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#31 to #45

Pulsa las flechas de reproduccin para escuchar las quince

expresiones conversacionales clave de esta leccin. Reptelas
luego en voz alta tratando de imitar la entonacin.

31. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to

Dannys birthday party.
Buenas noches, seoras y seores. Bienvenidos a la
fiesta de cumpleaos de Danny.
32. Nice having you here.
Encantado/a de tenerlos aqu.
33. Hope you have a good time.
Espero que la pases bien.
34. Mrs. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr.
Smith, our Manager.
Sra. Anderson, permtame presentarle al Sr. Smith,
nuestro Gerente.
35. How do you do. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Mucho gusto. Es un placer conocerla.
36. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.
El placer es mo, Sr. Smith.
37. Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine.
Here is David Roy. David, Tony Park.
Tony, quiero presentarte a un viejo amigo mo. Aqu
est David Roy. David, Tony Park.
38. Let me introduce myself. Im Susan McDonald.
Permteme presentarme. Soy Susan McDonald.
39. Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?
Disclpame pero nos hemos conocido antes?
40. Sorry, I dont think we have.
Lo siento, no creo. (que nos conociramos de antes)
41. Hi, its you again. Is this a coincidence or what?
Hola, otra vez t. Es sta una casualidad o qu?
42. Youre Susan!! What a pleasant surprise.
T eres Susan!! Qu agradable sorpresa.
43. I never thought I would see you here.
Jams pens que te vera aqu.
44. Im afraid I have to leave now.
Me temo que debo irme ahora.
45. Nice talking with you.
Ha sido agradable conversar contigo.
Greeting - Example Conversations
Let's look at several example conversations. Then we can move on to the
practice section.

Person A: "Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet you."

Person B: "I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve."
Person A: "What do you do for a living Jack?"
Person B: "I work at the bank."

Person A: "What is your name?"

Person B: "Jackson."
Person A: "What was that again?"

Person A: "Hey John, how have you been?"

Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you
Person A: "I'm doing very well. How about you?"
Person B: "I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big
examination, and I'm so relieved that I'm done with it."

Person A: "Hi Nancy, what have you been up to?"

Person B: "The same ole same ole." Or, "The same as usual. How about
Person A: "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is

Person A: "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?"
Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you
Person A: "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
Person B: "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular

The next lesson is the interactive practice section. If you would like to repeat
this lesson or previous lessons, feel free to go back and study as many times as
you need. When you are ready, go to the practice section.

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