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3, JUNE 2016

A Two-Stage Data-Driven-Based Prognostic

Approach for Bearing Degradation Problem
Yu Wang, Member, IEEE, Yizhen Peng, Yanyang Zi, Xiaohang Jin, Member, IEEE, and Kwok-Leung Tsui

AbstractPrognostics of the remaining useful life (RUL) is predicted at the prognostic step, the maintenance/backup
has emerged as a critical technique for ensuring the safety, actions can be performed in time to avoid operating produc-
availability, and efficiency of a complex system. To gain a tion, or economic losses risk, which enhance the system safety,
better prognostic result, degradation information is quite
useful because it can reflect the health status of a sys- maintenance efficiency, and the resource availability. Thus,
tem. However, due to the lack of accurate information about prognostics is one of the critical tasks for PHM.
the plants degradation, the prognostic model is usually Remaining useful life (RUL), which is known as prognos-
not well established. To solve this problem, this paper tic distance or lead time in other applications, is an important
proposes a two-stage strategy that is in the context of metric for prognostics. Its definition can be described as the
data-driven modeling to predict the future health status
of a bearing, where the degradation information was esti- length between the current inspection time and the end of the
mated by calculating the deviation of multiple statistics of plants allowed useful life [13][17]. With this quantity in hand,
vibration signals of a bearing from a known healthy state. plant maintenance, schedule making for replacement, and the
Then, a prediction stage based on an enhanced Kalman fil- feasibilities for logistics and operations can be achieved as
ter and an expectationmaximization algorithm were used consequences.
to estimate the RUL of the bearing adaptively. To verify
the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a real-bearing There are two major approaches to predict the RUL in litera-
degradation problem was implemented. ture: 1) the physics of failure (PoF) approach; and 2) the data-
driven approach. The PoF approach can be used when systems
Index TermsDegradation, Kalman filter (KF), prognos-
tics, remaining useful life (RUL) estimation. failure mechanisms are clear. This is, however, impossible for
a complex system due to the various failure mechanisms, mak-
I. I NTRODUCTION ing the degradation process be generally not well characterized.
The data-driven approach is an approach to estimate the RUL of
R ECENTLY, prognostics and health management (PHM)
was proposed to evaluate the reliability of a prod-
uct/system in its real operation conditions [1]. Applications
plants based on the available observed data. As it does not need
to know the exact failure mechanisms during modeling, data-
driven approach is becoming more appealing in recent years
of PHM have succeeded in electronics [2], [3], military [4], [18][20].
[5], nuclear plant [6], power industry [7], lithium battery [8], Up to now, the data-driven approaches used for prognostics
[9], consumer products [10], and other applications [11], [12]. of the RUL have ranged from machine learning, artificial intelli-
In PHM, prognostics is used to predict systems future health gent, to model-based methods. This type of method implements
status by constructing appropriate mathematical models based the RUL estimation by fitting the statistical models, such as the
on historical and condition-monitoring data. Once its failure regression-based models and stochastic process-based meth-
Manuscript received June 30, 2015; revised January 12, 2016; ods, upon the available historical and conditional data in a
accepted February 11, 2016. Date of publication February 25, 2016; probabilistic way [21]. These statistical models can provide
date of current version June 02, 2016. This work was supported in
part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant the outline and shape of the degradation directly, which are
51405380, Grant 51421004, Grant 11471275, and Grant 71420107023; the common feature of the population. The information makes
in part by the China Post-Doctoral Science Foundation under Grant it possible to estimate the RUL based on the small sample
2014M560765; in part by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant LY15E050019; in part by the data [16]. In contrast to other data-driven methods, the model-
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; and in part by based methods can provide a possibility density function (pdf)
the Research Grants Council Theme-Based Research Scheme under of the RUL besides an estimation of the RUL. This infor-
Grant T32-101/15-R. Paper no. TII-15-1573.
Y. Wang, Y. Peng, and Y. Zi are with the State Key Laboratory mation is helpful in equipment management and maintenance
for Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, School of Mechanical decision-making [16], [22], [23].
Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China (e-mail: Numerous statistic methods have been proposed to estimate;; ziyy@mail.xjtu. plants degradation. For instance, Chinnam et al. used the poly-
X. Jin is with the College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang nomial regression models to estimate the degradation signal of
University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China (e-mail: xhjin@zjut. the steel drill-bits [24]. Gebraeel et al. developed the exponen-
K.-L. Tsui is with the Department of Systems Engineering and tial growth model to track the bearings degradation process
Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, [25]. Recently, the Wiener process with a positive drift has been
Hong Kong (e-mail: widely used to model the plants performance degradation. The
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at drift term in the Wiener process can be used to characterize the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2016.2535368 degradation rate of plants, and its diffusion term can be used to

1551-3203 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

characterize the short-term fluctuations during the degradation information was estimated by calculating the deviation of the
process. These properties are in accordance with the character- multiple statistics of bearings vibration signals. The first stage
istics of most of the degradation process. Tseng et al. used the was implemented to monitor the bearings health status by
Wiener process to predict the failure time of LED lamps [26]. calculating the Mahalanobis distance from a known healthy
Joseph et al. used a Wiener process to improve the products state until a degradation point was detected. Then, a pre-
quality [27]. Ye et al. proposed a new model of Wiener pro- diction stage based on KF was used to estimate its RUL.
cess considering the heterogeneities degradation rates among The parameters of the KF were adaptively estimated and
the product units [28]. Wang et al. proposed an accelerated updated by an expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm and
degradation model based on Wiener process to deal with the a Bayesian updating procedure. To verify the effectiveness of
head-wear problem in hard-disk drives [29]. Other applications the proposed approach, a real-bearing degradation problem was
include the degradation of self-regulating cable [30], bridge implemented.
beam [31], and light-emitting diode [32][34], to name a few. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as fol-
Another model-based method, which is widely used, is fil- lows. The proposed approach in this paper fused the degrada-
tering theory. It could provide high prediction accuracy with tion characteristic of the plants population and the real-time
small uncertainty using a state-space model. It can also update sensor information. A single statistic cannot reflect the com-
the model parameters recursively once the new observations plex forms of degradation of bearings. We selected 14 different
are available. Updating with the newly observed data makes statistics, which have clear physical meanings. Some of them
the filtering theory-based method be more attractive than other are sensitive to the global damage, and the others are sensitive
model-based methods. The most well-known filter is Kalman to local damage. We then utilized Mahalanobis distance (MD)
filter (KF), which is regarded as the optimum choice for a lin- to fuse these statistics into a new feature to reflect the degra-
ear degradation problem. For instance, Si et al. developed a dation of the bearing more effectively. The proposed two-stage
recursive KF algorithm for RUL estimation by integrating the degradation strategy avoided confusing the healthy data and the
property of Wiener process and the updating capability of the degradation data, which is not considered in a general degrada-
KF [17], [22]. tion modeling. This manipulation can eliminate the interference
In addition to selecting proper models for indicating the of the healthy data effectively and can reduce the computational
degradation process, estimating and updating the stochastic cost and improve the estimation accuracy. This paper used
parameters in the statistic models is the major difficulty. To the adaptive EM algorithm and Bayesian updating procedure
cope with this problem, many methods were developed. Among to estimate the models parameters, which can obtain higher
the existing methods, one category is based on the use of a estimation accuracy as more observations become available.
large number of degradation samples of the same population Finally, the experiment in this paper has proved the efficiency
to estimate these parameters by statistical regression method of the proposed approach in improving the accuracy of the
or artificial intelligence [34]. The other category is based on estimation of the RUL and reducing the convergence time.
the historical data from one degradation sample to update these
parameters by Bayesian approach [25]. Under the condition of
lacking of large-volume similar samples, the latter category has II. T WO -S TAGE S TRATEGY
an advantage over the former one, especially in estimating the Bearings, as one of the key components in many machines,
initial distributions that is generally not known in prior. are highly reliable and have long useful life. Specifically speak-
In this study, the subject bearings are the key components ing, the bearing lifecycle has two stages: health and degra-
in rotating machines, and determine the RUL of many rotating dation. The health state will last for a long duration until a
machines. The failure of a bearing is not a sudden case, but degradation point. In this section, a two-stage strategy for bear-
generally a slow degradation, taking place in two stages: 1) the ing degradation problem (Fig. 1) will be presented in detail.
normal working stage; and 2) the irreversible degradation stage In Section II-A, multiple time-domain features were extracted
[35]. In the normal working stage, the condition-monitoring to reflect the degree of bearing degradation. In Section II-B,
data always show a random fluctuation at a small range. While Mahalanobis distance was used to fuse the multiple features
in the irreversible degradation stage, a deviation from the into a new health index, and a degradation point was detected
normal condition will appear along with usage or operation based on this index.
duration. To capture the degradation trend of the bearings,
vibration signals are always the best choice, as the vibration
A. Feature Extraction
signal contains rich information about the bearing degradation,
and can usually be represented by multiple statistical features The bearing vibration signal is composed of random noise
[36]. Therefore, to accurately capture the bearing degradation and periodic fluctuations. When we use the time-domain meth-
information, it is necessary to clearly identify the two stages of ods to analyze this type of signals, many time-domain statistics
the bearings degradation, and select the best feature that can would be constructed to judge the health status of the bearing.
depict the bearings degradation process. The statistics can denoise the raw signal effectively and have
To solve this problem, this paper proposed a two-stage strat- clear physical meanings [36]. To capture the degradation char-
egy that is in the context of the data-driven modeling to predict acteristics, we used 14 time-domain features that were extracted
the future health status of a bearing, where the degradation from the original vibration signal, as illustrated in Table I.


Fig. 1. Flowchart of proposed prognostic approach.

These statistics describe the raw signal from different perspec-

tives, and different statistics are sensitive to different faults, e.g.,
the statistic of rms is a feature to describe the signal strength,
which is sensitive to the bearings wear (global damage) [36].

B. Degradation Detection Approach

To capture the bearings degradation information accurately,
all the features were fused to one index for an ensemble assess-
ment. In this study, the fusion of all the features was achieved by
calculating the Mahalanobis distance from the original healthy
MDi = zi C1 zTi (1)
where zi = [zi1 , zi2 , . . . , zin ] is the input features, zTi is the
transpose of zi , and C is the correlation matrix.
Because there are two stages of the bearing degradation, X(t) = t + B(t) (2)
an additional step is used to detect the beginning point of the
degradation stage. Using + 3 as the degradation threshold, where is the positive nondecreasing drift, B(t) is the stan-
i.e., when the data exceed this threshold, the bearing starts to dard Brownian motion, and is the diffusion coefficient. The
deteriorate. The RUL estimation was also carried out after the increments in Wiener process X(t) = X(t + t) X(t) are
degradation point is detected, and will be discussed in details in independent of X(t), and X(t) follows a normal distribution,
Section III. i.e., N (t, 2 t).
To estimate an in-service products degradation, the discrete
model of the Wiener process can be written as
X(t) = xi + (t ti ) + B (t ti ) for t > ti . (3)
A. A Brief Introduction of Wiener-Process-Based
Degradation Model To estimate the RUL of a plant, a terminology called first pas-
To describe the degradation process in a continuous system, sage time (FPT) [34] should be introduced. FPT is the interval
a typical form of Wiener process can be expressed as [27], [31] between current time and the first time to reach the predefined

failure threshold of the monitored degradation data. Utilizing linked with the observations up to ti , and thus it can be esti-
the definition of FPT, RUL at ti can be written as [22] mated from the observations via a recursive filter. The mean
and variance of i can be expressed as i = E (i |Y0:i ) and
Ri = inf {ri : X (ri + ti ) w|X0:i } (4) Vi|i = V ar (i |Y0:i ).
To estimate the above two parameters i and Vi|i , the
where ri is the random variable of RUL, w is the predefined
ChapmanKolmogorov equation was used to recursively cal-
threshold, and X0:i is the historical degradation observations
culate their pdfs
to ti .
According to (3) and (4), the expressions of the pdf and 
cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the RUL at ti can be f ( i |Y 0:i ) = f (i |i1 ) f (i1 |Y0:i ) di1
obtained, respectively
  f (i |i1 ) f (yi |i1 , Y0:i1 ) f (i1 |Y0:i1 ) di1
2 = .
wxi (wxi i ri ) f (yi |Y0:i1 )
fRi |i ,X0:i (ri |i , X0:i ) =  exp (10)
2r3 2
2 2 ri
It can be clearly seen that the above equations can be well
ri > 0 modeled by KF to recursively compute and update the parame-
w xi i ri ters. Based on (9) and (10), the pdf of the i conditional on the
FRi |i ,X0:i (ri |i , X0:i ) = 1 observations Y0:i boils down to
2i (w xi ) (w xi ) i ri 1

+ exp , ri > 0 f (i |Y0:i ) = 
exp (i i ) /2Vi|i . (11)
2 ri 2Vi|i
According to [22] and [34], the pdf of the RUL can be
where () is the cdf of the standard normal distribution.
w yi
B. Bearing Degradation Modeling by Wiener Process fRi |Y0:i (ri |Y0:i ) = 
To model the bearing degradation information, we assume 2ri3 Vi|i ri + 2
that X (t) is the degradation path of the bearings. By ignor- (w yi i ri )
ing the measurement error, the bearing degradation path can be exp  , ri > 0. (12)
2ri Vi|i ri + 2
expressed as an exponential form

X (t) = a + exp(t) (7) At the same time, the mean of RUL can be calculated by
[22], [34]
where a is the normal health status and exp(t) represents  

the degradation process. Taking the logarithm to both sides of 2 (w yi ) i
(7) and considering the stochastic effect during degradation, it E (Ri |Y0:i ) =  D  (13)
Vi|i 2Vi|i

Y (t) = ln (X (t) a) = t + B (t) . (8)  z 

where D (z) = exp z 2 exp u2 du is the Dawson inte-
To utilize the historical observations and the Wiener pro- gral for real z.
cess in the bearing degradation model, we have adopted a
random walk model for the coefficient , i.e., i = i1 +
and N (0, Q). This means that the coefficient is a time-
C. Parameter Inference
dependent variable conditional on i1 . i is around i1 with
a noise form at a very small interval (ti ti1 ), which is in As illustrated by the above equations, the unknown param-
accordance with the practice case. Taking the above considera- eters are 0 , V0 , Q, 2 . For simplicity, we
 denoted these
tions into account, the degradation model can be expressed as a unknown parameters as = 0 , V0 , Q, 2 . To estimate ,
linear state-space form we calculated the maximum log-likelihood function once the
 new observation Yi is available. The log-likelihood function of
i = i1 +
(9) the estimated parameters can be written as
yi = yi1 + i1 (ti ti1 ) + i

where y0 = 0 denotes the initial state of the product degrada- Li () = log p (Y0:i |) (14)
tion, and i N (0, ti ti1 ).
The initial coefficient 0 can be assumed to follow a nor- where p (Y0:i |) is the joint pdf of the degradation data up to i.
mal distribution with mean of 0 and variance of V0 . In the Then, the maximum-likelihood estimation i of conditional
above model, the coefficient i is a hidden variable, which is on Y0:i can be calculated by

i = arg max Li () . (15) TABLE II


It is worth noting that there is a hidden variable i in the log-

likelihood function; therefore, maximizing the log-likelihood
function is not straightforward. The EM algorithm is a possible
way to handle such a problem. Its fundamental idea is to use
the expectation conditional on the observations to replace the
hidden variable. By introducing the middle variable i to rep-
resent all the hidden variables, suppose i follows a distribution
of q (i ), the log-likelihood function becomes

Li () = log p (Y0:i , i |) log p (i |Y0:i , ) . (16)

Optimization of the complete-data likelihood function

log p (Y0:i , i |) is significantly easier than the previous one.
Next, taking the expectation operator to each side of (16) with
respect to i , the log-likelihood function becomes

Li () = E [log p (Y0:i , i |)] + E [log p (i |Y0:i , )]

= L (q, ) + KL (q||p) . (17)

Because the KullbackLeibler divergence satisfies

KL (q||p) 0, with equality, only if, q (i ) = p (i |Y0:i , ), S TEPS FOR R AUCH T UNG S TRIEBEL M ETHOD
we can obtain L (q, ) Li (). That is, if an appropriate
is selected to make L (q, ) at the maximum, Li () is at the

L (q, ) = E [log (i |) + log (Y0:i |i , )]

= E log p (0 |) + log p (j |j1 , )


+ log p (yj |j1 , ) . (18)

By substituting the density function, the final log-likelihood

function without constant terms can be written as

E log V0 (0 0 ) /V0
log Q + (j j1 ) /Q
log 2 + (yj yj1 j1 (tj tj1 ))

/ 2 (tj tj1 ) . (19)

To maximize
this log-likelihood, the expectation operations
E (j ), E j2 , and E (j j1 ) should be calculated first.
In the above calculation, the expectation operations in log-
likelihood function can be calculated by RauchTungStriebel
method [22], [37].
The basic steps of EM algorithm and the RauchTung
Striebel method were illustrated by Tables II and III, respec-
The convergence criterion for the algorithm is the difference
between k and k+1 below a predefined threshold.

Fig. 2. Typical bearing degradation signal.

Fig. 3. Health monitoring and degradation prediction obtained by our
A. Bearing Data Set
A real-bearing degradation problem [38] was used to demon-
strate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The bearing
was under a run-to-failure test in the platformPRONOSTIA.
There is no information about the bearings specific faults with
respect to inner, outer, or ball damage. During the experiment,
bearing degradation process was monitored by accelerometer
and temperature sensor. The sample rate for the vibration signal
is 256 kHz. As mentioned in the previous sections, the vibra-
tion signal is more useful for monitoring bearing degradation.
Therefore, we only analyzed the vibration signal in this study.
According to the failure criterion, the bearing was regarded
as failed when the amplitude of the vibration signal exceeds
20 g. Fig. 2 shows a typical vibration signal over time that was
monitored by the accelerometer. It can be seen that the vibra-
tion amplitude increases sharply at the end of the experiment, Fig. 4. Tracking error comparison.
indicating a quick degradation in the end.

B. Two-Stage Prognostic Approach

The 14 features as listed in Table I have been fused via MD,
which has then been taken the logarithm to generate a lin-
ear degradation path. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the degradation
path represented by MD values has linear increasing trend after
the degradation point. This means that the proposed approach
can detect the degradation point. To illustrate the effectiveness
of the tracking performance of our model, Gebraeels model
[25] with optimal parameters and Sis model [22] were used
as the comparison objects. It is found that our model with ran-
dom prior parameters can track the degradation path better than
Gebraeels model [25] and Sis model [22] from the degrada-
tion point to the end of the testing (Fig. 4), although in the
Fig. 5. Estimated the mean of RUL by our model and Gebraeels model
Gebraeels model, a set of selected prior parameters is optimal at different condition-monitoring points.
(the prior parameters were obtained by fitting the degradation
path directly).
Fig. 5 shows the comparisons of the bearings RUL estima- that after 1800 sample, the RUL can be estimated more accu-
tions at different condition-monitoring points with Gebraeels rately by our model with random prior parameters, while
model which has optimal prior parameters. It can be observed Gebraeels model has a larger gap at this stage. For example, the

Fig. 6. Estimated pdfs of the RUL by our model and Gebraeels model
Fig. 7. Estimated the mean of RUL by our model and Sis model at
at the last several condition-monitoring points.
different condition-monitoring points.

mean square errors between the actual degradation and the esti-
mated mean life of our model and Gebraeels model are 12.09
and 27.97, respectively. From this comparison, we can conclude
that our model is more robust to the initial parameter selection
than the Gebraeels model.
Fig. 6 shows the pdfs of the RUL at last several condition-
monitoring points caluclated by our model and Gebraeels
model. We can observed that both models can cover the actural
RULs well. However, our model improves predicted precision,
since the pdf distributions in our model are much narrower than
that of Gebraeels model.
The good performance of our proposed model can be
attributed to the three following perspectives.
1) Our model took the item B(t ti ) into account, which
can update estimation based on Bayes theorem to reflect
the fluctuations of the bearing status in real time. Fig. 8. Estimated pdfs of the RUL by our model and Sis model at the
last several condition-monitoring points.
2) In our model, the prior distribution parameters were not
fixed, and EM algorithm was used to re-estimate all prior
distribution parameters at each inspecting time when new
data are available. In Gebraeels model, the prior dis-
tributions, which are predefined based on large-volume
samples, affect the estimation accuracy greatly. But now,
the number of the samples is not enough to estimate
the prior distribution accurately, and the inappropriate
selection of the prior parameters resulted in inaccurate
estimation of the degradation and the RUL.
3) Gebraeels model directly estimated the RUL distribution
using an implicit monotonic assumption, which is not the
case in the reality. To relax this assumption, our model
utilized the FPT from Wiener process to consider the fluc-
tuations in RUL estimation, thus having a more prediction
accuracy than the Gebraeels model.
To demonstrate the necessity of the two-stage modeling, we Fig. 9. Prediction errors of RUL of three models.
also compared with Sis model [22] that was directly used on
the whole degradation without judging the degradation point. Our model still shows a narrower pdf indicating high precision.
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at different condition-monitoring points. As observed from shows that our model has smallest error distribution. The large
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Yu Wang (S12M15) received the B.Eng. Xiaohang Jin (M15) received the B.Eng.
degree in mechanical design and manufactur- degree in mechanical engineering from the
ing automation from the Xian University of Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou,
Technology, Xian, China; the M.Eng. degree in China; the M.Eng. degree in power machin-
manufacturing engineering and automation from ery and engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong
Xian Jiaotong University, Xian; and the Ph.D. University, Shanghai, China; and the Ph.D.
degree in systems engineering and engineering degree in electronic engineering from the City
management from the City University of Hong University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong
Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, in 2001, 2005, Kong, in 2003, 2006, and 2014, respectively.
and 2014, respectively. From February 2015 to January 2016, he
Since June 2014, he has been a Lecturer with was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the
the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University. His Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
research interests include reliability assessment, fault prognostics, and NebraskaLincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. Since March 2014, he has been
health management. with the Zhejiang University of Technology, where he is currently an
Associate Professor with the College of Mechanical Engineering. His
research interests include reliability evaluation, health monitoring, fault
diagnosis, and prognosis for rotating machines.
Dr. Jin was a Certified Reliability Engineer of the American Society
Yizhen Peng received the B.S. degree in mea- for Quality.
surement and control technology and instru-
ment, and the M.S. degree in instrument
and meter engineering from Xian Jiaotong
University, Xian, China, in 2010 and 2012, Kwok-Leung Tsui received the B.Sc. degree
respectively, where he is currently pursuing the in chemistry from The Chinese University of
Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, M.Ph. degree
His research interests include reliability eval- in mathematics from The Chinese University of
uation, prognostics, and health management. Hong Kong, and Ph.D. degree in statistics from
the University of WisconsinMadison, Madison,
WI, USA, in 1979, 1981, and 1986, respectively.
He is the Head and Chair Professor
of the Department of Systems Engineering
and Engineering Management with the City
University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong
Yanyang Zi received the B.Eng. degree in man- Kong. Prior to his current position, he was a Professor/Associate
ufacturing processes and equipment, and the Professor at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia
Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, from 1990 to 2011, and a
Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, in 1993 Research Member with the Quality Assurance Center, AT&T Bell Labs,
and 2001, respectively. Holmdel, NJ, USA, from 1986 to 1990. His research interests include
He is currently a Full Professor of Mechanical health informatics, data mining and surveillance in healthcare and public
Engineering with Xian Jiaotong University. His health, prognostics and health management, calibration and validation
research interests include condition monitoring, of computer models, bioinformatics, process control and monitoring, and
fault diagnosis, prognostics, and health manage- robust design and Taguchi method.
ment of rotating machines. Dr. Tsui is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, a U.S.
Dr. Zi a Senior Member of the Chinese Representative on the International Organization for Standardization
Mechanical Engineering Society, and an Editorial Board Member of the (ISO) Technical Committee on Statistical Methods, and a Department
International Journal of Comprehensive Engineering. Editor of the IIE Transactions.

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