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Movement Disorders

Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 2010, pp. S117S122

2010 Movement Disorder Society

Sleep Disturbances in Parkinsons Disease

Matthew Menza, MD,1,2* Roseanne DeFronzo Dobkin, PhD,1

Humberto Marin, MD,1 and Karina Bienfait, PhD1
Departments of Psychiatry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Departments of Neurology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Abstract: Sleep disturbances are very common in patients as the role of factors such as nocturia, pain, dystonia, akinesia,
with PD and are associated with a variety of negative out- difculty turning in bed, and vivid dreaming. The treatment of
comes. The evaluation of sleep disturbances in these patients is sleep disturbances in PD is largely unstudied but recommenda-
complex, as sleep may be affected by a host of primary sleep tions based on clinical experience in PD and research studies
disorders, other primary medical or psychiatric conditions, in other geriatric populations can be made. Important princi-
reactions to medications, aging or the neuropathophysiology of ples include, diagnosis, treating the specic sleep disorder or
PD itself. In this article, we review the evaluation of the com- co-occurring disorder, and control of the motor aspects of
mon disturbances of sleep seen in PD. This includes the pri- PD. 2010 Movement Disorder Society
mary sleep disorders, the interaction of depression and insom- Key words: sleep; Parkinsons; insomnia; depression;
nia, the impact that medications for PD have on sleep, as well tiredness

INTRODUCTION Disturbances of sleep are highly prevalent in PD,

The physical aspects of Parkinsons disease (PD), affecting up to 88% of community dwelling patients.1
such as tremor, rigidity, and postural imbalance, have Furthermore, in studies that examine the impact of PD
traditionally been regarded as the most important fea- on quality of life (QoL), sleep difculties are independ-
tures of the disease and have understandably received ent and important predictors of poor quality of life.2 In
the most attention in both research and clinical prac- fact, most reports suggest that sleep disturbance, depres-
tice. Nonetheless, Parkinsons disease affects patients sion, and lack of independence are the primary determi-
lives in a broader sense than merely by physical nants of poor quality of life.3 In addition, sleep distur-
impairment. For example, many of the nonmotor bances contribute to excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
aspects of PD, such as sleep disturbance and depres- and poor daytime functioning as well as patients
sion, are common and signicantly affect the day-to- reduced enthusiasm for daily events. Adverse effects
day lives of these individuals. Better treatment for have also been observed in the sleep habits and the qual-
these aspects of the illness could produce an important ity of life of their spousal caregivers.4,5
reduction in suffering. Insomnia is dened as an almost nightly complaint
of an insufcient amount of sleep or not feeling
rested after sleeping. Obviously, the interactions
between PD and sleep are complicated and many
*Correspondence to: Dr. Matthew Menza, Professor & Vice-Chair, patients with PD who complain of sleep disturbance
Department of Psychiatry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
D207A, 671 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 may qualify for a diagnosis of insomnia though they
E-mail: have other primary sleep disturbances such as REM
Potential conict of interest: Nothing to report. sleep behavior disorder (RBD) or periodic limb move-
Received 12 November 2007; Revised 9 September 2008; ments of sleep (PLMS) and restless legs syndrome
Accepted 21 August 2009
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley. (RLS). Furthermore, sleep disturbances may be
com). DOI: 10.1002/mds.22788 related to factors such as depression, poor sleep


hygiene, nocturia, pain, dystonia, akinesia, difculty increase in daytime sedation, abnormal sleep behaviors
turning in bed, reactions to medications, and vivid and falls.13
dreaming.6 If no other cause is found, the insomnia is Sedating antidepressants, especially trazodone, are
classied as idiopathic. Daytime fatigue and excessive also widely used for insomnia,14 though a recent
sleepiness may be related to insomnia, depression, review has questioned their efcacy.15 Over the coun-
medication effects, and other medical illnesses as well ter medications, such as the antihistamine diphenhydr-
as to other primary sleep disturbances such as sleep amine are also commonly used and may be helpful for
disordered breathing (SDB). Thus an evaluation of a some patients.16 A signicant issue with both the
sleep problem in a patient with PD involves a system- sedating antidepressants and the antihistamines in PD
atic review of the differential diagnosis, and some- is their anticholinergic effects, which may increase
times the use of a polysomnogram. In this article, we both constipation and cognitive impairment. Other over
review the common disturbances of sleep seen in the counter aids, including herbal supplements, have
patients with PD and also briey discuss the treatment not been studied and we generally do not recommend
of these disorders. their use in individuals with PD.
In patients with signicant cognitive impairment,
psychosis or very vivid dreaming (often heralding day-
INSOMNIA time psychosis) the atypical antipsychotics quetiapine
Insomnia is generally divided into difculty falling or clozapine may be of use. These medications have
asleep (sleep initiation), staying asleep (sleep mainte- not been studied for insomnia in any patient group but
nance), and awakening too early in the morning. they have been studied in PD for psychosis and are
Although all three problems occur in patients with PD, also used to treat a variety of disinhibited behaviors.17
sleep maintenance difculties are the most common, In general, patients with PD tolerate these medications,
affecting up to 7488% of patients.1,7 but in very low doses. One must also be cautious about
Although no specic trials have examined the treat- sedation and a worsening of the motor components of
ment of idiopathic insomnia in patients with PD, both the illness when using these medications in the PD
pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic measures have population. An important consideration is that cloza-
been shown to be benecial in the treatment of insom- pine may only be used with frequent white blood cell
nia in the general population and in the elderly. Phar- monitoring (every week for the rst 6 months) because
macotherapy is the most widely used treatment for of the risk of agranulocytosis.
insomnia in clinical practice.8 In a survey of patients Psychosocial treatments for insomnia are supported
with PD living in the community, 40% were found to by controlled trials in patients without PD but appear
be using sleeping pills compared with 23% of the non- to be rarely used in PD. There are advantages to these
PD controls.9 treatments, including that they are generally benign
A variety of medications are available for use in and free of adverse side effects and may engender
patients with insomnia, including benzodiazepines, the more lasting changes following treatment cessation.18
non-benzodiazepine hypnotics, antihistamines, and the However, treatment can be costly and it may be dif-
sedating antidepressants. The benzodiazepines, such as cult to nd clinicians to administer it. Other new treat-
temazepam, urazepam, and lorazepam are efcacious ments that target the movements of PD may also have
in short term use for sleep latency and for total sleep positive effects on sleep. For instance, deep brain stim-
time.10 Although these medications are widely used ulation (DBS), an effective therapeutic option for the
and clearly effective, one should use them with caution treatment of advanced Parkinsons disease, has been
in the elderly as they increase risk for fall and fractures shown to improve sleep in PD.19
by 50% or more.11 In addition, benzodiazepines are
associated with both tolerance and a risk of cognitive
impairment in this age group.12 REM BEHAVIOR DISORDER
The nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics, such as zolpidem, RBD is a syndrome of abnormal behavior during
eszopiclone, and zaleplon, also work via the benzodia- rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Under normal cir-
zepine receptor but have an improved side effect pro- cumstances, voluntary muscles are atonic when one
le and are thus widely used today. They generally enters REM sleep. However, the absence of this nor-
cause less confusion and morning sedation than the mal atonia in patients with RBD leads to the acting out
benzodiazepines, but caution is still advised in using of dreams. Thus, an individual who experiences being
these agents, as they have been associated with an chased in a dream may ee the bed or attempt to

Movement Disorders, Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 2010


punch his pursuer. The response may range from rela- the polysomnogram experience to be non-aversive.
tively mild restlessness to more severe wild punching Patients with apnea then have a variety of treatment
and thrashing in which patients may leap out of bed or options, generally administered through a sleep center.
strike their bed partner. Thus, RBD is potentially dan- These may involve nighttime appliances, like CPAP
gerous for the patient and his or her bed partner and (continuous positive airway pressure) machines, among
prompt identication and treatment is warranted. others.
RBD, of varying degrees of severity, occurs in 15
50% of patients with PD; the higher rates are found
when patients are studied with polysomnograms RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME AND PERIODIC
(PSG).20 RBD is likely the result of degenerative LEG MOVEMENTS OF SLEEP
changes in the brain and many patients with RBD go Persistent motor symptoms that occur during sleep
on to develop PD or dementia.21 It is, therefore, include PLMS and RLS. RLS tends to occur at the be-
thought that RBD often reects an underlying common ginning of sleep or as one is trying to fall asleep and
pathology (synucleinopathies) across neurological presents as a disagreeable restless feeling that is often
illness.22 only relieved by moving ones legs. PLMS are rhythmic
There are few data on treating RBD in patients with moving or jerking of the limbs during sleep. Both of
PD. In one widely cited study using clonazepam, a these disorders may interfere with the quantity and
long acting benzodiazepine, Schenck and Mahowald23 quality of sleep. RLS and PLMS are common in
reported that 90% of the 57 treated patients improved patients with PD, occurring in up to 15% of patients,
on moderate doses. Another small case series describes and can lead to disrupted sleep and EDS.26
melatonin as useful.24 Because of the study by Schenck If tolerated, an increase in dopaminergic treatment at
et al., and clinical experience, clonazepam is currently night is helpful with RLS and PMLS, as they decrease
the standard treatment for RBD in patients with PD. periodic limb movements during sleep and signicantly
One does, however, need to remember the caution con- improve early-morning motor function.27 Ropinirole
cerning benzodiazepines, sedation and confusion. and pramipexole have recently been approved for use
in the United States for RLS. Other treatments that
have received some support include benzodiazepines
SDB (apnea) may occur from a decit in breathing
drive in the brain (central sleep apnea) or a problem
with the passage of air through the breathing passages VIVID DREAMING
(obstructive sleep apneaOSA). As breathing becomes An increase in dreaming is common in PD, with
more difcult or ceases a decrease in blood oxygen studies suggesting that about 30% of patients develop
level results, which in turn results in sufcient awaken- vivid dreams on dopaminergic therapies.29 Because
ing to restore breathing. As the patient remains in light vivid dreams are often a prodrome of daytime halluci-
sleep, they may be unaware of these awakenings, nations,30 one should query patients about this phe-
which may occur hundreds of times a night. Conse- nomenon. Many patients do not nd vivid dreaming to
quently, the patient experiences little deep restorative be a signicant problem and may not want to expend
sleep at night and extreme daytime sleepiness. Because effort in treatment. As the problem is generally related
the patient may be unaware of the problem, one needs to dopaminergic therapy, the rst approach may be to
to query a bed partner who will be aware of loud snor- reduce the nighttime dopaminergic dose. If this is nei-
ing, gasping, and periods of no breathing. ther tolerated nor helpful, the addition of the atypical
Apnea has been found in as many as 50% of antipsychotic quetiapine can be considered.
patients with PD.25 Snoring and apneic episodes also
may be up to three times more common in PD (12%)
than in the general population.7 EDS AND FATIGUE
The treatment of sleep apnea involves, rst, the Tiredness during the day is one of the more common
identication of the problem through clinical vigilance, difculties experienced by people with PD. EDS (the
and then conrmation with a polysomnogram. tendency to fall asleep during the day) should be dif-
Although some may be resistant to the idea of staying ferentiated from fatigue (difculty in initiating and sus-
overnight in a sleep center hooked to a variety of sen- taining mental and physical tasks). Although it can be
sors, patients should be reassured that most people nd difcult to clinically distinguish fatigue and tiredness,

Movement Disorders, Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 2010


the distinction is possible with Multiple Sleep Latency dopamine replacement therapies. Given the potential
Test (MSLT) done in a sleep lab. Estimates of the for harm, an inquiry into the presence of sleep attacks
occurrence of EDS range from 15 to 50%31 and fatigue should be a routine in all patients with PD.
is found in up to 59% of patients.32 The presence of Treatment of sleep attacks involves a number of
both EDS and fatigue are signicantly correlated with approaches. The rst is to identify the problem by sys-
more severe disease, more disability, cognitive decline, tematic patient inquiry and then to educate the patients
and depression.33 about the risks associated with the sleep attacks and to
There are a variety of possible explanations for the identify behavior changes that may need to be made
high rates of both EDS and fatigue in PD. Included in (i.e., eliminating driving). One should also consider
these possibilities are insomnia, the effects of aging, reducing or eliminating the direct dopamine agonists if
sedating effects of medications, an effect of the central sleep attacks are occurring with little warning or are
illness on sleep and wake centers in the brain, intrinsic signicantly affecting functioning. As sleep attacks
sleep disorders such as apnea, and the presence of generally occur in the context of EDS, one should also
comorbid illness such as depression. The main causes address this problem.
of EDS and fatigue that should be considered in treat-
ment planning are insufcient or unsatisfactory sleep,
comorbid medical and psychiatric disorders, and the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPRESSION AND
effects of drug therapy. Therefore, the rst approach is SLEEP IN PARKINSONS DISEASE
to evaluate the patients sleep. A review of medical Depression is one of the two most common causes
and psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxi- of insomnia36 and depression is very common in PD.37
ety should also be a priority. Because many other non- The relationship between depression, sleep, and fatigue
PD medications that patients take may also induce is complex and not well understood. Insomnia may be
EDS and fatigue, it is necessary to review the entire a direct result of depression or may be secondary to
medication list. Special attention should be directed to the drugs used to treat the depression. Depression can
the direct dopamine agonists as discussed later. cause fatigue though fatigue can result from directly
Treatment may also include a variety of environ- form insomnia and fatigue or EDS can result from the
mental and behavioral approaches that, while not stud- drugs used to treat the depression.
ied in PD, have been found to be helpful in other pop- Although the effects of depression on sleep in
ulations. Regular mild exercise is a mainstay of the patients with PD have not been carefully studied, sur-
treatment of fatigue and should usually be recom- veys have conrmed what is clinically apparent;
mended. A stimulating daytime environment and expo- patients with PD and depression have more difculty
sure to intense light in early morning may be of use. with sleep.38 It is, therefore, prudent to assume that
Stimulant medications should be considered in refrac- depression will adversely affect sleep and that treat-
tory situations. Small controlled trials of modanil ment for depression must be optimized.
have found a modest effect on EDS in PD patients.34
Other stimulants, such as methylphenidate, may
improve EDS and fatigue, though there are no con- THE ETIOLOGY OF SLEEP DISORDERS IN
trolled studies addressing this issue. PARKINSONS DISEASE
The interactions between PD and sleep are compli-
cated. First, many of the degenerative changes that are
SLEEP ATTACKS occurring in the brain may directly affect sleep/wake
Sleep attacks are abrupt and unavoidable transitions mechanisms and lead to sleep disruption.39 In particu-
from wakefulness to sleep. These attacks are of par- lar, brain neurotransmitters that mediate sleep functions
ticular concern as the patient may have little warning (norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine and GABA) are
that they are about to fall asleep. Obviously, if these variably damaged in PD.40 Furthermore, neurotrans-
attacks occur during potentially dangerous activities, mitters involved in REM sleep (acetylcholine, sero-
such as driving or walking down stairs, harm may tonin and norepinephrine) are also variably disrupted
result. in PD. Motor difculties, such as inability to move in
The prevalence of sleep attacks in patients with PD bed, dystonic movements, and pain from leg cramps
varies across studies, from 0 to 30%.35 Although the may all interfere with sleep maintenance. Although do-
issue has been debated, sleep attacks are probably a paminergic replacement therapy may improve sleep in
class effect of all dopamine agonists and probably all patients experiencing night time motor dysfunction, it

Movement Disorders, Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 2010


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Movement Disorders, Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 2010

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