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Educational Philosophies
Natalie Langarica
Dr. Ryan T. Miller
Education 1010
25 June 2017

There are four Educational Philosophies: Perennialism, Progressivism, Essentialism, and

Social Reconstructionism. Perennialism main focus would be teaching ideas that withstood time,

and ideas of Western Civilization. The main focus of Progressivism is teaching ideas that

directly affect our now. Essentialisms main idea would be the basic essentials that provide skills

for future careers, and education. Lastly there is Social Reconstructionism that believes educators

should inform students on how to correct societys issues.

At first glance I believed I would lean more against Social Reconstructionism. I do

believe that in order to change society for the better we need to teach students the mistakes we

have made in the past, and continue to make in the present.. Although after taking the quiz my

results leaned in favor of Progressivism.

In a way I could understand how my education Philosophy would be Progressivism. The

text mentions, Courses that allowed them to work on projects involving problems that are

interesting to them or classes that have them write about topics important to them.(Kauchak and

Eggen, 2008) I strongly believe that engaging students interests can help them open and expand

their minds more. No one wants to write about things that do not interest them, it causes us to

lose focus. That is one of the main reasons why I know this result was pretty accurate. I

personally did not like classes, that involved nothing but lectures, and choses topics for papers.

Progressivism involves a lot of problem solving, which is a very important skill to have

for any career path chosen. The methods and environment of classrooms with Progressivism

teachers tend to have more groups but also have individual responsibility. Everyone brings

something to the table, everyone is involved. Teachers that use this philosophy find great

examples that correlate with the topic in hand to grab their attention and interests.

My second Education Philosophy turned out to be Essentialism. I can see the connection

on how Progressivism and essentialism are connected for me. I do believe that knowing basic

skills are an important factor that can make a difference in future careers, or future education.

Being constantly questioned, given time to practice, and receive feedback is a great way to help

one grow. Having a lecture that has questions, and examples keeps the students on their toes.

After all readings, and definitions I do believe that Progressivism and Essentialism, are

my best fit. They describe my favorite classes I have had in the past, and how I hope to teach.

Work Cited

Kauchak, Donald P., and Paul D. Eggen. Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional.
Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print.

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