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MSED Elementary Portfolio Project

Melanie Zarzycki

August 14, 2017

An Elementary Portfolio Project submitted to the

Faculty of the Graduate School of Education of Medaille College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education

Melanie Zarzycki
Medaille College Graduate Student

Dr. Virginia Batchelor
Project Director
Table of Contents

Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project.. 3

Section Two: Teacher Candidate Background Experiences.. 8

Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts... ... 23

Artifact #1: ELA Unit Plan and 3 Lesson Plan.......................24

Artifact #2: ELA CRT lesson Plan .64

Artifact #3: Math Lesson Plan ....................73

Artifact #4: Annotated Bibliography. .81

Artifact #5: Pecha Kucha Special Education Presentation.. 88

Artifact #6: Maria Montessori Theorist Presentation ..96

Artifact #7: School Violence Prevention and Intervention / Identification and Reporting of Child

Abuse and Maltreatment Certification................................101

Artifact #8: Reference Letter from the Educational Field........................................................104

Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards . ..107

Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection ..122

Section Six: Teacher Candidate Interview Video 127

Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project

Introduction, Portfolio Overview and Rationale

Education and being a teacher has always been my dream, my career choice. Teachers

and educators have shaped me into the person and teacher I want to become. I want to be able to

do the same for students looking ahead and wondering what will I be when I grow up? As I

become a teacher, reflecting on my past teachings and child development experiences I hope to

be able to influence and shape children for our future. My many years and experiences of

working with children in various environments have taught me the many diverse aspects of

teaching. It has made me appreciate how different and unique each student is and how important

it is to integrate a number of different teaching methods to successfully meet the needs of each

student! With being at Medaille College this past year has made my love of teaching even

clearer to pursue my dream. Learning about CRT, the theories and philosophies of education

and also the technology used for educating students in todays world have enriched my abilities

and evolution of teaching. I intend on using many of these new learning techniques and the

culturally responsive teaching with the students that become part of my classroom and my

everyday learning, growing and success. Always being aware and knowing your students,

becomes a very important part of teaching and creating lessons for your students. Including

accommodations, modifications, using computer based testing, assignments and other technology

to aid students with IEPs, disabilities or even different learners can assist them all to be

successful and at ease in their classroom environment.

The MSED portfolio represents us, the student, the soon to be teacher as a whole. It

begins with our reasons, aspirations and goals to become a teacher and then builds our
experiences, artifacts and philosophy to continue the path we created and then it concludes with a

realization of our accomplishments, our pedagogical principles and the development of

becoming the qualified educator we desire to be. Its a tool and resource for the interviews in the

school systems we will be soon be taking part in. Its a great way for administrators, principles

and school boards to see us as whole in our educational process we have been working very hard

to accomplish.

Portfolio Section Development

This MSED elementary portfolio has six sections: 1) Teacher Candidate Portfolio Project

Introduction, 2) Teacher Candidate Background Experiences, 3) Teacher Candidate Artifacts, 4)

Alignment to the Curriculum and Professional Standards, 5) Teacher Candidate Reflection, and

6) Teacher Candidate Teacher Interview Video. Within these six sections it is my goal to present

myself as a well rounded, competent and knowledgeable educator.

In section one; Teacher Candidate Portfolio Project Introduction I have introduced the

purpose and the importance for this portfolio project, my theories and theorists that have

influenced my philosophy and teaching methods and skills that will grow with me as a teacher.

In section two; Teacher Candidate Background Experiences have displayed my

educational and teaching experiences, my background and previous applications to the

educational field, my philosophy of education and my resume and how it is relevant to my

development as a teacher.

In section three I have presented the Teacher Candidate Artifacts. Such artifacts included

are ELA lesson plan, CRT lesson plan and reflection, Math lesson plan, theorist presentation,
annotated bibliography, Pecha Kucha Spec. Ed presentation, completion of certifications and

training within the education system and a personal reference letter from the Educational field.

In section four of the portfolio; Alignment to Curriculum and Professional Standards, I

have provided how the New York State standards and the Ontario Curriculum are connected to

each of the artifacts and lesson plans presented in the previous section. I have included the

common core goals and overall expectations of the curriculum and using them for standards for

students to have consistency in their education is important.

In section five of the portfolio, Teacher Candidates Reflection, I have reflected on my

experience in creating this portfolio, my experiences throughout this educational journey and my

eagerness and abilities to become a certified teacher. Understanding and describing how

reflection is an important part of becoming a successful and forever learning to become better

teachers is key.

In the sixth and final section; Teacher Candidate Teacher Interview Video, is where I

have created and included a video of an interview. This is where I have presented myself,

portrayed my first impression and having the chance to display my artifacts and how they will

relate to my teachings and pedagogy for my classroom and education for the students I will be

lucky enough to teach. With this video I will then be able to look back at it and reflect to see

how I can become better and make any changes to develop my practices and ideas.

Theories, Theorists, & Experts in the Field of Education

The education field has been inspired, motivated and based on beliefs from many

theories, philosophy and theorists. Therefore we as educators base our teachings and classroom

cultures on our own philosophies from these theorists and what we believe can better our
students. Within my portfolio I have made connections with Jean Piaget; the aim of curriculum

and teaching is to encourage children to explore and experiment. Instruction should be

individualized instruction so children can learn at their own level of readiness and classrooms

should be designed as a learning centre stocked with materials that children can touch,

manipulate and touch (Ornstien, A., Levine, D., Gutek, G., Vocke, D.E., 2015, pg. 113).

It follows the same ideas Maria Montessori conceived by having a curriculum that is

divided into areas and subjects for children to explore; ideas such as practical life skills and skills

to learn about how to care for yourself and things around you (Ornstein et al., 2015, p.111).

I also believe in Harry Wong theory and how its importance to establish good classroom

management and incorporate it with clear and explicit procedures, routines and behavioral result.

That students know from the beginning of the school year what their expectations and what is

required of them (

plan.html). As does B.F. Skinners theory of positive reinforcement which also relates to my

philosophies in classroom and behavioral management Positive reinforcement strengthens a

behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding.



In conclusion, this section of the MSED portfolio project is the foundation of me as a

student, teacher, fellow educator and a means to a career that has always given me joy and a

passion for children and their future. Ive included throughout my portfolio many samples that

feature my experiences and skills in planning, instruction, assessments, culturally responsive

teaching, technology, classroom management, student modifications and accommodations, and

student involvement and engagement. These many aspects and artifacts do not only define me as

a teacher but also my competence and knowledge to teach form relationships with children who

will join me in my journey and love of teaching and learning.

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