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PHY105: Assignment 1

Instructor: Tobias Toll

July 26
Submit programs files (soft copies) by Friday July 28,
via email to, and
Create programs using Python 3.x using any editor e.g. Spyder.
Name your files thus: (your-name)_assignment(number)_prob(number).py.
Example: Sushmita will save her assignment 1, problem 2, as

Submit the assignments over email to Dwaipaian: and

1. As we have seen in class, a list is a mutable object, meaning that we can change its elements and
even the number of elements in the list. A tuple is similar to a list, but it is immutable, meaning that
once it has been defined it cannot be changed. A tuple is defined with round brackets () instead of the
square brackets [] of the list. Can you think of a reason for why we want objects to be immutable?
Write a program which uses a 'tuple' to create a data base of your name, date of birth, and place of
birth, and then prints them one by one. (Feel free to make things up.)
2. Write a program which determines whether a string is shorter, longer or precisely 10 characters using
if statements. Let the program ask for user input for the string.
3. In the list [-1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0] add 0.0 to the beginning and -2.0 to the end. Find the
index (i.e. its number in the list) of -0.5, reverse the list and remove all numbers which are less than
one. Hint: do dir(list) to find out about the functions available to list. The function comes after your
list: your_list.function(arguments). Also, have a look at this page:

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