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StartUp India Learning Program

Business Tracker

Business Tracker
1. What pain points or problems are you trying to solve with your venture

niketan enterprises:- there are no disaster proof homes in india. niketans

real estate:- real estate transactions are complex, risky and find right
homes is tideous process. vegsage: there huge price gap between
vegetable growers in india & what we pay in the market.

2. What experience or observation led you to this idea? Did you face the
experience personally?

niketan enterprises: the frequency of natural disaster has increased across

globe. there is a high need for safe homes or disaster proof homes.
niketans real estate: people are cheated in many real estate transactions
by developers & agents. there is need for man-to- man interface to build
trust,infrastructure and operations for legal due diligence. vegsage:
framers suicide; farmers throwing away their produce on roads as not
getting minimum price for their produce crop and in the market prices are
high - is disheartening. during 2016 summers i failed to get fresh leafy
vegetables in the market across pune.

3. Write down your idea to address these problems in the most concise yet
effective way. E.g. redBus = Provides information about bus ticket
options and allows seamless booking of tickets on its platform.

niketan enterprises: build independent cities which will have self sufficient
in-house systems for all the resources. build homes which are disaster
proof. niketans real estate: provide property consultancy services where
legality and due diligence obligation will be fulfilled by niketans. vegsage:
will be a integrated web portal and app which will enable indian framers to
sell their fresh crop to consumers all over country. it will be also facilitate
consumers to buy online from any framer breaking geographical barriers.
this technology will be strongly backed by real time crop monitoring, cold
storage, logistics & customer support.

4. List down the assumptions that you are making about the problems,
target group facing these problems, and your solutions. (Example: In case
of redbus, one of the assumptions was that bus operators would accept
and adapt to online bus ticketing)

Business Tracker
niketan enterprises: everyone wants safe and secure life. and the people
will prefer disaster proof homes over regular onces. it has a high-end niche
market as well as mid-segment scope. niketans real estate: people would
prefers our services as we are backed up by back office legal advisers,
valuations advisers. property consultants having indept local market
knowledge. vegsage: farmers will use our app as they get surety of price
and sale of the produce. customers will use our app as they get fresh
vegetable delivered at door steps on daily basis. they need not go to the

Target Segment

5. Who are the potential customers who face the problem that you are
trying to solve? (The problem you stated in the last segment)

niketan enterpises: people living near sea, high earthquake prone areas,
river banks. niketans real estate: mid and lower segment real estate
buyers, first time home buyers. vegsage: farmers and urban customers.

6. You learnt about the importance of staying focused and choosing a niche
target segment. Is there a target segment where you can offer the
customer clear and compelling benefits at a price they are willing to pay?
Write point-wise definition of your Target Segments, and value
propositions for each of them.

niketan enterprises: 1. target segment would be high-end, rich, affluent

class who are more concerned about safety and security of their own and
their family lives. 2. my offering would be redeveloping their homes with
disaster proof. 3. panic and survival rooms. niketans real estate:

Business Tracker
segment would be lower and mid segment, who are unaware of real estate
laws, procedure and transactions. 2. we offer guarantee of legally verified
property deals. vegsage: 1. target customers: working couples, single
working executives who want fresh vegetables to be delivered on daily
basis. 2. my offering fresh vegetable and groceries with invariable pricing.

Competition & Industry Analysis

7. Is anyone else trying to solve the same problem? If yes, then list down
these companies that are trying to solve the same problem or part of

Business Tracker
niketan enterprises: no niketans real estate: jll, cushman wakefirld which
are expensive and local property brokering firms who are unorganised
vegsage: no

8. List down the differences in your offerings (as compared to existing

offerings in the market) for your potential customers?

i don't know yet. need to check.

9. What is the threat of new businesses starting in your industry? How easy
is it to start up in your sector?

niketan enterprises: difficult niketans real estate: easy vegsage: difficult

10. How much power do your potential buyers have? Is cost of switching to
competitors for them high/low?

niketan enterpises: power is low. cost: high niketan enterprises: power is

high. cost: low vegsage: power is low. cost is: high

11. How much power do your suppliers have and what potential do they
have to raise prices?

niketan enterprises: prices are industry driven. niketans real estate:

depends on service provider and location. vegsage: framers have higher
potential to raise the prices.

12. How easy is it for your consumers to find a substitute to your product?

niketan enterprises: difficult niketans real estate: easy vegsage: difficult

13. What is the level of competition in your industry? Would it affect your

need to do research on this.

14. How do you plan to gain competitive advantage over your competitors?

Business Tracker
niketan enterprises: by providing disaster proof homes with independent
survival systems. niketans real estate: each local office will have 5
property consultants, 1 lawyer for legal, 1 sales admin for documentation
vegsage: cold storage, quick delivery services.

Business Tracker
Market Sizing

15. Which market does your idea cater to? (Example: Baskin Robbins catering
to premium market of ice cream lover)

niketan enterprises caters to affluent premium market for self security

conscious people. niketans real estate caters to mid-segment market who
want to buy hassle free property with assurance of security of transaction.
vegsage caters to premium market who wants fresh food delivered to their

16. How large is this segment, and how fast is it growing? Try and mention
data (with source) that supports your claim.

niketan enterpises: this segment is a niche market segment, but has huge
upside in coming years. niketans real estate:
this segment is huge.
india/infographic vegsage: i need to do research.

17. Is it likely that your entry into this segment will provide you the platform
to enter other segments that you may wish to target in the future? If yes,
then describe these potential segments.

niketan enterprises: entry into this segment will create a platform for mid

Business Tracker
Legal Aspect

18. Having gone through this segment, which business structure are you
looking to go for? List reasons.

private limited - because you can bring in more shareholders. there is

limited liability. company can get easily funded through banks, vcs, angel
investors. scaling up business becomes easily in the later life of the

19. Which of the factors will drive you in choosing your base location? Which
location would you choose and why?

niketans real estate: pune, as the real estate market is growing in fringe
areas of pune. vegsage: pune, as there is logistics would be easier from
farm to customer delivery.

20. Which industry specific permits would you need to operate business in
your industry? (For example, if you are involved in manufacturing of food
products, then you will require a FSSAI license to continue operations).

shop act, vat & service tax, pf & esic, professional tax.

21. For your venture, when you develop a new brand or logo, which IP
registration would you apply for and why?

trademark: because the brand name or word mark can be protected under
tm registrations. also the picture of the logo can be copyrighted under

Business Tracker
22. For your own entity, what would be the 5 steps you would take to
execute your business idea from a legal perspective? For example,
company formation, registering IPRs etc.

i would register a private limited company. get cin. register my company's

logo under trademarks and design marrks. get compliance registrations like
pf , esic, pt, pan tan, service tax & vat. get all company agreements in place
with employees, vendors, customers, terms of use on website. i would
register a founders agreement . i would get into non-disclosure agreement
with people involved with my business about company's trade secrets, idea

Financial Plan & Strategy

23. What are the various Assets and Liabilities with regards to your own
business venture?

assets: land and construction machinery, ips, office. liabilities: loans,


24. What are the financial KPIs that you track for your business venture
currently? Are you adding any KPIs to the list basis your learning? Give
reasons for each financial KPI that you currently use or want to use.

booking v/s revenue, gmv v/s revenue, revenue run rate, gross profit, life-
time value, customer acquisition cost, monthly burn, average revenue per
user, conversion rate, cohort analysis

25. List and explain the factors you think will impact the level of working
capital for your own business venture?

Business Tracker
purchasing of raw materials for construction. salaries of employees. annual
taxes. day to day miscellaneous expenses. insurance premiums.

26. Describe the operating cycle for your own business venture.

niketan enterprises: the operating cycle would depend on the project. it

would be from 1 year to 5 years. niketans real estate: the operating cycle
would be from 1 week to 4 months. vegsage: the operating cycle would be
6 days.

27. What is your strategy for managing your business's short-term fund

get 90 days credit limit from suppliers and other vendors. accept advance
payments from customers.

28. Describe some of the key terms (if any) you discussed and agreed upon
with the vendors of your business?

liability to pay. terms of payment, period of payment, termination of

contract. expenses etc

29. List down the various operating (OPEX) and capital (CAPEX) expenditures
you made during the starting phase of your business venture?

capex- company formation fees, trademarks, computer and printer, office

furniture. opex- salaries, rent, electricity bill, pf & esic premium,
professional tax.

30. Which are the sources that you have looked after or would be looking
into for raising funds for your business venture? And why?

*No response*

31. If applicable, describe the performance of your business venture based

on the following parameter:

Business Tracker
*No response*

32. What are the major cost elements for your business venture? Classify
them into Fixed, Variable and Semi-Variable.

*No response*

Business Plan
33. List here the participants in your startup's ecosystem, who will need the
Business Plan for themselves to perform their role better.

*No response*

34. What would be the elements and sub-elements of the Business Plan for
your venture? Add a one liner explanation under each sub-element.

Business Tracker
*No response*

35. What is your overall marketing strategy? What steps or activities will you
undertake to achieve your goals/objectives?

*No response*

36. Where do your products/services fit into the market? Are they high-end,
competitive or budget? How does this compare to your competitors?

*No response*

37. If relevant to your business venture, what type of storage facility and
distribution network will you have in place?

*No response*

38. Among the business stages discussed here, where does your startup
stand? Based on this, if applicable, what is the next funding stage that
you would enter?


Business Tracker

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