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2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010)

Review of Tumor Hyperthermia Technique

in Biomedical Engineering Frontier
Guojun Ma1,2, Guotai Jiang1
1 School of Life Sciences and Technology 2 School of Electronics and Information
Tongji University Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Shanghai, China Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China

AbstractDevelopment of biomedical engineering technology has will increase treatment effect. It will kill tumor cell and do little
great relation to human health, and tumor as a harmful disease is damage for normal one to realize tumor treatment.
taking huge threaten to human health. Methods of tumor
treatment have three kinds such as surgical operation, II. MECHANISM OF TUMOR HYPERTHERMIA AND
radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but all these methods take great BIOLOGICAL TISSUE HEAT TRANSFER
pain for patient during cure process. Microwave ablation,
First, Compared with normal tissue, tumor tissue has rich
radiofrequency ablation and high intensive focused ultrasound
(HIFU) are new technologies of treating tumor hyperthermia. blood vessel and abnormally grown, which has confusional
In this paper, mechanism of tumor hyperthermia was introduced; structure and pressed blood capillary, so it produces blood
advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of hyperthermia sinusoid and the defective nerve sensory of neonatal tumor
methods, and measurement and control of inner temperature blood has little sensibility of temperature [4]. When heated,
field during hyperthermia process were discussed. It shows that normal tissue besides tumor has good blood circulation,
new hope will be taken to tumor patients if technologies and dilation of blood vessel speeds up blood flow and fastens heat
methods of hyperthermia are fully used. dissipation, which leads to low temperature rise. But tumor
tissue blood flows slowly with fluid drag and has difficulty in
Key words-tumor hyperthermia, microwave ablation, radio heat dissipation to form a heat reservoir. There is 5~10 in
frequency ablation, high intensive focused ultrasound (HIFU), tumor inner tissue than its around. At the same time, there is
infrared thermography 1~1.5 higher in tumor center.
I. INTRODUCTION The maximum and safety temperature value of normal tissue
Recently, malignant tumor is an acute disease for human cell is 45, some area of tissue may endure 42-43 for a long
health and the incidence of disease rises greatly [1] .Now, level time. But when high thermal energy participates in duplicate,
of diagnosis technique in malignant tumor is improving, but transcription, repair of cancer cell will affect metabolize
methods of treatment are surgical operation, radiotherapy and directly for tumor tissue and limit diffusion to induce tumor
chemotherapy and all these methodologies have limitation in cell death. Otherwise, high temperature will damage normal
clinical practice. With the fast development of science and tissue around tumor tissue. So there are too many problems will
technology, a completely new green treatment, hyperthermia, be studied in tumor hyperthermia.
is arousing peoples wide concern and bringing good prospect
Biology tissue heat transfer Pennes equation [5] is used to
for the future of tumor treatment.
compute inner temperature field distribution of biology tissue
Heating method is used during hyperthermia in treatment of in certain conditions. If environment temperature is const and
tumor, which compared with other new methods such as gene biology tissue in stable state, biology tissue heat transfer
therapy, immunization therapy and biotherapy has the support Pennes equation may describe certain temperature increase of
of basic research and plentiful clinical practice [2, 3]. At the inner tissue when it absorbs heat. Pennes equation is as follows,
same time, it is efficient in treatment effects. Clinical research
shows that full ablation rate will double for some tumor T
treatment if hyperthermia is correctly used. It has no toxic and
c t = K 2T b cb (T Tb ) + Qm + Qv 1

side-effect and good late results. Reports of successful clinical
research showed that this method of hyperthermia maybe have Where, ct K is density, specific heat caption and
much more potential development in tumor treatment. thermal conductivity of biology tissue respectively, is heat
Tumor hyperthermia is an effective and micro port method time, b is blood flow rate in heated area, cb is specific heat
for tumor treatment and it has the advantage of simple caption of blood, Tb is blood temperature, Qm is metabolic heat
operation, low cost and high safety, so it is an important production rate of biology tissue, Qv is heat generation rate of
treatment. Tumor hyperthermia applies physical methods to extra heat supply.
create temperature field in tumor area and coagulation necrosis Boundary conditions and initial conditions are needed to
in high temperature to reach the aim of treatment. During resolve Pennes equation. But it is too complexity for tumor and
recent research, tumor hyperthermia and traditional treatment usually simple model is used.
such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy in combined treatment

978-1-4244-6498-2/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE 1357

III. METHODS OF TUMOR HYPERTHERMIA total energy. Improved inner cool electrode with several poles
Until now, tumor hyperthermia methods are microwave, will make coagulate diameter than 5cm and can be used in
radio, ultrasonic, electromagnetic field heating, etc. The superficial and deep tumor.
mechanism for tumor treatment of them applies C. High intensive focused ultrasound
electromagnetic wave interactive with tissue of human body to
High Intensive Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) applies the
produce heat. For example, microwave directly radiates
converged and penetrates physical ability of ultrasonic beam to
electromagnetic wave, and cancer tissues temperature will
focus low energy out of body into target region [10]. It produces
increase quickly than normal tissue nearby for its poor blood
transient high temperature to coagulate tumor and have no
circulation. Cancer tissue cell will die because of high
damage for normal tissue to make tumor tissue die and cure the
temperature if it keeps this state for a long time. High
microwave frequency will bring high temperature under the
same conditions, but it needs to decrease microwave frequency HIFU is a technique of noninvasive for tumor treatment, and
when microwave pass through certain depth. A perfect method of tumor treatment is not heat diffusion but appropriate
microwave frequency may be 2450MHz, 915 MHz or out of body, real time control and energy and temperature
434MHz. distribution is regular in target area. It can reflect effects of
treatment in time and can cure tumor of all kinds of shape and
The frequency of radio frequency hyperthermia is lower than size.
microwave; it is 13.56MHz or 27.12MHz. According to
difference of radio frequency amplifier output device, HIFU is suitable for treatment superficial and inner deep
radio-frequency heating is divided into two kinds, that is, tumor. There are several advantages to kill tumor with HIFU,
electric field heating -capacitive heating and magnetic field (1) high intensity with short radiation time. Tumor cell will be
induction-magnetic heating. killed in short time when its temperature gets 60, (2) high
Ultrasound in medicine refers to electromagnetic wave accurate. General speaking, HIFU can focus on small area and
which frequent is than 20 KHz. Its energy is easy to concentrate high temperate, where tissue temperature out of
concentrate and may transfer to one direction. Tissue cell will focused area is safe, (3) there is no heat diffusion effects by
vibrate when ultrasound wave propagate in tissue while it great vessels when heating tumor tissue. So HIFU may be
converting mechanical energy to heat energy of tissue. successfully used to treat or die tumor with all kinds of size and
Several ultrasound wave radiators may be used to focus
energy into deep parts or wide area of disease to heat. So, it is IV. PROBLEMS IN HYPERTHERMIA AND ITS SOLUTION
an effective heating method for cancer tissue in deep part of A. problems in microwave ablation and HIFU
human body.
Human inner organs and tissues are affected by
A. microwave ablation electromagnetic influence during microwave ablation including
Microwave ablation [6] technique usually used in tumor electromagnetic wave reflection and absorption[11]. When
hyperthermia and it has many advantages [7]. The mechanism of electromagnetic wave gets inner deep part, it becomes weak
microwave coagulate tissue is that molecule friction produce and cannot heat tumor effectively. At the same, all parts of
heat by micro electronic field, and induce part tissue coagulate human body is inhomogeneous medium and its physical
with high temperature. It is mainly used in superficial tumor. characteristics such as heat conductivity, electric conductivity
When needle type unipole antenna is manufactured, it focuses and dielectric constant are not the same. It is difficult for them
microwave energy at the needle end while there is no to get uniform temperature at region with certain depth and
microwave leakage at needle body. Microwave heat ablation is size. Further more, it is easy to become tissue cool pot at the
used in puncture beneath the skin by image supervisory control edge of tumor tissue for its fast blood circulation and heat
of CT or type B ultrasound etc, and it does little damage for transmission.
normal tissue to treat deep tumor. There are some drawbacks in HIFU for hyperthermia. Big
B. Radio frequency ablation size of tumor needs scanning treatment for its small focused
area, and it needs high acute position and tracking techniques.
Radio frequency ablation [8, 9] may be used to heat deep
Human body structure, tumor position and complexity of shape
tumor but it needs water to cool part body and fat beneath skin
bring difficulty for accurate treatment. Research results show
tend to pain for high temperature. Radio frequency ablation
that HIFU will damage normal tissue if it is not correctly used.
puts needle into tumor tissue through skin and radio frequency
These problems indicate that imaging and positional technical
wave excited ion vibration to produce high temperature to
will act as important part. Much more study will be done before
coagulate tissue and make them die.
treatment for tissue structure. Electronic highly accurate
Old single electrode such as simple root radio frequency focused position system, 3D image reconstruction and
needle with maximum power of 50W, coagulate diameter is treatment planning will guarantee safety in hyperthermia.
smaller than 1.6cm, because radio frequency output total
B. problems of temperature measurement and control in
energy decreases fast when distance increases while the
accumulated heat will increase around electrode. But the hyperthermia
accumulated heat beyonds area of electrode is too small to get To realize high effective application of tumor hyperthermia,
the temperature of killing cancer cell, which has not enough the problems of temperature measurement [12] and control are as

follows, (1) heat diffusion must be in the target area, that is detection method. A lot of work has been done by many
tumor area, produce temperature high enough, and the health researchers in engineering and medicine.
part is in the safe temperature; (2) there are smallest invasion of
tissue by needle; (3) temperature measurement and control is V. CONCLUSION
easy to be done in target tissue area. Frontiers problems of tumor hyperthermia theory, methods,
In clinic hyperthermia, thermocouple is punctured into tissue technology were discussed in biomedical engineering.
to measure temperature of tumor inner part of human body. It is Problems during tumor hyperthermia, methods to be done, its
invasive and will bring pain to patient and transfer cancer cell. solution research hot spot and direction were widely discussed.
This kind of measurement is not accurate enough. Noninvasive With the development of science and technology, the problems
measurement of temperature in hyperthermia is being paid in tumor hyperthermia will be released and resolved. New
more and more attention. methods, techniques and means will be applied to tumor
hyperthermia to improve human health.
There are several kinds of noninvasive temperature
measurement, such as ultrasound temperature measurement in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
hyperthermia. The main noninvasive methods to measure tissue This paper is supported by National Natural Science
parameters as temperature changes, nuclear magnetic Foundation of China (50977064).
resonance (NMR) and electrical impedance tomography (EIT),
etc. Noninvasive ultrasound temperature measurement is paid
more attention for it does little damage for human and has the
advantage of electromagnetic immunity.
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