Ujian 1 Bio T4 2017

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Section A

[20 marks]
1. Which of the following is not involved when an investigation is being carried out?
A Recording data
B Analyzing data
C Making a hypothesis
D Making measurements

2. The x-axis and y-axis of a graph represent respectively

The x-axis The y-axis

A The responding variable The constant variable
B The responding variable The manipulated variable
C The manipulated variable The responding variable
D The manipulated variable The constant variable

3. In an experiment carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on an enzyme

activity, which is the manipulated variable?
A The temperature
B The enzyme activity
C The type of enzyme
D The enzyme concentration

4. Why is the presence of DNA important for cellular metabolic activities?

A DNA directs the production of enzymes.
B DNA is the major component of cytoplasm.
C DNA is a structural component of cell walls.
D DNA directly increases the solubility of nutrients.

5. Which of the following is the function of lysosomes in a cell?

A They produce ATP.
B They digest proteins and lipids in the cell.
C They synthesize and transport lipids.
D They excrete waste products from the cell.

6. Which of the following is an epithelial tissue?

7. The information given below is about an organelle in a cell.

What is the organelle?

A Rough endoplasmic reticulum
B Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C Golgi apparatus
D Lysosomes

8. Diagram 1 below shows a protozoa.

Diagram 1

What is the part labelled F?

A Nucleus B Contractile vacuole
C Food vacuole D Pseudopodium

9. Diagram 2 below shows an organelle of a sel.

Diagram 2

What is the most likely function of this organelle?

A Digestion B Defense
C Packaging D Protein synthesis

10. Diagram 3 below shows the structure of a type of specialized muscle found in the human

Diagram 3

This muscle can be found...

A in the arteries.
B in the intestine.
C attached to the skeleton.
D in the walls of the heart.

11. Diagram 4 below shows a cellular component found in a plant cell.

Diagram 4

Which of the following cells do not have the cellular component shown in Diagram below?
A Guard cells
B Companion cells
C Spongy mesophyll cells
D Palisade mesophyll cells


What is the basis for the grouping of organs into systems?

A The organs are close together
B The organs are similar in structure
C The organs are related through function
D The organs are formed at the same time of development

13. Which of the following cells are not cells which form the human connective tissues?
A Bone cells
B Ligaments
C White blood cells
D Epithelial cells

14. Diagram 5 below shows a type of human tissue.

Diagram 5

Where can this tissue be found?

A The alveolar surface
B The intestinal tract
C The respiratory tract
D The integumentary surface

15. Organelle X can be found in large numbers in the cells of the meristems of plants. Which of
the following is the correct function of organelle X in these cell?
A It provides energy for the cell.
B It maintains the temperature of the cell.
C It promotes the growth of the cell.
D It stimulates cell division.

16. Which of the following cells form the ground tissue of a plant and are thin-walled?
A Guard cells B Parenchyma cells
C Collenchyma cells D Sclerenchyma cells

17. Which part of the human body contains a high density of Golgi apparatus?
A Respiratory tract B Salivary glands
C Pancreatic cells D Muscle cells

18. Diagram 6 below shows part of the human digestive system.

Diagram 6

The cells of organ X contain a high density of a particular type of organelle. What is the
A Lysosome
B Mitochondrion
C Rough endoplasmic reticulum
D Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

19. The levels of cell organisation in a living organism are as follows.

Which of the following shows the correct examples of X and Y?

20. Diagram 7 below shows cell organisation in human beings.

Diagram 7

If R in the cell organisation shown above represents leucocytes, what does S represent?
A Nerve tissue B Muscle tissue
C Connective tissue D Epithelial tissue

Section B
[25 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

1 Diagram 8 below shows two cells, P and Q.

Diagram 8

(a) Identify cell P and cell Q.

P : _____________________________________________________________________

Q : _____________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]
(b) State two characteristics which enable you to differentiate Q from P.

i. _____________________________________________________________________

ii. _____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(c) Name the organelles labelled W, X, Y and Z.

W: _____________________________________________________________________

X : _____________________________________________________________________

Y : _____________________________________________________________________

Z : _____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(d) i. State the main contents of organelle Y.

[1 mark]

ii. State two functions of organelle Y.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(f) What is the function of organelle J?

[1 mark]

2 Diagram 9 below shows the organisation of cells in a multicellular organism.

Diagram 9

a) i. Name P and R.

P: _________________________________________________________________

R: _________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

ii. Identify P, Q and R link them up to show cell organization.

[2 marks]
(b) i. State the function of Q.

[1 mark]

ii. Explain how Q is formed.

[1 mark]

(c) Name one organelle that found abundantly on the internal wall of R

[1 mark]

2. Diagram 10 shows the different levels of cell organisation in human from cell to organ.

Diagram 10

a) (i) Name P and Q.

P: _________________________________________________________________

Q: _________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

(ii) State one function of the red blood cell.

[1 mark]

(b) Explain the function of Q in regulating the blood glucose level.



[2 marks]

(c) Diagram 11 shows the movement of a bolus of food in oesophagus.

Diagram 11

Explain how the bolus of food moves down from the oesophagus to the stomach.




[3 marks]


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