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CLA1 :This assignment focuses on the individual behavior and processes that

effect innovation in an organization.

According to IDEO:

According to wikipedia:

INTRODUCTION: IDEO is a international outstanding design company.The

company commenced its operations in 1991.The motive of the company is to
create a change in the design of any product to improve the innonvation in the
existing product through their design techniques.The team members of this
organisation works on the complicated challenges and after doing
research,they provides the quick solution to fix them.The company is using the
creative ideas from all the ranks as they are part of multidiscplinary teams.

The IDEO organisation consists of more than 700 empyloyees.The company is

engaging in different fields like health sector,media sector,environment
sector,service design sector,experience design sector,toys and games and in
financial services sector.

Tim Brown is the CEO of this company.The vision of the company is to creates
the innovation to improve the performance of the earlier products.The
company focuses on the needs of the current people and meeting their
demands collaboratively by implementing their skills and creative ideas in to
it.The company is going to design those products and services which would help
the poor people at a large scale.

According to Petri Morgan(2013):

IDEO is the reputed organisation,which is known for their excellent innovative

products.The IDEO innovative and creative process are concentrating on the
two factors which are as follow: 1. Brainstorming

2. Prototyping

The IDEO company is using the differentiation strategy in order to produce their
products better than the competitors.The company strongly focussing on
innovation through conducting continuous experiments.The IDEO working
environment is very friendly,all teams members are empowered enough to stay
focus on innovation,they share their ideas in order to impart the information for
building a valuable product.The team members always increase the possibilities
in order to attain the best quality in their products.The culture of the IDEO is very
inspiring,all of them encourage and cooperate with each other and respect
each other decisions.

According to Gourvennec Yann(2007):


To help the customers regarding to choose the products at a particular

location for carrying the products in a basket in a easier way.
To help the customers to pay their bills due to the attachment of barcode
scanner along with trolley so as to avoid to stand in a long line for paying
the bills before checkout process.
To help the customers regarding the protection of childrens in case of
accidents with using of shopping cart.
To help the malls owner so as to minimise the risk of the missing of the
shopping trolleys.
To helps the customers by providing unique design of shopping trolley
which was very convenient to use at that time.
To help the customers to use the shopping cart for multiple purposes.

According to Roth Yannig(2011):


IDEO Shopping Cart was successful during 1998.It fulfils the needs of the
shopping stores.The Ideo shopping trolley was design to provides the
safety to the kids in caseof any mishappenings,provides new design and
innovation in the older trolley,facilitates easy carrying and look out for
fullness of trolley system.
IDEO Shopping Cart was not get that much popularity due to the few
limitations although it was convenient.The trolley provides protection to
the goods it carries,improves safety,enhances the flexibilty of the shoppers
and icreases the awareness of the trolley among the shoppers about thid
IDEO Shopping Cart was allowed the customers to collect any items in the
stores.It consists of baby chair,standard shopping baskets and barcode
scanner.It enables the customers to pay their bills while check out to
avoid standing them in a long que.
IDEO Shopping Cart consists of the plastic baskets along with the support
of handles,which were in appropriate size and shape.The baskets were
allowed to carry the bulky items.This trolley was developed to prevent
thefts and made shopping in a easier way.

According to Amabile Teresa,Fisher M.Colin & Pillemer Juliana(2014):

Summary of the attributes in IDEO organization that encourage and enhances

innovation in an organization:

IDEO encourage and enhances the innovation in the organisation

through various modes.The IDEO organisation consists of team leaders
that encourages the rest of the members to create something new
inventions.They help them by converting their idea in to implementation
by using their analytical skills.
IDEO organisation maintains the best culture by offereing their support to
their peers in order to carry out the tasks.It motivates the helping
behaviour with in the team mates.
IDEO organisation focus on mutual helping and distribution of the work
loads in order to handle complex projects.
IDEO organisation comprises of all knowledgeable members who are very
talented,passionated and determined about their work as they belongs to
different discipline areas.
IDEO organisation respects the ideas of others team members,boost the
confidence of others team members by maintaining the friendly
environment in order to create the new ideas which helps in strengthing
the repuation of IDEO.
IDEO organisation helps each of its team members in order to work on
new projects as everyone in the team needs some kind of assistance to
carry out the work.Hence,they creates the helping network in the
IDEO organisation is responsible for creating new product design of goods
and services by focussing on the prototyping and modelling process.It
can be achieved via problem solving technique.
IDEO organisation conducted session on brainstorming and thought
sharing session so that team members would able to generate new ideas
which would fulfils the needs and demands of the customers.
IDEO organisation facilitates the collaborative help to each other in order
to improve the quality of new ideas.The team members in this
organisations are committed to their goals and objectives.Hence,they put
their efforts in order to get better results.
IDEO organisation offers the unrestricted behaviour where all are given
freedom to thin & share the ideas without any feeling of
overjudgement.Hence,friendly environment helps in the creation of the
innovative ideas which enhance the quality of ideas in to proper
implementation of new design of products.
IDEO organisation offers the attractive work environment to their
employees in order to boost up their creative ideas.It offers expert
assistance whoever required.
CONCLUSION: IDEO is the best leading organisation in the world in terms of
designing the products and services.It provides a culture for creating new ideas
which will further improves the lives of the people.It created a positive impact
on the lives of all the people through the development new products and
services by replacing the older products.IDEO is able to develop new products
and services through the help of its team members who generates the ideas first
and then experts commercialised the products in to the market as the product
undergo various treatments and processes.It can be done so with the efforts of
all the people in the organisation who contributes everything in their tasks to
solve the compex problems in order to bring something new through their
support to team members,through their cooperation to team members,by
encouraging team members to accomplish the desired tasks and objectives in
order to enhance the innovative ideas generated by them.


1. According to Petri Morgan(2013),IDEO Shopping Cart:


2. According to Gourvennec Yann(2007),IDEO,The Shopping Cart and the

Halo effect.What is really-good design?

3. According to Roth Yannig(2011),The IDEO shopping cart was not a

failure,the concept was just ahead of its time:

4. According to Amabile Teresa,Fisher M.Colin & Pillemer Juliana(2014),The

IDEOs Culture of Helping:

5. (

6. (

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