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International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 80

Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

Application of Ancient Indian Sutras in Modern Management

Framework: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm
Prasad Patki, Research Scholar, Management, GITAM University, Vishakhapatnam, India

ABSTRACT On the contrary, we have seen a more resilient India in the

past 2 years which is not just continuing the growth-story
Management has certainly drawn a lot through inter- of Indian economy but is also able to better cope up with
disciplinary researches from the various fields of social the global financial crisis. In the midst of the global
and natural sciences, but ethical leadership still remains financial crisis, we have seen aggressive inorganic growth
low in the priority list. When an organization or an in the Indian corporate sector. Companies like Tata,
institution fails, something is wrong with the management Bharat Forge, Ranbaxy, etc have rather taken the
paradigm of that institution. The methodology used for this opportunity for boosting their M&A activities, expanding
purpose is called hermeneutics; which is a study, business through buying some firms in Europe, UK, US,
understanding and interpretation of ancient text. It is one etc at a much lower valuation. We haven't seen any major
of the qualitative research methodology used in social Indian company going to the stage of bankruptcy during
science. The paper attempts to look at the importance of these tough times. Also, suddenly India seems to be a
conscious and transformational leadership practices from dream destination for doing business (as against the
Kautilyas Arthashastra by establishing a relationship Western counterparts like US, UK, etc) in the global
between four key interwoven elements of a sustainable economy. All this leads to one fundamental question:
management paradigm. It also attempts to demonstrate
how management can be scaled up from an How ancient Indian wisdom can really contribute towards
individual/institutional level to the global level making the existing modern management paradigms more
particularly with reference to the establishment of a sustainable even at the midst of business uncertainty?
uniform economic order through spiritual congruence.
The answer to the above question broadly lies in the
Indian cultural and values which has a rich heritage of
Keywords: being more than 3500 years old as against the modern
Conquering senses, effective leadership, holistic view, management principles which are at a much more infant
spiritual congruence stage. At a deeper level, the societal consciousness itself is
deeply scarred though it may not have to work too hard to
INTRODUCTION realize that in one or the other, the root of the problem lies
in unscrupulous, myopic and mistakenly self-centered
The world is going through an unprecedented turmoil behaviors of persons holding important positions. Most
exposing humanity to dangerous hazards in many ways. corporate debacles can be understood this way with very
One of these, closest to the ordinary man, relates to the few exceptions.
functioning of the business world. Collapse of giant
corporate such as Enron, World Telecom, Lehman If this perception is right, which we believe to be the case,
Brothers, Satyam InfoTech, etc. is not only a source of the entire accumulated perception about Management has
great confusion but also a matter of major concern. It also to be recast on an entirely new track. For this, we need to
raises doubts about the sustainability of the management go considerably beyond information as well as knowledge
practices in these institutions. We have learnt to our so as to cultivate a new regime of wisdom. As asserted by
dismay that legal requirements, institutional checks and Swami Chinmayananda that from time to time an ancient
balances, and corporate governance systems are no longer philosophy needs intelligent re-interpretation to apply
able to avert, control or mitigate the undesirable outcomes effectively in the context of modern times. This study will
while shareholders and employees continue to be major reveal how the ancient heritage will be a guiding light for
casualties. The matter does not rest there. It is indeed the bringing more certainty and sustainability in our business
body of all stakeholders promoters, corporate board practices. As it is rightly said What is built for ever is for
members, shareholders, suppliers, financial institutions, ever building
employees and customers who have to go through
agonizing experiences in different ways and with differing The paper will identify the relationship between the
intensities. teachings of A King Maker Kautilya from the Ancient
Indian scriptures and the leadership attributes in the

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 81
Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

present framework of modern management. It will be 1. Indrijaya - Conquer The Senses Through Self
attempt to know how ancient Indian values which have Knowledge:
stood the test of time can help Modern Management Man suffers from ignorance of the supreme self within.
philosophy to create a more sustainable model of The self within is paripurna whole, perfect, absolute,
management. How HR Function can design a road map of infinite. But we do not realize the essence of this truth as
a long term sustainable Organisation by applying our own we are ignorant of our supreme nature. Just as darkness is
proven Ancient Indian wisdom. This will antagonize the instantaneously removed by light however thick its
need to revisit the ancient Jnana (knowledge) and derive density so also in one who gains knowledge of the self,
the eternal essence out of it which can bring altogether a beginning less ignorance (avidya) is at once lifted, and
different dimension to the Modern Management concepts. within a lightning flash it ends. When ignorance is ended
there is the immediate apprehension of Truth, the supreme
Brahman. It is only through mindfulness and spiritual
THE BRAHMAJNYANA VIEW OF discipline that we can acquire wisdom and only through
MODERN MANAGEMENT our experiences that the myth is shattered in our mind.
Knowledge is created and acquired in the process and we
realize our true Self.
The four key interwoven elements of Management
practices can be depicted with a segmented pyramid as Modern HR or Management paradigms like Emotional
shown in the figure 1. Only by conquering our senses by Intelligence are very ideal theoretically and can be
practicing morality and ethics we can enlighten our self derived from the ethical and spiritual frameworks of
within and thereby attain self knowledge which becomes ancient Indian ethos.
the essence of leadership. Through leadership we can
create strong and stable internal management strategies by There are too many examples of poor leadership in the
having a holistic perception finally leading to ultimate workplace, from within all levels of organizations, and the
perfection. Thereby fostering the sense of oneness we can attributes of this poor leadership are easily identified. But
have creation of global culture by acquiring the knowledge have we ever noticed those leaders and managers that
of Absolute through Spritual congruence. It is only by everyone admires and who just seem to have a knack at
promoting virtues of truthfulness (transparency), trust being excellent leaders? What is this elusive quality that
(employer-employee, employee-employee and employee- good leaders have that sets them apart?
stakeholder), righteousness (justice, equity and honesty)
and sense of cooperation we can have ethical According to Daniel Goleman in his book, Emotional
organizational culture to set global marks. Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ, it is likely
that these leaders and managers have a high Emotional
Figure 1: The Four Interwoven Key Elements of Intelligence Quotient or EQ. These people are
Management recognized as stars within their organization and for their
ability to work with people and accomplish great things.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the capacity for effectively

recognizing and managing our emotions and those of
others. These star leaders and managers with their high
Emotional Intelligence quotients often tend to have modest
traditional academic IQ's and yet they manage people with
much higher academic IQs.

Knowledge management is the main component of

knowledge-based society. Experts believe that integration
of personal potential of an individual plays a significant
role in developing a successful management style.
Referring to human relations, success depends on
recognition and awareness of our emotional reactions
towards obstacles and conflict situations. The intensity of
conflicts reflects on Organisation climate within the
company, and the quality of relations between individuals.
Creating added value among employees, which results in
positive stimulation of their potential, is equivalent to
(Source: Author) approximation of the companys vision to personal values
of employees. The concept of leadership and the concept

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 82
Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

of emotional intelligence may not exist in isolation; who understands oneself, can only understand all other
anyone who wants to become a successful manager/leader, facets properly.
must learn at first how to manage/lead himself/herself, and
then set an example in leading others successfully. 2. Be A Rajarishi And Create Rajarishis A Mantra
Emotional intelligence can therefore be defined as the For Effective Leadership:
ability to recognize and adjust our emotions that trigger Managers have to face a vibrant business environment
our responses with certain situations or people. where change is the only factor remaining constant and
they have to keep adapting to these changes. But
Emotionally intelligent leader will also be able to sometimes in situations of complexity or uncertainty,
spontaneously develop and create emotionally intelligent managers may get lost. It is then than someone has to
teams. Goleman et al. (2002, p. 199) describe emotionally show them the right direction.
intelligent teams with the same characteristics as
individuals, as for EI skills are interrelated and cumulated As Stephen Covey said:
in a group. Self-awareness of team members and parallel Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of
recognition of needs and moods bring more empathy into success; leadership determines whether the ladder is
the work environment. On a team level, empathy is the leaning against the right wall. - Covey, 1989
basis for building effective relationships within the team
as well as with other parts of the organisation. Therefore, Whatever a great man does, people follow. Whatever
Human Resource Leaders who are able to develop Standard he sets, the world pursues. A lot has been said
empathy and other important social skills, must bound and researched about leadership. Some people said that
themselves to forming emotionally intelligent leadership is all about character or some unique traits in an
organisations. Employees should be given the opportunity individual. Some say that a leader is an agent of change or
to develop their potentials and participate in forming he is the one who aligns a group of people towards a
organisational integrity. Managers on the other hand, common vision. However, the recent event of economic
should find appropriate ways to transform organisations downturn in the western countries based on effective
vision into actions that support emotionally intelligent modern management practices really puts a question on
practice. On a strategic level, this reflects measures that the existing models of leadership in those organizations.
create systems, where rules, statutes and personnel Today, we need to have a paradigm of leadership which
practice in human resource management are aligned with will be more responsible in maintaining the sustainability
the desired objectives. of the business. Since most of the organizations fail due to
wrong decisions or on unethical grounds where the
To conquer the internal enemies before you conquer the existing shareholders and stakeholders of the organization
external enemies as asserted by Kautilya, who gives lot lose hope and trust on its management and leadership, we
of stress on Self Control. He elaborates the same in 12th really need to incorporate ethics and integrity in the
Sutra, the importance of control over the senses by giving existing framework of leadership and management. People
up Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Mana, Mada and Harsha i.e. should be able to trust upon the existing corporate
lust, anger, pride, arrogance and fool hardiness. He also governance in the organization.
gives various examples of kings who perished, having
over indulged in the senses and in the 12th sutra, he The qualities a leader must possess as well laid down by
concludes by quoting King Jamdagnya and Amarisa who Chanakya, in the first management text in the form of
enjoyed the earth for a long time having controlled their Arthashastra which was written around 4th century
senses. B.C.

Rajyamulam indriyajayah King (a leader) should be a Rajarishi says Kautilya,

which means a king (a leader) who is wise like a sage. By
Organization or enterprise is rooted in conquering the casting out the group of six enemies he (the leader) should
senses acquire control over senses, cultivate his intellect by
association with elders, keep a watchful eye by means of
Chanakya begins by pointing out that a king must develop spies, bring about security and well-being by (energetic)
four kinds of knowledge where Anvikshaki or self- activity, maintain the observance of their special duties (by
knowledge is the first and foremost. However he places the subjects) by carrying out (his own) duties, acquire
anvikshaki, self knowledge, as the most important, discipline by (receiving) instruction in the sciences, attain
explaining that this self-knowledge comes from study and popularity by association with what is of material
discipline. advantage and maintain (proper) behavior by (doing) what
is beneficial (1.7.1).
Of all types of management, the management of human
beings (Man Management) is most important. The one,

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 83
Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

As Narayana Murthy of Infosys once said about leadership Strategies should be made considering The Market / Client
in an interview: / Customers / Society / Environment.
Leadership is about transformation i.e. being a change
agent. Its about making people more confident and When we ape the management style of other countries, we
making people think of impossible and make it happen. are likely to face various problems. The main objective of
People are always watching their leader, so it should be these countries is to increase the quantity of output and
Leadership by example. Leader has to create an objective make a lot of money. They may not be so much concerned
and have to gain trust of a people. Its the Journey about about the welfare of society or consumers in the host
sacrifice and He has to demonstrate genuine, discipline, country. Indian culture is entirely different, wherein we
value system, commitment, aspirations, honesty in his are happy when the society is happy. This is the Indian
actions and decisions. If you want people to contribute by way of viewing holistic business performance, where
giving ideas, you should become magnet. Accepting your selfishness and maximizing profits is not the prime motto.
own weakness, though it is difficult to stand up and say I Indian culture possesses such lofty ideals owing to which
am wrong is overcoming ego. It is very difficult to say that it has been able to bestow spiritual knowledge to the world
success of Organization is not because of me but because from time immemorial. The tradition of Bharatiyas is:
of everyone in the Organization. And thats the creation of Samastha Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu (May everyone in
implicit trust in you. (Narayana Murthy, 2011) all the worlds be happy). Holistic understanding is
awareness, not partial understanding. Knowing in bits and
No wonder, Infosys has survived many downturns and has pieces, (fragmented way) is not Awareness. Awareness
consistently been the most revered in the Indian IT means knowing in entirety. Therefore, every educated
industry among the shareholders as well as stakeholders. person must make an effort to understand things in a
And it has happened because leadership is not just based holistic way. Only after understanding them in a
on efficient management practices but also on a model satisfactory way, must we venture to enter the world.
which is more transparent, responsible and ethical.
Recently Infosys has to call back his founder inspite of Successful practitioners of HR will be those who will be
him taking retirement from active services of Infosys able to achieve balance between external as well as
which brought into limelight a very vital and important internal stakeholders. They should be able to treat all
thing of creating a Rajarishi who can take the baton from employees equally and with equity and Act globally.
the predecessor which is well defined in the ancient Indian Today line managers realize that competitors can more
wisdom. easily copy price, product and technology but the way to
manage people and organizations is a unique advantage
It throws light on one of the most important future that competitors cannot easily copy. HR has become more
challenge for HR which is developing the next generation strategic not because HR wants to be strategic but because
of Corporate Leaders. line managers need insights that good HR professionals
(source: Report published by Society for Human Resource can offer. Even the Head of HR will be a full contributor
Management (SHRM) on Future HR Challenges and to business discussions so that he/she can help create value
Talent Management Tactics in Nov 2012.) for employees, build disciplines to deliver strategy, create
customer share from key customers, create investor
3. FORTIFIED FORT DURG - A confidence in future earnings and create confidence in
HOLISTIC PERCEPTION: broader community. For holistic managerial effectiveness,
managers should equip themselves with both skills and
A stable, well-ordered, and highly motivated Organisation values.
(State) that excels in internal management will be in a
better position to calibrate itself to meet challenges from Chanakya has identified seven pillars for a stable kingdom
its rivals, absorb shocks and defeats, and have a slightly with a holistic angle to it. If we relate those seven pillars
larger margin of error that may well make the difference by translating them into seven elements that can
between survival and oblivion or success and failure, very strengthen the growth oriented sustainable organization,
aptly described by Chanakya. we have a treasure of management wisdom.

By integrating Indian wisdom with current management . ...

. ..
practices we can really have a more holistic approach to The king, the minister, the country, the fortified city, the
business and leadership. The holistic approach to treasury, the army, and the ally are the constituent
management involves a major paradigm shift from focus elements of the state. (6.1.1)
on shareholders to focus on stakeholders - one that takes
into account the needs of shareholders, employees, This holistic approach is the key to any successful
customers, society, and the environment. Internal strong business. In his ground breaking Arthashastra, Chanakya
lists the seven pillars of an organization :

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 84
Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

Adopting the best practices which are those methods or

The King - The Leader - leadership programs that have been found to be successful in
The Minister - The Manager accomplishing the goals of Mitra Organisations and that
The Country - The Market / Client / Customers / can be used, or adapted for use, in our circumstances.
Society / Environment
The Fortified City - Head Quarters By employing a method or program thats been tested and
The Treasury - Finance / Shareholders found successful increases the chances that the
The Army - The Team / Employees Organisation can accomplish their goals. It can leverage
The Ally - Friend / Consultant the benefits like by using a recognized best practice makes
it easier to justify the work, it can bolster the credibility of
an organization, makes it easier to get funding and
Thus, a fractional perceiver sees only individual beads. removes a lot of the guesswork from planning.
The holistic perceiver sees the thread that HOLDS the
beads together in a beautiful garland. Holistic perception Institutions, both social and economic, will have to play a
leads to ultimate perfection. leading role towards facilitating this process of spiritual
congruence for creating a global environment which is
4. MITRA A WAY THROUGH more conducive for globalization. Healthy trade relations
SPIRITUAL CONGRUENCE: based on a feeling of oneness could certainly go a long
way towards making the process of globalization more
The World Commission on Culture and Development inclusive in nature and creating a uniform economic
defined culture as ways of living together and argued order across the world. With oneness, both our personal
that this culture is a core element of sustainable and professional experiences are in harmony and we have
development. Globalization is probably one of the most fewer conflicts of interests. Such a harmony will also be
widely used economic terms. In an economic context, promoted on an inter organizational level within an
globalization refers to the reduction and removal of industry and there would be less rivalry.
barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the
flow of goods, capital, services and labor. The barriers To quote an example of how a Divine family exists in
could be in the form of tariffs, quotas or other protectionist peace and concord. Shiva has snakes on His arms, on His
strategies. head and around His waist; one of His sons, Kumara, rides
on a peacock, which attacks snakes; another ride on a
However, in a true sense, it is about amalgamation of mouse, which the snakes feed on. One son has the head of
cultures to form one single global culture. This is an idea an elephant, which whets the appetite of the lion, which is
which is most neglected in the whole process of the vehicle used by Durga, the consort of Shiva, who is so
globalization nowadays. Some predict that globalisation inseparable that She is the left half of the body of Shiva
and the liberalisation of the goods and services market will Himself. Nor is the lion friendly by nature to the bull,
lead to cultural standardisation, reinforcing existing which Lord Shiva Himself has as His vehicle! Shiva has
imbalances between cultures. It is a coherent fact that fire on the central part of His brow, and water, the River
globalization plays a significant role in the growth and Ganges, on His head, incompatible both. Imagine how
sustainability of business. loving and how co-operative the various components have
to be to render life on Kailash smooth and happy.
For making globalization more inclusive and facilitating a
positive acculturation we can have a term called as CONCLUSION
spiritual congruence where adopting a commonality
approach will be of utmost importance. Traditionally, From the above discussions we conclude that firstly, much
organizations or institutions tried to approach new of modern management principles existing today can be
cultures, new practices in either Superiority approach or in derived from the body of knowledge of the ancient Indian
a Pragmatic way which somehow fails to establish scriptures. However, in practice, the sustainability of the
harmony between Organisations. existing management frameworks is still dubious.
Secondly, through the wisdom of Ancient Indian
Chanakya outlines the advantages of scriptures and taking the understanding the model of Four
networking/socialising with influential people, as well as Key Interwoven Elements of Management, we can make
those with greater experience. And not surprisingly, makes the existing modern management paradigms more
a rather persuasive case for hanging out with those of sustainable in practice.
greater experience, strength, intelligence and power and
adopting the best practices which has passed the litmus Through the wisdoms of Kautilyas Arthasastra we can not
test of sustainability. only promote a more ethical and responsible leadership on
an individual or institutional level but also move towards

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 85
Volume 3, No. 1, January 2014

the direction of restoring harmony among the

Organisations towards establishing a sustainable business
through spiritual congruence.

[1] R.P. Kangle, The Kautiliya Arthashastra Part II,
Motilal Banarsidass, 1972, pp.12-14.
[2] R. Pillai, Corporate Chanakya, Jaico Publishing
House, 2011, pp. 16-29
[3] A R Thapan, The Penguin Swami Chinmayananda
Reader, Penguin Books, 2004, pp. 6-11
[4] R.K. Bhaskar, Man Management A Values-Based
Management Perspective, SSSS&S Welfare Society:
India, 2009, pp. 132-139
[5] D Goleman , Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter
more than IQ, Bloomsbury, 2002, pp. 199.

i-Explore International Research Journal Consortium

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