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Anatomy Finals review

Homeostasis: the existence and maintenance of a relatively constant environment in the body.

Tendency/ability to maintain internal equilibria.

Set point: idea value of a variable

Role of organs:

Control internal environment

Feedback systems

Negative (good) and positive (not so good)

3 components

Receptor (monitor), control center (establish) and effector (change)

Stimulus: a deviation from the set point.

Response: produced by the effector.

Negative feedback: deviation occurs, decreases deviation

Positive feedback: deviation occurs, then increases that deviation

Superior (above), inferior (below)




SUPINE: face facing upward

Prone: face facing downward

Anterior (front), posterior (back)

Anatomical position:

Saggital plane: across the midline

frontal plane: across the anterior/posterior

Transverse: across the superior/inferior

Oblique: angled.

Through an organ:

Longitudinal: across the length

Cross: right angle to the organ

Oblique: angled

Diaphragm: dividing the abdomen and throacic

Mediastinum: thoracic cavity minus the lungs

Abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity.

Visceral: inner layer, lining the organ

Parietal: outer layer, lining the cavity

Pericardium: to heart

Pleura: to lungs

Peritoneum: to abdomenpelvic cavity.

Germinal period-2 weeks after conception

Embryonic period- 2-8 weeks

Fetal period: last 30 weeks

Clinical: last menstrual period

Embryo: 14 days less than clinical (post-ovulatory age)


1. Attaches to corona radiate

2. Binds to zoma pellucida accepting zp3
3. Acrosomal reaction
4. Binds to ooyte, depolarization to shock other sperm (fast block)
5. Release of Ca, oocyte shrinks, zp3 is inavtivated (slow block)
6. Fusion of haploid produced diploid zygote
Early cell division:

18-36 hours

Totipotent (all types), pluripotent (almost all)

Morula and blastocyst:

Morula: 12+ cells

Blastocele: cavity of the blastocyst

Trophoblast: cells that surround the blastocele

Inner cell mass: cells that become the embryo


Occurs at 8-12 days

Implantation: implants uterine endometrium

Trophoblast created HCG hormone

The placenta supplies nutritntsa and wastes

Syncytiotrophoblasts: invade uterine walls.

Cytotrophoblasts: remains closed to contain the embryonic tissue.

Blood filled cavities of maternal blood vessel: lacunae

Finger like extensions of the cytotrophoblasts that enter the lacunae: chorionic villi

Formation of germ layers:

Embryonic disk

Amniotic cavity: forms inner cell mas and surrounded by layer of cells.
2 layers:

Epiblast: forms 3 germ layers

Hypoblast: develops membranes outside of embryo

Yolk sac: forms inside of blastocele and becomes part of gut/digestive system.

Primitive streak

Opening for anus: cloacal membrane

Opening for mouth: oropharyngeal membrane

Ecto/meso/endo derm.

Ecto: skin/neural

Meso: muscle bone, CT, peritoneum

Endoderm: epithelial lining of gastrointestinal/respiratory tract

Notochord: extends from cephalic to caudal end to perform induction.

Notochord influences on proximity and induces cells to be different features.

Neural tube formation:

18 days forming the neural plate due to notochord.

Edges rise to form the neural groove.

Neural tube forms brain and spinal cord

Cells of neural tube is the neuroectoderm

The epidermis forms once the two crests are joined.

Cells that break away from the neuroectoderm are neural crest cells.
Mesenchyme are cells of either neural crest or mesoderm origin.

Somite formation

Mesoderm adjacent to the neural tube become parts of the skull, vertebral column and skeletal

Gut/body cavity

Day 20:

Oralphargenal/ cloacal membrane develops.

Yolk sac is 2 parts, foregut and hindgut.

Evaginations (outpouching)

Thyroid, pharynx, lungs, liver and

Yolk sac becomes the Creates the allantolis, the part which becomes the bladder.

Branchial arches

Includes the pharynx, auditory tubes, tonsils, thymus, and parathyroids.


Fuses around the heart as the pericardial cavity, expands to become pleural and peritoneal cavities.
Separate into separate entities.

Limb bud:

28 days.

Apical ectodermal ridge, grows outward.

Frontonasal process, maxillary process 2, mandibular process 2.

28 days begin, finish 14 weeks

Skeleton: mesoderm/neural crest cells

Muscle: myoblast

Nervous system: neural tube/neural crest

Circulatory system from blood islands on the surface of yolk sac/inside embryo.

Mesoderm: insides blood cells, outer layer blood vessels

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