Write A Story Write A Story: A Fortnight Ago On A Fine Sunday Morning, Tong Kiat

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Last week during school holidays, me and my A fortnight ago on a fine Sunday morning, Tong Kiat
friends had a picnic by the river in their village. The and a group of scouts went on a camping trip. The camp
river was just a stones throw away from Mr was situated beside a river, five kilometers away from
Tans orchard. After cycling for half an hour, the we their school. Upon arriving at the campsite, the scouts
finally arrived at the destination. Upon reaching there, searched for a nice spot topitch their tents. Then they
we quickly looked for a nice spot to put our things. We went jungle trekking. Everyone was excited. After
had brought along a lot of food and drinks. enjoying themselves looking at the beautifulfloral and
fauna in the jungle, they also saw a few flying squirrels.
Without much delay, we changed our attires and
jumped into the water for a swim. We were on cloud Lets follow one of those creatures, suggested
nine, playing and swimming in the river.Suddenly, Tong Kiat. Everyone nodded in agreement. They quickly
I noticed something floating in the water. It was followed the flying squirrel. They then realised that
coming towards us. We thought it was a crocodile. they had gone too far into the jungle. They also knew
Feeling scared, I screamed my lung out. they were lost. All of them felt worried. They sat on a
Everyone panicked and ran out of the water as quick as big rock and looked around. They started to think of a
lightning. We ran for their lives. One of us, Bob even plan to go back to their campsite.
climbed up a tree. We waited anxiously for someone to
come and save them. After a while, Tong kiat heard the sound of running
water. An idea came to him. All of them decided to run
As the object floated by, I braved myself to along the riverbank. They were sure they would be able
take a closer look. I realised that it was just a log, not to reach the campsite. After running for more than
a crocodile. I told all my friends about it. They half an hour, they feltexhausted. They walked slowly.
felt relieved and burst out laughing. Finally reached their campsite. They felt relieved and

Last Saturday morning, at about half-past six, Azim Last Saturday morning, Aiman and his classmates
and his father went to a small fishing village which is visited an old woman in the nearby village. The old
located ten kilometers away from their house. They woman was very poor and lived alone in an
went there to buy fish to sell in the market. They went old dilapidated wooden house. The
in a van to the jetty where the fishermen landed their children sympathised her when they saw the condition
catch. The journey took more than half an hour. of the house. They decided to help her clean the house.

At the jetty, there was a big crowd of fishmongers. The children divided themselves in two groups and
There were also baskets of fishes, clams and prawns, Aiman was in the first group. Without wasting much
ready to be sold. Azims father bought several types of time, they started working. They repaired the broken
fish and prawns. They looked fresh. The fishermen walls and stairs. Later they painted the walls. As for
then weighed each of the baskets with a big weighing the girls who are in the second group, they helped to
scale. The scale was hung from a pole carried by two sweep the dirty floor. They also cleaned and tidied the
men. They helped Azims father to load the baskets on house compound. After three hours of hard work, the
to the van. children finally completed their tasks. The house really
looked beautiful and clean.
When Azim and his father arrived safely at the
The woman was as happy as a lark. Her face lit up
market, Azim quickly helped his father to pour all the
with joy. She was very grateful and thanked the
fish and prawns into a large ice box so that they would
children for their kindness. It was rare to see such
stay fresh. Then, they opened their stall. Many
kind hearted children.
customers were already waiting patiently to buy the
fish and prawns. Everyone loved to buy Azims fathers At about five in the evening, the children decided
fish because they were cheap and fresh. Azim and his to go home. They were feeling tired but happy because
father were on cloud nine when all their fish and they had done a good deed. It was a memorable moment
prawns were sold out. for Aiman and his classmates.
My cousin sister got married during the December
school holidays and my whole family attended the
Last week on a fine Sunday morning, Izat and his family
function. Dressed in my best, I went along with my family
went to Rantau Abang beach for a picnic. They set off their
to the bride'shome where the 'Bersanding' ceremony was
journey at nine oclock in the morning and arrived there an held. There were beautiful coloured lights and the
hour later. Upon arriving there, they could see a big crowd garden was lit, too. I found flowers everywhere and
of people on this golden sandy beach. They could guests were milling around.
also witness many people swimming happily in the sea. The On a dais in front of the hall were two chairs
water was indeed crystal clear. Everyone was in the seventh beautifully adorned in satin and silk, with two velvet
heaven. They quickly looked for a nice spot to put all their cushions for the bridal couple. At about 7.00 p.m., a
things. Izat and hissiblings helped their parents to take out 'kompang' group started beating their 'kompangs' and
entered the garden. The bridegroom, dressed in blue
all food and drinks from the car.
'kainsongket' and looking like a Malay prince, arrived
next, his retinue of young men, and took his place on the
Guys, shall we go for a swim, suggested Izat dais. Later, the bride, dressed also in blue 'songket
excitedly. Everyone nodded in agreement. In no time, Izats kebaya' and 'sarung', arrived looking beautiful. Her
family was in the water, enjoying themselves. jewellery sparkled in the light. In her hair were sweet-
scented flowers and 'bunga goyang' which glistened
Suddenly, Izat heard a faint noise. At first, he paid visibly. She looked like a princess and sat next to
no heed to it. But, soon it grew louder and louder. He heard the bridegroom.
someone screaming for help. He looked around. To his Then the 'kadi' said prayers and everyone was
surprise, he saw a boy struggling in the water. He ready for the 'kenduri'. The dinner had all the traditional
was bobbing up and down. Izat quickly told his father about dishes of 'beriyani', 'kurma', 'dalcha' with salad and'
'rendang'. After a sweet dessert, a 'Bunga Telur' was
it. Without much thinking, Izats father swam towards the
presented to each guest. It consisted of an egg placed in
boy. He put his arm around the drowning boys neck and a small, decorated basket with flowers on top. Malay
pulled him to the shore. He swam with all his might. Finally music was played throughout the function and guests
he managed to save the boy. He felt very tired but happy were entertained to some cultural shows.
for he had saved a life. Then it was time to go home. We had enjoyed
a hearty meal, blessed the blissful couple and were ready
to leave the place

During the last school holidays, my family and I went for a This was my first time on a camping trip. I had packed
trip to Kuala Lumpur. It spent 2 days 1 night. my backpack 3 days ago. There was a list of things that
We left at 7oclock after packing up our belongings. While were required from everyone such as sleeping bags,
going to our destination, I took out my favorite book which I torchlight, matches, Mars Energy Bars and not forgetting
bring along the way to read. mosquito repellants.
After 4 hours, we reached our destination, Kuala Lumpur Around 8am the following day, we arrived in our
safely. Even though the weather was extremely hot and school bus at the foothills of Gunung Ledang which is
humid, my beloved family and I felt cozy as the car was fully famous for its many myths and also beautiful camping
air-conditioned. Then, we checked in at the hotel and put our spots. There were 20 of us. We were all in our school
luggage in the room. The room was big and beautiful. scouts team accompanied by two teachers and our
Later, we visited National Zoo. There were many people guide, an Orang Asli man called Adun
in the zoo. When we were entering the zoo, we saw a few It was a wonderful, cool morning. Adun pointed out to
lions and tigers were in big cages. Next, we saw monkeys and us various types of edible wild plants and told us to
birds. The monkeys were swinging from tree to tree happily 'respect the jungle' by not littering or thinking bad
and the birds were flying freely. I did not miss the opportunity thoughts. 2 hours later we reached a waterfall. It was a
to take some snapshots as remembrance. perfect spot to set up our tents. By the time we finished
Later, we went to a seafood restaurant near the zoo to setting up the tents, it was lunch time. Adun showed us
have lunch. Then, we went to Petronas Twin Tower. The tower how to gather firewood and lit up a fire. He made a
was magnificent. In fact, the scenery was breathtaking and makeshift stand over the fire and hung a pot of icy water
amazing. We enjoyed the scenery very much. from the waterfall to boil. While waiting to cook rice, our
After that, we went back to the hotel tiredly. teachers said we could all go for a quick swim in the
On the next day, the weather was fine. After having waterfall. We had so much fun together! In the evening,
breakfast, my family and I went to KLCC. We bought a lot of our teachers took us exploring around the area and
souvenirs. Then, we went to Cineplex to watch a comedy gather more firewood before nightfall.
movie. My sister and I were eliriously happy as it was our first At night, after dinner, we lit a big fire and sat
experience to watch movie at the Cineplex. . around it. Our teachers talked about jungle survival tips
At 5oclock, we went to the hotel to take a rest and
and later we played games. By 10pm our teachers asked
checked out from the hotel. Then, we went back to Baling
reluctantly.It was a memorable holidays for my entire family. I
us to go to sleep. Some of us couldnt sleep so ended up
hope we could go there in the immediate future. chatting quietly in our tents till wee hours of the morning.
We went home the next morning, tired but happy.

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