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Join the Free Code Camp Community(15 minutes)

Learn how Free Code Camp WorksIncomplete

Learn how Free Code Camp WorksIncomplete
Create a GitHub Account and Join our Chat RoomsIncomplete
Configure your ProfileIncomplete
Read Coding News on our Medium PublicationIncomplete
Watch Coding Videos on our YouTube ChannelIncomplete
Learn What to Do If You Get StuckIncomplete

Front End Development Certification

HTML5 and CSS(5 hours)
Say Hello to HTML ElementsIncomplete
Headline with the h2 ElementIncomplete
Inform with the Paragraph ElementIncomplete
Uncomment HTMLIncomplete
Comment out HTMLIncomplete
Fill in the Blank with Placeholder TextIncomplete
Delete HTML ElementsIncomplete
Change the Color of TextIncomplete
Use CSS Selectors to Style ElementsIncomplete
Use a CSS Class to Style an ElementIncomplete
Style Multiple Elements with a CSS ClassIncomplete
Change the Font Size of an ElementIncomplete
Set the Font Family of an ElementIncomplete
Import a Google FontIncomplete
Specify How Fonts Should DegradeIncomplete
Add Images to your WebsiteIncomplete
Size your ImagesIncomplete
Add Borders Around your ElementsIncomplete
Add Rounded Corners with a Border RadiusIncomplete
Make Circular Images with a Border RadiusIncomplete
Link to External Pages with Anchor ElementsIncomplete
Nest an Anchor Element within a ParagraphIncomplete
Make Dead Links using the Hash SymbolIncomplete
Turn an Image into a LinkIncomplete
Create a Bulleted Unordered ListIncomplete
Create an Ordered ListIncomplete
Create a Text FieldIncomplete
Add Placeholder Text to a Text FieldIncomplete
Create a Form ElementIncomplete
Add a Submit Button to a FormIncomplete
Use HTML5 to Require a FieldIncomplete
Create a Set of Radio ButtonsIncomplete
Create a Set of CheckboxesIncomplete
Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by DefaultIncomplete
Nest Many Elements within a Single Div ElementIncomplete
Give a Background Color to a Div ElementIncomplete
Set the ID of an ElementIncomplete
Use an ID Attribute to Style an ElementIncomplete
Adjusting the Padding of an ElementIncomplete
Adjust the Margin of an ElementIncomplete
Add a Negative Margin to an ElementIncomplete
Add Different Padding to Each Side of an ElementIncomplete
Add Different Margins to Each Side of an ElementIncomplete
Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an
Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an ElementIncomplete
Style the HTML Body ElementIncomplete
Inherit Styles from the Body ElementIncomplete
Prioritize One Style Over AnotherIncomplete
Override Styles in Subsequent CSSIncomplete
Override Class Declarations by Styling ID AttributesIncomplete
Override Class Declarations with Inline StylesIncomplete
Override All Other Styles by using ImportantIncomplete
Use Hex Code for Specific ColorsIncomplete
Use Hex Code to Mix ColorsIncomplete
Use Abbreviated Hex CodeIncomplete
Use RGB values to Color ElementsIncomplete
Use RGB to Mix ColorsIncomplete

Responsive Design with Bootstrap(5 hours)

Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid ContainersIncomplete
Make Images Mobile ResponsiveIncomplete
Center Text with BootstrapIncomplete
Create a Bootstrap ButtonIncomplete
Create a Block Element Bootstrap ButtonIncomplete
Taste the Bootstrap Button Color RainbowIncomplete
Call out Optional Actions with Button InfoIncomplete
Warn your Users of a Dangerous ActionIncomplete
Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By SideIncomplete
Ditch Custom CSS for BootstrapIncomplete
Use Spans for Inline ElementsIncomplete
Create a Custom HeadingIncomplete
Add Font Awesome Icons to our ButtonsIncomplete
Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our ButtonsIncomplete
Responsively Style Radio ButtonsIncomplete
Responsively Style CheckboxesIncomplete
Style Text Inputs as Form ControlsIncomplete
Line up Form Elements Responsively with BootstrapIncomplete
Create a Bootstrap HeadlineIncomplete
House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid DivIncomplete
Create a Bootstrap RowIncomplete
Split your Bootstrap RowIncomplete
Create Bootstrap WellsIncomplete
Add Elements within your Bootstrap WellsIncomplete
Apply the Default Bootstrap Button StyleIncomplete
Create a Class to Target with jQuery SelectorsIncomplete
Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap ElementsIncomplete
Label Bootstrap WellsIncomplete
Give Each Element a Unique IDIncomplete
Label Bootstrap ButtonsIncomplete
Use Comments to Clarify CodeIncomplete

Gear up for Success(20 minutes)

Join our ForumIncomplete
Join a Free Code Camp Group in Your CityIncomplete
Join our LinkedIn Alumni NetworkIncomplete
Become a SupporterIncomplete

jQuery(3 hours)
Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready WorkIncomplete
Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQueryIncomplete
Target Elements by Class Using jQueryIncomplete
Target Elements by ID Using jQueryIncomplete
Delete your jQuery FunctionsIncomplete
Target the same element with multiple jQuery SelectorsIncomplete
Remove Classes from an element with jQueryIncomplete
Change the CSS of an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Disable an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Change Text Inside an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Remove an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQueryIncomplete
Clone an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Target the Parent of an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Target the Children of an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQueryIncomplete
Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQueryIncomplete
Use jQuery to Modify the Entire PageIncomplete

Basic Front End Development Projects(50 hours)

Get Set for our Front End Development ProjectsIncomplete
Build a Tribute PageIncomplete *
Build a Personal Portfolio WebpageIncomplete *

Basic JavaScript(10 hours)

Comment your JavaScript CodeIncomplete
Declare JavaScript VariablesIncomplete
Storing Values with the Assignment OperatorIncomplete
Initializing Variables with the Assignment OperatorIncomplete
Understanding Uninitialized VariablesIncomplete
Understanding Case Sensitivity in VariablesIncomplete
Add Two Numbers with JavaScriptIncomplete
Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScriptIncomplete
Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScriptIncomplete
Divide One Number by Another with JavaScriptIncomplete
Increment a Number with JavaScriptIncomplete
Decrement a Number with JavaScriptIncomplete
Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScriptIncomplete
Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScriptIncomplete
Divide one Decimal by Another with JavaScriptIncomplete
Finding a Remainder in JavaScriptIncomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented AdditionIncomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented SubtractionIncomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented MultiplicationIncomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented DivisionIncomplete
Convert Celsius to FahrenheitIncomplete
Declare String VariablesIncomplete
Escaping Literal Quotes in StringsIncomplete
Quoting Strings with Single QuotesIncomplete
Escape Sequences in StringsIncomplete
Concatenating Strings with Plus OperatorIncomplete
Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals OperatorIncomplete
Constructing Strings with VariablesIncomplete
Appending Variables to StringsIncomplete
Find the Length of a StringIncomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a StringIncomplete
Understand String ImmutabilityIncomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a StringIncomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a StringIncomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a
Word BlanksIncomplete
Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript
Nest one Array within Another ArrayIncomplete
Access Array Data with IndexesIncomplete
Modify Array Data With IndexesIncomplete
Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With IndexesIncomplete
Manipulate Arrays With push()Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With pop()Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With shift()Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With unshift()Incomplete
Shopping ListIncomplete
Write Reusable JavaScript with FunctionsIncomplete
Passing Values to Functions with ArgumentsIncomplete
Global Scope and FunctionsIncomplete
Local Scope and FunctionsIncomplete
Global vs. Local Scope in FunctionsIncomplete
Return a Value from a Function with ReturnIncomplete
Assignment with a Returned ValueIncomplete
Stand in LineIncomplete
Understanding Boolean ValuesIncomplete
Use Conditional Logic with If StatementsIncomplete
Comparison with the Equality OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Strict Equality OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Inequality OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Strict Inequality OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Greater Than OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Less Than OperatorIncomplete
Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To OperatorIncomplete
Comparisons with the Logical And OperatorIncomplete
Comparisons with the Logical Or OperatorIncomplete
Introducing Else StatementsIncomplete
Introducing Else If StatementsIncomplete
Logical Order in If Else StatementsIncomplete
Chaining If Else StatementsIncomplete
Golf CodeIncomplete
Selecting from many options with Switch StatementsIncomplete
Adding a default option in Switch statementsIncomplete
Multiple Identical Options in Switch StatementsIncomplete
Replacing If Else Chains with SwitchIncomplete
Returning Boolean Values from FunctionsIncomplete
Return Early Pattern for FunctionsIncomplete
Counting CardsIncomplete
Build JavaScript ObjectsIncomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with the Dot OperatorIncomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with Bracket NotationIncomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with VariablesIncomplete
Updating Object PropertiesIncomplete
Add New Properties to a JavaScript ObjectIncomplete
Delete Properties from a JavaScript ObjectIncomplete
Using Objects for LookupsIncomplete
Testing Objects for PropertiesIncomplete
Manipulating Complex ObjectsIncomplete
Accessing Nested ObjectsIncomplete
Accessing Nested ArraysIncomplete
Iterate with JavaScript For LoopsIncomplete
Iterate Odd Numbers With a For LoopIncomplete
Count Backwards With a For LoopIncomplete
Iterate Through an Array with a For LoopIncomplete
Nesting For LoopsIncomplete
Iterate with JavaScript While LoopsIncomplete
Profile LookupIncomplete
Generate Random Fractions with JavaScriptIncomplete
Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScriptIncomplete
Generate Random Whole Numbers within a RangeIncomplete
Sift through Text with Regular ExpressionsIncomplete
Find Numbers with Regular ExpressionsIncomplete
Find Whitespace with Regular ExpressionsIncomplete
Invert Regular Expression Matches with JavaScriptIncomplete

Object Oriented and Functional Programming(2 hours)

Declare JavaScript Objects as VariablesIncomplete
Construct JavaScript Objects with FunctionsIncomplete
Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor FunctionIncomplete
Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our
Make Object Properties PrivateIncomplete
Iterate over Arrays with .mapIncomplete
Condense arrays with .reduceIncomplete
Filter Arrays with .filterIncomplete
Sort Arrays with .sortIncomplete
Reverse Arrays with .reverseIncomplete
Concatenate Arrays with .concatIncomplete
Split Strings with .splitIncomplete
Join Strings with .join

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