February 17-18: 6115 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308

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February 17-18
From the Senior Minister

Baby StepsIts the metaphor we use to describe the step by step, often slow incremental
progress we make. Most of the time we look for giant leaps to characterize the progress we
make in church growth. But lets remember, how do we define church growth? If we are
talking about the church building (and most of us realize we are not), church growth hap-
pened in 1995-96, and again in early 2000 when we added on the Fellowship Hall. Interior
modifications, a wall here and there, and maybe a new A/C unit could be considered growth.
But we all know thats not what we mean. We might mean numbers. But again, is church
growth the weekly attendance, the monthly average, or the number on the membership rolls?
And is that a healthy way to measure church growth? We could offer in the name of ministry
something a mile wide and an inch deep and GROW the church if numbers is all we are
measuring. I understand that numbers can, and often do, represent souls that are present
and available to hear the love of Christ. So, in a way, numbers only can still have some
healthy results. But church growth most often refers to the SPIRITUAL growth of the body
of Christ that meets here at 6115 Mahan Drive and identifies with Capital City Christian
Church. We have taught, preached, and said that if we are Loving Christ, Loving Others, and
Serving, then we are growing. That is true on an individual basis as well as a congregation as
a whole. You have heard me say again and again, if you find yourself in worship, LOVING
CHRIST, and you are committed to LOVING OTHERS, in a Sunday School Class, Life Group,
Bible Study, Ministry Team, or any other one-on-one setting in ministry, and if you find your-
self alongside others either serving the church or serving our community, if you are doing
those things, you cant help but be spiritually growing. Guess what? We see it happening dai-
ly. Its working! You know how I know? Because all those other definitions of church growth
are present as well. Weve not added anything to our building, but we have moved things
around and made some pretty significant changes to make our building better. Our weekly
attendance, mission offerings, and general offerings have been positive and consistent over
the summer months; when, by the way, most churches see summer slumps in all three of
those areas. And we are starting to see more guests, and even returning guests.
Late last spring Stephen Stringer, my lawn guy, raked up some dead thatch in an area of
my yard that was not looking so good. I wanted to re-sod. He said, Allen, just wait. It will
grow back. I look at that spot every time I pull into my driveway. Everyday, sometimes sever-
al times a day, I just dont see it growing back. And then one day (after being away for a
week, I might add) I drove up, and wouldnt you know, it looks like overnight its almost all re-
grown. Now, my mind tells me that is not the case. I know it happened a little at a time. But
at some point you look around and notice that growth has been happening all along
sometimes in Baby Steps that you didnt see until we step back.
Do we know how to run and jump yet? Maybe. Maybe not. But Im confident in the growth we
HAVE seen. Keep on Loving Christ. Keep on Loving Others. Keep on Serving. Its Kingdom work
we are doing!
In His Service,


The Faith Promise Pledge for 2017-2018 is Pledged 44,888
$44,888 . Lets make our pledge this year 100% Needed to meet our monthly pledge:
received for 2017-2018. Remember to honor your $3,741 per month
commitment to the Lord and trust He will provide. Giving Total (at month four): $15,736
Communication From the Leadership
Even If
Do you ever wonder if God is really listening?
Psalm 121 reminds us -
I lift up my eyes to the mountainswhere does my help
come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of
heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip he who
watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches
over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watch-
es over youthe LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harmhe will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your
coming and going both now and forevermore.

Take comfort in the fact that the same God that made the universe, is still listening to every little thing
you say each and every day. If he knows the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30), believe me
he is interested in his every creation.

Bart Millard, leader of Mercy Me speaking of their latest song states; Even If is a reminder to people in
difficult situations that dont seem to go away. God is worthy long before any of those circumstances
even showed up. This song is a declaration to God that even if He went silent and never said another
word, Hes still worthy to be praised and that Hes our greatest hope in the midst of the trial.

An excerpt from Even If

They say sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some and right now, right now Im
losing bad, Ive stood on this stage night after night reminding the broken itll be alright but
right now, oh right now I just cant its easy to sing when theres nothing to bring me down, but
what will I say when Im held to the flame like I am right now

I know Youre able and I know You can save through the fire with Your mighty hand, but even
if You dont my hope is You alone.

In our age of instant gratification, sometimes we have to stop and remember that God is still on His
throne, waiting and watching. Take comfort in the little things. Take time to stop and listen. God is not
always in the earthquake, but he is in the gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12).
Listening quietly with you.

The Elders

Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry provides food for those in immediate need. If you or someone you know is in need please see
Allen or Trish and check out the Food Pantry. You can make monetary donations to the pantry by designating
Pantry on your check and placing it in the offering.
Ministry EVENTS

Upcoming Events:
August 12 - 10AM Painting Class
August 15 - 11AM Lunch & Learn
August 27- Fellowship Meal (sponsored by the Seniors Ministry)
Call the office 850-877-7315 for more information.

Bring a friend!
August 25
7PM We are planning a Ladies Retreat in the fall, Septem-
ber 22-25. So sorry but space is limited for the over-
Just For KIDS night stay. The first 12 who sign up and pay the $100
fee can stay at the house on St. George Island for the
The movie weekend. We will have the bus available for those
who want to come just for Saturday.
For more details see Donna Gonzalez or Trish Rice

Childrens Ministry
Join us in Sunday School
Childrens Church for: Nursery Pre-K & K 1st-2nd Grade 3rd-5th Grade
August 6 Becky Griffin Don & Linda Meeks Becky Carter Becky Carter
August 13 Charlotte NeSmith Don & Linda Meeks Becky Carter Becky Carter
August 20 Marilyn Bryan Don & Linda Meeks Becky Carter Becky Carter
August 27 Becky Griffin Don & Linda Meeks Becky Carter Becky Carter

Childrens Church/Worship
Nursery K 5th Grade
August 6 Rylee Gonzalez Becky Carter
August 13 Marilyn Bryan Juanita Tatum
August 20 Becky Griffin Becky Carter

For more information: call 877-7315 or visit August 27 Charlotte NeSmith Juanita Tatum
Sun Mon T ue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Happy Birthday: 10 - Randy Tatum 1 2 3 4 5
1 - Dorothy Smith 11- Dona Cormier 10AM Prayer Circle
6:00PM Fellowship
1 - David Sterling 14 - Rick Harvey 11-3 Youth Pool Party
6:30PM Ladies Bible
5 - Faye Barnette 17 - Susan Critelli Study 11:45 Canasta Club
9 - Dean LaFleur 25 - Rylee Gonzalez
10 - Jeanne Lawson 31 - Cindy Meeks 6:30 Board Meeting 6:PM CC Training

6 8-3 CC Homeschool
7 8 9 10 11 12
6PM Ladies
6:00PM Fellowship 10AM Prayer Circle 10AM Painting
6:30PM Ladies Bible Panache
Night OUT Study
4PM Rice Life Group
5PM Thorson Life Group 6PM Mens Steak-Out
5PM Gonzalez Life Group

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
8-3 CC Homeschool 10AM Prayer Circle
11AM Lunch & Learn 6:00PM Fellowship
5PM Thorson Life Group 6:30PM Ladies Bible
5PM Gonzalez Life Group Study

20 21 22 23 8AM Mens Breakfast 24 25 26

8-3 CC Homeschool 10AM Prayer Circle
6:00PM Fellowship
6:30PM Ladies Bible
5PM Thorson Life Group Study
5PM Gonzalez Life Group 6-8 CC Orientation

27 28 29 30 31
8-3 CC Homeschool
10AM Prayer Circle
6:00PM Fellowship
6:30PM Ladies Bible
Fellowship Meal


August 1 - 6:30PM Board Meeting August 16 - 6PM Fellowship
August 2 - 6:00PM Fellowship 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study August 17 - Prayer Circle
August 3 - 10AM Prayer Circle August 21 - 8-3 CC Homeschool
11-3 Youth Pool Party August 22 - 6-8PM CC Orientation
11:45 Canasta Club August 23 - 6PM Fellowship
6PM CC Training 6:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
August 7 - 8-3 CC Homeschool August 24 - 8AM Mens Breakfast
August 7 - 6PM Ladies Night Out at Carrabbas 10AM Prayer Circle
6PM Mens Steak-Out at Allen Gonzalez August 25 - 7PM Family Movie Night
August 9 - 6:00PM Fellowship August 27 - 12 Fellowship Potluck
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study August 28 - 8-3 CC Homeschool
August 10 - 10AM Prayer Circle August 30 - 6PM Fellowship
August 12 - 10AM Painting Panache 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
August 14 - 8-3 CC Homeschool August 31 - Prayer Circle
August 15 - 11AM Lunch & Learn


Pray that we will reach out to the lost world.
Come join us on Thursday morning at 10AM for a time of prayer. You are encouraged to spend time in communication with
God. Feel free to use the Prayer room (165) at any time, individually or as a group to pray about whatever is on your heart.
Our purpose is to LOVE CHRIST, LOVE OTHERS and SERVE

OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP: Allen Gonzalez Senior Minister
Bible Study 9:00 AM Mike Seay Worship Director
AM Worship 82
Coffee Break 10:00 AM Trish Rice Administrative Assistant
Worship 10:30 AM
Life Group 4:00PM Leadership: GIVING Budget Need
Sunday Evening Life Group 5:00 PM ELDERS: Rick Harvey, Don Meeks, General Giving $ 17,294 $14,566
Wednesday Bible Discussion Groups 6:30 PM Tim Thorson Missions $ 4,434 $3,069
DEACONS: Dona Cormier, Clayton Wilder

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ The Deadline for September 2017 Newsletter is August 27th

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