Assessment Task

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Aspect of Rationale/Description

Assessment Task
Assessment Task Stephs Snack Shop
Type of Assessment Summative, post assessment
Assessment of Learning throughout the unit.
The purpose of this assessment is to determine the students ability to use
their learned knowledge on the topic of money, in a real life context. This
assessment is an interactive activity that each student is required to engage
with individually.
When will The assessment will take place on Friday the 9 th of June, after the students
Assessment take have completed their post-test.
Links to Curriculum Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their
value (VCMNA092)
Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to
their value (VCMNA111)
The students should learn how to recognise Australian coins and notes, and
count small amounts of money.
Assessment Criteria This task requires students to be able to recognise the different coins and
notes, be able to add them together and also recognise the difference in
value between coins, silver and gold and also notes.
The criteria for this assessment:
- The student recognises and writes what items they wish to buy.
- The student writes and attempts to add the items to get a total cost.
- The student can identify which coins and which notes are required
for the total cost.
Feedback to The students will be given verbal feedback for this assessment. The students
Students will present their work with their calculations of how much their items cost.
This will be corrected in front of the student before they can purchase their
items. This is the only form of written feedback that they receive. The rest of
the feedback is verbal. The students need to show the correct amount of
money. When a student hands over the money, I count through it with them
and then ask if it is the correct amount of money. The student then has an
opportunity to go and try again if they were incorrect.
Feedback was not purely on the answers they got, but also on the effort
they put in. I always looked for a positive piece of feedback to give to each
I selected predominantly oral feedback as the students are mostly quite
weak readers. The aim of the feedback was to encourage the students to
think about what they were doing and why they were doing it.
Assessment Have the assignment description and talk through the task with students
Support Material noting the criteria.
This is because the majority of students struggle to read, and so would
impair their ability to complete the task.
The students were also given calculators to help with the addition.

Assessment design and development

One of the assessment tasks I implemented was to create a shop that students could
purchase from. I altered this idea to incorporate the teacher vs. student game that I had
implemented to help with behaviour management in the class. To incorporate this into their
maths, I decided to make the shop items based around snacks for the movie. I wanted this to
be a really fun activity for the students, but I also incorporated what the students were
required to learn throughout the unit.

The task, I believe, achieves construct validity. This is an authentic assessment that is
challenging, relevant and engaging for students [ CITATION APR17 \l 3081 ]. This task creates
a real life situation for the students to engage and learn in.
I also believe that this activity did not come across as an assessment, which was the aim. I
believe that this allows the students to not be pressured or worried about it being an
assessment and leaves them more capable to do their best [ CITATION Vic15 \l 3081 ].
The reliability of the assessment could be questioned, as I was not monitoring the students
closely for the assessment as I was for the pre and post-test. Also, the assessment is not
repeated to check for reliability. However, reference could be made to the post-test for
reliability of the students understanding [ CITATION APR17 \l 3081 ].

The aim of this assessment was more to assess whether students could apply their
knowledge into a real life context, rather than just on paper. The post-test was assessing
their knowledge, while this assessment helps to determine their ability to apply that

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