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SUmmyrAy E RANKING GUID “W) CONTENTS: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE eID sae) TO SKYFALL, THE , 24 JAMES BOND MOVIE POSTERS CELEBRATE THE EVOLUTION OF EVERYONE'S FAVORITE SECRET AGENT. Hee Promo er at "yy Berri ens t es pe best das Exclusive interviews with stars Daniel > Assisieel lane’ a4 eee ttle inthisscene fromthe 7 j Mendes on putting together the $200 milion * tua al » Pee mreay frat cae enn es re ee ee! Cy en ete ed end Dee eee uR ee cme eee eet sage ta ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: CONTENTS fF" eae as We rank the first 23 Bond films and We pick 0075 sleek cars and useful spy Three of the world’s most 007- explain why For Your Eyes Only is gadgets that every fanwisheshehad, obsessed superfans give their take PT egw Ue a RCC ee the nifty wrist gun in Moonraker. . cy eee et - Re aera Cee Lene art Ree en Lec ucd Neue eee aura) Ree at eS ce ead Peace as ees een ecu Sermo ur ticd Cy Cy From Ernst Stavro Blofeld to Auric Visit some of the most exotic, eye = i ee ee ue popping locations onthe planet aswe MakingamartiniJamesBondwould IB and convoluted methods of murder set __spantthe globe for the most visually emo ee earn ‘ anew bar forfilm bad guys—andwe stunning Bond destinations including We have the original recipe for the i Ucar) Cre eee ae CEL a FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND Times we've seen him bleed: 12 DACLB EE tis GOLTECTORS ISSUE: BY THE NUMBERS FF J 12 is rl oa Pete Te] tra eas rer 3 O / B 4 Women he's slept with who tried to kill him: 9 a 3 staal — Pe Women he apped,spankedorgoten rough wit J a fut} |) sa | TO ADD UPTHANJUST HOT AND COLD BODIES. Nukes that went off: I Timeshe's worked with FelixLeiter at the CIA: 10 oI fe 1 13 Bond themes have made the Billboard Hot 100. ¢ ale errs A ‘Skyfall stafs Javier Bardem and Daniel Rt cece rats ran tea Ce Sas intense, visceral ee nay ever while honoring Peon eg ie ee em sd Bond franchise's 24th film also has the eRe h te cere ay ee eee eat Renae is cis Os era ne The plot isas guarded asan under- ground island bunker in the middle of the eeu a eo eater cee acd Sa eee eee caer Se ny Pets ea eee Rete eco cod villain Silva turns London into rubble, Bond, who also travels to China, Scotland and Istanbul, must once again save the day. We sat down with stars Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem and director Sam Mendes togetthe scoop —and from what they Pe eee driven, thinking Bond fan's action flick! Drea Ey Pte ecard Daniel Craig: I'm more excited about this Poa ‘we've got aclassic Bond movie and the tal- entisphenomenal. When you play football Sree er oear urinates Itthe same with acting. Bond's relation- er SN ne ens ee aad Ree eee eon eae) Beene ea oct Pee aaa PROS CO THE AGENT: DANIEL CRAIG; THE BADDIE: JAVIER BARDEM; AND THE EVIL GENIUS, ER, DIRECTOR: SAM MENDES; GIVE AN EXCLUSIVE BEHIND-THE-SCENES LOOK AT THE MAKING OF THE 24TH BOND FLICK, SKYFALL. JUST MAKE SURE THAT ONCE, YOU'RE DONE READING, YOU'RE NOT. SITTING IN AN EJECTOR SEAT! PSE) ie ; : a aur. & : Ns Msg If Looks Could Kill The stunning new Bond Girlis played by French actress Bérénice Marlohe. “Shehasa sensuality and danger that is quite out of fashion,” says Mendes, How did Daniel get you guys to join in? met Daniel two years ago, and he said, ‘Would you ever be interested in doing a Bond movie?’ and I said, “Well, it’s with you, of course!” And when I got the material, [was very drawn to it, Its very well put together, complex, entertaining and fun. Its powerful on top of being a Bond movie. I've been friends with Daniel since I directed him in Road to Perdition, andl eally liked Casino Royale. Bond was, forthe first time, areal person ina real situation. The franchise seemed anchored again, so when he suggested doit, lagreed that night. Itseemed possible forme to makea big, fabulous, glamorous, escapist film and also say something about the world we live in. What did Sam bring to the table? Like me, he’s a Bond fan through and through. He’s read every book, we both like the same films (Live and Let Die and From Russia with Love) and the same bits in them, We wanted to get something that excited us and turned us, on and hopefully will turn everybody 6 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. else on, He has added more emotional engagement than previous Bond adventures and has pushed the characters emotionally as faras he could, So it has an individual look to it. ‘Sam is very brave —he's a great director, and he loves performance. He has this instinct for smelling great options that will make the scene go a little bit further in different ways. He's not, *This is what I think, this is what itis’ — he's the opposite. He’, ‘OK, bring on your ideas, and let’s cook —and while we cook, we shoot.’ It's great, because then everything is alive and one thing takes you toanother, and t's like wow, look how far ‘we went from here [tried to push the characters physi cally and emotionally as far as [could within the context of a Bond film. People sometimes forget in the cliché of Bond which isthe untroubled international playboy — that Fleming created a very conflicted character. ‘What can youtell us about Silva? He's classic baddie, somebody flamboyant and frightening ly “SIMORE om PLAYFUL THAN THE LAST TWO. [WANTED TO CREATE A BOND FILM SAM MENDES a ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: SKYFALL JB: There's a lot of scaffolding behind him, and that’s the fun part. He thinks he’s doing the right thing. That's the danger of anevil person —they think they're right. Sometimes its so obvious that he's not right, but he doesn’t care Why did you bring back francl icons like Bond's Aston Martin and the gadget guruQ? Ceo BRC: Sam and I talked about our favor ce ee ae J bis inoue fvorite Bond films and eee one a how we could reintroduce them. Envi ne detrenh wrens Meet ra SM: IS more playfl than the last two SST peters films. I wanted to create a Bond film eae re eee erent asclassic as possible. perenne ne Were the action scenes difficult toshoot? ‘SM: had directed bits of action before, so I knew it would be com- plex and time-consuming, But ECan cdf (cy part of the pleasure of doing the “You spend three weeks working on film was pushing myself in new od Per tcl directions, eeu ice JB:I've never made a movie of this ne ore eee scope. So many elements have tc ’ > Ce fall into the same place in orde something to work, It was so big, so noisy, It was impres you're on the set, you f ‘want to be there — because these sy and and that’s very important ene To get back into Bon trained for about 12 weeks, five days 3k. Itwas hell on earth, Idida lot zhts, and I boxed and ran, Bond tobe fit; he’s got to be aki tobe physically stron ise T would get a lot of injuries due toall the running and jumping, which I need to do, I was exerci avoid injuries! @ > i oO > NS) tO tJ J Ne Oe ee FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. 7 SKYFALL: ULTIMATE COLT FCTOR'S ISctte ~ Rr A@ iT cr Cea ukes) ‘the “Grumpy Bond” by the British press, Poco tay Secs ‘Though he admits \ perros CMa eh earn a ee Ser arena Perret ee | A PCr es PCS aan eee reer et ea Ceres ixent fae piscine Sauer river while shooting a hi 8 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND Ce ott Behe yukon eer etal ays Mendes. “I thought it wasa master: ou ic oe RUC nature smplexity in her relationship with eters es 4 Action# Sree Daniel Craig recenth feet ee ct ad Pears Sa CUES atuneterts % of Turkey, one of the many exotic Serene locales the franchise is famous for. dae ar Leeks Seed eee Coen es eee FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 9 T¥TE THE UNTOLD STORY: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE AN FLEMING (1908-1964) didn’t uite have the action-movie existence CUS Peete eee eee en eee Suet Pea eee Seer poorly academically. Asa young Denes a etd Rese TNs ees Flemingexcelled and was instrumental in Pee es mena Sout including one called Golden Ree ene aT film and ofhis Jamaican estate. fterthe Seeger cer eet Sd Pry end FER ee ED See Ne ee eel rnc | ee heer tie / O O y , 2 AN ACCLAIMED NEW DOCUMENTARY, EVERY THING OR NOTHING: THE UNTOLD STORY OF 007, ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN THE JAMES BOND. PHENOMENON. HERE ARE SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS. ee eee eee et caught up with him when he died of a heart, poe Tan modeled 007 on several people. Bond's Preeres ettt eee en NUP ee omithologist who studied Caribbean birds. ee aces te One eee ee tay Carmichael, a well-known 20th-century ene ae) poet ene CT eed persona was borrowed from a number of nts Fleming knew or ‘war, but 007 probably behaved most like Fleming himself. They were both chain- Se act! eon ree tenn ee they both loved to gamble, et Sete) sard of during the DS en eer es he treated both women and bad guys worse Cenc tt eeriee Pee a ad he inflicted on others and they on him. In rer tra) asthe movie character. (Danie! Cr portrayal probably comes closest.) Physically, Fleming's Bond had a dark complexion, a prominent scar on his cheek and that angular Hoagy Carmichael face. He was in his mid-to-late 30s and wasa slim six feet tall. None of that describes Corrs Ret eee ee ean EW people in Hollywood believed turning lan Fleming’ best selling spy novels in films was slam dunk. Larger than life producers Albert R. “Cubby” Broccoli and Harry Saltzman were the exception. Broccoli wasa mildly successful independent producer who longed to bring Bond to the screen In1958 he arrangeda meeting with Fleming to purchase the rights but was unable to attend when his wife became ill.nhis stead, his then partner, Irving Allen, promptly insulted Fleming by saying, “These books are not even good enough for television”’lling any deal between them. Jump to 1961, when fledgling producer Saltzman became mesmerized with Bond after reading Goldfinger. ina tremendous gamble he spent his life savings, $50,000, fora mere six-month option on the character. After desperately trying to makea studio deal, fate stepped in and he was introduced to Broccoli by mutual screenwriting friend Wolf Mankowitz The pair formed Eon Productions, and as the deadline for the option ticked down, they struck last-second deal with United Artists to make Dr. No for athen whopping SImillion. # € eras aD er aimed ——! Deg C Peter rigs Pen kaw ee bt} Numbers Game: Series Worldwide Gross: $5 billion ($123 billion when adjusted for inflation) and second only to the Harry Potter franchise. MSeries Production Budget: $1billion HM Academy Award Nominations:7;4 were for Best Music. Academy Award Wins: Visual Effects for Thunderball. , Best Sound Effects for Goldfinger, Best Special Bond Books Written By Fleming: 12novels and 2 short-story collections lM Bond Books Sold Worldwide: More than 100 milli including the 1967 spoof Casino Royale, starring Niven, and 1983's Never Say Never Agair Pee a Sean Connery (1962-67, 1971, 1983) . 72 $183M 3 20 Fleming initially didn't approve of casting the ‘overgrown stuntman.” but Connery quickly won him cover. Now 82, the Scotsman quit Bond in 1971, bt he ‘was lured back in 1983, for Never Say Never Again, the titlea jab at his claim that he was done with 007, George Lazenby (1969) . $400K . 1a 3 Director Peter R. Hunt didn't mind Lazenby’s lack of acting experience, since he “oozed sexual assurance: But Lazenby, now 73, ditched 007 after just one movie, branding Bond “a brute” and joining the hippie S-Euaaupeiarttae movement — amove hed later regret into the Song Ce ~~ ite, Roger Moore (1973-85) . 72 $24M ——_ . 4 19 With 12 years as the suave spy, Moore holds the record as the longest-running Bond — and the oldest. He was 45 when he accepted the role and 58 when he stepped down. Moore is still suave today, at 85, Timothy Dalton (1987-89) SSM The James BondTheme 6 4 Dalton sought to make his 007 serious and dark, as Fleming originally wrote the character. While his somber take won mixed reviews, Dalton, now 66, was contracted for a third film — until it was cancelled due to legal issues. Pierce Brosnan (1995-2002) . 7 4M . 36m 7 Brosnan was devastated when his Remington Steele contract prevented him from playing Bond in 1987, but he got his chance in 1995. After so many thrills and kills, the Irish actor, 59, was dismissed to make way fora younger actor. Daniel Craig (2006-Present) 3m S24M WKills:17 and counting lt 3,and counting ete ic) ‘Aretha Franklin but oS eres ieee POV oa Critics were hesitant to accept the hunky Brit, 44, as the new 007, but his performance in Casino Royale earned him a BAFTA nomination — and the hearts of Bond fans everywhere ours eer faintedholding the ieee Peat ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: THE UNTOLD STORY FF Rad born into poverty in Cardiff, Wales, and Tauern) Raccoon eas Bees Aca zcln "A Or ana eect / 1956 with ‘Day-O (The Banana Boat Son; f Se eee at a if ear ere ee teeter ie peer Per earns eee oa eee ed N performed for President Kennedy and even | ne letra asec Cece oes ie ra Adele Film: Skyfall HEN Adele's up, just jumped atit; gushed Daniel C Grammy-winning songstress, for her wrenc ballads, says she was thrilled tolendher epic vocals: st film: [Recording all] was one of the st moments of my life. Flbe combing my hair when 'm 60 telling people! ond Girl backin the day.” Fe ee Et) eet aay eo POT arr ae occ Retreat Tata rand ry a ores autor ee TheformerBeatle wrote || eeThefirstBondtheme | [fe eamedan Acaderny Globenomination for Best J fromU2 wrote the sultry theGrammy-nominated [Uff nottitledafteramovie [f= Awardnomination: Poe eey) song specifically for antheminonedayafter le since Dr.No, Simon’ forhersong, which ‘waschosentorecordthe ff Tina, anditbecame one readinglan Fleming’ eons Ean themeafter drunkenly (9 JF of her most successful book before the screen- | Better” went goldand ‘onthe Billboard, approaching AlbertR. \j-_ Mfhits,reaching number PRC eas seman ayer Peas CeeeTet rend ee Pee eas FOR TRUE BOND FANS, THE BASELINE IS SIMPLE: THEY’RE ALL GREAT. BUT SOME HAVE EARNED THEIR LICENSE TO THRILL ATTY O) ee NN SEN DUNNO) a Ti aeaC onc) MS > ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS (1987) IHERE are some traps even Bond cant escape. Inthiscase, the trap isa script torn between serious new 007 Timothy Dalton and the lingering, winking persona of Roger Moore. Timothy does his damnedest to be formidable, unravel- ingthe threads of Soviet general’ defection all the way toan American arms dealer tryingto start WWII, but between subpar puns he comes across like an earnest Mi6accountant rather than a suave agent with a license to kill Better to focus.on the action, which ranksamong the franchises most convincing until Casino Royale. Foran opening scene, actors bearing resemblance to Roger Moore and George Lazenby were cast as fellow Double-Osasa clever way of introducing Timothy as the new 007. ‘Timothy had been considered for Bond as far backs the late’60s. The oppor- tunity arose again when Albert R. Broccoli declined to give Pierce Brosnan the role because he was still too closely tied to another suave, ‘gun-wielding character: Remington Steele. aoa) BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLEC peer nes) Pa ate Seas jumping was cool. Playing afellow agent, ‘Olga Kurylenko was glad when she was cast that she didn't have any sexscenes with Craig. Fans, not somuch. be considered direct sequel, Bond continues to investigate the shadowy criminal organization knownas Quantum asameansto avenge the death of his lover Vesper Lynd from Casino Royale. Daniel Craigisstill outstanding, and a scene where Bond eavesdrops on Quantum operatives at an outdoor opera production is nifty. But the overall impact is compromised by an overreliance on Bourne-style fight scenes and a muddled climax in which it takes way toomuch effort for 007 to defeat a bantam weight villain. And hey, nobody wants the bad puns back, butit wouldn't hurt for Bond toat least cracka smile every now and then. It'sa Bond movie, not Schindler’ List. LICENSE TO THRILL The sight: Bond bedmate Strawberry Fields’ body covered head to toe in crude oil knowing homage to the infamous gilded corpse in Goldfinger. ITO SECRET Daniel said that Quantum wasmuch more physically challenging than Casino Royale, requiring training in boxing, | Nthe first movie of the series that can 16 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND AVIEWTOA KILL (1985) ‘OGER MOORES final tumnisagrand ‘tourof man-made monuments, as (007 spars with a rogue industrial- ist, from the Eiffel Tower tothe ‘Transamerica Pyramid to the Golden Gate Bridge. But those locations beg for big stunts, and we worry for 57-year-old Roger as he gamely fights (and beds) crazy-eyed hench- ‘woman May Day (Grace Jones) and dangles fromablimp. As played by Christopher Walken infull scenery-chewing mode, Max Zorin seems likea rational mass murderer, except for that whole plan to flood Silicon Valley. Maybe Bond could just reason with him over a pot of Earl Grey and then cal inthe Marines. To stage the stunt jump off the Eiffel Tower, a platform extension had to be constructed. Its painted to blend in but can be easily spottedin the finished scene. ‘Christopher was the first actor to star ina Bond movie after winning an Academy Award (for The Deer Hunter). The next would be Halle Berry, who played Bond Girl shortly after winning for ‘Monster’ Ball. NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN (1983) ETTLE down, purists! There's definitely a case to be made that this Thunderball rehash doesn't deserve to be ranked at all, that its outside the canon of official Bond movies, made possible only due toan ‘old legal settlement that gave control of one story line to a Fleming, collaborator. But hey, that is Sean Connery backin the tux after 12 years, still exuding 007 charm while lending a int of world-weariness befitting a seasoned secret agent reactivated to rescue his country in time of need, Toss in fresh Bond Girl Kim Basinger (23 years younger than Sean) and an excellent update of SPECTRE lieutenant Largo, and you realize that maybe it not an international crisis for two Bonds to exist at once. Never again, though. ‘Good to see you, Mr. Bond. ‘Things have been awfully dull round here. |hope we're going to see some gratuitous sex and violence in this one’ ‘With Never and Octopussy released within months of each other, many speculated on which Bond would win at the box office. Both were hits, making nearly $200 million apiece. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 17 BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE PTT OP. 1a FOREVER (1971) IHE1970s area topsy-turvy time for Bond, what with two bikini-wearing bodyguards tossing him around like a rag doll and a couple of male hitmen hinting that they're gay. Indeed, it might even come as areliefto see reliable ‘oldnemesisBlofeld again — though maybe not multiple Blofeld look-alikes who are partof ascheme to use smuggled diamonds tobuilda space laser that will upend the balance of international power and stuff It’san equally tumultuous period for Bond fans, who, after the aborted George Lazenby ‘experiment, are grateful enough to see Sean Connery backin the role to overlook this entry's campy, slipshod execution. For the moment in the car chase when Bond ssthroughanarrowalleyontwo wheels, the entrance was filmed at = Universal Studios inL.A. and the exit filmed on Fremont Street in Las Veg we Httook $1.25 million to sign Sean again, a then astronomical fee that affected the budget or action sequences and special effects. Ld eons OCTOPUSSY (1983) AT'S the most logical strategy for the Soviet Union to take over Western Europe? Obviously, a rogue general tricking the governments into disarming by exploding a nuke unwittingly smuggled onto a US. Air Force base by a beautiful cult leader's traveling circus. In other words, forget the plot and focus on the pretitle sequence, in which Bond flies a plane through an airplane hangar; the exotic settings, shot on location in India; and some superior hand-to-hand combat. Its fun if you don't take any of it seriously. But let's make this perfectly clear. James Bond, elite secret agent of the British Secret Service, should never, everbe seen dressed asa circus clown ‘007? Onanisland populated exclusively by women? We wor't see him till With Roger Moore dithering over playing the role again, James Brolin was nearly hired as the new Bond. But when news broke of the ‘Never Say Never Again project, the producers felt they needed an established Bond to go up against Sean Connery and convinced Roger to sign on. 18 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND Bond really is superhuman! roar aad eect erry Pree imoon bugay to escape. Bera ayer ENOUGH (1999) F the worlds superpowers could keepa handle on their nuclear subs, Bond could get a comfy desk job. inthis case, ex KGB agent Renard plans to use one to destroy Istanbul and corner the world oil market. Complicating mattersis the fact that Bond isassigned to protect an oil heiress who is secretly abetting the criminal andisn't above Using her feminine wiles tothrow Bond off the scent. When 007 discovers the double-cross, he only briefly hesitates before shooting his lover to death so that he can pursue the sub. Unfortunately, action scenes such asa boat chase on the Thames don't carry the same Richards, as nuclear sense of surprise, and even the most ardent physicist Dr. Christmas ones, Bond Girl devotee can't quite accept Denise said that she liked the role Richards asa nuclear scientist because it had “depth of character, in contrast to Bond Girls from previous decades.” To that end, ‘the movie ended with the two X, inbed and Bond's cheesy ine, “I thought Christmas ‘only came once ‘The movie's titleis the motto from the Bond family coat of arms, first mentioned in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Includes a scene in which Desmond Llewelyn (who played Q in 16 films) introduces his successor as MI6's gadget guru, played by John Cleese. Desmond was killed in acar accident shortly after the film’ release. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 19 BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR" cera a the oe pees co ene eis asa fencing | FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) FTER the way-out-there Moonraker, Bond makes a welcome return to Earth, | and so does his mission —amore straightforward setup that finds 007 joining forces witha revenge-seeking Greek ‘woman to pursue a tycoon trying to sella vital piece of British naval tech to the KGB. When Bond kicks a car containing a helpless henchman over a cliff, were reminded that this man has allicense to kill, after all. The only sour note is. the discomfiting scene where our now visibly middle-aged hero has to rebuff the bedroom advances of a teenage snow bunny. Inthe precredits sequence, Bond lays flowers at the grave of his murdered wife (see On Her Majesty's Secret Service) and then pilots a helicopter to drop abald would-be assassin, wheelchair and all, down a smokestack. Though the baddie is never named, due to legal conflicts over control of the character, even casual fans realize its supposed to be Blofeld. Tete RET During fileni i Harris, 20 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND Dyie Woy yD. cence Tala the (2002) ieeocinesaed \, after an lan Fleming title. Bp [ECE BROSNAN swansongstarts twas See promisingly, as 007iscapturedin ras years asthe, North Korea, tortured and imprisoned 4 Kengect drought so ong that he growsahobo beard. sath series. ‘Toobad the originality soonruns dry, withthe filmmakers marking the franchise’ 40th anni- versary witha kitchen-sink trategy.Just when audiences ealize they wantagritter film, they get an invisible car,a Madonna cameo, screwy plotinvolving gene-therapy make- oversand lant mirrorsandascene where Bond urfs a CGI tidal wave. sone thing to beasridiculousas Roger Moore-era movie; itanother todo it unintentionally. Like Bond himself however,men everywhere appreci- ate Halle Berrys bikini homage to Dr. No. ‘Amore explicit sex scene with Jinx was trimmed tokeep the film inPG-13 territory. ‘Though product placement has long been amainstay, Die Another Day incorporated 24 companies fora reported $70 nickname Buy Another Day. For Casino Royale,the placement number was reportedly dialed back to eight. LICENCE TO KILL (1989) HANK goodness for Bond marathons on television. Thats when fans usually rediscover this second Timothy Dalton effort and find themselves thinking, “What was all the fuss? This is pretty darn {g00d" Indeed, ina nice break from formula, Bond resigns from MI6 in order to exact personal revenge upon the drug lord who maimed recurrent lA pal Felix Leiter. As an ex-operative who flies Bond to abanana republic, Carey Lowell gets a bit more to do than the average Bond Girl, and the violence is more graphic than in the cartoonish Roger Moore era — perhaps as. reaction to the Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger action FORARMEMYE BE flicks dominating the '80s box office. Before we knew we wanted an angry, RibsmaE SME vengeful Bond, Timothy gave us one, We should have been more grateful. Sete Bond quits M6 at Ernest Hemingway's house in Key West. Ruud ‘That's why he says, “I guess this is a farewell to arms,” when M revokes his Citroen2cv after-|) peeerteyt his Lotus blows sos Poy rea he character of Felix Leiter has appeared in 10 Bond movies, played by nine different actors. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. 21 BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE TOMORROW NEVER DIES (1997) ighli second Pierce Brosnan effort is watching Bond spar with beautiful Chinese operative (played by Asian star Michelle Yeoh) who is every bit his equal; the scene in which they're handcuffed to each other ona motorcycle while being chased across Saigon by ahelicopter is an especially inspired bit of choreographed chaos. The rest falls lightly shy of the lofty expectations set by GoldenEye. Basing the character of a megalomaniacal media baron on Rupert Murdoch is irresistible, but his dastardly scheme —to manufacture war to, um, gain exclusive broadcast rights in China — comes off as half-baked, as does the overly opportune fact that his wife used to be hot and heavy with our hero. ‘Teri Hatcher says she took the role of Bond's ex-paramour to fulfill her husband's fantasy of being married to aBond Girl. She later calledher character“artificial.” ‘Tomorrow Never Dies didn't achieve the box-office success of Goldentye. ‘Then again, it was released on the same day asa little movie called Titantic. MOONRAKER (1979) decades-spanning movie franchise is like a living organism; it must adapt to its environment or die. And since sci-firuled Hollywood in the late"70s, fans should consider themselves lucky that Bond doesn't fight space-nut nemesis Hugo Drax with droids and a light saber. Moonraker is easily the most tongue-in-cheek of the series, but itsalso pure, escapist fun, from the return of metal-mouth henchman Jaws to the big budget spectacle of azero-gravity laser battle high above Earth outside Drax’s space-station lair. Roger Moore certainly seems to be having a jolly good time, dispatching one-liners with the same relish as he does Drax’smaster-race subordinates. Oh, and do 007 and astrobabe Holly Godhead seize the genre’ opportunity for weightless sex? Of course ‘Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you.” ince NASA wouldn't launch an actual space shuttle until 1981, Bond effects 22 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND To say lan Fleminghada thing for gold would be an understatement. Not only did he pen The Man with the Golden Gun and Goldfinger, buthe also wrote his novels ‘ona golden typewriter athis Jamaica estate, Goldeneye! ‘Through the duel scene was cinematically strong, since when did 007 start giving villainsa sporting chance? THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) HE bad guy nearly steals the show inthis. cone. Not only does Scaramanga make ahobby of dueling other international assassins in his psychedelic funhouse lair,but he spouts better dialogue and deploys the movie's best gadget: a car that transforms intoa plane. Dutifully taking the bait, Bond tracks Scaramanga’s mistresses and flunkies from Beirut ‘toBangkok, witha memorable pit stop at an MI6 outpost cleverly hidden in the partially submerged wreck of aBritish ship in Hong Kong harbor. ‘Audiences were underwhelmed by this somewhat small-scale effort, however, where even the main henchman, played by Hervé Villechaize,ishalf size. lan Fleming had wanted his cousin, British actor Christopt Lee, to play Dr. No, I2years before he took the ly did't FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 23 After watching the movie, lan Fleming gave Dee eee ns Cored ata London casino. DR. NO (1962) ‘ADE S50 years ago ona wee budget, the debut James Bond film still holds up to the rest. Subsequent installments might exploit the franchise's now familiar nts to greater effect, but to watch Dr. Nos ss the first time the celluloid 007 coolly maniacal criminal, the first time he engages in innuendo-laced banter with Miss Moneypenny, the first time he offs flunky witha ‘Walther PPK, the first time he —feel the chills — introduces himself as “Bond. James Bond” Toss prototypically voluptuous Bond Girl Ursula Andress Fising from the sea in a white bikini, and you've got movie magic that will continue to inspire for another 50 years ILICENSE TO THRILL Bond pauses to study a painting in Dr. No' lair. Viewers at the time might have recognized it as a Goya portrait of the Duke ‘of Wellington that had been famously stolen from London's National Gallery the year before. IN TOP SECRET The producers cast Sean Connery because he was physically imposing but moved ‘gracefully. Fleming reportedly considered him too “unrefined” to play the upper-crust Bond but was ‘won over by his performance in Dr. No. ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND Ietook 135 hp to LIVE AND LET Resend y DIE (1973) breaking jump. san }O this day, when film buffs hear the words boat chase, they instantly flash to this, movie. Even interjected with moments of hokey humor, the sight of high- powered speedboats roaring like mad through the real Louisiana bayou ranks among Bond's top sequences, and it culminates ina world-record jump that has to be seen — repeatedly —to be believed. And to Roger Moore's credit, it takes only about 10 minutes to get completely comfortable with him filling 007% shoes. Unfortunately, the rest of his debut is about as silly as youd expect a spy-Blaxploitation movie mashup to be, complete with pimpmobils, Yoodoo rituals and a heroin-pushing villain who gets blown up like a helium balloon. To make break from Sean Connery'siconic portrayal of Bond, Roger's 007 doesn't wear ahat, smokes cigars instead of cigarettes and orders bourbon instead of a martini. Apparently, Paul McCartney didnitholda grudge over 007s earlier insult to the Beatles (see Goldfinger). His title song with Wings — huge hit that reached No. 2 on the U.S. charts — ‘was the first rock theme of the Bond franchise. Teed ee cis ference Peri eamaucs Crees tie FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 25 BEST OF BOND: Suse Eatery See ay ees en 26 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE FROM RUSSIA WITH Koh HOLT) HATS a secret agent to do when a gorgeous Russian defector climbs naked into his bed? Well, yes, of course — then afterward, secure the decoder device she’ offering to the Brits while determining whether it’s all a double-cross by the Soviets or the puppet masters of SPECTRE. The gratuitous use of Gypsy girls and an explosive powerboat chase that wouldn't be topped until Live and Let Die notwithstanding, this second Bond movie comes closest to the missions of real European spies in the thick of Cold War paranoia, As such, it'snot just an excellent 007 movie — it’s practically a piece of history. Tatiana: “The mechanism is.. ‘Oh, James, James, will you make love to me all tthe time in England?” Bond: “Day and night. Go ‘onabout the mechanism.” When JFK cited Fleming's From Russia with Love asa favorite book, itwas put inline as the next Bond adaptation. ‘According to the book Death of a President, it was tthe final movie seen by Kennedy, ina private White House screening two days before he was assassinated. ee ce Sea Producer Albert R. Broccoli claimed erview that he got his unusual surname because his family first brought the vegetable tothe USS, na a) ee) aneeer) Sees 7 Deer u \ his death ina Cire cs iW kd i Coeur ie ies GOLDENEYE (1995) THEW, that was close. For a while there, it looked liked the whole franchise was falling apart, like an overly complex plan for world domination. So after two Timothy Dalton-led that failed to connect with fans or cri anda lengthy hiatus due to legal disputes, the producers doubled down with a bigger budget and longtime Bond-in-waiting Pierce Brosnan. He nails 07's mix of narcissism and duty, and the jaw-dropping action scenes (who hasnit wanted to drivea tank through city traffic?) actually serve the story line. GoldenEye also marks the first appearance of Dame Judi Dench asM, a portrayal so strong it lives into the Daniel Craig era MNOBODY QUOTESIT BETTER Alec Trevelyan: “I might as well ask youif all the vodka martinis ever silence the screams of al the men you've killed, or if you find forgiveness in the arms (of all those willing women for all the dead ones ‘TOP SECRET Duringa tense game of cat and use between Bond and traitorous former col- 006 ina junkyard of Soviet-era statues, fans ‘that both Double-O agents are orphans. BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE After defeating adversaries on the beach,new Bond Larenby quips, “This never happened to the ‘other fellow.” SNES ON HER MAJESTY’S E : > So Sororartc SECRET SERVICE (1969) eine ‘OU have to get over the shock that Sean Connery has been replaced by novice Aussie actor George Lazenby. And the paucity of gizmos. And the egregious ruffled shirts. Then youcan see this underappreciated movie for what itis — the first attempt to reboot Bond, 37 years before Casino Royale, complete with more realistic sets and a welcome dose of human pathos. Even Blofeld, played here by Telly Savalas, is more relatableas he blackmails the world into forgiving his past transgressions. There isstill ample spy-vs-henchmen action, especially a bravura ski chase, and a United Nations of fernme fatales. The filmmakers just push fans too far too fast: If this Bond didn't — gasp! — get married, even the ruffles would be forgiven MREVEALING SOURCES Majesty's was the first 007 novel published by lan Fleming after the movie adaptations started being filmed and includesa sly reference to Bond's Scottish heritage to explain Sean Connery’s accent. TOP SECRET Since Lazenby had already decided he wouldn't play Bond again, the producers couldn't him not to attend the Majesty's premiere with a hippie-ish beard and long! aa 28 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ea eee: cr ey Peers THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (19177) IHE opening ski chase says it all about this movie, and or that matter, the entire Roger Moore oeuvre: It makesno sense ‘that Bond has an oversize duffel bag strapped to his back while eluding enemy a ‘who can't shoot straight, but when he free- off acliff and cheats death by popping a Union ck parachute, itall somehow makes sense. Afterward, Bond achieves détente (wink, witha female Soviet agent and sneaks the Egyptian pyramids to foil an evil mastermind ‘trying to destroy the world and create a new undersea civilization. Barbara Bach ranks among themostalluring Bond Girls,and henchman Jaws, anunkillable behemoth with metal teeth, isso memorable he retums for Moonraker — after one- upping his blockbuster namesake by biting a shark. MNOBODY QUOTES IT BETTER“Mmm, maybe misjudged Stromberg. Any man who drinks Dom Perignon’s2can't beall bad” I TOP SECRET When editing the scene in which Bond walks across desert, an assistant editor put in music from Lawrence of Arabia asa joke. His bosses were pleased —and it remained in the final cut. When the crew complained about the food inEgypt, producer Albert R. Broccoli cooked upa vat of pasta. ee Cy Scar. see Cerca ries ora GOLDFINGER standout just for contributing one of the most iconic images in cinema history — the gold-painted nude body of a slain beauty. But woven into 007’ mission to thwart murderous tycoon from manipulating world economies, the third Bond movie also establishes elements that would become series trademarks, including Desmond Llewelyn’s portrayal of gadget-master Q, an elaborate pre-title sequence, and, henchwoman Pussy Galore, suggestive Bond Girl names that continued with Holly Goodhead, Xenia Onatopp and Alotta Fagina. OK, you caught us — that last one is from Austin Powers. MLICENSETO THRILL The scene in which Bondis nearly bisected by a laser marks the first movie appearance of that technology, developed four years earlier. TOP SECRET Though the Bond films nudged social mores, they weren't exactly in tune with the rock'n'roll youth culture of the mid-sixties. Hence 07's square proclamation, “There are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon’53 above a temperature of 38°F. That's as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs.” Rares Caen rsa ee Seay ofa gilded jill Ps 007 FACT When Goldfinger debuted, it was so popular that some movie theaters stayed open2¢hoursa day toaccommodate audiencedemand. , War-era Bond flicks. Sean Connery publicly declared that thisfilm would be his ast time in the role. Fittingly,he finally confronts SEECTRE mastermind Blofeld, who is capturing American and Soviet spacecraft to spark World War Il. Before raiding a high-tech lair hidden under a volcano, 007 receives training from sexy female ninjas; pilots a heavily armed minicopter, fires a cigarette-propelled rocket; rides a secret subway around Tokyo; and otherwise cranksall Bondian ‘tropes to TI. Tying tall together is the most stirring of composer John Barry’s sound tracks — the theme song sticks in the brain way after all the secondary characters and plot zigzags have gone fuzzy. MM LICENSE TO THRILL During filming of the aerial combat scene, cameraman John Jordan's foot was severed by a spinning helicopter blade. TOP SECRET This is the first time Bond fakes his own death ‘the beginning of the story, a device being recycled 45 years 1, for Skyfal. HIS near epic unfolds in Japan, and the fusion of British style and Asian energy creates what may be the coolest of all Cold Ce See poner ete ein FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 33 CASINO ROYALE IHE stakes are high when Bond ‘enters poker tournament to rovoke terrorist moneyman, and even higher for this! reboot. With the Bourne movies proving that audiences crave more realistic spy fare, franchise producers responded with 1ody, action-packed Bond origin story light on gadgetsand girls—and replaced Pierce Brosnan with Daniel Craig. a Britwho exudes more steely menace than suave charm, The gamble pays off. The tone is set by the black-and-white intro, in which ‘our hero coldly assassinates an MI6 traitor, and by the time villain Le Chiffre vividly tortures bound andnaked Bond, youre almost praying for a Roger Moore-erabon ‘mot. Instead, youremain riveted, Notjusta worthy Bond movie—a great movie, period MLICENSETO THRILL The sequence in which Bond pursues an acrobatic bombmaker through a Madagascar slum tooksix weeks to film. IITOP SECRET Though Casino Royale was lan Fleming's first Bond novel, it was the last book title that lent its name to an official Bond movie — likely because it was previously used to title a1967 Bond spoof starring David Niven and Woody Allen. blunt instrument, Craig as Cet) Broccoli became Seed Craig afterseeing Parton cs © ee eae (ne ete SR ae and -B “ 2 Cay ) ha XY ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BEST OF BOND 007 FACT Between takes of the drawn-out Texas hold'em scene, the cast would pass Mikkelsen claims that he won the most cash. atthe table, FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 35 BEST OF BOND: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE eos Corte 36. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND eo CL eas Bers THUNDERBALL (1965) Y the release of this fourth Bond film, the series had exploded into a bona fide worldwide phenomenon, and Sean Connery wore the 007 r0l€ pss like a bespoke tux. Or, in this case, a bespoke burnt- é orange wet suit, as Bond chases clues anda convenient bevy of dripping-wet, bikini-clad vixens, around the Bahamas to stop eye patch-sporting SPECTRE villain Emilio Largo from vaporizing Miami with hijacked NATO nukes. The scheme is convoluted, but not a penny of the budget {larger than the first three movies combined) goes to waste, from a then mind-bending jet-pack stunt to an intense underwater fight climax. Audiences were enthralled, making Thunderball the biggest Bond box-office hit {adjusted for inflation) to date. ‘My dear girl, don't flatter yourself, What I did this evening was for king and _ country. Youdon't gave me any pleasure, do you?” =r RET The on sin which all Double-0 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 37 38. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND GIRLS "#F™" FACT Ursula Andress didn’t shy away fromhersexpot ctress, FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 39 Jill St.John was no less magnetic offscreen. Before marryingherfourthandcurrent | husband, Robert Wagner, jill ‘enjoyed romances with Frank Sinatra and baseball player Sandy Koufax. Rumor has it, even Sean Connery bedded her.Canyoublame him? as Countess Teresa di Vicenzo . ‘OND rescues this depressed damsel in distress ona beach in Portugal as she prepares to-commit suicide to escape herlifeasa mobsters daughter But the 7 Countess,aka. Tracy, isn't your ordinary Bond , babe; she and 007 forgea relationship beyond the usual one-night stand. After the spy escapes assassinsin Switzerland, she ultimately wins Bond’sheart,and the lovebirds marry. But sadly, the new Mrs. Bondis gunned down by rma Bunt, Blofeldshenchwoman, ust minutes after the ‘ceremony. Happily her real lfe was far from tragic. Diana —an alumna of the UK's Royal ‘Academy of Dramatic Art — landed her iconic role of EmmaPeel inthe cult TV show The ‘Avengers before being a Bond Girl. She will also appear on the next season of HBOS hit = series Game of Thrones, asLady Olenna Tyrell, umes a sharp-tongued political matriarch known as the Queen of Thoms. CECE character has the distinction of being the only one of ea eto! reek ee ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND GIRLS ECAC a + Prete nt nae Petr} Pe ecoas ree SDS Bergen presence makes up fort. The Sata ues arc Sige eres urns setae Nceeszeds as Sea mnie Sue eg ec Canc eee aon) CeMleW cg cere ee eee Se utukeicr oe CLEC cee ate acs oe eer ay as Xenia Onatopp . ER attempt to crush Bond between her legs isn't the only reason why Xenia lands on this list although her antics certainly are a first. While some Bond Girls are scary — Grace Jones’ May Day, anyone? — Farnke feisty henchwoman isboth terrifying and ttillating. Bond first encounters the Soviet, villainess during a high-speed race in the hills above Monte Carlo, with Bond's Aston Martin nose to nose with her FerrariSince she obviously had an issue with aggression, 007 smoothed Xenias rougher edges with his brand of Bonding which included some fighting/ foreplay in a sauna. While Sead Xeniamet ees a grisly end, poseren Famke went on ier S) tostarinthe Cee ea X-Men movies eer et alongside fellow Bond Girl Halle Berry. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 47 as Andrea Anders & Octopussy ‘AUD holds the distinction of being the only woman, castas aBond Girl twice, both times opposite Roger Moore’ 007.In The Man with the Golden Gun, Andreas the bad 5 guysmain squeeze and as such, sends Bond an ominous gold bullet engraved with its target: 007. As the female lead in Octopussy, classic name in Bond lore and the only film title to feature a woman's name, Maud runs an all-wornan Circus to cover up herjewelty smuggling ring. (Lookat the clown, not the Fabergé eggl) Like many lawless Bond Girls alittle R&R with 007 resets Octopussy's moral compass, Maud herself went on to appear ina third Bond film, as an extra in View toa Kill = as Domino Petachi s Bond. Couldit have been the flawless looks of blonde Kim, inher breakout role, that lured Connery back? Kim ‘was recommended for the partby Talia Shire (Adrianto Sly’s Rocky), after she spotted Kims “luminescent” beauty ona TV show. ‘Asa Bond Girl, Kim became an American sex symbol and went conto decade-long reign. Yet Kim's Domino has more than the requisite looks 0075 sexual sidekick demands; she saves James — and the world — from the wicked Largo just asthe villainisabout todetonate a nuke, Not that the film doesn't end with a bang, HE films title references Sean Connery’ declaration to the pressin 1971 that he would “never again’ play James eg Peas Coa than any other| opr pees The character of Pussy was based ona woman named Blanche Blackwell, the love of Bond author Ian Fleming’ life. Inhis novel, Pussy has black hair, fair skin and violet eyes. Sounds like someone hada crush on beth Taylor! Just so you don't forget hername, Pussy spells it ‘out for you. ULTIMATE COLL EN ECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND GIRLS ee ™~ as Pussy Galore Goldfinger, 1964 Se oy Oem Se Ceca aeas witha straight face is almost as een eee eer which would still be scandalous Peo on ecb Honor oozed couth and class as oe arcu ring and self-declared “damn teary Pre ce er Meee ato] soon finds herself caught between her boss, the evil Goldfinger, and nquests but definitely a fan vee mere td Peat Cele history. After the film, Honor esa yeni Got, and she released her latest single in 2009, titled, interestingly, Bical caters FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 43 EON eld od Caran Pet uence oa eee Caan ete eee et tc Peete ee gee Pee eee eee rae) poe vena tee cee ere noe etna tga Cae eae ad ieee ater co eet and learned her lines phonetically. But her oan eal roy a ec had to hire aless-accented actress tore- eae ee eet this second installment of the franchise. Cae C aad 007 FACT The sexy hotel-room scene with James and Tatiana (above) is considered quintessenti it’sused as an audition scene for prospective Bond Girls. Nota bad day atthe office for 007! ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND GIRLS as Vesper Lynd : HE woman who started it alll Vesper Lynd —a play on West Berlin— is by far the most complicated Bond ‘ Girl, witha whole diary full of dark. secrets. Vesper and Bond's deep yet doomed romance takes center stage in Casino Royale, explaining how James became the heartless ‘womanizer audiences know and love. He falls hard for the raven-haired, green-eyed beauty and even resigns from Mi6 for her. Yet the ultimate show of devotion is when 007 names his martini after her. Bond is more than shaken when he discovers Vesper initially double-crossed him and stirred when she kills herself ina demented bid for redemption. lee: 1D) askissy Suzuki ‘ONT mess with Mie! The Japanese stunner played a kickass ninja secret agent but was no shrinking violet off camera either. ‘When producers wanted to fire her fornot learning English faster, she threatened to commit ritual suicide out of shame. She may have been bluffing, yet movie honchos backed off and Mie kept her role. But public ‘opinion didn't seem to botherher when she posed for Playboy. Fans inher native Japan were furious she didn't use a body double (they may be missing the point of the magazine), but Mie was proud to be the first Asian woman to ever grace the nudie mag. Pea! Poultice) ee iets ae aes FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 45 encod Roca es Cert ad Paes asJinx Johnson . a Jinx Johnson. Yet johnson isstill the perfect yin to Bonds double-entendre-loving yang, with wit and beauty to spare. As freakishly sexy NSA agent, Jinx survives anear ~~ drowning ina melting ce palace and ultimately stabs her bitchy rival, Miranda Frost, after a sword fight aboard a plane (hey, it happens). Still, the best action isin the two sex scenes with Halle’ Jinxand Pierce Brosnan's Bond, which rankas some of 007's most, er, satisfying. Ursula Andress’ Honey Ryder was the inspiration for the first shot of Jinx walking out of the ocean wearing aretro bikini and strap-on knife. But while Ursula may have initiated the role, Halle was the first African American Bond Gir to play ahheroine. | K, so the Bond Girl name generator spit outa lemon with : COL uen CE Ue yeoman etree Ro bu | Seeing aad Eee as peng Leattcy ete oe cau KGB. Widely hailed as the eee Leen men er cs aot aue sic! locales as they vie for possession off a eee eR eons: ‘ learns Bond shot her loverduring the ay Decca os ici i SSRI Li. Who'abetterconquest ees net than James Bond? ABeatle, \ is completed, Bond defeats the steel= ‘of course In 1965 Bartana Hid reine attended the band’s famous pba p concert at Shea Stadium, not Dae knowing that 15 years later Pee teen tac) She ead al co Pete woud aisle with drummer toinstead make love to the MI6 Ringo Starr. Pre tee ae ed pee gceicee tetee En) ors ear 46 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND Bs rf URSULA ANDRESS as Honey Ryder ‘OMETIMES the first really isthe best! Thereisno disputing Ursula’s reign as the No. | Bond Girl of all time — and she has the only Golden Globe awarded to a Bond actress to prove it Ursula captured the hearts and other parts} ofmales across the world the moment she arose fromthe Caribbean . Sea with nothing but aknife and a white bikini-She established the three musts for Bond Girlsto come: 1) sexy name — Honey Ryder, 2) sexy accent — Swiss and3) sexy profession — shell diver. But this Honey wasn't too sweet; kicking alittle SPECTREass when she had to. Her personal life was equally dramatic: On the day he was killedin a car crash, James Dean had wanted Ursula to join him on his fateful drive — but when he realized that she wasin love with actor John Derek (whom she would later marry], Dean sped out of Los Angeles withouther. # iS OF JAMES BOND 47 BOND VILLAINS: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Nee ENC i The World Is Not Enough, 1999 HE'S beautiful, fabulously wealthy and crazier than erie ad ea ee ree ea td for her, the frst female supervillain of the franchise. The Seen aur ee necr eo A co in Paris toa shop assistant mother and a truck driver father. She ee eee eee eee ey European heavies like Gérard Depardieu before breaking into Hollywood with Mel Gibson's Braveheart: Her seductive King, ee eeu ea ogee ee ga of her former captor, Renard, has Bond deep under her spell until he finally comes to his senses after discovering her evil shernes. You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me” she quips to an armed and Pree ea eee eae as 48. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND UE: BOND VILLAINS a ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S | xt ee oe te > Harold Sakata as Oddjob Bond and Goldfinger look onas Oddjob demonstrates his hat trick. lovable? Suchis the legacy of the most infamoushenchmanin the entire Bond franchise, AuticGoldfinger’s chauffeur, golf ‘caddy and murderous enforcer gets his muted charmand imposing demeanor courtesy of Harold, a Japanese-American weight lifter who won, silver for the United States inthe 1948 Olympics. ‘Standing 5'10” and weighing 230 Ibs, he came to define the archetypal Bond henchman — and not just because of his size. It was because Oddjob didn’t talk (he grunted, “Aht"), whacked people in. ‘a wacky manner (with his much parodied steel- rimmed bowler hat), and died spectacular death (being electrocuted), As for the curious smile on his face, itcan only be assumed it comes from having painted Jill Masterson’s nude body gold. Sitpossible for a stone-coldkiller tobe ~~ net FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 49 BOND VILLAINS: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Christopher Walken as Max Zorin COZENS of actors were [considered to play sinister Silicon Valley tycoon Zorin, but the part went to Christopher. The beloved actor brought hisiconic oddity to this villain — humor, ambition, ruthlessness, insanity. While most Bond fans don't love Kill it ain't because of Christopher, especially when he cackles before falling off the Golden Gate Bridge to hisdoom. From Russia with Love, 1963 Richard Kielas Jaws | ILETTANTE Bond fans who gripe that the Like so many others, Grant Roger Moore-era films began to parody peers’ themselvesoften point to this 77, steel- Cae eid toothed henchman buffoon as Exhibit A. recurs Real Bond fans, however, know that Richard’ Jaws > abigreason The Spy Who Loved Meand Moonraker are impossible to tun off when they comeon TVat TOoclockat night. Born in Detroit in1939, Richard was acting, writing and producing his way through show business before being hired to ill 007, Originally set tobe offed in The Spy Who Loved Me, he proved so popular with testaudiences that he was spared. Virtually impossible to kill — he survived a fallfrom aplane,aPeter Pan over a waterfall, ejection from amovingtrain anda plummet from space — Jaws only had one line despite all this screen time. It was a champagne toast tohis girlfriend, Dolly: Well, here's ‘tous.’ Right backat you, big guy. Wi 50 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND VILLAINS -— F “The steel dentures worn fe el by Richard Kiel were so nn ea ere i oes Pr pe enennet ona Gomme Rorele, 2006 ikeeaaay peer ater ces roe Joseph Wiseman as Dr. No Panne RNase a las, the titular antagonist ofthe fist film washighly intelligent, hada ee Naiages eu cea ea eee asec ee Perey : conversation with 007 before de ng justkill him, And while Dr Julius No ee) ema hee use Roe Cecio’ ae vee Deegan) Py ee elememoket Trey cr Lotte Lenya as Rosa Klebb lesbian Soviet counterintelligence officers who carry brass knuckles and will kick someone to death with apoison-tipped shoe blade without compunction, Rosa Klebb sit. Although the hammer and sickle adorn her uniform, her true master is SPECTRE. Klebb, No. 3in the organization, is tasked with aseemingly impossible mission: dupe sexy Russian cipher clerk Tatiana Romanova into helping Bond steel a decoder, then send an assassin tokill Bond and retrieve it. Needless to say, Bond gets the better of the assassin see No.9 on this list) and inthe finale, Tatiana shoots Klebb before she can puncture Bond shin with her nifty blade. | Fever there were a poster girl for FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND SI “¥¥ BOND VILLAINS: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE 7 eee etiam ee ibe te ooo ae ce Pec! ple Au ute et feed sey aa ee ae are laser table. Pee eeu tees reader Solitaire to Samedi for sacrifice, Bond — played for the first time by Roger Moore — finds himself battling ST ce sc ee Luce) although the top-hat-clad, face-painted Samedi appears. to die twice inthe film, he reemerges in the end —much as his demonic character endures to this day. G AN has climbed Mount Everest and gone to, the bottom of the ocean. He’ fired rockets at the moon, split the atom, achieved miracles eek CL cee tet eed LW ee tune ak) cca ' Ru eer ecru’ Se a Som EEE MgC aT ere Seeds Ree eee oie uae ea staked at Pie ee em ad co) Fsaikioe td TR ueUR ar eee ei ee a Sms two besties, Oddjob and Pussy Galore. Michael Lonsdale as paseo oN Hugo Drax 3s comme to indicate Periyar) Moonraker, 1979 IKEmost megalomaniac industrialists, Drax had adream:to engineer a Inew master raceinthe heavens who would descend to Earthand repopulate the planet. (Themaster-race thread com from|an Fleming's Moonraker rnovel, which was written in 1955, when neofascism was emerging inngland) French-English stage actor Michael perfectly captured the nouveauraristo criminal’s sadistic self- awareness, And although the Roger Moore-era Bond films are known for their campy humor, Drax isresponsible for one of the most haunting scenes in the entire 007 franchise, when he dispatches his Dobermans to viciously run downand devour his beautiful assistant. 52. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND VILLAINS The dbervillain by whichall other criminal masterminds are judged: Donald Pleasence, as Blofeld, is flanked by Bond girls Karin Dor and Mie Hama, as Helga and Kissy. nuclear weapons or hijack an orbiting spacecraft, but only atrue evil genius could actually pull off those ‘wildly audacious stunts. No Bond supervillain is more iconic than the bald, cat-stroking Blofeld, whos known for his sadistic killing methods. (Why merely shoot a foe when you ‘can watch him get eaten alive by piranhas?) Blofeld' raison diétreisnever explored in the films, but an Fleming offersa backstory in the book Thunderball: Born in Poland on May 28, 1908 (the author's birthday), he sold secrets to Nazi Germany during WWil and hid out in South America before launching the terrorist organization SPECTRE. OF the four actors whove played Bond's arch nemesis, Donald, in You Only Live Twice, best embodied Blofeld's twisted mastermind, Roe act Cd Majesty's a etn: VA FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 53. et ‘TFPECARS AND GADGETS: ULTIM. x eee IT TAKES MORE THAN TRAINING, GOOD LOOKS AN ALICENSE TO KILL TO SAVE THE Wt are) ADD SPICE TO THE 007 FRANCHISE FOR Way before square playboy Austin Powers and freakazoid Dr. Evil spoofed the Bond series, Operation Kid Brother, starring Sean Connery’s younger, look-alike brother, Neil, disappointed audiences ‘everywhere. (Don't bother Googling it —it’s that bad) ae ues Ct ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: CARS AND GADGETS FFF~ a Peay soo aes f N * 6 Bieter ty CEES RU) Piece eres Fortthis stunt, an =, empty Lotus shell was propelled off the dock - using’air pressure. Lotus Esprit ST Derma econ eres eee te eee featured in Roger Moore's third (and arguably best) turn as 007, but they couldn't compete with the cone Bond used. Thats because it was a white Lotus See nee ae ee air missiles, which was bad news fora sexy evildoer ina Pere eer este ees a and kept making it, largely unchanged, until 2004 —an Se MO cae on eas DE Sacra ter elt ee Peo usec eet atc) (0-60 mphin less than 8 seconds. On the other hand, that’s Beene et Cg AST lee (Pity mesa oe so ty JECHNICALLY, this wasn't Mr. Bond's car — it was ee eta ied sixth Bond film, which starred George Lazenby as (007 and Diana Rigg asthe missus, While several ‘American-made cars have played bit parts in Bond movies, the Cougar in OHMSS was front and center, showing off what a pony car could do. Well, sort of: Much of the movie takes place in the Swiss Alpsin wintertime, and the Cougar handled awfully well ona racetrack literally made of ice, considering it was a rear-wheel-drive muscle car powered Derr esa a ua) eae od ARS AND GADGETS: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Aston Martin DB5 Goldfinger, 1964 F budget cuts forced Mi6 to limit Bond to just one car, this would be it. In fact, different versions of the DBS have appeared inno less than five of the movies (six if you counta deleted scene from Tomorrow Never Dies). When Bond first climbed behind the wheel in Goldfinger, he quickly made use ofall the cool gadgets supplied by Q: bulletproof windshield, onboard tracking system, revolving license plates, smoke screen, oil slick, machine guns, passenger ejector peers ei Screed Serr reer Peat Untortunately, the actual cardid notcome G saa Se eenThe Wend with any ofthat. But it did boast an all-alurinum “Tider peiieatahie {40-lter282-hp power plant andaatop speed of 45 hie cee eeem | peer ea mph plenty fast enough total a gigantic Rolls- Pee Ba ree Royce Phantom Ill made largely of solid gold Sunbeam Alpine Series Il Dr. No, 1962 first: He drove it while in Jamaica, investigating the mysterious Dr. No — and not surprisingly, Bond was immediately forced to drive a ill-advised speeds on twisty mountain roads in order to elude pursuers. (Also not surprising? He was on his way toa romantic rendezvous, which he didn't miss) Though it was easy onthe eyes, the Series il made only 80 hp, was reported to have a 0-60 time of more than 13 seconds and, ‘dbeso difficult i prebsolybroke down more sten tooutruraPackard than 007 usedhis license to kill. The LeSallehtarse, cs things Bond did for England! Eanes ened | Tmay not be the most famous Bond car, but its the You wouldn't think Ry os Pore ma at od Lemont, Beirne ROM MT emis remotes] sidearmwascrignaly havethis gadget when ff Belt from Thunderball fA version of this When Goldentyel I Bondcansign cee ga misters et stared eerie iieioren) Miwa ace este amen Garam bucsnodl deshinacettige | peoideandancins | incaiokaydeenst | peepesilusdthewe I treetnes andi tmadeonynAmerkcal) inkoonvale. Covet. eral aoe pe - — — — Cd J | ASIN ROYALE wasa reboot of sorts — we not only learned bec lesec eern es og ues el ences argue with that version of the story). We also see Bond. cruising around Nassau in an nifty white, um, Ford Mondeo (a model Peat Sa ene Se ec ree aegis film's producers. Of course, the real automotive star of the show was Cees er teeta ere ty Caen ee ie rue aes] eee ee er ace eer ares CE CMa mec s of torque that pushed the aluminum and carbon fiber machine past 90 mph. And, as Bond discovered, it did a pretty good job of Perce eet ee neces A friend of lan Fleming's said that the author's first 007 novel, Casino Royale, was full of the “sadism, sexand ets” Fleming wanted in his ownlife. In other words, he was just your average repressed British gentleman. Coe BOND ON SET: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Red Alert = w a Who knew Bondneeded help in tthe bedroom? Director Terence Young steered starlet Daniela Bianchiin the right direction during her iconic - ibedroomscene with Sean Connery’s 007, Init, she always i thought her mouth was too big. Bond's saucy reply? its the right size..for me, that is” Oh, ames! 58 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND . GO INSIDE THE WORLD OF BOND, JAMES BOND, IN THESE RARELY SEEN SNAPSHOTS. “¥) BOND ON SET: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S | Lots To Love The SpyWho Loved Me, 1976, Pinewood Studios A gaggle of Bond Girls rimped and posed onthe set of The Spy Who Loved Me. The film gets its ttle from lan Fleming's 10th Bond novel but shares little else. ts considered to be the first 007 film witha completely original story, the next being 1995's Goldentye. Cee a ania ee tic ee ey eae Roa eke Sw 60 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND CCT lela Uy . Pea eect Pe cucatiicd Pierce Brosnan, one of only eaters Pus (gett eas eee’ CSc easement | record at the time. | (Half) Naked Lunch Diamonds Are Forever, 1971, Los Angeles Hey, even spies have to eat! Sean Conner looked delighted to take a lunch break and he should've been — producers originally wanted Burt Reynolds to take over as the seductive spy, but he turned it down. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. 61 Naa] Casino Royale, 2006, Tee ‘After years of the Bond Girls inbikinis, Daniel Craig gave the Coe eta nan acs shooting Casino Royale. Suddenly, a Ce ies] ee cece na me ee eee beer poten Mites Core as eset oro eta 62 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 7 Sparks Fly itt . George Lazenby givescostar Helena Roneea light during filming. To win his role as 007, he went to the same tailor and barberas previous Bond ‘Sean Connery tolookmore im. Did it work? Having been amale model, George Lazenby said sl that producers were worried “about his sexuality and devised atest: “They senta girl upto my apartment..the next day they were convinced Iwas straight” ~~ “¥8) BOND ON SET: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE if 7 007 FACT Although its villainous: leader, Blofeld, doesn’t appesrin Dri Nol aera BY are introduced to the dastardly ‘organization SPECTRE, which ey iS stands for “Special Executive for Counterintaligance, Taro aa Head Over Heels @ Dr. No, 1962, Jamaica ‘Showing off, Sean? Connery flipped for Ursula Andress on the set of the first 007 flick. Buthedidn’'tneedtotryso ./ hard to impress; the Scottish actor, who once worked asa coffin polisher and a milkman, was later voted the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine: 64 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND Nec Ua efi LAU meee. Pierce Brosnan feels the need for speed as the crew prepares for re ets Christopher, servesas a hand double for his dad during shooting: Pierce rhc as nc filming and appointed his son the Re eee ure Where The: lagic Happens) snail an Fleming works § onhis next 007 novell) his Caribbean estate, nicknamed Goldeneye) ‘The British Secret Intelligence Service, of Fy which Fleming member alsoused Gold ‘One Less Eyeas the name of atop >| For Moore Live And Let Diey Dewcteene scene between Bond and Seer joman; played by actress CO eras ial prey Say ee iat FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 65 “Tt BOND ON SET: ULTIMATE COLL OR'S ISSUE ae ee selena mA -i9 cy Don't try this at home, ladies. Actress Shirley Eaton, who Fe reser ee ea ce her life to film this classic scene. Due to the heavy nature of the gold paint, a doctor was on set at all times to monitor 007 Lage ue Le ceo FACT Cer eeu ae ee How does a musician get to write a Bond song? First, he or she has to be sober — which took Son aare Bondfilm. The movie's ¢ orca etal pita na ues De es OTe cS alew ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND ON SET Even before he was cast asthedeadly, sexy spy, Roger Moore clearly had the look down ashe sippeda vodka martini —which, just FYI, should always be made with Smirnoff. Despite playing the spy inseven films, his, Bondnever once orders his martini shaken, not stirred. ¢ FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 67 Nieves etic vem Roane SOME OF alls WORLDS. aU ge mann elle ot PLACES. YOU fen hanks pu DAY: Goldeneye, Oracab xr) RE YOU nal melee) pes laa Soe NO ted CN ose See aay ume ernnnea op Metis ceric as ‘Sacresin Oracabessa, on the north coast, and re ease eeu eee Ree named after a WWil operation. When Fleming began writing Casino Royale here in1952, ICE co ee Fe an a ud ‘Only four years after . erie eae eet ee Fleming wrote his first Bond CCC ne cael novel, British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and his wife "stayed at Goldeneye for a month. Shortly afterward, Fleming notoriety skyrocketed. You canbet they shareda fewbottles of Dom Perignon’s3. eee rere eu yo gad (eee ace ae anyone can rent the villa and bond with the Py ceiceci Pore nerr ny crn freon Erker tal Ec esa) eee ars Oe esis 68 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ca So a . erie x JETT AA Vcie Co eres eyed Cok 2.0 ar pan reyes . . eta irae ee rete Rac the first Bond Girl (and arguably Se uy DUS Peed Peeecluten ince peer iretr cates eeu Ca neers ee eee ne cea) Peete marge te id there and doing nothing by the sea. I couldn't believe that it appealed so. Ce Eee Ue ou ole eee ag Pct seme ald eee corneal PT a Ue prominently in Dr. No. These days, the tourist resorts surrounding Per eee Steet eee nad Pe ee aes tt One&Only Ocean eT Preeti oer ead De eed ensuringhe remained eee ec cescucey ne td Oe aes ee ee ee ean ane ts Cee RCo Prog aeaes film, dates back to 1962, the year Dr. No premiered re ‘Ocean Club just ee ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE BOND WORLD TOUR | cee ee ac | againamongst Miami's oy orice LZ MCT CLUS Miami, USA Preseoers) Pear eiecee a CSc a nd world, when Goldfinger filmed Coco arad Millionaires Row and right on the beach, it See ea err) mobsters. Its almost believable that both Bond and Goldfinger, hisnext assignment, ete eau’ the same time. When Bond notices Goldy cheating during his poolside gin rummy Cr eyes Sere Ce ed the sexy card-spotter onhis balcony, SOc ate ic provocation would become a 007 staple. FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 69 Senet "EUROPE ed Ls = Chateau de Be 8 Pair Pyrenees URING the French PMc Ti Pama Pent yo Bond scouts, it was rebuilt in Bye er gure ets Pee ey Pues esas Eee 5 ce as ALANS Ce A f otters pr Meteora, Greece | Holy Trinity 7 ne: EyenOMly, 1981, | ae rae rata linear Cuca Oc Ce ea hurd See er eecrenracere rin ce Soneaerceteed Pee ete nec IATAC device off the peak asthe Rusian aeonnrenonnen a delivers one of his best Cold War zingers: pice omens atta a a 70 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND BOND WORLD TOUR: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Maiden’s Tower, Istanbul, TS PEt neat ere) xeon eae wasa no-brainer setting for Fleming’snovels. And while the Hagia Sophia scenes in From Russia ee near Maiden's Tower, which adorns anislet in Cee een c non eccr feneree edie ane te etna as eee) sultan Who cloistered his daughter there, the. ec cou eg! Aer Ceeesmeraee ees cert locatoreard to tragsmit her coordinates ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND WORLD TOUR (#8 : Piz Gloria Revolving Restaurant, P - red Neuere UC 0 lost afoot toahelicop Cee auc ete) on Productio blad ° 4 dollars to Bond; Schilthorn stands alone as the paid $125,000 died in 1969 ‘onelocation literally built by the franchise. When producer Albert R. Broccoli decided to Set Blofelds lair at the famous revolving restaurant, it t ‘as Unfinished due to stalled financing. In exchange ip atch jpfor using it, Broccoli put up the money to complete 9 itsTo thisday, itis named Piz Gloria — the same name Cates eam oe i pkey ania tcc rT al ys 7 ~ ou eens (erases Bond ando. were Ei instyleon thisunrivalledmovinglocation. From the moment Grant follows ree as bul with lethal intentions, (eeu a Ce eu ue ’ vehicle of tension for their tcc MI6 Headquarters, London Cette eer ch imposing building where 007 gets his marching, orders, Technically called the SIS Building, ce ete ce eee) Peet or Leet hares Lg features bomb- and bulletproof walls, triple-glazed glass to prevent electronic warfare, and two moats. For all the times f we've seen Bond rile Moneypenny's knickers before striding into Ms office, only the Pierce Brosnan films feature scenes shot at the real Mlé headquarters who assassinated a U.S. Ceres FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND. 71 ATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE Aca Ccla ete y TIN Ld eer Rearend Carn ete Rotana ec eo re eee eee ea Holly Goodhead and Jaws one of the most. ene ne en doe ‘Terminator: No oar cents ecag) cone cankill Jaws — scticese masters, only escape him. . Porn rt ee Mouthsalliesinon the opposite car and Startsthumping. Yeah, that chain inside Cog sascha cae ee! eee ies eM EUCC EC ed er Cae Cc Mics snerh Cerro Paranal, Chile LEA E A) Cee erica pintarloeey Reise Cee enees Be ru Pa eo TES hooie Pec 7400 SE atone eee fectly punctuating the eens | ESS well known than the great falls of Niagara ae and Victoria, Brazil's guazu Falls are every bit as Residencia, where Bond pete a ee cy Seen) as high as 300 feet, they roar: ‘boat chase ends ee here” When 007, pursued by Jaws, races straight for cy the falls, we witness one of the most elegant vehicular European Southern Observatory, transformations ever, as his boat spawns glider wings, el ener eee allowing him to escape while Jaws plummets over the Se eee ket Le ee eed Regu enchanting tableau of Iguazu’ beauty as Bond soars Sood aeared on in search of Drax's secret base. TL FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: BOND WORLD TOUR . rad 4 eiruet ta AS TA an pee aye - reported that po The Lake Palace is (Ode knownas the most 7 \ : : romantic hotel inindia. James Bond agrees. 7 jece of white marble builtby a maharanain 1743, the Lake 2d as the perfect location for Octopussy’ floating He Eder CLAM ag ertunloet Calor Cue reer ec crater: fatal fatal Li eI al Te eae etitersh qual RGU Aa LAP 2 jortest travelling time to any location I've ever been Gn," said fives Seg ema Ce es eee net Teo : Me: Paneer) EUAN CLV ener) 5 eT APP E le first see Himeji Castle eee aes es eae Peete Tyee tetris Sree we ee a eed reenter tele IMESTONE islands and ee eee ease eee Peer ure meat pee cea on ccm un penetra ee seed Peers Peer tetrantt send rd has miraculously endured centurlespf war, TS Ee ku Pura er maa te geo Poe eu ccs Rc ee ed Ce Deets Se Pee ey OR aA eS ee Pac ore dl cece tet least, it was also the first time Pea a pacers aay ea Cae LS ec Peas eee Unesco eee Cus uL eared Pea eee film, millions have visited since; Era er) Pee ete a park that was established in 1981 FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 73 (TEU T ss eur ed Odea From Russia with Love Its very close tothe original novel, and the battle on board the Orient Expressis the best fight scene in the series! The worst isDie Another Day, becauseits stupidand insults the audiences intelligence. ball. tsa perfect mix oflocations, gadgets, airls,adventureand panache. My east favoriteis View to kill. Anaging Bond, dull female leadand low budget makesfor afilmthathasn'taged ‘well and drags down theseries. Casino Royale is my favorite. It follows the novel closely and givesa modern twist tothestory, and the thrilling action scenes have suspense. The moviel don't watch so oftenis The World ‘Theconfrontation dialogueinthe train compartment between Bond and Grant in From Russia with Love. Lovethe Tomorrow Never Dies backseat car chasein the parking garage. Very innovative, pure fun —and the shotsin ‘thescene keep upping themselves. that springs tomind is from Die Another Day, when a bearded Bond walks into a five-star hotel in Hong Kong, wearing shabby hospital pajamas, andisstill recognized and treated withthe utmost respect: Another scene isthe Madagascar chase in Casino Royale. The relentless pace, amaz~ ing stunts and humor (crashing througha wall) make it one of the best chase scenes of the series Itisa Bond film, although not part of the official Cubby Broccoli EON Productions series. Butitan awful movie on so many levels! Never heard oft. Tome,itisaBond film, because Sean Connery playsJames Bond. Italso has locationslike the Monte Carlo Casino, agoodvillainand underwater scenes, soit has enough. As achild watching it, ‘unaware ofthe issues, Ineverdoubtedits Organizingand hostinga special 25th Anniversary screen- ing of Thunderball inLondonin1990 and having director Terence Young talkrme through the film while ‘we watchedit side by side in the theater. Creating the prop displays at the United States premiere of Quantum of Solace. Not only wasitextremefunto havemy collection appreciated at the event, but it wasalso a charity function for the cardiovascular wing of johns Hopkins Hospital ‘Most involve hanging out with fellow Bond fans from around the world who have became good friends — whether at the red carpet ‘during the London premiere of Casino Royale, visiting Bond locations around the world,orbeingan ‘extra in Quantum Probably Oddjobs steel-rimmed bowler hat.asisolditata Christies auction in 1998 for $100,000, My hands- down favoriteisan Armani jacket worn by Daniel Craig in Casino Royale during theairport chase scene. t'snot only animportant piece inagreat film but it fitsmeso wellitalso actsasa great piece in my own wardrobe. though ladmit to being bit fearful of wearing tout! My favorite tems include several ST. Dupont cufflinks (Casino Royale), ‘Seiko 0674 LC watch (The Spy Who Loved Me) and my recently acquired Barbour XToKiTo He Be: That voice artiste Nikki van der Zylrevoiced Ursula Andress’ performance in Dr Noand many of the ther Bond Girlsin the 1960s 007 films. Hike the fact that lan Fleming wasnever too thrilled about SeanConnery playingtherole..until fis popularity swelled. The tarot cards used by Solitaire in Live and Let Die actually have stylized 007 logos on tthe backs ofthe cards. Itdoesn't make any sense nthe tory, but that'salso why like I think he the best James Bond since Sean Connery. Heis tremendous. Besides beingan amazing actor, he truly looks like someone who couldkillyou. And wemustnt forget that Bond isanassassin! lalsolike that he himselfisa style- minded individual andis very thoughtful of Bond’ presence and image. or Although Craigisnot astefined and elegant as, say, Perce Brosnan, Ithinkhe brings Bond toanew level with his combination of brute force, cunning and casual style. Hefits the current movie-hero image and appeals toawhole about something controversial like ThunderPussy? the original Fleming titles, The Hildebrand Rarity and The Property ofaLady havenot beenusedyet,so! wouldlike tosee one ofthese become FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 75 007 1Q: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE TAKE THIS QUIZ CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF BOND TO DETERMINE YOUR DOUBLE-O FAN STATUS. 76 rie Which of these Bond flicks didn't have silhouettes of nude women during the title sequence? a.Dr.No b. Diamonds Are Forever ¢. The Worlds Not Enough |At144 minutes, what is the longest Bond film? a. From Russia with Love b.OnHer Majesty's Secret Service €.Casino Royale Which A-list actor played a Bond henchman early in his career? a James Woods b.Benicio Del Toro € Gary Oldman ‘What piece of memorabilia did Pierce Brosnan buy for $52,000? a. The Lektor decoder prop used in From Russia with Love b. Goldfinger’s model of Fort Knox Clan Fleming’ gold-plated typewriter EVILGE How much was Ursula Andress paid or Dr. No? $6,000 .515,000 €.560,000 ‘According to Dr. No, how much did his fish tank cost? a.$100,000 b.$1,000,000 .$10,000,000 In what Bond film does one of 007s sexy conquests snap, “You've made an awful mess of my hair, you sadistic brute” a. Thunderball b. The Living Daylights Tomorrow Never Dies What is Dr. No’ firstname? a.Julius b.Wang clan What is the epitaph on producer Albert R. Broccoli’ grave? a."Youonly live once” b."We have al the time in the world “Tomorrow never dies” /According to The Spy Who Loved /Me novelization, what is Jaws’ real name? a. Robert Marlow b. Zbigniew Krycsiwiki Bartholomew Oloff ‘Whois the only singer to appear inthe title sequence? Sheena Easton b. Shirley Manson Madonna The first-ever Mustang to debut ina movie appeared in what Bond film? a. Goldfinger b.Liveand Let Die Die Another Day ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE: 007 1Q_ ‘Sean Connery’sgolf obsession began while filming Goldfinger. a True b.False Which of these men killed himself with a Walther PPK? a. Adolf Hitler b. Ernest Hemingway c Hunter. Thompson What is henchman Red Grant's nickname for Bond in From Russia with Love? aPally b. Mister < Old Man In On Her Majesty's Secret Service, how does Tracy'sfather finally get his daughter to boarda helicopter without Bond? a He claims 007 has been killed b. He punches her in the face. He saysher motheris sick 'Which Bond actor didnot attend Albert R. Broccoli funeral? Sean Connery b. Roger Moore «Pierce Brosnan Which Bond film required the most stunt parachute jumps? {The Spy Who Loved Me b. Moonraker Tomorrow Never Dies ‘According to Bondin You Only Live Twice, what isthe correct ‘temperature at which Japanese sake should be drunk? 2.38°F b.s2"c <.984°F What is Agent XXX's drink of [choice in The Spy Who Loved Me? 2. Shirley Temple b. Bacardi on the rocks c.lce water < FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 77 ~ 007 1c: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S ISSUE QI] West clue does the parrot For Your Eyes Only? a. ATAC tot. Cyril” b.:27 longitude” "Under the boat” DO) What does Xenia Onetopp do before trying to squeeze Bond to deatha second time in GoldenEye? a. Take his Walther PPK asa souvenir b.KillBond Girl Simonova -Lickhis face Dg whatisshemortimpressive aspect of Max Zorin’sFrench ‘estate in A View toa Kill? a.Itshorse stable b. The 10,000-bottle wine cellar .That it was moved from Scotland brick by brick D.G What does Bond realize Vesper Lynd is wearing around her neck ‘Casino Royale? a. An Algerian love knot b.APersian locket c.Afamily crest DE Arta same does Kamal khan lose to Bond in Octopussy? a. Chess b. Backgammon Baccarat DGiiordoesdondepose ofhene JMathis’ body in Quantum of Solace? a. He leaves it ina trunk b.He throws itin a Dumpster. c. He coversit with rocks DT von sidtanteming dat a. He suffered aheart attack. b.From liver failure c.He drowned ina pool. 2 348 b.s3. How old was Sean Connery when he filmed Never Say Never Again? 2Q hen bond shows up toa |General Pushkin in The Living Daylights, what flowers does 007 suggest the general should have been carrying instead of orchids? a. Roses bilies ¢.Carnations ZO internet teit how does baddie Franz Sancher kill his business partner Milton Krest? a. Withacrossbow b.Burnshimalive €-Putshim ina decompression chamber QL Wat does atime plush have Bond do before she tries tokill him in Never Say Never Again? a.Kneel b. Write aletter saying she washis greatest lover ¢ Renounce his service to the Queen ZO EW inthe quote frombitman Dr. Kaufman in Tomorrow Never Dies: “Believe me, Mr. Bond, could shoot youfrom and still create the proper effect” a. Dusseldorf b Stuttgart cantwerp Boz tre does the cone bale bn the stairwell in Casino Royale? a. He falls and breaks his neck. b.Bond chokeshim to death, &.Vesper shoots him, QA Wii tone fi fnturs bs ‘officer Strawberry Fields? a. The Living Daylights b.Die Another Day € Quantum of Solace QE Mah cabal raced }GoldenEye and which other Bond film? a. The Man with the Golden Gun b. The Living Daylights €.Casino Royale ZG iivethe fist pond fimo not borrow a title from an lan Fleming book or short story? a.Licence to Kill b.GoldenEye The World Is Not Enough QT indiemonds Are Forever, what ips off Bond that Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd are assassins? a. Mr. Wint'saftershave b.Theirphony French accents The frosting ona cake they ve delivered In.Live and Let Die, does 38 inanenrendte era number on the back of Bonds watch to Solitaire correctly or incorrectly? a.Correctly b.incorrectly BQ in Themen withthe Golden Gun how does Francisco Scaramanga, demonstrate his solar power? a.He blows up Bond’ plane. b. He makes his stand glow. c He lights Bond's cigarette from across the room. AQ cesstendssyto Christmas while they make love in The World is Not Enough? 2a."Ithought Christmas only comes once ayear! b. “Let me give youan early Christmas present.” "This sure beats eggnog” QName themovicinwhichaBond utters:“I know ll about ‘you, 007. Itssex for dinner and death for breakfast.” a. Never Say Never Again b. Die Another Day . Quantum of Solace AD Wich eat-tfe bitonairehasa jcameo in Casino Royale? «Richard Branson b.Carlos Slim Roman Abramovich ULTIMATE COLLEC UE: 007 1Q_ To whom does Sean Connery’s Bond whisper: “Let me tell you the secret of the world”? —s a. Pussy Galore b.Miss Moneypenny rp CNalenn holy ae Where does the bomb maker Bond is chasing in the beginning of Casino Royale runto? a. Anembassy b.Ahospital c-Asnake house { What sporty Japanese car }does Bond hop into in You Only Live Twice? > a Toyota 2000GT b.Datsun 2402 Honda $800 Mk 2 What is thename of Emilio Largo’s yacht in Thunderball? a Disco Volante b. Shark Tooth ©-Blanco How many full Bond novels, did an Fleming write? a7 bz oB in Karl Strombergin Spy Who Loved Me doesnt like todo what? a Shake hands beat fish Use profanity in which Bond film? a. Octopussy b.Licence to kill ¢. The Worlds Not Enough A Fabergé egg figures prominently EN Which of these directors was scheduled to direct a Bond film? a.Alfred Hitchcock biJohn Ford Akira Kurosawa FOS FEY eB ILE ESP eH GET GE OF eeeq are ee eoe> se MEG EET TE MET OFT eRe ETI ITM WIRATAEATATL EM MEA EU TOTS BELGE SI PGE TT EL You're a Double-0 ready to save the world. Go back to MI6 for more training. Youre all, dark andhandsome That’ about i. Consider flipping burgers. Havea good time in that shark tank! Pea Temi Stace Cone James Bond's oft-repeated cee ec” but the original Bond cocktail is something altogether different, says Perea creed ns ity cocktail haven Employees Only. In Casino Royale, lan Fleming’ first Bond novel, our hero actually orders Beeston) and quinine-tinged Kina Lillet. Ever the perfectionist, Bond's command — Peers kn ue} a large, thin slice of lemon” — is the root of Bond's iconicorder. Here, Zaric retrofits the classic drink, bringingjit Pomel icici) BUA x38 eee oan) Ber ora E ed with large ice cubes until very eee ay eile guar Cenc urate) enccins ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S DECADES OF =~— = isyourfavori you could win the Bond 50 PE EC nO ceed shaken norstined? Pretend yourbsrement cere HIGHLIGHTING 22 CLASSIC cncerpound i Thenyeutust be jae: Borden and FEAR DOUG have eon fe ieinteeecbatefancioe Youalso ought to be salivating over this sleek new Bond 50 Blu-ray OF BONUS FEATURES IN st artingits golden anniversary Andfor alimitedtime one lucky reader can winit! Simply write in 100 words orless which Bon STUNNING BLU-RAY movies your favorite and why by Dec. 1, 2012, and welll pick the CAN BE YOURS! ‘most thrilling entry. See below for details on how to enter — but ° hurry, the clockis ticking! FIFTY YEARS OF JAMES BOND 83 ONG Sella lad USMY WE'VE ALL BECOME MUCI MORE EDUCATED IN WHAT REALLY IS VIOLENCE, SADISM AND SAVAGERY..THIS IS THE AGE OF THE ANTIHERO® —IAN FLEMING

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