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3, MARCH 2015 1781

Extended Kalman Filtering for

Remaining-Useful-Life Estimation of Bearings
Rodney K. Singleton, II, Student Member, IEEE, Elias G. Strangas, Member, IEEE, and
Selin Aviyente, Member, IEEE

AbstractCondition-based maintenance, which in- zk Measurement at time k.

cludes both diagnosis and prognosis of faults, is a topic of wk , v k Random zero-mean Gaussian noise.
growing interest for improving the reliability of electrical Qk Covariance matrix of wk .
drives. Bearings constitute a large portion of failures in
rotational machines. Although many techniques have been Rk Covariance matrix of vk .
successfully applied for bearing fault diagnosis, prognosis P0 Initial uncertainty matrix.
of faults, particularly predicting the remaining useful life Mk A priori uncertainty matrix at time k.
(RUL) of bearings, is a remaining challenge. The main Pk A posteriori uncertainty matrix at time k.
reasons for this are a lack of accurate physical degradation xk State estimate at time k.
models and limited labeled training data. In this paper,
we introduce a data-driven methodology, which relies on f Degradation model.
both time and timefrequency domain features to track the h Measurement function.
evolution of bearing faults. Once features are extracted, an Fk State transition matrix at time k.
analytical function that best approximates the evolution of Hk Observation matrix at time k.
the fault is determined and used to learn the parameters of Kk Kalman gain at time k.
an extended Kalman lter (KF). The learned extended KF is
applied to testing data to predict the RUL of bearing faults i Failure threshold for the ith training set.
under different operating conditions. The performance o Average failure threshold for operating condition o.
of the proposed method is evaluated on PRONOSTIA
experimental testbed data. I. I NTRODUCTION
Index TermsBall bearings, entropy, harmonic analy-
sis, Kalman lters, prognostics and health management,
reliability engineering, time-varying systems, vibration
C ONDITION-BASED maintenance (CBM), which is
known as health monitoring of complex engineering sys-
tems based on minimally invasive condition measurements, has
attracted a lot of attention over the past few decades. Three key
N OMENCLATURE elements of CBM are data acquisition, data processing, and de-
CBM Condition-based maintenance. cision making, i.e., the recommendation of maintenance actions
RUL Remaining useful life. through diagnosis and prognosis [1]. Effective diagnostic [2]
TFD Timefrequency distribution. [11] and prognostic tools are essential for timely fault detection
KF Kalman filter. and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction [12][17].
EKF Extended Kalman filter. The RUL of a system is defined as the time between the
NMSE Normalized mean square error. current time instant and the end of the useful life and has
RMS Root mean square. been widely used [18][23] for affordable system operation and
C(t, w) Cohens class of timefrequency distribution. enhancing system safety. Rolling element bearings are critical
(, ) Kernel function for Cohens class of timefrequency components in various machines and account for 45%55% of
distributions. asynchronous motor failures [24]. Therefore, bearing condition
H (C) Rnyi entropy. monitoring can be very cost effective and can reduce the
Order of Rnyi entropy. maintenance downtime. Traditionally, estimation of the lifetime
xk State variable at time k. of a bearing is based on the ANSI/AFBMA standard life
rating formula [25]. However, the actual lifetime of a bearing
can significantly differ from the theoretical one due to the
Manuscript received February 28, 2014; revised May 27, 2014; ac- operating conditions. The current approaches for bearing RUL
cepted June 21, 2014. Date of publication July 8, 2014; date of current estimation can be classified into model-based and data-driven
version February 6, 2015. This work was supported in part by the
National Science Foundation under Grant EECS-1102316 and in part by methods [1], [26].
the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Model-based approaches to prognosis use mathematical rep-
Grant DGE-0802267. resentations to incorporate a physical understanding of the sys-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824- tem and include both system modeling and physics-of-failure
1226 USA (e-mail:;; aviyente@ (PoF) modeling. In system modeling, mathematical functions or mappings are used to represent the system. Statistical esti-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at mation techniques, such as Kalman and particle filters, based
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2014.2336616 on residuals and parity relations are then used to detect, isolate,
0278-0046 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

and predict degradation and RUL [23], [27]. Physics-based relates well to the bearing PoF, where an initially localized fault
failure models [28] rely on the physics of the underlying degra- (low entropy) becomes a general roughness with high entropy.
dation process to predict the onset of failures. For example, Second, we consider different analytic models for modeling the
the YuHarris bearing life equation [29] is commonly used lifetime of the bearing and build the state vectors corresponding
to predict spall initiation. For most industrial applications, to each case. This consideration enables us to fully understand
physics-based models are not practical, since the fault type is how different features evolve over the lifetime of the bearing
often unique to the environment, and hence, the parameters of and the effect of different model assumptions in the final RUL
the process are not available. estimation. Third, we provide a confidence interval for the
Data-driven approaches, on the other hand, use condition RUL estimates using the prediction errors calculated as part
monitoring data coupled with artificial intelligence, e.g., neuro- of EKF. Finally, we illustrate how different types of features
fuzzy systems [30], [31], or statistical learning and pattern may carry more information under changing operating condi-
recognition tools [32], [33], e.g., Markov chains and hidden tions. The proposed framework is applied to the PRONOSTIA
Markov models [25], [31], [34], to train a system and use it platform [38], which has provided an extensive vibration data
to estimate the RUL. Most of these techniques consist of an set for three types of operation for bearings loaded with radial
offline learning stage through historical data, which includes forces. This data set has been used by other investigators
feature extraction and degradation state learning, followed by to evaluate failure prognosis and RUL estimation algorithms
an online stage that continually updates the prediction of RUL, [24], [39], [40].
and provides an estimate of the prediction uncertainty. In the
last stage of data-driven methodologies, the learned models are
applied to test data to determine the time to the next degradation
state or provide a probability of failure. A. Time and Frequency Domain Signal Features
There are some remaining problems with current data-driven
Current bearing prognosis algorithms rely mostly on time-
approaches: First, most data-driven approaches require suf-
domain features [41] such as root mean square, kurtosis, skew-
ficient amount of training data to learn the different health
ness, and average power or frequency-domain features such as
states or the degradation model [35]. In the absence of labeled
RMS frequency, frequency center, and peak value [34], [39],
data, they need to determine the number of health states that
[42]. In the area of TF features, signal transforms such as
the bearing goes through its lifetime. This is either achieved
the wavelet transform [7], [9], empirical mode decomposition
through maximizing the discrimination between different states
[40], and TF distributions have been used [43]. In this paper,
[34] or determined through artificial intelligence techniques
we will focus on the time-domain variance feature, which has
[31]. Second, most of these approaches assume a discrete-state
been shown to be a good indicator of bearing failure in pre-
model for the degradation of the bearing although this is not
vious work.
realistic. Finally, while artificial-neural-network-based methods
provide high-accuracy RUL estimates, they lack an understand-
ing of the process of failure. On the other hand, stochastic B. TFDs
models can relate more closely to the failure mechanisms and
Most real-life signals of interest, including bearing vibration
can be more easily adapted to the operation but have performed
signals, are nonstationary in nature. In these cases, it is more
less well in standard tests.
suitable to extract features that can capture the TF energy
In this paper, we introduce a stochastic data-driven approach
distribution of the signals. In this paper, we utilize Cohens
that is independent from fault severity diagnosis and that con-
class of bilinear timefrequency distributions (TFDs) to extract
tinuously updates the RUL estimate as new data samples come
signatures of bearing vibrations during the lifetime of a bearing.
in. For this purpose, we use an extended-Kalman-filtering-
Cohens class of TFDs is defined as1 [44]
based approach to first learn the degradation trend of the
extracted features from the training data, then to apply this 
C(t, ) = (, )s u + s
trend to testing data to predict RUL, and, finally, to provide 2
a confidence bound around the estimated RUL. We follow   j(ut )
closely the framework proposed by Lall et al. [36], [37] for u e du d d (1)
implementing EKF for bearing RUL estimation and offer im-
provements over this implementation: First, we consider both where function (, ) is the kernel function, and s is the
time and timefrequency (TF) domain features for tracking the signal. In this paper, we choose ChoiWilliams distribution,
degradation of the bearing. In the time domain, we use the with kernel (, ) = exp((( )2 /)), to filter out the cross-
variance feature, as it has been established in the literature as terms, where controls the tradeoff between TF resolution
a reliable indicator of the bearing condition as it approaches and the cross-terms. As , ChoiWilliams distribution
failure. In the TF domain, we propose to use a novel entropy approaches the Wigner distribution providing high resolution,
feature, which captures the complexity of the signal in both and as 0, ChoiWilliams distribution suppresses more
domains simultaneously. This entropy feature has been shown cross-terms at the expense of reduced resolution. Previous re-
to be a good indicator of the signal complexity and robust to TF search has shown the improved performance of this kernel with
shifts in the signal. We notice (in Section IV-B) that the entropy
increases as soon as the first indications of fault develop, which 1 All integrals are from to unless otherwise stated.

respect to Wigner distribution, short-time Fourier transform,

and wavelet transform for fault diagnosis [4].

C. TF Feature Extraction
To quantify the spread of vibration energy in the TF domain,
we propose to use a measure of concentration, i.e., entropy, as
adapted to the TF plane [45], [46]. For TFDs, Rnyi entropy has
been proposed as a suitable measure of uncertainty in the TF
plane since it is well defined for both positive and nonpositive
distributions [46], [47], i.e.,
1  C[n, k]

H (C) = log2   (2)
1 n n k C[n, k]

where > 0 is the order of Rnyi entropy, and n and k are the
discrete time and frequency indexes. As 1, Rnyi entropy
Fig. 1. Normal and degraded bearing [38].
converges to the well-known Shannon entropy. As most bilinear
TF distributions take on negative values for some n and k
in the TF plane, Shannon entropy may not always be well
defined. On 
the other hand, Rnyi entropy is well defined as
long as n k C [n, k] > 0. In this paper, = 3 is chosen,
since third-order entropy is defined for a large class of signals
and can reduce the effect of the cross-terms in quantifying the
concentration of the signal in the TF plane.

D. Extended Kalman Filtering

Kalman filtering is a recursive algorithm that estimates the
Fig. 2. Bearing support shaft of the PRONOSTIA platform [38].
true state of a system based on noisy measurements. The
Kalman filter (KF) has been used in many applications involv-
i.e., Rk . To carry out the normal KF operations, the nonlinear
ing navigation, online system identification, and tracking [48],
functions, i.e., f and h, must be locally linearized around the
[49]. Recently, Kalman filtering has been successfully applied
estimated state by calculating their respective Jacobian, produc-
to fault prognosis [36]. For example, in [50], Kalman filtering
ing matrices F and H, respectively. One important point in the
is used to interpolate the signal feature trends learned from the
implementation of EKF is the choice of the initial parameters,
labeled data and then to estimate the evolution of the faults
as the speed of convergence depends on the initial estimate x0
for diagnosis purposes. However, Kalman filtering assumes
and the uncertainty matrix P0 [52].
a linear system dynamics model with Gaussian noise in the
measurements, which is not always realistic in real-life applica-
tions. Extended Kalman filtering (EKF) is an extension of this III. M ETHODOLOGY
framework to nonlinear system dynamics and has been used by
Lall et al. [36], [37] for prognostics of electronic interconnects A. Data
and by Saha et al. [51] for battery life management. The EKF The data in this paper come from the PRONOSTIA experi-
equation in the presence of process noise and measurement mental platform at FEMTO-ST Institute in Besancon, France.
noise is The PRONOSTIA platform allowed for an accelerated degra-
dation of ball bearings to provide real experimental data that
xk = f (xk1 , uk1 ) + wk1 (3) characterize the degradation of the ball bearings during their
where xk is the state being estimated, f is a nonlinear function lifetime. This platform differs from others in that the bearing
of states, uk is the input at time sample k, wk is random zero- failure process is normal and that the bearings are not tam-
mean noise with covariance matrix Qk . In EKF, the relationship pered with during the introduction of defects. In Fig. 1, an
between system states (xk ) and measurements (zk ) can also be example of a normal and degraded bearing is shown.
nonlinear, i.e., The PRONOSTIA platform consisted of three parts. The
first part is the rotating part, which includes the asynchronous
zk = h(xk ) + vk (4) motor, gearbox, and two shafts used to drive the experiment.
The motor power was rated at 250-W power and rated speed
where zk is the measurement, h is a measurement function that of 2830 r/min. The gearbox allowed the secondary shaft to
is a nonlinear function of states, and vk is a zero-mean random rotate at a speed less than 2000 r/min while maintaining the
process described by the measurement noise covariance matrix, motors ratted torque. The secondary shaft was then connected

Fig. 3. Overview of the PRONOSTIA setup [38].

O PERATING C ONDITION S PECIFICATIONS Fig. 4. Raw data of initial vibration signal for bearing 1_1.

to the inner race of the bearing via compliant and rigid shaft
couplings. The bearing support shaft (see Fig. 2) is also held
by two pillow blocks on the ends. Second, there was a loading
part in which the bearings were loaded in and the radial forces
were applied. This part consisted of a pneumatic jack and
a clamping ring of the test bearing. Force is applied to the
bearing through its clamping ring via the amplification of the
force from the pneumatic jack through a lever arm. Third, there Fig. 5. ChoiWilliams transformation of initial horizontal vibration sig-
was a measurement part in which radial force, bearing shaft nal with = 10 for bearing 1_1.
speed, and torque were measured at a frequency of 100 Hz.
B. Feature Extraction
These three measurements determined the operating conditions
of the bearing. The entire overview of the PRONOSTIA setup The vibration data from the bearings described in the previ-
is shown in Fig. 3. ous section are used for feature extraction. An example of raw
The characterization of the bearings degradation is based on vibration signals from the initial sample (healthy state) can be
two types of sensors: vibration and temperature. The vibration found in Fig. 4. In the time domain, variance was extracted as a
sensors consist of two miniature accelerometers radially placed feature. Median filtering was performed to smooth the feature,
on the external race of the bearing 90 to each other, with one using a window size of 15. Since the vibrations are known to
being placed on the vertical axis and the other on the horizontal be nonstationary, we also considered TF-domain entropy with
axis. The temperature sensor was placed in a hole close to the = 3. The raw vibration signals were transformed into the
external bearings ring. The vibration and temperature signals TF domain using the ChoiWilliams distribution with = 10,
were sampled at 25.6 and 10 Hz, respectively. where the optimal value was empirically determined. The TF
As part of the experiment, three different operating con- representations of initial and failure samples can be found in
ditions were explored, in which radial load and speed were Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
varied. The different conditions can be seen in Table I. A total From the TFDs, we have observed that the TF representation
of 17 run-to-failure data sets were given. Six run-to-failure of vertical vibration signals gave little useful information. In
data sets were given for algorithm training, and the remaining the initial samples of horizontal TF representations, there was
monitoring data of the 11 bearings were truncated for testing no energy present in the 040-Hz range. As time progressed
purposes [38]. Table I shows a complete breakdown of the toward failure, the energy in this frequency band became more
operating conditions and their specifications. significant. Therefore, we used the distribution of energy in

for the variance trend and

0 1 eck k kbk eck k
f 0 1 0 0
Fk = = (10)
x xk 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

Hk = = [1 0 0 0] (11)
x xk

for the entropy trend.

The initial state estimate given to the EKF, i.e., x0 , consisting
of the initial value for the degradation feature as well as the
initial guesses for the parameters was found through use of the
training data. The averages of these values within operating
conditions were then used as the initial parameter estimates
in x0 in the RUL prediction stage. Furthermore, the initial
values for each training set was extracted, and the average for
each operating condition was used as the initial value for the
Fig. 6. ChoiWIlliams transformation of final horizontal vibration signal
with = 10 for bearing 1_1.
degradation feature in x0 . The initial uncertainty matrix, i.e.,
P0 , was empirically chosen as
this band, captured by its entropy, as an indicator of the fault
progression in the bearings. 0.1 0 0
P0 = 0 0.1 0 . (12)
C. EKF Parameter Learning 0 0 0.1

For the two different types of features, i.e., vibration and en-
tropy, time-dependent degradation models are obtained through D. RUL Prediction
curve fitting. For the variance feature, an exponential of the
form aebt was found to be the most suitable, whereas for the TF The failure thresholds, i , where i is the ith threshold for
entropy feature, a curve in the form of a bect was more suit- a given operating condition, were extracted as the value at the
able [see Fig. 7(a) and (b)] The parameters of the degradation final sample of each training data set. The final testing threshold
function are updated with each new measurement. To accom- for each operating condition was computed as the average of
plish this, a state vector x containing the equation for the curve these per operating condition, given by
fit as well as the unknown parameters describing this degra-
dation model at each time point are defined for each feature. o = i (13)
For the variance feature, the parameters ak and bk of the ex- K i=1
ponential curve are used to define the state vector as [43], [53]
where K is the number of training sets in operating condition
xk = [ak ebk k ak bk ]T (5) o. Tracking of the test features begins after a certain amount
of time has passed since the data at the first time points are
and for the entropy feature, we have not usually reliable for RUL estimation and may not follow the
trend learned from the training data.
xk = [ak bk eck k ak bk ck ]T (6)
An overall view of the algorithm and all its steps are given
both with the measurement equation given by below:
1) Initialize x0 and P0 .
zk = h(xk ) = xk (1). (7) 2) Predict the next state, xk , and uncertainty matrix,
Mk , i.e.,
It is also noted that there is no input to this system; hence, in
our case, uk defined in (3) is equal to zero. With each time step, xk = f (xk1 ) + wk1 (14)
the parameters of the degradation model are updated to form a
new model, i.e., fk , and an estimate of the next state, i.e., xk , is Mk = Fk1 Pk1 Fk1 + Qk1 . (15)
calculated. Functions f and h are then locally linearized about
3) Take in measurement zk .
that estimate to produce Fk and Hk by
4) Update the predictions and their uncertainties using the

0 ebk k kak ebk k Kalman gain, Kk , i.e.,
Fk = = 0 1 0 (8)  1
x xk Kk = Mk HTk Hk Mk HTk + Rk (16)
0 0 1
xk xk + Kk (zk Hk xk ) (17)
Hk = = [1 0 0] (9)
x xk Pk = (1 Kk Hk )Mk . (18)

5) The current value of the feature state is extrapolated out TABLE II

to failure threshold. The total number of time steps, i.e.,
n, required to reach the failure threshold is taken as the
RUL at time k, i.e.,

o = xk+n = fk (xk+n1 ) + wk+n . (19)

6) Calculate the confidence intervals of RUL predictions

(see Section III-E).
7) Repeat process starting at step 3. TABLE III

E. RUL Condence Intervals

An important aspect of prognosis is not just to predict the
RUL but to add a confidence measure to it as well. In the
testing phase, the confidence interval of the RUL prediction
is calculated by using the error covariance matrix, i.e., P. At
the end of each step, the error covariance matrix is updated
giving the uncertainty measurement between the predicted state
x and the true measurement. Since the first value in the state B. RUL Estimation
variable is the actual feature value, being either entropy or
As noted above, we used two different features to estimate
variance, P(1, 1) contains the uncertainty of the predicted state.
the RUL based on the operating condition. In Table IV, the
Given this uncertainty, a 95% confidence interval can be placed
RUL estimation results using entropy versus variance on all of
around the estimate, and the upper and lower bounds, i.e.,
the testing data sets are given. The results are quantified by the
xubd = x(1) + 2.567P(1, 1) and xlbd = x(1) 2.567P(1, 1),
percentage of RUL estimations that fall within +/ 20% of
are extracted. Similar to original RUL estimation, these values
the true RUL in the last 500 s. It is shown that using variance
can also be extrapolated to the failure threshold to obtain upper
in the first and third operating conditions will provide the user
and lower confidence bounds on the RUL predictions.
with accurate RUL estimations toward the end of the test sets.
However, the variance feature cannot predict the true RUL for
IV. R ESULTS operating condition 2. This is due to the fact that the variance
feature, as shown in Fig. 7(a), stays constant all the way through
A. Feature Extraction and Curve Fitting
the run until the very end, where it is able to capture the failure
For all of the data sets described in Table I, both time- of the bearing. Therefore, if the testing data set is truncated too
domain variance and TF-domain entropy features are extracted. early, i.e., before the bearing gets close to failure, the variance
A degradation trend is extracted from the training data based feature is not a good indicator of failure and cannot perform
on these features by analytical curve fitting. The accuracy of well in the subsequent RUL estimation. On the other hand, the
curve fitting was quantified by the normalized mean square entropy feature shows an initial increase in value, indicative of
error (NMSE), given by (x x2 /x2 ), where x is the fitted the bearings health deterioration, and then stays stable around
curve, and x is the raw data. For the variance feature, it was this value as shown in Fig. 7(b). As such, when the test set
noted that the first and third operating conditions similarly is short compared with the lifetime of the bearing, as in the
behave, with the degradation trend modeled by an exponential case of operating condition 2, the entropy feature is successful
function aebt across the lifetime of the bearings. The average in tracking the early deterioration of bearing health and in
NMSE across the four training sets in operating conditions 1 predicting the true RUL in most of the test cases. When the
and 3 for the variance feature is 0.526. However, for the second test data set is longer, entropy does not yield accurate RUL
operating condition, the degradation trend for the variance estimates since during the last 500 s of the lifetime of the
feature in the testing data does not fit the trend learned from bearing the entropy values do not change that much. Therefore,
the training data. This may be due to the fact that the testing in the final analysis, the variance feature was used for operating
samples provided for operating condition 2 were truncated conditions 1 and 3, and the entropy feature was used for
before the variance feature could capture the degradation, i.e., operating condition 2. It is also important to note that for certain
the testing life history is shorter, average of 152 min, compared test sets from condition 2, particularly for Bearing 2_3 and
with the other operating conditions. For the entropy feature, we Bearing 2_7, neither feature gets close to the true RUL estimate.
determined the best curve fit to be of the form a bect , and This is due to the fact that the test data set is very short, e.g.,
the average NMSE between this fit and the entropy from all the only 29 min in the case of Bearing 2_7.
training sets was 0.048. Table II shows all of the NMSE values In particular, Fig. 8(a) shows the results of RUL predictions
for both features and all training sets. Table III shows the values on bearing 1_3. Predictions were started at the half point since
of the parameters for each training set. We also note that the early RUL predictions with the variance feature are not very
NMSE is usually higher for the variance feature since its range reliable and meaningful. As shown in this figure, the RUL
is larger compared with entropy, as shown in Fig. 7. predictions at the beginning have a lot of error, but as time goes

Fig. 7. Curve fitting to variance and entropy features. (a) Variance curve fit for bearing 1_1. (b) Entropy curve fit for bearing 3_1.

TABLE IV C. Comparison of EKF Versus KF

Here, we compare the performance of the proposed extended
KF (EKF) approach to the regular KF (see Table V), which is
commonly used in the literature for prognosis, in terms of the
percentage of estimated RUL values within +/ 20% of the
true RUL in the last 500 s. For the majority of the data sets,
the KF shows no accuracy toward the end of the testing data
set with the exception of test set 6. Overall, the EKF-based
RUL algorithm performs better than the KF for all operating

D. Condence Interval Estimation

on, they converge to the true RUL. Fig. 9 shows the RUL esti- In Fig. 8(b), we can see a closer view of the end of the run,
mations over time for the only testing set in the third operating along with the confidence intervals of the RUL estimations. We
condition, i.e., bearing 3_3. Here, too, we can see that the trend also show a bandwidth around the true RUL (+/ 20% of the
of RUL predictions across time converges to the true RUL line. true RUL value) to see how well the estimated RULs fall within
It is noted that the convergence of this set is slower than that this band. At the beginning of the algorithm, the true RUL is
of the previous. This is due to the lack of substantial number not within the confidence bounds of the predictions. This is
of samples for updating, i.e., shorter test data set (59 min). due to the fact that samples toward the beginning of the testing
Fig. 10 shows the performance of the entropy feature in RUL data may not provide enough information to perform feature
prediction for bearing 2_4 from the second operating condition. tracking. However, toward the end of the run, the predictions
Although the data set is more truncated compared with the other as well as their confidence intervals are both within 20% of the
two operating conditions, entropy is able to track the actual actual RUL.
RUL value.
We also noticed in the RUL prediction algorithm that the
time at which EKF tracking is started has an effect on how
quickly the estimated RULs converge to the true RUL. If In this paper, we have introduced a stochastic-modeling-
the tracking is started at the beginning of the testing data, based prognosis approach, i.e., EKF, for tracking the RUL of
the convergence is much slower as there are more irrelevant bearings. First, we introduced both time and TF domain fea-
samples or noise in the data that lowers the accuracy of the tures of vibration signals and illustrated that different features
RUL prediction. An example of these phenomena is shown may work better under different operating conditions depending
in Fig. 11, where we show the RUL estimations of the same on the length of the test data set. In particular, we showed
bearing with different start times for tracking. The convergence how the entropy feature is successful at detecting the early
of the algorithm is faster when the procedure is started midway, stages of degradation, whereas the variance feature is not very
instead of at the very beginning. Neither one of these starting informative until the final failure stage. For this reason, test
points converges as fast as starting past halfway, as shown data sets that were shorter provided less information for RUL
in Fig. 9. estimation yielding higher error rates. This phenomenon was

Fig. 8. RUL estimation for bearing 1_3 with the variance feature. (a) RUL prediction over time versus the actual RUL. (b) Confidence interval for
the estimated RUL near the end of testing.

Fig. 9. RUL estimation for bearing 3_3 with the variance feature. Fig. 11. RUL estimation for bearing 3_3 with different EKF tracking
start times.

also observed in other papers using the PRONOSTIA data set

such as [24] and [40]. Second, we gave a detailed description
of RUL estimation based on EKF along with a procedure to
estimate the confidence interval along the RUL estimates. This
is an important contribution, since most existing work does
not consider the probabilistic nature of RUL estimations and
only report the mean values. Finally, we applied the proposed
algorithm to bearing vibration data from the PRONOSTIA
platform to illustrate the convergence of the algorithm along
with its behavior under different conditions.
Although the PRONOSTIA data have been very useful in
terms of providing the true RUL for evaluation of the methods
and are used in the work for this paper, they, too, have a number
of limitations: There is only one cause of failure (radial load),
although others are also possible (contamination, oscillating
load, bearing currents, etc.), and there no intermediate inspec-
Fig. 10. RUL estimation for bearing 2_4. tions of the rolling surfaces. These intermediate inspections

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