Please Do NOT Write On This Question Paper!: Level Check Test - B2/C2 - Time Allowed: One Hour

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- B2/C2 -
Please do NOT write on this question paper!

1. I ___a___ the film we saw at the cinema on

PART I Wednesday.
Questions 1-15 a) didnt like b) havent liked
Select the appropriate answer. c) doesnt like d) dont know
2. My mother ___b___ never been to a cricket match. 3. If I were rich, I ___c___ buy a house in Somerset.
a) hadnt b) has a) will b) shall
c) havent d) dont know c) would d) dont know

4. We discussed the house plans ___b___ our way to 5. I wonder if you could give me a ___a___ to get
the shops. these cases down.
a) by b) on a) hand b) shoulder
c) to d) dont know c) arm d) dont know
6. She ___a___ at me and then turned away. 7. They ____a__ him of scratching the car.
a) glanced b) viewed a) blamed b) accused
c) regarded d) dont know c) punished c) dont know

8. Do you know where ___b___? 9. When Gregory arrived to the disco, Jane __c____
a) the toilets are b) are the toilets a) already left b) has left
c) the toilets is d) dont know c) had already left d) dont know

10. She wasn't ..b.... to reach the ceiling. 11. The offer was too good for Ed to turn...b
a) as tall b) tall enough a) off b) down
b) so tall d) dont know c) away d) dont know

12. Karla was offered the job ___c___ having poor 13. A: What are you doing tonight?
qualifications. B: I'm not sure, I ___c___ to the cinema.
a) although b) even though a) will go b) would go
c) despite d) dont know c) might go d) dont know
14. Im sorry Im late. I was__a____ in traffic. 15. That song__a____ me of my youth.
a) held back b) held over a) reminds b) remembers
c) held up d) dont know c) recalls d) dont know
Questions 16-20
Read the job advert from the local paper, and select ONE answer for each question.


Applications are invited from anyone who has plenty of enthusiasm and bags of energy and
would like to do voluntary work with young people between the ages of 12 and 16 years.
The club is open from 3.30pm until 9.30pm every weekday and from 11am to 10pm
Saturdays and Sundays. We offer a homework club and both indoor and outdoor activities.
The club is also involved in community projects. There is a refreshment bar which sells
snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.
The successful applicant will join a rota along with other Assistant Club Leaders to cover two
evenings a week. He or she will also help run the activities on one day every other weekend.
Applications should be received by 30 April and be addressed to:

The Community Club Leader

St James Street Community Centre
St James Street, Berkley, BR2 6DJ

16. You should apply for this job if you

xA like working with very young children.
B have experience of selling.
C can only work at the weekend.
D are enthusiastic and energetic.

17. The wage for this job is

A dependant on age and experience.
xB nothing you will be a volunteer helper.
C to be negotiated.
D 3.00 per hour

18. Which of the following statements about the club is correct?

A It gives young people free snacks and drinks
B It provides hot cooked food at weekends
xC It sells refreshments
D It has no facilities for snacks or drinks

19. Which of the following statements would be good to include in an application for this job?
A I enjoy clubbing
xB I would like to work with young people
C I have experience of staff rotas
D I do not drink alcohol

20. What would be the most suitable format to use when applying for this job?
A A short essay
B A short report
xC A letter
D A memo
Questions 21-35
Read the text below and decide which word best fits each space.

Accidentally on purpose
Stamp collecting! What a wonderful hobby! I began when I was only five. I used to (21)__A__ for the
postmans arrival, always (22)___C___ to seize unwanted envelopes and tear off the corner with the stamp
stuck on it.
Once I remember all too clearly my mother and father were sunning themselves in the garden when the
post (23)___A___ on the doormat. I heard the clatter of the letter flap and hurriedly went to (24)__A_.
There were four or five envelopes, all with very enticing stamps.
Even at the (25)____B___ age of five I knew one doesnt open mail addressed to other people. However,
tearing just the corners off the envelopes (26)____A________ me as perfectly fair and allowable, and thats
what I did. I carefully tore as (27)____B________ to the stamps as (28)_____C_______, feeling that even
the envelopes, which were addressed to my parents and not to me, should be treated with
There was nothing furtive in what I did. I knew my parents would see what Id done, and I didnt think
there was any (30)_____B_______ in it. They always let me (31)______A_____ the corners after theyd
opened them. Why should I think there was any harm in doing it first, (32)______A______ in mind that
they werent on hand to be (33)_____A_______. Wouldnt they rather be left to doze in their summer
(34)_______A_____ , though, my father solemnly showed me his letters. They looked distinctly moth-
eaten, with bites taken out of the corners and sides. I began to (35)_____B_______ what Id done.

21. A. stare B. watch C. look D. dont know

22. A. glad B. pleased C. eager D. dont know
23. A. arrived B. was C. lay D. dont know
24. A. investigate B. observe C. notice D. dont know
25. A. junior B. tender C. little D. dont know
26. A. struck B. seemed C. appeared D. dont know
27. A. nearby B. close C. next D. dont know
28. A. able B. possibly C. possible D. dont know
29. A. gentleness B. caution C. respect D. dont know
30. A. harm B. wrong C. trouble D. dont know
31. A. take B. cut C. remove D. dont know
32. A. having B. holding C. bearing D. dont know
33. A. consulted B. advised C. requested D. dont know
34. A. After B. Then C. Later D. dont know
35. A. accept B. realize C. admit D. dont know
Questions 36-45
Read the text below.
Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word to fit in the space.

How to deliver a speech? SPEAK

Giving the ideal speech is a matter of _CONFFIDENCE_in yourself and in what CONFIDENT
youre going to say. This may be _EASILY_ said than done, but part of the answer EASY
lies in your careful _PREPARE_. Note down your key points, either on postcards PREPARE
or on a piece of paper. Dont make the mistake of _TRYING_ to script your speech TRY
word for word. You may gain a sense of _SECURITY_ from doing this, but when SECURE
you come to deliver your speech it will sound UNNATURALY. NATURE

Keep it brief. Its no good saying afterwards, I delivered it well, but they fell
asleep. To grab their _ATENTION_ begin your speech with a few INTERESTING ATTEND
thoughts or phrases, but steer clear of jokes - as youll show the EMOTIONS_in INTEREST
your face as you wonder whether your joke will succeed. Be a top class speaker NERVOUS
not an amateur _COMEDIANT_! COMEDY


You are going to meet up with a friend for a day.

Write an email to explain what you would like to do. Include the following
Say where and when you would like to meet.
Say what to do if you are late.
Say what your plans are for the day (shopping, cinema, lunch).

You should write at least 75 words.


I am so glad to know that youll come to visit me. Fortunaly in 25th March theres a electronic music
festival. I know how much you love this type of music.
Ill take you from the train station when you arrive. If I am late you can go to take a look in the guitar
store, you will see it right from the train station door.
I have prepared you some surprises, I cant wait to see your face when you find out what is it.

Have a nice trip,


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