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Market share 10%

No of orders per month 625
Growth rate 0%

Units Year 0 Year 1

Traffic Details
No. of People shopping online per month ## 2,500,000
No. of People shopping jewellery online % 5%
Market share of online jewellery for the Company % 10%
Jewellery Unique Visitors per month ## 12,500
Jewellery Growth in Traffic % %
Conversion Rate % 5%

Online Jewellery Store

Orders (Monthly) ## 625
Annual Customer acquired ## 7,500
Orders /Day ## 21
Average Order Value (Net of RTO & Returns) INR 4000
Growth in Average Order Value %
Growth in Orders %

Gross Revenue INR Million 30.00
Less: Discounts INR Million 0.60
Less: Returns & RTO INR Million 0.60
Returns & RTO as % of Gross Revenue % 2%
Revenue (Net of RTO & Returns) INR Million 28.80
Net Revenue (Net of RTO, Returns & VAT) INR Million 28.51

COGS INR Million 23

Cost for goldsmith labour charges 500/ Order 3.75
Cost of raw material 50% 15.00
Cost of designer 500/Order 3.75

Product Gross Margin INR Million 6.01

Product Gross Margin % 21%

Shipping, Packaging, Gateway, COD

COD Orders (Postpaid) % 60%
Non COD Orders (Prepaid) % 40%
Shipping & Packaging Cost includes shipping cost of returns.
Shipping + Packaging (per order) INR 100
Shipping + Packaging Total INR Million 0.75
COD Total (Charges higher of Rs.50/2%) INR Million 0.36
Payment Costs - Prepaid @ 1.7% INR Million 0.20
Total Logistics Cost INR Million 1.31
Total Cost per Order INR 175
Cost per order % of sales % 4.61%

Digital Marketing
Cost per Lead acquired INR 20
% of Leads from Organic Traffic %
% of Leads from Digital Marketing % 100%
# of Leads ## 12,500
Total Digital Spend INR Million 3.00

Offline Marketing

% of Leads from Offline Marketing ## 0%

Print INR Million
Radio INR Million
Television INR Million
Total Offline Marketing Costs -

Total Marketing Spend INR Million 3.00

Cost of Customer Acquisition INR 400

Summary Metrics
Item Units Year 0 Year 1
Net Revenue (Net of RTO, Returns & VAT) INR Million 28.51
Product Gross Margin INR Million 6.01
Total Cost INR Million 1.31
Gross Margin INR Million 4.70
Total Marketing Spends INR Million 3.00
Contribution Margin INR Million - 1.70

Manpower Cost
Avg No of Head Counts ## 5 25
Founders 1 1
Marketing 2
Sales & customer support 10
Technology 3 10
Finance & Support 1 2
Avg Salary INR Million 2 1.5
Total Employe Cost INR Million 10.00 37.50
Total Warehouse Rent INR Million 1.2 1.2
Total Warehouse Expenses INR Million 1.2 1.20

Total General & Administrative Expenses INR Million 1.5 1.50

Total Indirect Expense INR Million 13.90 41.40

EBIDTA INR Million -13.90 -39.70

Interest INR Million

Depreciation INR Million 10.00

PBT INR Million -13.90 -49.70

Tax INR Million - -

PAT INR Million -13.90 -49.70

Cash Flow

PAT INR Million -13.90 -39.70

Add: Non cash items

Depreciation INR Million 10.00

Less: Working Capital Required INR Million 20.00 30.00

Less: Capital Expenditure Required INR Million 20.00 20.00

Net Cash Outflow INR Million -53.90 -79.70

20% 30% 30% 30%
2,275 6,338 8,239 10,710
264% 179% 30% 30%
-26 69 123 209

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

3,250,000 4,225,000 5,492,500 7,140,250

7% 10% 10% 10%
20% 30% 30% 30%
45,500 126,750 164,775 214,208
264% 179% 30% 30%
5% 5% 5% 5%

2,275 6,338 8,239 10,710

27,300 76,050 98,865 128,525
76 211 275 357
6000 7500 8250 9000
50% 25% 10% 9%
264% 179% 30% 30%

163.80 570.38 815.64 1,156.72

3.28 11.41 16.31 23.13
3.28 11.41 16.31 23.13
2% 2% 2% 2%
157.25 547.56 783.01 1,110.45
155.69 542.14 775.26 1,099.46

109 361 507 707

13.65 38.03 49.43 64.26
81.90 285.19 407.82 578.36
13.65 38.03 49.43 64.26

46.49 180.90 268.58 392.57

30% 33% 35% 36%

55% 50% 50% 50%

45% 50% 50% 50%

90 80 80 80
2.46 6.08 7.91 10.28
1.80 5.70 8.16 11.57
1.25 4.85 6.93 9.83
5.51 16.64 23.00 31.68
202 219 233 247
3.54% 3.07% 2.97% 2.88%

20 15 10 10
5% 10% 15% 25%
80% 70% 50% 40%
45,500 126,750 164,775 214,208
10.92 22.82 19.77 25.70

15% 20% 35% 35%

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
- 10.00 20.00 25.00
2.00 12.00 22.00 27.00

12.92 34.82 41.77 52.70

473 458 423 410

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

155.69 542.14 775.26 1,099.46
46.49 180.90 268.58 392.57
5.51 16.64 23.00 31.68
40.98 164.27 245.58 360.89
12.92 34.82 41.77 52.70
28.06 129.45 203.80 308.19

49 57 72 82
1 1 1 1
5 7 8 10
20 25 35 40
20 20 23 25
3 4 5 6
1 0.8 0.8 0.8
49.00 45.60 57.60 65.60
1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20

2.81 12.95 20.38 30.82

54.21 60.95 80.38 98.82

-26.15 68.51 123.42 209.37

20.00 25.00 30.00 50.00

-46.15 43.51 93.42 159.37

15.23 32.70 55.78

-46.15 28.28 60.73 103.59

-26.15 68.51 123.42 209.37

20.00 25.00 30.00 50.00

40.00 50.00 80.00 80.00

50.00 70.00 50.00 50.00

-96.15 -26.49 23.42 129.37

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