Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Ball Bearings by Means of Monotonic Score Calibration

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Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Ball Bearings

by Means of Monotonic Score Calibration

J. A. Carino; D. Zurita; M. Delgado; and J. A. Ortega R. J. Romero-Troncoso
MCIA Research Center HSPdigital
Department of Electronic Engineering, CA Telemtica, DICIS,
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) Universidad de Guanajuato,
Terrassa, Spain Salamanca, Gto., Mexico
(jesus.carino, daniel.zurita, miguel.delgado,

Abstract The estimation of remaining useful life applied to monitoring systems based on computational intelligence are
industrial machinery and its components is one of the current being applied on multiple electromechanical systems. Several
trends in the advanced manufacturing field. In this context, this approaches to improve the estimation of the RUL have been
work presents a reliable methodology applied to ball bearings proposed in the literature.
health monitoring. First, the proposed methodology analyses the Numerous methods can be used to predict the RULs value
available vibration and temperature data by means of the with promising results [4-9]. These methods can be classified
Spearman coefficient. This step allows the identification of the into two principal approaches: model-based prognostics and
most significant monotonic relationship between features and the data-driven prognostics. Model based uses mathematical
evolution of the remaining useful life. The method is
models to represent bearing dynamic behavior and degradation
complemented by means of the application of one-class support
phenomenon. One drawback of these methods is that you must
vector machine in order to obtain the remaining useful life
indication trough the mapping of the classification scores. The have a reliable physical model for the fault degradation. For
proposed scheme shows a significant accuracy and reliability of most real-life signals and systems, including bearings, a
the degradation detection due to the coherent management of the reliable physical model for the degradation process is not
information. This fact is experimentally demonstrated by a run- available. The data-driven approach uses measured data
to-failure test bench and the comparison with classical extracted from the sensor as source for getting a better
approaches. understanding of the bearing phenomenon. Some of these
methods still lack of generalization capabilities to estimate the
Index TermsArtificial Intelligence; Remeaning Useful Life; RUL with test sets that are different from the training set, or
Machine Learning; One Class Support Vector Machines; rely on feature reduction techniques that does not exploit the
Classification Algorithms. appropriate characteristics to estimate the RUL[6, 7].
The originality of this work includes a complete remaining
I. INTRODUCTION useful life scheme applied to ball bearings in an
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) has become electromechanical system. The method begins with the
accepted by the industry as a key factor to avoiding expensive management of the available raw data, in this case temperature
unplanned machine stoppages and maintaining high and vibration. Contrary to most of the classical approaches,
production ratios. The growing importance of computer this stage is focused taking into account the expected behavior
integrated manufacturing is increasing the necessity to of the component degradation profile. This fact allows a better
improve the performance of machine monitoring and fault management of the physical behavior of the component under
detection strategies. monitoring, from the numerical feature selection point of
One of the bases of an effective CBM strategy is the
view. Next, the implementation of the remaining useful life
accurate assessment of machine component condition. A
estimator is done by means of a one-class support vector
common strategy involves obtaining the condition profile of
the component to be monitored by the acquisition of some machine, which takes advantage of the previously selected
significant physical magnitude and, then the remaining useful information.
life time (RUL) of the component could be identified or This paper has been organized as follows. In section II the
predicted [1, 2]. In these cases, after a numerical feature One-Class Support Vector Machine basis and the output
calculations stage, a feature reduction technique is often used calibration strategy are explained. In section III each part of
to obtain a better representation of the data, aiming to obtain a the proposed methodology is shown, including the training
data distribution where the different conditions or classes of stage, which is composed by the following stages: feature
the monitored component could be clearly addressed. Then, a calculation, feature selection, training of the model, and the
classifier is trained with such training profile, in order to test stage, in which new measurements are evaluated. The
identify the corresponding percentage of degradation of the proposed strategy is tested with a bearing degradation dataset
component by the assessment of new measurements [3]. In and the results are presented in section IV. Moreover, the
regard with the industrial applications, these condition performance of the proposed methodology is compared with

978-1-4799-7800-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 1752

different numerical features management approaches. Finally, N N
section V presents the discussion and conclusions derived a i ( w ( xi ) + i ) i i
from the analysis of the results. i =1 i =1
The partial derivatives of the Lagrangian equation with
respect to w , and are set to zero. Then, w and a can be
OC-SVM was proposed by Schlkopf et al [10] for
estimating the support of a high-dimensional distribution. The formulated as
OC-SVM classification objective is to classify one class of
target samples from all other class samples. In this type of w = a i ( xi ) (5)
problem, one class is characterized well, called target class; i =1
while for the other class (mostly) no measurements are 1 N
available. ai =
i a
i =1
i =1 (6)

Considering a data set X = [x1 ,..., x N ] R

which Substitute (5)-(6) into Lagrangian Eq. (4) and its dual form
denotes the normal data set, in order to obtain the boundary, is presented as
an optimization model is considered as follows: min a T Ha
|| w || 2 1 N 1 N
min + i (1) subject to 0 ai
a i =1
2 Nv i =1 i =1

a = [ai ...a N ] . H is the kernel matrix and the

Subject to where
w ( x) i , i 0 factor of H , i.e. H ij , can be expressed as:
where N is the number of the data points, v is a
regularization parameter and i is the slack variable for the H ij = K ( xi , x j ) = ( xi ) ( x j ) (8)
point xi that allow it to locate outside of the decision
Solve the optimization problem (7) to get a and then
boundary and = [1 ,..., N ] w and are the parameters can be given as
which determine the decision boundary and they are target ns
variables of the optimization problem. The decision boundary 1 N

can be formulated as
i =1 j =1
j K ( xi , x j ) a (9)

f ( x) = w ( x) (2) where ns is the number of support vectors.

Tax et al proposed another form of OC-SVM which is
M called Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) [11]. The
where x R , and is a kind of mapping. For the
basic idea of SVDD is to construct a minimum-volume
classification problem of two categories, the data sets are not hypersphere in a high dimensional feature space to enclose as
always linearly separable in the original space. projects the much as normal data points. Both of these two forms of one-
original data sets into a higher dimensional space which is the class SVM have equivalent solution if the diagonal entries of
so-called feature space and the non-separable data sets become
kernel matrix H equal to a constant.
linearly separable in this space. However, is inexplicit in
the practical application and only the dot product from A. Output Calibration for Remaining Useful Life Estimation

( xi ) ( x j ) is necessary to be known. ( xi ) ( x j ) is The OC-SVM, as with the conventional multi-class SVM,

the kernel function and K is usually used to represent it, i.e. has been repeatedly demonstrated to perform well at the task
K ( xi , x j ) = ( xi ) ( x j ) . The most commonly used of separating classes within example datasets. Typically, it
outperforms probabilistic methods in retrospective studies, (in
kernel functions is the Gaussian: terms of misclassification rate), when on-line analysis is not
xi x j
performed [12]. However, limiting the output interpretation to
K (xi , x j ) = exp

2 2 , (3) binary classification or outlier detection would imply some
disadvantages with respect to probabilistic methods.
In order to solve the optimization problem (1), Lagrange Therefore, several output calibration techniques to fit the
( )
multipliers ai 0 and i 0 i = 1,..., N are introduced
classifier score are found in the literature, being the most used
sigmoid fitting, binning, and isotonic regression.
and the Lagrange equation is formed as Sigmoid fitting method is based on the assumption that class
|| w || 2 1 N conditional densities are exponential. In [13] a sigmoid
L( w, , , a, ) =
+ i
Nv i =1
(4) function is used to map the output of a SVM classifier onto
probabilities. The suitability of a calibration method needs to
be validated using the reliability diagram, which visualizes the

calibration of a classifier, which consist of the plot of the In this work, the RUL is defined as a percentage
classifier score versus the desired output (probabilistic, representing the remaining life-time of the bearing under
application specific parameter, etc.). If the classifier is well- operating conditions. Taking into account that the data used
calibrated the plot will be a line, however, for many datasets for experimental validation consist of run-to-failure bearing
this assumption is not always true and would lead to a miss- degradation experiments (called bearing profiles), the RUL
calibration. Binning is a histogram method for calibrating the would be 100% at the start of the experiment and decrease
output, and samples are analyzed according to the classifier linearly to 0% at the end of the experiment, which implies the
score that belongs to certain bin. The number of bins is usually bearing is no longer functional. A graphical explanation of the
RUL interpretation is shown in figure 2.
calculated by cross-validation which would often fail if the
training set is too small or unbalanced. The fixed size of bin is 100%
also a problem, which implies losing resolution in some zones. Estimated
Isotonic regression was proposed as an intermediary approach RUL
between sigmoid fitting and binning. This method is a non-
parametric form of regression with the restriction that the RUL Actual
mapping from scores in the application output is isotonic (i.e. RUL
non-decreasing). The pool or pair-adjacent violators (PAV)
algorithm is employed to perform the isotonic regression, 0%

which finds the stepwise-constant isotonic function g (x) Time
that fits the data according to a mean-squared-error criterion. Fig. 2. Definition of RUL on run-to-failure experiments. The time axis
represent the duration of the experiment until the bearing is no functional.
As a general explanation, the isotonic function fits the output
of the SVM classifier to obtain a monotonically output that
Taking into account that the objective of this work is the
could be associated with the application output. This is very RUL estimation, the presented methodology will consider the
useful in applications where the intrinsic behaviour of the properties of the RUL definition, which is monotonically
system is monotonic and a model with this property is decreasing over the experiment time. This fact is critical,
necessary to estimate a certain characteristic of the system. because will be used to emphasize this property during the
This method can be viewed as a binning algorithm, in which characterization of the bearing degradation profile.
the position and the size of the bins are chosen according to The presented methodology is divided in training phase
how well the classifier ranks the samples. Therefore, the and test phase. On the training phase, only a representative set
isotonic regression overcomes the drawbacks of the binning of a bearing degradation profile is used, this will be called
method. A more detailed explanation of the isotonic regression training set. The objective of this phase is to train a model
and the PAV algorithm can be found in [14]. capable to estimate the RUL of the bearing profile used as
training set with enough generalization to accurately estimate
In this section the proposed methodology to estimate the Previous to the model training, a feature calculation step is
remaining useful life applied to a ball bearings is presented. required, which is an essential procedure in order to
The general idea for developing this methodology is to focus characterize each measurement and highlight the degradation
on the intrinsic characteristics of the phenomenon studied (in patterns. Numerical features can be calculated by using
this case the monotonicity of the degradation profile), and different signal processing methods based on time-domain,
select an appropriate set of features to characterize it, frequency-domain and/or time-frequency-domain.
implement a model with significant generalization capabilities Taking into consideration practical industrial applications,
to estimate the degradation for different cases and calibrate the usually, the electromechanical system works under specific
output to obtain a desired parameter or characteristic, in this stationary conditions among its useful life, this condition
case, the remaining useful life. Figure 1 shows a scheme of the allows the use of time domain features as condition indicators
proposed methodology. for the characterization of the degradation, which is the
domain used in this work. Among the possible choices, it is
possible to distinguish the maximum value, the Root Mean
Square (RMS), the variance and the kurtosis as general
Bearing Feature Feature Modeling: physical magnitude descriptors used in different applications.
Profile Calculation Selection OC-SVM Once the feature calculation stage is done, and a set of
features is obtained for each measurement, a feature selection
stage is introduced. Feature selection is an important step in
Test the fields of pattern recognition and data mining technology. It
Feature RUL identifies a meaningful feature subset, k-feature set, from the
Bearing OC-SVM
Calculation Estimation original one q-feature set, where q>k, by removing redundant
or non-significant information. This dimensionality reduction
allows reducing the training complexity, while simplifying the
Fig. 1. Proposed methodology for RUL estimation. A bearing degradation classification space.
profile is used to identify the relevant features and training the OC-SVM, then
different bearing degradation profiles are used to test the methodology.

An important part of this methodology is the criteria to application), to directly obtain the RUL on future test sets, and
make the feature selection. Based on the assumption that a to avoid ambiguity on the interpretation of results, that is,
feature that monotonically increases over time is the ideal same associated RUL to several classification scores due to
degradation signal, Spearmans rank correlation coefficient training error.
was used to assess how strong the monotonic relationship was At this point, a model trained with the selected features is
between the set of features calculated and the time duration of obtained, and the classification scores are linearly scaled and
the experiment. then fitted with an isotopic regression. This model now can be
Spearman coefficient [15] is a non-parametric measure of tested with new bearing degradation profiles, which is the
statistical dependence between two observational stochastic second phase of the methodology. On this test part, there is no
sequences. It assesses the relationship among the sequences in need to calculate all features, but only the selected to be
which the coefficient can be depicted using a monotonic monotonically relevant identified in the training part, and
function as: posteriorly test the new profiles with the trained and calibrated
OC-SVM and obtain the RUL estimation. The performance of
6 d 2 the OC-SVM is evaluated by means of the Root Mean
s = 1 (10)
n(n 2 1) Squared Error (RMSE).
where s denotes the Spearman Rank correlation 1 N

(y y i )
RMSE = i
coefficient, d is the difference between the sequences, and N i =1
n is the number of the sequences. Basically, a high Spearman Where N is the size of the dataset, yi corresponds to the
coefficient of the feature analyzed will imply a strong
monotonic relationship of the feature and the time duration of estimated RUL, and yi to the real one.
the experiment, which is the ideal case for estimating the
RUL. Under this criterion the two features with highest
coefficient ranking will be selected to characterize the IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
degradation profile. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
It must be noticed that the capability of the model to methodology, experimental data from a laboratory test-bench
estimate the RUL of the bearing will be directly related to the has been used. This data corresponds to a so called run-to-
monotonic relationship over time of the features selected, failure experimental approach, where the elements are forced
which will be assessed with the Spearman coefficient. to work beyond their nominal values and then, the degradation
Once the feature set is reduced, a model is trained. In this profiles can be extracted. Next, the proposed methodology is
case OC-SVM with calibrated output is selected. OC-SVM is applied, the results are discussed and, additionally, some
usually used for one class classification problems, but with variants of the methodology are proposed and analyzed.
calibration of the classification score (output), the classifier
could be employed to characterize an incremental degradation A. Description of the experimental platform

profile on the feature space with generalization capacities, The experimental datasets come from the bearing failure
which means, it will detect increment in all axis of the feature diagnostic and prognostics platform [16], which provides
space. access to accelerated bearings degradation tests. The test
It is important to recall that common classification bench, as shown in figure 3, is composed by the speed
algorithms delimit the feature space for classification and can variation, torque transmission and the load profile generation
work properly only on the regions in which the training was stages.
involved and also their performance is good only with tests in
which the behavior of the phenomenon is very similar to the
training. In this sense, OC-SVM with calibration of classifier
scores provides a more generalized point of view, assuming
the monotonicity of the features, the incremental degradation
profile will not always follow the same pattern over time, but
still, regardless of the pattern, an incremental in any feature
selected is detectable.
The classification scores, which are the output of the
classifier, are lineally escalated [14] using (9):
f ( x) b
s ( x) = (11)
where f(x) is the classification score, s(x) the linear re-
scaled score to [0, 1] and [b, a] are the minimum and
Fig. 3. Overview of PRONOSTIA experimental platform based on
maximum classification score obtained from the training set. accelerated bearing degradation.
This will help the interpretation of results and help the future
association of the classification score with the RUL, but still A cyclic radial load is applied on the external bearing
an isotonic regression is employed to fit the degradation under test in order to simulate its mechanical stress conditions.
profile in an isotonic function (which is ideal to the The experiment starts at a fixed speed condition, and stops

when the measured vibration at the bearing under test is higher selected due to its monotonic behavior. As can be seen the
than 20g (1g=9.81 m/s2). It should be noticed that, in order to coefficient is high (being 1 the highest value of the coefficient
speed up the degradation, the applied radial load exceeds the possible), which implies a strong monotonic relationship
maximal load supported by the bearing. During the between the features and the time of the experiment. These
experiments any kind of failure (inner race, outer race, ball or two selected features will be used to train the model, validate
cage) could occur. This fact allows better representation of a it and test it with the different tests sets. Figure 4 shows the
real industrial scenario. training set represented by the two selected features. To
Regarding the test bench instrumentation, two high include the time variable on the plot, each acquisition was
frequency accelerometers (DYTRAN 3035B), are mounted on labeled with a gray scale. As it was expected, it can be seen a
the bearing external race in order to measure the horizontal strong monotonic behavior over the time of the experiment in
and the vertical accelerations. In addition, the monitoring both axis.
system includes one PT100 to measure the bearing
temperature, which is placed near the external ring of the
bearing under test.
The signals are acquired by means of a NI DAQ card; the
acceleration signals are acquired in successive windows with
duration of 1/10 seconds, repeated every 10 seconds, with a
sampling frequency of 25.6Hz. Similarly, the temperature
signal is acquired every minute with a sampling frequency of
10Hz. One dataset from PRONOSTIA experiments under the
same operating conditions have been selected. The
characteristics of the selected datasets for this experimental
validation can be seen in table I: Fig. 4. Training set represented by the two features selected, with time
variable included in a gray scale plot of the acquisitions just for visualization

Set Experiment Duration Conditions

The OC-SVM is trained with this feature space. The kernel
Bearing 1_1 (70% used is the Gaussian and the value of the configuration
Training 28000 sec parameter will be tuned to minimize the error in the validation
of acquisitions)
Bearing 1_1 (30%
28000 sec
parting from =2, which is a value used in several
of acquisitions) applications. The objective is to train the OC-SVM with whole
1800 Rpm
Bearing 1_4 14000 sec 4000 N training set but center the Gaussian at the start of the
Bearing 1_5 24000 sec acquisitions, so the classifier could be able to have resolution
Bearing 1_6 24000 sec in the feature space containing all the degradation profile and
Bearing 1_7 22000 sec have monotonic scores over the degradation. This can be done
labeling as outliers part of the dataset.
For training, 70% of the acquisitions from the Bearing 1_1 As it can be seen in figure 5, the classification score is
experiment are used, and to validate the model trained 30% of presented in a contour plot, in which the value of the score in
the acquisitions from the same experiment are used. For the feature space is shown in gray-scale.
testing the methodology 4 different test sets are used,
corresponding to test Bearing 1_4 to Bearing 1_7. Its
important to clarify that each acquisition of the bearing
condition was measured every 10 seconds, so the number of
acquisitions available for each set correspond to the duration
of the experiment divided by 10.
B. Validation of the proposed RUL estimation methodology
Each acquisition of the training set is characterized by an
array of twelve time-domain statistical features: max. value,
RMS, variance and kurtosis for both accelerometers (x and y
axis) and temperature, then, each feature is normalized
(standard deviation equals to one, and zero mean).
At this point, a dataset of 12 features calculated is obtained Fig. 5. Classification score over the feature space and acquisitions of the
from every acquisition of the training set. As considered in the training set (half of the test is plotter white and the other black for
visualization purposes).
proposed methodology, a feature selection step is applied. The
Spearmans correlation coefficient is calculated from the 12 The lowest values correspond to the center of the Gaussian,
features and the results are sorted to select the two features which is placed at the start of the degradation profile (first
with the highest ranking. In this bearing degradation acquisitions) and the classification score increases as the
experiment, the RMS of the temperature with s = 0.91 and acquisitions are spreading over the feature space. This ensures
that, if the test sets have different degradation profile (but still
the RMS of the accelerometer in X axis with s = 0.86 are

with monotonic properties on the features), the classifier will
estimate the RUL. Notice that the classification score is scaled
from 0 to 1 (as can be seen in the gray-scale values). The next
step is to fit the classification scores with an isotonic
regression and associate them with a RUL percentage, the
result is shown in figure 6.

Fig. 8. Comparison of the estimated RUL versus the real RUL of set

As we can see in figure 8, the estimation of the RUL

presents some problems again around the same percentages of
the RUL as in validation but still follows with reasonable
approximation the real RUL. The error in this test is 8.45%.
The error percentages of the validation and all the other sets
Fig. 6. Mapping classification scores into RUL percentages using isotonic are presented in Table II.
Training set was evaluated with the OC-SVM and each
acquisition was designed a RUL percentage, assigning the first Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
one 100% RUL and the last one of the test 0%, which 1_1 1_4 1_5 1_6 1_7
correspond to what was previously defined as real RUL. As RMSE 5.99% 8.45% 24.60% 11.23% 22.69%
can be seen in the figure 6 around the score 0.4, the model will
have trouble to estimate the RUL, because none of the feature Taking into account that each test of bearing degradation is
selected presented a monotonic behavior on that part of the different, the proposed methodology is validated by
test, which correspond to 80% to 50% of the RUL. Once the accomplishing a significant generalization performance on the
fitted function is obtained, the model is validated using 30% of different test with reasonable error percentages. An
the training test. Results are shown in figure 7. improvement of the results would be achieved if features with
higher Spearman's coefficient would be used.
C. Performance comparisson applying different

The methodology presented was limited to certain
configuration, for example, the feature selection associated to
the Spearman's coefficient and the features selected are
limited to two. In order to enhance the validation of the
methodology several test were performed with some variants,
including using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as a
feature reduction technique and testing the methodology
proposed but selecting three features instead of two. The
Fig. 7. Comparison of the estimated RUL versus the real RUL of the results of adding a third feature to the methodology presented
validation test. are shown in table III.
As expected, an estimation error is obtained around 80%
to 50% of the RUL, but in the other parts of the validation set
the model had no trouble to estimate the RUL. These Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
percentages are related to the stationary part of the test where 1_1 1_4 1_5 1_6 1_7
the features calculated doesn't change, so it's not possible to
RMSE 6.33% 9.19% 22.25% 11.41% 22.42%
accurately identify changes on this part of the degradation
profile. The RMSE value is 5.99%. With the same trained OC-
SVM and the fit function four different test sets were used. The reslults in table III show that adding a third feature
The result of the estimation of set Bearing 1_4 is shown in does not significally improve the estimation of the RUL. The
figure 8. reason is that the third feature added does not provide
resolution in the percentages of the RUL estimation where the
OC-SVM fails to estimate.

The results of chaning the feature reduction approach to R). The authors would like to express their thanks to the
PCA are shown in table IV. department of Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic
Systems (AS2M) of FEMTO-ST1 institute, for their
TABLE IV. RMSE ERROR PERCENTAGES FOR PCA disinterested contribution providing access to the
PRONOSTIA experimental platform analyzed in this work.
Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
1_1 1_4 1_5 1_6 1_7 REFERENCES
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Prognostics and Health Management, Colorado, United States,
This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness, CICYT (TRA2013-46757-


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