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Hassles Faced by Trainees during Industrial Training and How to Fix Them

An Industrial training, also known as IT, is an internship program that a hotel management student should take as a part
of their course to gain industrial exposure. Students work in the four major departments of the hotel, namely
Housekeeping, Food and Beverage Service, Food and Beverage Production and Front Office. Outwardly the industry
looks effortless thanks to all the hard work put in by the employees, but in reality it is a hugely demanding sector that
practically never shuts shop which means it is operational 24/7, 365 days a year.

Let us take a look at some of the Hassles faced by trainees during Industrial Training and how they should fix them:

1. The internship is not what I expected- Begin with getting a clear picture of what internship is all about, speak with
seniors, your teachers and any acquaintances from the industry. Paying attention while being given the learning points
by the Training and Placement Coordinator in your institute will help a great deal.

2. Endless, long arduous hours at work- You give your 100 % for the stipulated hours of work, after this you can always
go to your supervisor and request to be relieved. However be prepared for days when the staff strength should be
optimum and then you have to pitch in. Any harassment by staff / supervisor should be immediately reported to your
Institute or Training manager of the hotel.

3. I am given more busy work and less real work- Well, peeling 50 kgs onions all by yourself in a shift is no real
learning but it develops dignity of labor and perseverance. It definitely toughens you both mentally and physically for
the life ahead. First try to do your best with the tasks given to you at work. Prove your worth then hopefully, your
supervisor will trust you enough to give meatier roles.

4. I am not getting any guidance, no learning- You should try to sit down and talk to the supervisor / TM about what
you wish to learn or achieve so that he knows about your keenness to learn and guides you. Dont wait for the
opportunity to learn a new skill to come to you, reach out and grab it yourself.

5. I don't get along well with my supervisor Thats a tough one! You may learn how to read a personality and figure
out how to interact with that person. Once you have understood that, approach the person accordingly and try to
befriend him. Remember-genuine niceness always wins, you have to hold ground and continue being utmost polite and

6. I don't get along well with the other Trainees-Dont stress, itll take time. Get to know them, invite them for lunch,
hang out with them after work or on weekends. It is a small world; you are likely to meet the same people in the
industry years later, so it is good to make friends.

7. I am overwhelmed with work and might be inadequately trained-Talk to your training manager as soon as possible.
Do your homework online or speak with other interns. Ask for clarification when you don't understand something
politely or request to slow the pace a bit.

8. People are outright rude, treat me like cheap labor-You must know that none of this personal, so dont internalize
and do not get intimidated. Try to understand your superiors perspective, live up to his expectations. Understand
clearly what you must do. Do the assigned task with a smile.
Basically it all boils down to.
1. Getting ready: Mentally & Physically. Eat well, exercise and find out about the hotel where you will be working.
2. In adversity dont take time to apologies; you win half the battle when you say sorry.
3. Developing a positive image and Mr. /Ms Dependable reputation.
4. Becoming a contributing member to the team.
5. Avoiding misunderstandings and complaints.
6. Being sincere and staying committed to your work.
7. Follow organisational SOPs in whatever you do.
8. Do all the above with a Smile.

Initially it seems like a big burden to carry but once you are through you will be pleased that you have carried it. The
Learning and Development department will always be supportive to the trainees. You will make a lot of friends, with
your seniors and fellow trainees with whom you will spend a lot of time. It is true that industrial training in a hotel is
tough, but it is well worth the hard work. After completion you will realize that the experience will boost your morale
and toughen you in your career ahead.

Ambika C Nair
Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management
SGT University

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