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BPI incident, a security breach?

By: Amer A. Jalandoni

The purpose of why do we have banks in our country is to secure and protect the customers money, not
only that, it also helps the customers by giving advices regarding on financial matters. Banks are seen as a secure
place to deposit money; it would be risky to keep all the savings under your bed, because it is too exposed
(Pettinger, 2012). With the help of technology, banks can improve and help the customers at the same time the
business itself, why? Well, for the customers, they can monitor their bank statements anytime and anywhere, faster
payments and faster funds transactions. As for the banks, the can keep track of the accounts of the customers at
the same time it helps develop and improve the security of the bank (MidWesOne Bank (Patch Poster), 2013). But
despite if these features because of technology, how come the BPI (Bank of the Philippines) had a security breach?
Is this because they lack people to maintain and monitor the security of the bank? Or is this because their security
is not enough to protect the bank?

Recently, the customers of the BPI experienced some kind of confusion because their money will just
randomly by twice the amount than before or their money will be gone. Around the month of June, the BPI bank
had been temporarily suspended due to an internal data processing error, because of the temporary suspension of
the bank, it created a fiasco even in the internet. According to BSP Deputy Governor Nestor Espenilla Jr, BPI assures
us that this is not a hack and problem will be fixed, in a text message Wednesday, June 7. Because of this incident
some reported not being able to access their accounts on any devices, while others experienced unauthorized
transactions that were deducted or reduced in their accounts (Central Bank to probe BPI system glitch, 2017).
Even before the BPI also experienced this kind of dilemma, about the confidentiality of the account of Duterte, the
bank denies about an account security breach. It is said before that the bank continues to have one of the most
highly-regarded data protection practices in the industry, and the bank is really committed in protecting their
customers information and preserving the trust that is bestowed upon the customers (Manila Times, 2016).
Because of this statement that was said by the BPI, it raised concerns about the safety of the customers account
information after Trillanes used the bank records to reveal that Duterte has a secret account (Manila Times, 2016).
Going back to the present situation today, the bank told the public that it is one of the most highly regarded data
protection practice, but how come they experienced glitch in the security system? The bank said that it wasnt a
glitch, it also wasnt hacked but it was a human error. The programmer was reassigned to another area and denied
the access to the banks internal data (Lardizabal, 2017). While the glitch affected the BPIs electronic channel such
as ATMs, internet banking, BPI President and Chief Executive Officer Cezar Consing assured that there was no
breach of data privacy (Lardizabal, 2017).

In conclusion, there was no hack or a system breach in the system but rather it was a human error that was
caused of the glitch in the system. Up to this point, the BPI still promises the public that they will always practice
one of the most highly-regarded data in the business, to ensure the privacy and the security of the clients
accounts, keeping the customers at ease knowing that their money is safe. But if a human error that was caused of
the glitch in the system, could it be that person is a hacker who was trying to hack the system? Who knows, maybe
it was more than just a human error.

Central Bank to probe BPI system glitch. (2017, June 07). Retrieved from Sunstar:

Agcoaili, L. (2017, June 08). Bank glitch causes chaos. Retrieved from philstar:

Bank, M. (2013, May 21). 5 Advantages of New Banking Technology for Small Businesses. Retrieved from

Lardizabal, C. (2017, June 22). BPI explains human error in systems glitch; BDO discloses 'skimming fraud'.
Retrieved from CNN Philippines:

Pettinger, T. (2012, November 28). Purpose of Banks. Retrieved from Economics:

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