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2, JUNE 2015 687

Remaining Useful Life Prediction for a

Nonlinear Heterogeneous Wiener Process
Model With an Adaptive Drift
Zeyi Huang, Zhengguo Xu, Member, IEEE, Wenhai Wang, and Youxian Sun

AbstractNonlinear degradation trajectories are encountered MSE mean square error

frequently, and not all of them evolve homogeneously in practical MTTF mean time to failure
systems. To take nonlinearity, heterogeneity, and the entire histor-
ical degradation data into account, we propose a nonlinear hetero- PDF probability density function
geneous Wiener process model with an adaptive drift to charac- PHM prognostics and health management
terize degradation trajectories. A state-space based method is em-
ployed to delineate our model. Due to the introduction of the adap- RMS root mean square
tive drift, it is difcult to directly apply Kalman lter methods to RUL remaining useful life
update the distribution of the estimated degradation drift. To ad-
dress this issue, we develop an online ltering algorithm based on SP stochastic process
Bayes theorem. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, STF strong tracking ltering
as well as a novel Bayes-theorem-based smoother, are adopted
to estimate the unknown parameters in our model. Moreover, the TMSE total mean square error
distribution of the predicted remaining useful life (RUL) incorpo- WP Wiener process
rating the complete distribution of the estimated degradation drift
is achieved analytically. Finally, a simulation, and a case study are
provided to validate the proposed approach. NOTATION:
Index TermsAdaptive drift, Bayes theorem-based lter,
Discrete time index
Bayes theorem-based smoother, expectation-maximization al- Time at the th CM point
gorithm, nonlinear degradation trajectory, remaining useful life
A nonlinear function with respect to
where represents the unknown
parameters in
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS: , The degradation drift, and the
BM Brownian motion degradation measurement at the th
CM point, respectively
CDF cumulative distribution function
History of the degradation
CM condition monitoring measurements to the th CM
EM expectation-maximization point
FPT rst passage time History of the degradation drifts to
the th CM point
GP general path System noise that satises
IG inverse Gaussian at the th CM point
KF Kalman lter Standard Brownian motion
MLE maximum likelihood estimation Diffusion coefcient of the Wiener
, Expectation, and variance of
Manuscript received September 22, 2013; revised March 01, 2014 and May estimated
14, 2014; accepted May 28, 2014. Date of publication February 27, 2015; date
of current version June 01, 2015. This work was supported in part by the 973
, Expectation, and variance of
Program of China under grant 2012CB720500; the National Natural Science estimated
Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grants 61473254 and 61134001; the Na- Unknown parameter set
tional High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)
under Grant 2012AA06A404; and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen- Estimated at the th step in the EM
tral Universities . Associate Editor: O. Gaudoin. algorithm at the th CM point
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Tech- Joint log-likelihood function for
nology, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail:;; and; Expectation of with respect to
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online the conditional distribution of
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TR.2015.2403433 given and

0018-9529 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

, The backward smoothed expectation, i.e., Brownian motion (BM) with a linear drift, becomes one
and variance of at the th CM of the most popular SP models. On one hand, the WP model
point, where can model a degradation state as an innitely divisible process
The backward smoothed covariance [20], as well as characterize a practical degradation trajectory
of two consecutive estimated that may vary bi-directionally with time. On the other hand,
degradation drifts at the th CM the explicit distribution of the rst passage time (FPT) of
point, where the WP model is available, which is well known as the IG
Convergence threshold of the EM distribution [21]. Whitmore [22] applied a WP model subject
algorithm to measurement noises to model the declined tendency of the
Random variable of RUL gain of a transistor. Peng and Tseng [23] adopted a WP model
Failure threshold with a random drift coefcient and measurement noises to
, PDF, and CDF of predicted RUL at estimate the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) of the lasers. Xu et
the th CM point al. [24] considered a real-time reliability prediction problem
for a dynamic system with a hidden degradation process. They
utilized particle ltering to identify the system's state, and
I. INTRODUCTION employed the WP model to predict the reliability. Doksum et
al. [12] and Whitmore et al. [13] applied a WP model with a

W ITH recent advancements in sensing technologies,

prognostics and health management (PHM) based upon
condition monitoring (CM) has attracted much attention over
time scale transformation to model the accelerated degradation
data. However, the conventional WP model used for lifetime
analysis is based on a Markovian assumption that the degra-
the past few years [1][4]. PHM is composed of prognostics, dation evolution and the predicted RUL depend only on the
and health management. The main purpose of prognostics current degradation level, rather than the historical degradation
is to predict the remaining useful lives (RULs) of systems data. This assumption may give rise to an inaccurate RUL pre-
accurately according to the CM information. Generally, the pre- diction owing to the lack of the information from the historical
dicted RUL is characterized by the probability density function degradation data.
(PDF), which incorporates the expectation and the uncertainty On one hand, Bayesian updating is a powerful tool to estimate
of the predicted RUL simultaneously. Once the accurate and hidden states or random coefcients in a model [25][29]. For
informative RUL prediction is obtained, an effective support example, Gebraeel et al. [27] proposed an exponential degrada-
for the subsequent management can be launched, such as the tion model based on the WP model to characterize the degra-
schedules of maintenance behaviors [5], the supplies of spare dation data of rotating element bearings. Unlike the conven-
parts inventory [6], and so on. tional WP model, the authors updated the stochastic parameters
For practical systems, it is always difcult to acquire their in the exponential degradation model by incorporating the his-
physical models. Thus, the data-driven approaches in the ab- torical degradation data to date under a Bayesian framework.
sence of the prior knowledge of physical models to RUL predic- It is notable that the WP model was used as the error term in
tion have gained widespread popularity. In literature, the models their model, but the available explicit FPT of the WP model
used in the data-driven approaches can be mainly classied into was not utilized. They derived an analytical distribution for the
general path (GP) models, and stochastic process (SP) models. predicted RUL under an implicit assumption that the degrada-
In a GP model, a regression model is used to characterize the tion trajectories were monotonic. However, the WP model does
common degradation properties of a class of systems, and the not evolve monotonically. Consequently, the predicted RUL ob-
parameters in the model are usually randomized to characterize tained in [27] was approximate. On the other hand, Wang et al.
sampling variability. To our knowledge, Lu and Meeker [7] rst [30] explored a novel way to take historical degradation data
applied a nonlinear mixed-effects model to characterize degra- into account for RUL prediction. They extended the degrada-
dation trajectories, and then inferred the time-to-failure distribu- tion drift coefcient to the degradation drift state, and then em-
tion. Along the way of [7], there are many extensions [8][10]. ployed Kalman lter (KF) to estimate the hidden degradation
As pointed out in [11], GP models can characterize the sam- drift recursively. The contribution of [30] was that the authors
pling uncertainties, whereas they cannot model the temporal un- established a link between the evolution of the degradation level
certainties. To address this issue, SP models are introduced to and the historical data by incorporating the historical data into
RUL prediction. A basic distinction between GP models and the estimated degradation drift. However, they didn't consider
SP models is that the considered degradation trajectories are the complete distribution of the updated drift in the RUL predic-
deterministic in GP models, while they remain uncertain in SP tion. Motivated by [30], Si et al. [31] adopted the same model as
models. [30] with a recursive lter algorithm for RUL prediction. Dis-
For RUL prediction, there are three main SP models used similar to [30], the updated drift was treated as a random vari-
in literature: the Wiener process (WP) model [12][14], the able, and its complete distribution was considered in the RUL
gamma process model [15][17], and the inverse Gaussian prediction. Furthermore, they revealed that considering such a
(IG) process model [18], [19]. Trajectories of gamma processes distribution could reduce the uncertainties in the RUL predic-
or IG processes are monotonic, whereas trajectories of WPs tion. For convenience, the proposed models in [30], and [31]
can be non-monotonic. Due to its important physical inter- are named Wang's model, and Si's model in this paper, respec-
pretation and nice mathematical properties, the WP model, tively. We note that the mean degradation trajectories in Wang's

model and Si's model are linear. It leads to the fact that both of by incorporating the historical degradation data into the estima-
their models cannot trace the dynamics of nonlinear degradation tion of . Once the degradation drift was estimated, they used a
trajectories well. linear function with respect to time to predict the evolution of
From the above review of the related work, it can be found the degradation level.
that, though there is some research focusing on nonlinear degra- However, in reality, nonlinear degradation trajectories are
dation trajectories or degradation models adaptive to historical encountered frequently, such as the degradation trajectories of
degradation data for RUL prediction, separately, few works con- bearings [32], batteries [33], and gyros [34]. Thus, the linear
centrate on both of them simultaneously. As stated before, an prediction used in the model described by (1) and (2) cannot
adaptive drift helps to take historical degradation data into ac- trace nonlinear degradation trajectories well. Additionally,
count, and a nonlinear structure can make predicted degradation the conventional WP model is a time homogeneous process,
trajectories close to actual degradation trajectories. The combi- which means that the transition probability between two given
nation of an adaptive drift and a nonlinear structure contributes degradation states at any two CM points depends only on the
to promoting the accuracy of RUL prediction. Accordingly, we time interval. But not all degradation processes satisfy this
make three major contributions in this paper. First, we propose constraint. For example, the typical lifetime of the bearings
a novel nonlinear heterogeneous Wiener-process-based model [35] can be roughly divided into two stages: one is the normal
with an adaptive drift for RUL prediction, and utilize a state- stage, and the other is the defective stage. At the rst stage, the
space-based method to characterize our model. Second, we de- bearings degrade slowly, whereas the defects propagate quickly
velop an on-line ltering algorithm based on Bayes' theorem at the second stage. This example indicates that equally long
to update the hidden degradation drift, and then apply the ex- time intervals may give rise to different degradation increments.
pectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, and a novel Bayes'- To take nonlinearity and heterogeneity into consideration, we
theorem-based smoother to estimate the unknown parameters incorporate a nonlinear structure into the WP model, given as
once a new measurement becomes available. Last, we derive
an explicit analytical distribution for the predicted RUL incor- (3)
porating the complete distribution of the estimated degradation
drift. where is usually assumed to be 0. The specic form of
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, can be determined by domain experts, or inferred from
we formulate the problem. In Section III, we develop an on-line the lifetime data of other identical systems. It is notable that
ltering algorithm to estimate the degradation drift, and apply there are three advantages in (3). First, in contrast with the con-
the EM algorithm to re-estimate the unknown parameters. In ventional WP model, (3) can track nonlinear degradation trajec-
Section IV, we derive an explicit analytical distribution for the tories better by adjusting to t the historical degradation data.
predicted RUL. In Section V, a simulation, and a case study are Second, the nonlinear function can characterize a time
used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, and com- heterogeneous process. Third, as pointed out in [13], (3) retains
pare the performance of our model with that of Wang's model, the nice mathematical property of the WP model that the explicit
and Si's model. Section VI concludes this paper. distribution of the predicted RUL can be obtained analytically
once the form of is specied.
Remark 1: There are two reasons for choosing a time-trans-
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION formation function instead of a more general one, e.g., a non-
linear drift used in [36], to characterize nonlinear degradation
To take the complete historical degradation data into consid- trajectories. First, the explicit distribution of the predicted RUL
eration, as well as maintain the nice properties of the WP model, for the former can be obtained analytically, while the distribu-
we consider Wang's model, given as [30] tion of the predicted RUL for the latter is related to solving
the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation with boundary con-
(1) straints, and the explicit analytical solution can be hardly ob-
tained. Second, members of a population of identical systems
have some common properties, so the specic form of
can be inferred from the lifetime data of other identical systems.
In Wang's model, (2) was the discretized conventional WP
Subsequently, can approach an individual degradation
model, and the authors constructed an updating procedure for
trajectory through the adjustable . Consequently, a time-trans-
the degradation drift using a random walk model as in (1),
formation function sufces to characterize nonlinear degrada-
with the initial assumption that followed a s-normal distri-
tion trajectories.
bution. Hence, evolved as a time-dependent random variable.
To better characterize practical degradation processes and ob-
Because was unobservable, it had to be estimated once a new
tain the predicted RULs more accurately, we take nonlinearity,
measurement became available. Each time a new measurement
heterogeneity, and the complete historical degradation data into
came out, they updated the posterior distribution of using the
consideration simultaneously by combining (1) with (3). Ac-
prior distribution and the new measurement by a recursive lter.
cording to the Euler discretization, our complete model at the
When the next measurement was available, the posterior distri-
th CM point is formulated as
bution at the current CM point became the prior distribution for
the next CM point. Thus, they established a link between the
historical degradation data and the predicted degradation levels

where . In (4), the degradation level and

is measurable, and the degradation drift is a hidden state.
Thus, it is requisite to estimate the degradation drift once a (6)
new degradation measurement is obtained. Because the initial .
degradation drift remains unknown, it is assumed to follow a
s-normal distribution that satises . Moreover,
the initial degradation drift, and the noises at each CM point, The proof of Theorem 1 is given in the Appendix. Once a new
, are assumed to be s-inde- degradation measurement appears, the posterior distribution of
pendent. the degradation drift can be updated based on the prior distribu-
tion and the current degradation measurement utilizing Theorem
III. STATE ESTIMATION AND PARAMETER ESTIMATION 1. Owing to the recursive nature of Theorem 1, the algorithm can
be applied to update the distribution of the degradation drift in
When systems are in operation, they are monitored at real time.
, and the degradation measurements are
recorded as . Because the degradation drift is a B. Parameter Estimation
hidden state, it should be estimated once a new degradation The on-line ltering algorithm can be employed when the pa-
measurement becomes available. In addition, the parameter rameter set is known, or has been estimated from historical
set in (4), , remains unknown, so it also data. Thus, we discuss the parameter estimation in this subsec-
needs to be estimated. In this section, we develop a new on-line tion.
Bayes'-theorem-based lter to estimate the hidden degradation Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is one of the most
drift, and employ the EM algorithm associated with a novel popular methods for parameter estimation. MLE accomplishes
recursive smoother to re-estimate the unknown parameter set. this estimation by selecting a set of parameters to maximize the
likelihood function. However, for the existence of the hidden
A. State Estimation degradation drift state, it is difcult for MLE to estimate the
In practice, the degradation drift represents the deteriorating unknown parameters in our model. As a result, we adopt the
velocity of the monitored system, which is generally unobserv- EM algorithm [37] to estimate in this paper, which provides a
able. Nevertheless, the degradation drift is one of the determi- way to handle the MLE problem in the presence of the hidden
nant factors for RUL prediction. Hence, the precision of the drift degradation drift state.
estimate is directly relevant to the effectiveness of our model for The core idea of the EM algorithm is to supplant the hidden
RUL prediction. degradation drift with its expectation conditional on the histor-
Kalman lter is the most popular algorithm for state estima- ical degradation data. Through iteratively calculating and max-
tion which is suitable for a standard state-space model. How- imizing the joint log-likelihood function, the EM algorithm en-
ever, it is noteworthy that the subscripts of and are different genders a series of parameter estimates which converge to the
in the second line of (4), which is distinct from the observation parameters estimated by MLE [38].
equation of the standard state-space model. This distinction re- At the th CM point, the estimate of at the th iterative step
sults in the inappropriateness for KF to estimate the degradation of the EM algorithm, i.e., , can be formulated as
drift directly.
For real-time processing, we propose an on-line ltering
algorithm based on Bayes' theorem. For convenience, we (7)
dene the historical degradation data, and the historical degra-
dation drifts to the th CM point as , The process of calculating (7) can be partitioned into two
and , respectively. When we consider our phases: one is to calculate the expectation of , called E
model at the th ( ) CM point, we have the conditional dis- phase ; and the other is to search the parameter estimate which
tributions , maximizes , called M phase.
, and the estimated distribution of
1) E Phase: Unlike MLE, the joint log-likelihood function
the previous state . At the
incorporating and is calculated within the EM al-
rst iteration, we have ,
gorithm. Taking advantage of Bayes' theorem and the Markov
, and , because is assumed to
property, can be computed as
be 0. According to the prior knowledge, the following theorem
can be obtained.
Theorem 1: Given the prior knowledge at the th ( )
CM point, the distribution of the current degradation drift
can be updated when the current
degradation measurement becomes known, where , and
are computed by


line of (4). Therefore, we have to develop a novel smoother

suitable for our model to estimate these three quantities. To
obtain these three estimates, we need to estimate another
two quantities, specically , and
, where , and
represent the variance, and the covariance calculations, respec-
tively. Theorem 2 shows that they can be obtained recursively
from historical degradation data. Its proof is in the Appendix.
Theorem 2: Given the historical expectations ,
variances of the estimated degradation drifts, and
the parameter estimate at the last step , the backward
smoothed expectations, variances of the estimated degradation
drifts, and the covariances of two consecutive degradation drifts
can be recursively estimated as


We can go from (8) to (9) because is assumed to be 0 in our (13)

model. Subsequently, the expectation of with respect to
the conditional distribution of given and , i.e.,
, can be formulated as shown in (11) at the bottom (14)
of the page.
Obviously, to obtain the result of (11), three quantities, And their values at the th CM point, i.e., , are calculated
i.e., , ,
and , need to be calculated. If (15)
KF is exploited to estimate the degradation drift, these three (16)
quantities can be estimated using the RauchTungStriebel (17)
smoother. Unfortunately, KF is inappropriate for our model
because the subscripts of and are different in the second


Once , and are obtained, and can be 8: Calculate by (20), and search for
derived as the optimal parameter set to maximize
(18) 9: until

10: .
11: end for
Substituting , , and into (11), it can be rewritten as
Thus far, we have estimated the degradation drift, and the
unknown parameters. In this section, we will discuss the RUL
prediction utilizing the estimated degradation drift and parame-
ters. In literature, there exist two methods relating the predicted
degradation level to the predicted RUL at the th CM point,
which dene the RUL as , and
. As pointed out in [31], [39],
the rst denition neglects the possible hitting events within
, which can result in the under-maintenance, and is
(20) unacceptable, especially for some safety-critical systems. Con-
sequently, we adopt the second denition, i.e., the denition of
2) M Phase: After deriving , we obtain the pa- FPT, as the link between the predicted degradation level and the
rameter estimate at the current iterative step, i.e., , by max- RUL.
imizing (20) with respect to . As , , and in the rst line In conformity with our model, at the th CM point, the evo-
of (4) are s-independent of and in the second line of (4), , lution of the degradation level is written as
, and have analytically optimal solutions.

(21) (24)
So the RUL at the th CM point is dened as the time that
(22) lapses from the current time to the FPT that the degrada-
tion level rst hits a specic threshold if has never
reached before . Due to the introduction of the adaptive drift
and the nonlinear structure, the RUL prediction based on our
(23) model cannot be directly characterized by the IG distribution as
The remaining parameters and can be estimated numeri- the conventional WP model. Thus, Theorem 3 is proposed to ad-
cally by maximizing (20). The E phase and the M phase are ex- dress this issue. Before introducing Theorem 3, we rst give the
ecuted iteratively until the parameter estimates converge. The following Lemma 1 [31] to simplify the derivation of Theorem 3.
estimation of the degradation drift and the unknown parameters Lemma 1: If a random variable satises that
is summarized as Algorithm 1. , then the expectation can be formulated
Algorithm 1 Estimation of the Degradation Drift and the
Unknown Parameters (25)

1: Initialize the parameters in , and the convergence

threshold . where denotes the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
of the standard s-normal distribution.
2: for Each degradation measurement of , do According to Lemma 1, the complete distribution of the pre-
3: . dicted RUL can be obtained by Theorem 3, and its proof is given
in the Appendix.
4: repeat Theorem 3: If is a monotonic function, then the PDF
5: . and CDF of the predicted RUL at the th CM point conditional
on are formulated as
6: At the th CM point, and the th iterative step
of the EM algorithm, achieve the degradation drift
estimate, i.e., and , with by Theorem 1.
7: Update the backward smoothed state of , , (26)
and recursively by Theorem 2.


where .
Remark 2: Wang's model, which ignores the uncertainty of
, simply supplants with its expectation in (24). Further-
more, in both Wang's model and Si's model equal , so
their models cannot trace the evolution of nonlinear degradation
trajectories well. Our model considers the complete distribution
of , and incorporates a nonlinear structure into . Both
of them make our model to trail practical degradation trajecto-
ries better, and attain more accurate RUL prediction in compar-
ison with Wang's model and Si's model.


In this section, a numerical simulation is provided to verify
the effectiveness of our model. Subsequently, a practical case
study about bearings is utilized to compare the performance of
the RUL prediction with that of Wang's model, and Si's model.

A. A Numerical Simulation
The degradation drift and the unknown parameters need to be
estimated in our model, so the accuracies of the estimated drift
and parameters should be tested. However, their explicit values
may be difcult to be specied in practical systems. Hence, to
demonstrate the convergent property and the predictive capa-
bility of our model, a numerical simulation is provided.
For illustration, we consider the nonlinear structure
as , so the unknown parameter equals . Specically, the
following model is exploited to generate the simulation data.

Fig. 1. Estimation of the parameters. (a) Estimation of . (b) Estimation of .

(28) (c) Estimation of .

The parameters are set as , , ,

, , , and the sampling interval . The estimated parameters at each CM point against the cor-
When we dene the threshold as 34, the FPT is approximately responding true parameters are shown in Fig. 1. The solid lines
6 s after 30 CM points. This set of degradation data is used to represent the estimated parameters, and the dashed lines are the
validate the effectiveness of our model. actual parameters. It is straightforward to nd that all of the pa-
Once a new degradation measurement becomes available, we rameters eventually converge to their true values, and the con-
estimate the hidden degradation drift and the unknown param- vergence speed of is faster than those of the variance param-
eters by Algorithm 1, and then predict the RUL by Theorem eters and . The phenomena revealed in Fig. 1 testify to the
3. The total time processing all the 30 degradation measure- effectiveness of the parameter estimation method.
ments is 0.9201 s on the MATLAB platform with a computer Completing the parameter estimation, we substitute the esti-
equipped with a 3.1 GHz Inter Core i3 2100 processor and 2G mated parameters into the proposed on-line ltering algorithm
RAM. The result implies that the average processing time for to evaluate the hidden degradation drift at each CM point. The
each degradation measurement is 0.0317 s, approximately. The estimated expectations of the degradation drifts and their cor-
average time is much smaller than the sampling interval, which responding condence intervals against the actual degradation
indicates that the proposed approach is competent for real-time drifts are plotted in Fig. 2. The solid line, the dotted line, and the
applications. dot-dashed line are the estimated expectation, the lower limit,

Fig. 2. The estimated and condence intervals against the actual .

Fig. 4. The raw vibration signal, and the RMS feature of bearing #1 3. (a) The
Fig. 3. PDFs of the RULs based on our model and the WP model against the raw vibration signal of bearing #1 3. (b) The RMS feature of bearing #1 3.
actual RULs.

and the upper limit of the degradation drifts, respectively. The the on-line CM information. In contrast with other bearing
dashed line represents the actual degradation drifts. It shows that experimental platforms, the data engendered by PRONOSTIA
the estimated degradation drifts can track their true values well. correspond to normally degraded bearings, which indicates
So far, we have demonstrated that we can estimate both the that the defects are not initiated on the bearings; and that the
hidden degradation drift and the unknown parameters quite well degraded bearings contain almost all the types of defects,
by Algorithm 1. Subsequently, we will utilize both of them to including faults in balls, rings, and cages.
predict the RULs at each CM point. What's more, the predicted The sampling frequency of the vibration signal is 25.6 kHz,
RULs based on the WP model are also calculated for compar- but the experimenters do not record each sample. They record
ison. The PDFs dependent on our model and the WP model at 2560 consecutive samples (i.e., the samples during 0.1 s) every
the 15th, 18th, 21st, and 24th CM points are plotted in Fig. 3. 10 seconds. The raw signal is pre-processed by extracting the
It shows that the PDFs of the predicted RULs provided by our root mean square (RMS) feature for the recorded data. After the
model are more compact than those given by the WP model, transformation, the RMS feature sequence forms a new time se-
which indicates that the uncertainties of the predicted RULs ries of degradation data whose sampling interval is 10 seconds.
from our model are lower than those from the WP model. In ad- To avoid propagation of damages to the whole experimental
dition, our model can obtain more accurate RULs than the WP platform, the test is ceased when the amplitude of the vibra-
model does. The predicted RULs from the WP model are far tion signal overpasses 20 g, where 20 g is short for twenty-fold
away from the actual RULs, especially at the early CM points. gravity acceleration. The raw horizontal vibration signal of one
In contrast, the actual RULs are always covered by the predicted of the bearings, called bearing #1 3, and its corresponding
RULs from our model with large probability densities. RMS feature, are shown in Fig. 4.
In conformity with the denition of failure, once a raw signal
overpasses 20 g, the tested bearing is considered to reach the
B. A Practical Case Study
failure threshold, so the amplitude of the corresponding RMS
In this subsection, we utilize a practical example to compare is dened as the failure threshold in the RMS feature domain
the performance of the RUL prediction from our model with that in this paper. Taking bearing #1 3 for example, at its 2342nd
from Wang's model, and Si's model. The bearing dataset [35] sampling set, the raw vibrational signals overpass 20 g, so its
comes from a laboratory experimental platform (PRONOSTIA) corresponding RMS value, 4.7145, is dened as the threshold
which enables the accelerated degradation of bearings in the RMS feature domain, and the degradation trajectory is
under constant or variable operating conditions, and gathers truncated after the 2342nd CM point.


Fig. 6. The contrasting MSEs of RUL prediction. (a) The contrasting MSEs of
our model and Wang's model. (b) The contrasting MSEs of our model and Si's

model are more compact than those from ours, not all actual
RULs are covered by Si's model. It implies that the predicted
RULs from Si's model deviate from the true RULs, especially at
Fig. 5. The comparison of the performances of RUL prediction. (a) Compar- the early CM points. The deviation may result from the strong
ison with Wang's model. (b) Comparison with Si's model. tracking ltering (STF) algorithm used in Si's model, because
the STF algorithm is more appropriate for the degradation pro-
cesses that have jumps, or sudden changes, but the degradation
Bearing #1 3 is used to compare the accuracies of the pre- trajectory in this experiment is a smooth one as seen in Fig. 4(b).
dicted RULs from our model with those from Wang's model, and To further compare the accuracies of the RUL prediction, we
Si's model. For illustrative purpose, we consider . calculate the mean square error (MSE) at each CM point. The
When all the degradation data are processed, the average con- contrasting MSEs are shown in Fig. 6. The dashed line, and the
sumed time, and the longest consumed time are 2.2147 s, and solid line in Fig. 6(a) represent MSEs of Wang's model, and
4.6403 s, respectively. Both of them are much smaller than the our model, respectively. The dashed line, and the solid line in
sampling interval, 10 s, which demonstrates that the proposed Fig. 6(b) represent MSEs of Si's model, and our model, respec-
approach is suitable for the real-time application. The estimated tively. It can be seen that, with the increase of the operating time,
parameters of all degradation models are shown in Table I. It is the MSEs of both Si's and our models, rather than Wang's model,
noteworthy that the estimated parameter in our model is not approach zero gradually. Note that the variations of the MSEs
equal to 1, which indicates that the degradation process is not a of Wang's model and Si's model are much larger than those of
linear path. our model, which means that the accuracies of the RUL predic-
The comparative performances of RUL prediction from our tion from their models uctuate obviously. In addition, most of
model, Wang's model, and Si's model are revealed in Fig. 5. the MSEs of their models are larger than those of ours, and the
Compared with Wang's model, the PDFs of the predicted RULs total MSEs (TMSEs) are listed in Table II. It is evident that the
from our model are much more compact, which means the un- TMSE of our model is half of that of Wang's model, and one
certainties of our model are much smaller. Each actual RUL fth of that of Si' model. In conclusion, all of the above results
is completely covered by both Wang's model and our model. indicate that the performance of RUL prediction from our model
In Fig. 5(b), though the PDFs of the predicted RULs from Si's surpasses that from Wang's model and Si's model.

TABLE II There might be an extension in the future which is to view

TMSES OF ALL DEGRADATION MODELS the degradation process as a hidden process, and the relation-
ship between the observations and the actual degradation levels
will be considered. We will investigate the extension to improve
the robustness and accuracy of RUL prediction for a complex
practical system.

In practical systems, nonlinear degradation trajectories exist
extensively, and the components may degrade slower or faster at Proof of Theorem 1:
different times, which indicates that the degradation processes
are not homogeneous all the time. Moreover, the conventional Proof: At the th ( ) CM point, we have the prior
WP model depends on a strong Markovian assumption which knowledge ,
implies that the degradation level prediction relies only on the , and
current degradation level rather than the historical degradation . According to the law of total probability, and
data. It may give rise to an inaccurate prediction. To correct Bayes' theorem, the PDF of the estimated current degradation
these deciencies, we concentrate on a nonlinear heterogeneous drift is derived as shown in (29) at the bottom of the page,
WP model with an adaptive drift. To update the distribution of where
the estimated degradation drift, an online ltering algorithm
based on Bayes' theorem is proposed. Additionally, the EM
algorithm is adopted to re-estimate the parameters, while the
backward smoothed degradation drift is calculated by a novel
smoother based on Bayes' theorem. Subsequently, the PDF ,
and CDF of the predicted RUL incorporating the complete ,
distribution of the estimated degradation drift are obtained an- and . Invoking the integral
alytically. A simulation is provided to verify the effectiveness , we have (30), shown at
of the online ltering algorithm and the parameter estimation the bottom of the next page.
method. In addition, it shows that our model can obtain more In comparison with the PDF of the Gaussian distribu-
accurate predicted RULs than the conventional WP model does tion, it is not difcult to verify that
for nonlinear degradation trajectories. Furthermore, a practical is s-normally distributed with the expectation
example is presented to compare the performance of RUL , and the vari-
prediction from our model with that from Wang's model and ance .
Si's model, and the experimental results indicate that our model At the rst iteration, i.e., , we have the prior knowl-
surpasses both of them. edge , ,


. Similar to the derivation of other iterations, the degra- According to the state estimation and the structural infor-
dation drift at the rst iteration is formulated as mation of our model, we have ,
, and . In
addition, is assumed to satisfy
. Substituting these quantities into (32), we


It is evident that is s-normally distributed with the


It is noteworthy that, if follows a bivariate

and the variance s-normal distribution with the expectation , and
, for . The proof is complete. the covariance matrix , the logarithmic PDF
is formulated as
Proof of Theorem 2:
Proof: Similar to the distribution of the forward state
estimation , the backward smoothed distribution
is also s-normal, where . We are interested
in the expectation , where
; the variance , where ;
Invoking the matrix inversion lemma, the covariance of can
and the covariance ,
be derived as
where . According to Bayes' theorem, and the
Markov property, the logarithmic joint distribution, i.e.,
, where , is expanded as


Comparing the rst three expressions in (33) with (34), the co-
variance matrix of the joint distribution, , is for-
mulated as




(37) (44)

and If is monotone, then the CDF of the predicted RUL

conditional on and can be expressed as

Substituting (37) into (38), the covariance is derived as

To seek the recursive relationship between the consecutive
expectations, we compare the fourth expression of (33) with Subsequently, the PDF of the predicted RUL conditional on
(34) to achieve and can be obtained by taking the derivative of (45)
with respect to the residual lifetime , given as

When , because , the initial ex-

pectation and variance can be calculated as


Substituting (42) into (38), the initialization of the covariance is Considering the complete distribution of the estimated degra-
given as dation drift, the PDF, and CDF of the predicted RUL are respec-
tively calculated as

The proof is complete.

Proof of Theorem 3:
Proof: According to [13], at the th CM point, the FPT
crossing the threshold conditional on and follows the (47)
IG distribution, that is,

and see (48) at the bottom of the page.



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