART appears not to adversely aect inherent
GCF levels of pro-inammatory cytokine interferon-c salivary oral host defence in HIV-patients with mild to
(IFN-c) is associated with the periodontal disease moderate immune dysfunction (Lin et al, 2006).
progression in HIV-positive patients similarly to reports In many studies RNA (Shugars et al, 2001; Spear
for non-HIV individuals with chronic periodonditis et al, 2005) and DNA of HIV have been detected in
(Dutzan et al, 2009). High levels of signicant mediators saliva (Levy and Greenspan, 1988; Goto et al, 1991;
of inammation involved in the pathogenesis of peri- Yeung et al, 1993b). Possible sources of infectious
odontal disease such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (Lei- virions and proviral HIV-1 DNA in saliva include
bur et al, 1999), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF- serum and HIV-containing macrophages and lympho-
b1), matrix metalloproteinase -1 (MMP-1) were also cytes from GCF, which is increased during periodontal
found in gingival cervicular uid (GCF) of periodontitis infection. In most studies, HIV is present in patients
sites in HIV AIDS patients and could serve as prog- saliva at very low levels, lower than blood. However,
nostic factors for the progression of tissue destruction in Shugars et al (2001) reported that ve out of 67 HIV-
HIV-infected adults. positive subjects expressed higher levels in saliva than
After the introduction of HAART, HIV-infection is blood and also had more advanced HIV-associated
considered as a chronic infection characterized by periodontal disease, suggesting that HIV can be pro-
persistency of the virus in the infected host and, despite duced locally in the oral cavity and may be inuenced by
the undetectable plasma levels of the HIV, cessation of oral tissue inammation.
therapy results in viral reappearance in circulation Although, relatively little and contradictory informa-
(Chun et al, 1999). Persistency of the virus is possibly tion on HIV excretion patterns in GCF is available in
due to a very low level of replication and continuous the literature, however the presence of periodontitis may
secretion of virus by long-lived infected cells, undetect- be a contributing factor. Proviral HIV-1 DNA, viral
able by conventional assays or HIV latency and silenc- RNA and p24 antigen has been detected in up to 50% of
ing (reviewed in Williams and Greene, 2007; Mok and GCF samples from HIV-infected subjects with peri-
Lever, 2008; Colin and Van Lint, 2009; Dahl et al, odontitis (Sanz et al, 1996; Chebbi et al,1997; Maticic
2009).The oral cavity seems to be an important reservoir et al, 2000) while in some reports the virus or the p24
of HIV-1 as the virus is found in saliva, GCF and oral antigen have not been detected in GCF samples (OShea
epithelial cells. To date, HIV-1 reservoirs have been et al, 1990; Chebbi et al, 1997). These results suggest
identied in the reproductive tract, breast, lung, brain that infected mononuclear cells present in GCF could be
and gastrointestinal tract (Schrager and DSouza, 1998) a potential source of HIV-1.
Therefore, the role of oral immune factors and More over it has been demonstrated that HIV-1
periodontal disease in the persistency of HIV infection, infects and replicates in vitro in keratinocytes isolated
the possibility of oral transmission and the re-emerging from normal oral mucosa (Moore et al, 2003) as well as
of HIV infection, should be investigated. in vivo in oral mucosal epithelial cells (Rodrguez-Inigo
The oral cavity has rarely been reported as a site of et al, 2005), which could represent a reservoir for the
HIV transmission (Klein et al, 1988; Cohen et al, 2000; virus, although this is not a universal nding (Quinones-
Jotwani et al, 2004; Cutler and Jotwani, 2006). In saliva, Mateu et al, 2003).
HIV is present at very low levels (Spear et al, 2005) Regarding gingival tissues, studies have shown that
possibly due to low levels of macrophages and lympho- dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages in gingiva
cytes and to inhibitory factors in the saliva of HIV- express C-type lectin receptors DC-SIGN (Dendritic-
infected patients. A number of host defence factors are cell-specic ICAM-3-grabbing non-integrins, CD209),
present in the saliva including, the hypotonic nature of MR (mannose receptors, CD206) and Langerin (CD
saliva (Baron et al, 1999), endogenous inhibitors of 207), which are targets for HIV and other microbes (Van
HIV, particularly secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor Kooyk et al, 2004). Using these receptors HIV could
(SLPI) that blocks HIV infection in several cell-culture advance by down-regulating intracellular signalling and
systems (Shugars et al, 1999), salivary mucins MUC5B eective immune response and cause chronic infections
and MUC7 which trap and aggregate the virus and can that persist for life. However, recent studies showed
inhibit it by 100% (Habte et al, 2006), sIgA antibodies that, during health, in lamina propria cells usually
which neutralize HIV, antimicrobial peptides such as a- express the DC-SIGN receptors and mannose receptors,
and b-defensins (Nakashima et al, 1993; Zhang et al, but very few of the cells present the CCR5 on their
2002; Mackewicz et al, 2003; Quinones-Mateu et al, surface and none present the CXCR4 HIV co-receptors
2003; Jotwani et al, 2004), histatins (Groot et al, 2006) (Jotwani et al, 2004). In the epithelium, cells do not
and lactoferrin. It seems that the inhibitory factors may express CD4 but instead glycospingolipid-galactosyl-
act synergistically (Bolscher et al, 2002). ceramide (GalCer) and Langerin receptors (Jotwani
Recently, HIV-specic antibody dependent cell-med- et al, 2004; Challacombe and Naglik, 2006). HIV co-
iated cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity, an important part of receptors CCR5 and or CXCR4 were found closer to
cell mediated immunity, was demonstrated in saliva. the basal layer far from the surface-associated layers

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(Jotwani et al, 2004). So, in health, low expression of dierent HIV-1 isolates have been proposed that may
CCR5, and restricted expression of CXCR4 in oral play a role (Rohr et al, 2003).
mucosa suggest an unfavourable environment for the In vitro exposure of latently infected resting CD4 +
virus and this may play a signicant role in the cells to a number of cytokines, bacterial antigens,
resistance of gingiva to infection with HIV-1 (Jameson mitogens or monoclonal antibodies directed to T-cell
et al, 2002; Jotwani et al, 2004). receptors CD3 can induce viral replication, but these
In the presence of inammation, there is evidence of ndings have not been reproduced in vivo. It is also
up-regulation of various receptors, including HIV recep- suggested that in the progress of an opportunistic
tors, on the surface of oral epithelium and the epithelium infection micro-organisms or their components, such as
may become more permeable (Challacombe and Naglik, LPS, stimulate and activate TLRs and subsequently
2006). Moreover, in patients with chronic periodontitis NFjB and other transcription factors. In addition,
there is a signicant increase in the number of dermal transcription factors can be activated indirectly by the
dendritic cells (DDCs) expressing DC-SIGN receptors large amounts of pro-inammatory cytokines and
and a trend for increased mannose receptors identied in chemokines which are produced during infection
the inamed gingival lamina propria (Jotwani et al, (reviewed in Gonzalez et al, 2009). Regarding perio-
2004). It is suggested that HIV uses both the above dontal pathogens, it has recently been shown that
C-type lectin receptors to attach to dierent dentritic P. gingivalis produces high concentrations of butyric
cells subsets (Turville et al, 2001). It has been shown that acids causing histone acetylation which is involved in
dentritic cells, DDCs and LCs, form immune conjugates repressing HIV transcription and results in virus persis-
with CD4 + T cells in the lamina propria (Jotwani and tency (Imai et al, 2009). The results of the study and the
Cutler, 2003) and under these conditions it is possible for above mentioned possible mechanism of reactivation of
dendritic cells to transfer HIV in the T-lymphocytes in HIV, suggest that periodontal disease could act as a risk
the inammed gingival lamina propria. factor for HIV reactivation in infected individuals and
It has also been reported that in the presence of oral might contribute to the systemic dissemination of the
lesions and periodontal disease there is a continuous virus.
shedding of HIV-infected blood into the oral cavity This hypothesis could be the biological basis linking a
from mucosal and gingival lesions in HIV-infected chronic infection such as periodontitis to the immune
patients, resulting in the detectable presence of the reconstitution inammatory syndrome (IRIS) (Gaitan
HIV at a high frequency in the oral cavity, with an Cepeda et al, 2008) a situation in which, pre-existing
increased possibility for HIV transmission (Bolscher asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic infections or
et al, 2002). inammatory conditions paradoxically worsen with a
According to the above mentioned ndings, inam- substantial increase in inammation during the initial
mation is considered as a risk factor for HIV infection, months of host immune reconstitution, as a result of
although defensive mechanisms. However, during HAART (Feller et al, 2007; Murdoch et al, 2007).
chronic periodontitis there is a 10-fold increase in Opportunistic oral infections have not yet been
a-defensin-1 (Jotwani et al, 2004), known to have potent characterized as IRIS, but Nicolatou-Galitis et al
anti-HIV activity, while HBD2 and HBD3 are also up- (2004) and Greenspan et al (2004) have reported a lack
regulated during inammation (Dale, 2002; Quinones- of reduction of oral lesions despite a higher mean
Mateu et al, 2003). CD4 + count and a lower mean viral load, with
Notably, co-infection with the endogenous pathogen HAART treatment. Recently, Gaitan Cepeda et al
P.gingivalis in vitro, revealed an upregulation of CCR5 (2008) found that HIV+ AIDS patients under HAART
receptors of oral keratinocytes, which are not usually who present CD4 + lymphocyte counts of >500 cells
expressed in health, through LPS stimulating the toll- ml)1 and undetectable viral loads can suer opportu-
like receptors (TLRs) and gingipains. The R5-type HIV- nistic oral HIV-associated infections. IRIS may lead to
1 co-receptors CCR5, is the target of R5-type HIV-1 increased frequency of periodontal disease as the pres-
associated with most primary systemic infections. Thus ence of latent infection(s) has been considered as a risk
infection with P. gingivalis could increase transmission factor for the syndrome (Crum-Cianone, 2006; Mur-
of HIV infection through the oral cavity (Giacaman doch et al, 2007). However, it is not known if the
et al, 2007). appearance of these lesions is the consequence of a
In addition, periodontal diseases and other oral qualitative failure of immune cell response or examples
opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients could of de novo infections.
inuence HIV reactivation. They represent chronic
infections and associated inammation, with a possibil-
ity of latently infected host cell stimulation. Transcrip-
tion of the HIV-provirus is dependent on the interaction The introduction of HAART has signicantly modied
between cellular and viral transcription factors the course of HIV disease, at least in the industrialized
(reviewed in Williams and Greene, 2007; Mok and world, into a manageable chronic disease with longer
Lever, 2008). The mechanisms involved in the reactiva- survival and improved quality of life in HIV-infected
tion of latency remain to be elucidated, however a subjects. Oral lesions are among the clinical manifesta-
number of factors such as dierent cellular environ- tions whose prevalence, severity and course have been
ments and long terminal repeat (LTR) variations in aected by this treatment. Although oral candidiasis

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lesions have also been modied. Additional research is including protease inhibitors: a new face of oral AIDS?
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