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Part Three

Chapter 1
Dialogue/Speaking Skills

For a learner of English who uses it as a second or third language, speaking contexts
create the maximum problems. To be able to speak fluently and interact with those who
use English as their mother-tongue, to understand them and be understood in turn, to
handle all contexts comfortably, to master the right words / phrases / expressions for all
occasions and to allow for no gap between thinking and articulating are all necessary
communication skills to be mastered by the professional of today.

Since English is the language of business in most parts of the world, not only India, the
learner has to pay special attention to the language. Deficiency in the effective use of
English is a serious drawback for the ambitious professional of the present generation.
Therefore it is worth our while to improve the skills which enhance our salability in the
job market.

Given in this section are various frames for practicing oral communication. Language
learning is often dependent on repetition. Most of the mistakes we make are because we
have acquired the language from faulty models and continue to repeat the mistakes
without being aware that we are doing so

a) Introducing Yourself: The ability to tell a stranger who you are by introducing yourself
is something which each person needs to learn because such a context is bound to arise
sooner or later. Some people spend hours wondering how they will introduce themselves
or ask the other person for his / her name. Such difficulties can be overcome by
practicing through simulated situations where you introduce yourself.

Suppose you are a medical representative who has gone to call on a doctor. You need to
introduce yourself; otherwise the doctor will assume that you are one more patient. You
have to be quick and clear in your introduction so that there is no ambiguity in the

A: May I come in, doctor?

B: Yes, please come and sit down. Tell me what is wrong with you.
A: Doctor, let me introduce myself. I am not a patient. I am a medical representative by
B: Oh!
A: My name is Srihari and I work for Central Pharmaceuticals Company.
B: Hello, Srihari. Glad to meet you.
A: Thank you, doctor. If you have some time to spare, I would like to tell you about
some of our products.
B: Well. Let me see. Are there any more patients in the waiting room?
A: No, I think there arent. The room was empty when I came in.
B: Then thats all right. It is almost closing time, so I am sure no one else will come.
Please tell me all that you want to.
A: Thank you, doctor.

Another example is when you may meet the HR Manager of a large organization because
you want to know whether there are any vacancies in the organization:

A: Excuse me, could I meet the HR Manager, please?

B: Please sit down. I am Mishra, the Senior HR Manager of Digitechies.
A: Thank you sir. May I introduce myself? I am Ramya, an MBA from ABC
Management School and I was wondering if there is any opening for me in your
B: Did anyone ask you to come and see me?
A: Yes. One of our professors, Prof. Saksena, suggested that I get in touch with you.
B: What is your specialization, Ramya?
A: It is HR, sir. I have excellent marks all through my education and even in MBA I was
in the first 10% of my class.
B: Then why did you not opt for any company that came to your campus for recruitment?
A: I am sorry to be personal, but during the final year of my study my father was
diagnosed with cancer and I had to spend most of my time in the hospital with him. With
great difficulty I found time to take the exams. But I missed all the recruitment programs.
B: OK, Ramya. Leave your resume with me. Let me see what I can do for you.
A: Thank you very much, sir. It will be a great help if you do.

You meet someone at a party. Again you need to introduce yourself and ask the other
person to do the same.

A: Hello. You seem new here.

B: Hi, I am Chetan. I have just arrived in this city last week.
A: Glad to meet you, Chetan. I am Sindhu, Roshans cousin. How do you know him?
B: Roshan and I are colleagues. We work in the same department. Since I dont know
anyone here, he asked me to come to the party tonight so that he could introduce me
A: But where is Roshan? I dont see him doing much introducing.
B: I think he is busy with some other guests. He hasnt seen me yet.
A: Not to worry. Come I will introduce you to everyone here. Most people are into
marketing so you will have no problems.
B: Are you also into marketing?
A: Yes. I work for my fathers company as Senior Marketing Manager.
B: It has been really nice to meet you, Sindhu.
A: Same here.

b) Starting a Conversation: Indians are known for being overtly friendly. Even a stranger
you meet may want to know your whole life history starting with just asking you what the
time is. But this has its advantages also. Sometimes you may find a good friend this way.
At other times you may get some much-need practice of speaking.
Imagine that you are in a super bazaar looking for things you need to buy. You cannot
find what you are looking for and decide to ask one of the youngsters working there.

A: Hi. Can you tell me where the electronics items are kept?
B: Sorry, madam. I am also a customer like you. I dont really know.
A: Oh, sorry. I thought you work here.
B: Thats all right. I work in a hardware store next door. I just dropped in during the
lunch hour to buy some provisions.
A: Then I wont disturb you. You must be in a hurry to get back to work.
B: Not really. I have more than half an hour left. Would you like me to help you look for
A: Yes, that would be very nice of you. I cant walk too well, you see.
B: Itll be a pleasure to help. Please wait here till I find out the counter number and come
A: Ill do that. God bless you.

Another context may be when two people have come as tourists to a new place and get
acquainted with each other in the course of their travel.

A: Is this seat vacant? May I sit here?

B: Yes, you may. I came early to get the best seat in the bus. We have a long distance to
travel today before we reach the fort.
A: Have you been to this city before or is this your first visit?
B: Oh, it is my first visit. I came to attend a conference and thought I would see a part of
the city. How about you?
A: I came in search of my lost roots. My great grandparents lived here, I was told. I
wanted to find out more. And since I am here, I thought I might as well see the sights.
B: Thats interesting. You must tell me more about your great grandparents.
A: Ill do that. After all, we have the whole day together.
B: So we do.

c) Controlling a Conversation: A good conversation is one where no one person

dominates the speaking. It should be an equal exchange even when one person has more
to say than the other. Often, controlling a conversation may also mean that one of the
persons asks regular questions or interrupts the speaker so that he / she is sure that what
in being said and what he / she has understood does not have any gaps. All these contexts
of control are quite common to everyday contexts.

For instance, you are discussing the pros and cons of the drive to privatize higher
education in India with a trainer in an organization. You must be careful to participate in
the discussion in such a way that the conversation does not become a monologue.

A: There are quite a few private universities in our country now. This was not the case
some decades ago. In the past all institutions of higher education were sponsored by the
government. But now the government is encouraging the universities and other higher
education centers to be self-supporting. They are expected to generate their own funds
for any new courses they start and pay all the persons they recruit for these courses.
Higher education is . . ..
B: Sorry to interrupt you, but let me just put in a word here. What you say is true, no
doubt. There are many private universities and the government is also trying to make the
state and central universities more financially autonomous. But what is your opinion
about privatization of higher educationis it good or bad, necessary or unnecessary?
A: OK. I was making the discussion very general. But I find that you want to talk about
particulars. So lets see . . . mm . . . privatization is necessary, I think. These days most of
the students who come for higher education do so because they have nothing else to do.
They dont come to universities because they have an indomitable thirst for knowledge.
Dont you agree?
B: Well, there is some truth in what you say. Many students in our universities are
drifting in and out of campuses without any goal or objective. But think, if we privatize
all higher education what will happen to the financially poor students who would like to
get a bachelors, masters or professional degree. Where would they get the lakhs of
rupees needed for such a course of study? Even if there are bank loans, would they be
willing or allowed by their family / parents to take such a risk? Suppose they dont get a
job after finishing? Who will repay the loan?
A: My friend, this time I would like to put in a word of caution. What is the use of mass
higher education where there is no quality? Privatization will improve the quality of
education. And there should be some state universities with subsidized fee structures. I
am not in favor of complete privatization.
B: Thats really a balanced view. What you say is right. Privatization brings those who
are really keen for higher education alone to the portals of a university. And state
universities also improve their standards when they have some competition from private
A: Yes. You have summarized the crux of the issue.

Suppose you are conversing with a person and he / she uses some words / expressions
which are not clear to you. Do not hesitate to ask what they mean.

A: I must tell you what a plethora of opportunities there are in the hospitality industry for
fresher graduates. I will now tell you . . . .
B: May I just interrupt you for a minute? Could you tell me what exactly the word
plethora means.
A: Thats all right. I am glad you asked. Please feel free to ask whatever you want.
Plethora means overabundance or simply many.
B: Thank you. Please continue.
A: As I was telling you about the opportunities in the hospitality industry where many of
you can get jobs. But first you have to undergo a training for six months. Of course,
during these months you will be paid a stipend and your living expenses will be taken
care of by the organization.
B: I am sorry, but I have another question: when you say that living expenses will be
taken care of do you mean that they will reimburse us or arrange our food and
A: It depends on the kind of organization with whom you are doing the training. Some of
them have their own hostels while others take up leased accommodation. Then at the end
of the training period you will either be absorbed into the organization or given an option
to work in any other organization of your choice.
B: I have another question. May I ask?
A: Please do.
B: Will the training company organize the placements or will they ask us to search for
jobs in case we choose the second option?
A: There will be some sister organizations where you may find placements with the help
of the training company. But if you like, you may also look out for yourself.
B: Thank you. I am very grateful for the way you have explained everything and cleared
all my doubts.
A: I was happy that you came forward with them.

d) Describing Your Job and Your Company: In many contexts our identity is structured by
the kind of job we do and the company we work for. To be able to speak about the job
and company, therefore, are essential skills in order to introduce ourselves and establish
our identities.

Girish: Hello, Mahender. How are you? Its been a long time since we met.
Mahender: Hi, Girish. Im fine, thank you. Yes. Its been ages. What are you doing these
Girish: I am teaching English at a coaching center near my house.
Mahender: Thats good. Tell me about the courses you teach.
Girish: In the mornings we have classes for competitive exams such as the Civil Services,
State Services, bank officers, railway officers and so on. In the evenings we have classes
for GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS and so on.
Mahender: Do you take all these courses? I am impressed!
Girish: Oh, no. I take any one batch at a time. But allotment is made by rotation. This
month if I am given GMAT then next month I may be given GRE.
Mahender: OK, I get you. Now tell me, how do you like your job?
Girish: I enjoy teaching. It is so rewarding to see the improvement in the participants and
when they get through a tough exam their joy becomes our joy.
Mahender: Thats all fine, but doesnt it get monotonous to teach the same things over
and over again?
Girish: Not really. With each new batch the same thing acquires a new color. And the
director of the coaching center where I work also lays great stress on his faculty striving
for excellence. So we are on our toes all the time to do better and better.
Mahender: What is the name of the coaching center and how many of you are teaching
Girish: It is called VIM Competitive Exams Coaching Center. VIM stands for Vitality,
Intelligence and Motivation. Vim also means verve and enthusiasm. The Director of the
Center is Mr. Ravi Kishore, a very dynamic person and a visionary leader. There are
about 25 of us teaching different subjects but some of the faculty come only for specific
courses. Only those of us who teach English, Analytical aptitude and such subjects meet
almost all the batches of students.
Mahender: Thats great. Its been wonderful meeting you and hearing about your job and
your coaching center. But I have to leave now. See you some time soon.
Girish: Bye, then. See you.

e) Changing the Topic of Conversation: In the course of personal conversation and often
in professional contexts too, you may feel the need to discuss something else. Suppose
the conversation takes on unpleasant hues, the topic needs to be changed. Or, the present
topic may be boring; so you want to talk about something more interesting.

A: Do you know, there was a terrible furor in our neighborhood yesterday!

B: Why, was there something unpleasant happening?
A: I dont know exactly what happened, but I assume the neighbors daughter has run
away with their driver. I had been observing the girl become too friendly with the driver.
Often I hinted as much to the mother, but did she pay any attention? Instead she told me
obliquely that she trusted her daughter. Now look what the darling daughter has done!
B: It is very unfortunate if the girl has really done something wrong. But I think we
should not talk about it any longer. It is rather boring to speculate on such matters. Tell
me what you think of the new arrangement I have made in this room.
A: Oh, it looks very good. Did you hire any decorator?
B: Not really.
A: Then you must have seen it in some magazine.
B: Actually a friend of mine was telling me about a place she visited recently and I
suddenly got an idea that I would try to recreate what she described to me. You see the
result in front of you.
A: That is good. You must have worked very hard. The result is pleasing. You must be
proud of it.
B: Thank you. I am quite pleased, too.

Politics usually makes a discussion heated and often the best of friends come to blows.
Being able to change the topic in such a situation or make the discussion amicable is an
art worth cultivating.

A: Why should you blindly support the X party? They have been in power long enough
to prove themselves. But have they done anything? Tell me at least one of their
achievements. Except corruption, they are not capable of anything.
B: I dont think I am blind in my support. I believe you are blind in your prejudice.
Whatever X party does seems to you wrong. Even if they do brilliantly you will never be
able to appreciate them. I find your attitude disgusting.
A: Hey, what do you mean by that? As if your attitudes are pure white and mine are all
black. I am not scared to call a spade a spade. X party needs to do some introspection.
Otherwise they will bring themselves and their followers to utter ruin.
B: What rubbish! I know some of the top leaders of the party. Their charisma is tangible.
Come and meet some of them and you will soon sing a different tune.
A: You mean I should get hypnotized by them?
B: No, I am asking you to be rational. Let us not quarrel. I am just suggesting that the
party is doing its best and we should appreciate it.
A: But its best is not good enough. I want results. Where are the results, you tell me? Or,
better still show me!
B: Yes. I think that is best. Let me enumerate what the X party has done in the last few
years and take you around so that you can see the results for yourself.

These are some oft-encountered contexts of conversation which will help you hone your
speaking skills. From these we move to specific business contexts in the following
Chapter 2
Telephone Skills

In business contexts telephonic communication has now become very significant. Most
of the people involved in business carry out a major part of their daily communication
through the medium of a telephone. As a result, specific telephone etiquette has
developed and most organizations give their new employees some basic training in this
field before they are put on the job.

But often it is seen today that the people who work at customer care jobs and helpdesks
overdo the politeness and bonhomie specified for a pleasant telephone communication.
Someone hears you make a serious complaint and failing to give you a proper response
for the complaint ends the call by saying: Have a nice day, sir/madam. At that moment,
to the irate customer such a response is like a red rag to a bull.

Therefore, without carrying too far the theory of what a polite telephone conversation
should be, we should be able to handle telephone communication with ease and make the
best use of the instrument which has brought so much convenience to the world of

a) Leaving a Message: Often the person who you wish to speak to may not be available
at the time you have called. Then you should be able to leave a message which is clear
and cogent without possibilities of misinterpretation. The person who is taking the
message should take it down on paper to avoid relaying it partially or with gaps.

(Ring, ring)
A: May I speak with the Commercial Officer, please.
B: I am sorry. The Commercial Officer has gone to inspect a site today.
A: May I know when she will be back.
B: Madam is not expected back in office today. You could call up tomorrow at the same
time if you want to speak to her.
A: Oh, but that will be too late. I have to tell her about something very urgent.
B: In that case, you may leave a message and I shall see that she gets it.
A: Thats very nice of you. Please tell her that the delegation which was supposed to
meet her on the 20th of this month would like to meet her on the 18 th instead. The time
would be the same, that is, 11 am. In case madam has some other program at that time,
she can get in touch with me at this number: 132465867.
B: Just a moment. Could you repeat that please?
A: The phone number or the message?
B: The dates and the phone number, if you will. Then I can write them down clearly.
A: Yes. That would be best. The meeting is to be advanced from 20 th to 18th and the
phone number is 132465867.
B: OK. I have got that down. I shall communicate it to her and get back to you.
A: Thank you. You have been very helpful.
B: You are welcome.
Sometimes messages have to be left on the answering machine. Many people are quite
comfortable leaving a message with the receptionist or PA but get flustered when the
answering machine comes on. This skill too needs practice so that you are not
uncomfortable in any context where you have to leave a message.

(Ring, ring)
A. M.: Sorry. I am unable to take your call now. Please leave your number and message
after the beep. I shall get back to you as soon as possible.
B: Oh no! I hate these answering machines. Let me disconnect. (Puts down the phone.)
How can I leave a message? It seems so inhuman.
C: Dont worry. Just wait for the beep and then say clearly whatever you want to and then
disconnect the line. I dont see any difficulty in that.
B: But I may stumble over the message and then the person on the other side will get a
bad impression about me when he hears the recorded message.
C: No, thats not true. If you first think clearly what you have to say and then practice it a
couple of times, you will surely get it right.
B: OK. Let me see.

(Ring, ring)
A. M.: Sorry. I am unable to take your call now. Please leave your number and message
after the beep. I shall get back to you as soon as possible.
B: Hello . . . I mean . . . I want to speak to . . . no, actually I would like to meet you to
discuss the new product our company is launching and chalk out a publicity initiative.
When can we meet? (Disconnects)
C: Sorry to say this, but your message is not clear at all. If the person for whom you are
leaving a message does not know you, first you must say who you are and then leave the
message. Also you want him to call you and fix a meeting, dont you? Then you should
leave your number too; though most telephones have caller id these days, still it is only
polite to leave your number.
B: OK let me try again.

(Ring, ring)
A. M.: Sorry. I am unable to take your call now. Please leave your number and message
after the beep. I shall get back to you as soon as possible.
B: This is Vinay from Akil Industries. I would like to meet you to discuss a new product
our company is launching and chalk out a publicity initiative. Could you please call me
at 9857642341 so that we can fix an early meeting? (Disconnects)
C: Thats great. Wasnt too difficult, was it?
B: No, not at all. Thank you for your help.

b) Making an Appointment: Since the life of every professional is packed with activity,
whenever we want to meet any of them we need to make an appointment. This is usually
done by means of a telephone call. While making an appointment we should be clear as
to when and why we want the appointment. We cannot be too rigid about the date and
time because the other person may not be free when we want to see him / her. Therefore,
we should have a couple of alternatives ready, rather than being indecisive on the phone
and wasting time. As time is of great essence in a phone callespecially in the era of
mobile phones which have steep charges per minuteall the information we want to
know or give should be at our fingertips before making the call.

(Ring, ring)
A: This is Dr. Bhargav Clinic. May I help you?
B: I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Bhargav.
A: I am sorry. Dr. Bhargav in not in the country this month. He will be back by the end
of August.
B: Oh, but my need is urgent. You see I have a recurring pain in my left jaw. I fear some
tooth may need treatment.
A: In that case, would you like to meet his junior, Dr. Indumati?
B: But I usually consult Dr. Bhargav for all my dental problems. I have never been
treated by Dr. Indumati.
A: That is because Dr. Indumati has joined quite recently. But I can assure you she is
very competent and all Dr. Bhargavs patients are consulting her in his absence.
B: Oh, is that so? Then I think I shall also do the same. When can I meet the doctor?
A: Would this evening at 6 suit you?
B: No, 6 is too early. Could I have a later slot?
A: Dr. Indumati has a couple of patients after 6.30. She will be free again by about 8.
Would that be better?
B: Yes. I think that is perfect.
A: Then I shall put you down for 8 this evening. Could you give your name and the
nature of your complaint, sir?
B: Yes. I am ------------- and -------------.
A: Your appointment is confirmed for 8 pm today.
B: Thank you. You have been very helpful.
A: You are most welcome.

c) Placing an Order: Teleshopping is a popular concept today. There is no longer any

need to go all the way to the market to get what you want. You may order anything and
everything just by dialing a number and stating your requirements. This is convenient for
the busy executive who has no time to spare for shopping or for the homebody who is
feeling too lazy to go around the stores. On a day when there is nothing to eat at home
you can order a pizza delivered to your doorstepand again you need to do it through the

(Ring, ring)
A: This is the Yunic Teleshop. Would you like to place an order for any of our products?
B: Yes. I saw just now on TV an advertisement for a sliming belt. I am interested in that.
Could you give me some details about it?
A: We have a variety of slimming equipment. In waist belts we have Keep Fit and Slim
Down. Which one would you be interested in, madam?
B: Could you tell me about both so that I can make up my mind?
A: Keep Fit is a portable belt which costs you Rs.2000/- and comes with a warranty of 2
two years. Slim Down is attached to a walker and costs Rs.9000/-. It also has a warranty
of 2 years.
B: Which would you recommend?
A: Both are very effective, madam. These items have been marketed by us for the past
two years. Customer feedback throughout has been very encouraging. We have not had
any complaints. If your schedule involves frequent travels, I would suggest you buy
Keep Fit. You can take it along wherever you go and use it for about 15 minutes each
day. In case you plan to exercise at home and have about 30-45 minutes Slim Down
would be better.
B: But Slim Down is a bit too expensive.
A: Oh, I forgot to tell you, madam. There is a discount on Slim Down. If you buy it this
week you will get it for Rs.6000/-. It is an investment you wont regret. I am sure you
know how important health is and how expensive it is to register at a standard gym. Slim
Down will convert your exercise room into a gym. Do not think of the price, madam;
think of the advantage to the whole family.
B: OK. I think I will place an order for Slim Down. How much time will it take you to
deliver it? And what is the mode of payment?
A: Thank you, madam. It will take 5 working days for the product to reach you. You may
pay the delivery person when the product is delivered. Or you may give me your credit
card details and I shall note them down now.
B: I think I prefer to pay the person who brings the product.
A: Thats fine, madam. Now could you please tell me your name and address?
B: Yes. Here it is--------------------.
A: Thank you, madam. Your order has been booked. We hope you will be happy with
your purchase.
B: Thank you. I shall look forward to receiving it. What should I do in case I have a
complaint at a later date?
A: You may call this number and register your complaint ---------------.
B: Thank you.
A: It was a pleasure, madam. Have a good day.

d) Conducting or Facing a Telephonic Interview: A variety of interviews are conducted on

telephone in business contexts today. The first phase of a job interview is often a
telephonic one; those who have applied for higher studies abroad may have to take a
screening interview in the form of an overseas call. Someone may want to interview you
for a TV channel or radio talk show. A survey of some company may take the form of a
telephonic interview with customers who are using their products.

Suppose you had the job of conducting an interview of candidates short-listed for the job
of telemarketing executives in your organization the first phase of which is a telephonic
one, you would have to call up each of the persons listed and ask them some questions.
In such a job, not only the content of the answers but the modulation of voice, clarity of
diction, quick understanding and response are all to be tested. From you interview
questions you have to judge all these aspects of the short-listed candidates and then call
some / all of them for the next phase of interviews.
(Ring, ring)
A: Hello.
B: May I speak to Vrinda Neel? I am Kirti Koel calling from Hindustan Telemarketing
A: Oh, hi. I am Vrinda Neel. I have been waiting for your call.
B: Hello, Vrinda. Are you free to take a short interview now?
A: Yes. Absolutely.
B: Tell me, Vrinda, do you have any experience in telemarketing.
A: Only very little, to tell you the truth. I was working on a project in college where I
had to call up fifty organizations and carry out a survey about their employee policy.
This I did because an insurance company wanted the data. But other than this I have no
B: Thats all right. Now, could you tell me something else: why did you apply for a job
in our organization?
A: Oh, there are quite a few reasons for that. I am interested in telemarketing because I
love interacting with new people. People usually tell me that I am quite persuasive and
have good communication skills. So rather than a desk or back office job I would prefer
a job like telemarketing. Also I have heard from some of my friends who are working for
Hindustan Telemarketing Services that it is a preferred employer in the field of
telemarketing. I would consider it a good beginning to my career.
B: If you are selected for this job, Vrinda, how soon can you join?
A: Immediately, I am sure. I have just completed my final examinations and am
absolutely free now.
B: Thats good. But first you have to come to our head office for a personal interview.
Please note the address and the time. You will be interviewed by 3 people so be prepared
to spend at least 3 hours with us.
A: That will be fine. Let me note the details.
B: Here they are---------------------. See you on 13th, Vrinda. All the best.
A: Thank you, mam. I shall be there. Also thank you for todays interview. It was very
nice talking to you.
B: Bye then.
A: Bye mam.

You have been provisionally selected for admission to a foreign university but before
sending you the final papers they want to test whether the claims you have made on paper
about your knowledge and skills, especially your ability to understand and speak English,
which will be the medium of instruction in your course, are true.

(Ring, ring)
A: Hello.
B: This is a call from the admissions department of UUU University. I am the
Coordinator, Brooks. Could I speak with Noel John Kumar?
A: Hi, Mr. Brooks. This is Noel.
B: Hello, Noel. I have called you to conduct a telephonic interview as was mentioned in
our prospectus.
A: Yes, I understand. I have been eagerly waiting for your call.
B: Is it a good time to talk to you? You had mentioned 3 dates in your form and we chose
this one.
A: It is perfectly all right.
B: Well, let us begin. You have said that you have been using English for the past 12
years in your education. How would you rate your skills in the language?
A: I believe I am good. I can speak fluently and accurately in all contexts. I have
participated in elocution, debate, group discussion and public speaking competitions in
both school and college and won prizes. I can also understand different varieties of
English accent.
B: Tell me how you would react to staying in a hostel / sharing a hostel room with
students from other countries?
A: I enjoy diversity. I think I shall enjoy staying and interacting with people from
different countries. I look forward to learning about their culture, food habits, dress,
language and other characteristics.
B: You have mentioned that your hobby is cooking.
A: Yes. I enjoy cooking. I find it very relaxing after a tired day at work.
B: So when you are here we can expect some Indian food! (laughter)
A: Of course, you are most welcome.
B: Now coming to your educationyou have mentioned that in your graduation you
missed being first in the university just by a couple of marks. How did you feel about
A: To tell you the truth, I was quite sure that I would come first. I had worked hard for it
all through the three years. But when the results came and I could not make it to the first
place, I was very disappointed. For a few hours I was in a daze and could not believe my
eyes. Then slowly I had a serious conversation with myself. I knew there was nothing I
could do to get the first rank. The person who got it must have worker harder. Now it
would be better to put that behind me and look ahead. So I did not allow that
disappointment to impede my future plans. I went ahead and applied to many
universities and was fortunate to be short-listed by a great university like UUU.
B: OK. Thats a good instance of positive attitude. Now tell me something about the
community service you have mentioned in your application form.
A: From my school days I was active in various community programs. The traffic police
gave us duty to control traffic during morning hours in areas where many schools were
located. I did this for a year when I was in the 10 th class. Then in college too I did
various NSS activities such as organizing blood donation camps and AIDs awareness
programs. But the most memorable experience was during the Tsunami. We had gone on
an excursion from College to the east coast on the day the Tsunami hit. It was a terrifying
experience. We were in the hotel close to the beach on the 5th floor. But we could hear
the sound of the waves and the shouts of the fishermen. Immediately we rushed down
and jumped into the fray. The armed forces, the police and the district administration
arrived in no time and we were allotted duties. For the next two days we worked almost
non-stop at the temporary shelters. Our excursion turned into a real learning experience.
The depth of human tragedy we saw during those days will never fade from my mind.
B: Yes. It was a horrifying tragedy. At least you have the satisfaction of having helped in
some little way.
A: Yes. Thats true. It was this experience that compelled me to seek admission in this
program so that after getting my degree I can come back to my country and serve the
people better.
B: That is good, Noel. It was a pleasure talking to you. You shall hear from us soon.
A: Thank you very much. The pleasure was all mine. I shall look forward to hearing
from you.

e) Publicity and Promotional Calls: In the world of cutting edge competition, publicity
and promotion of a product or service or an organization as a whole is most essential.
With the passage of time, more and more of such activities are carried out over the
telephone. In fact, often such calls are an irritant and the subscriber curses the telephone
companyor even Alexander Bell for inventing a machine which can be used to disturb
a person at all times of day and night.

But used judiciously, publicity and promotional calls are beneficial both to the companies
and to the customers. Publicity and promotion of a product through other media is
expensive, while a telephone call is not so. Also the former type is impersonal whereas a
telephone call brings in a personal element to publicity. Thus it has many advantages.

A: Is this the number of Mrs. Pai?

B: Yes. Nitya Pai speaking.
A: Mam, I am Surender E. from Take-Your-Pick Travels. Did you visit our stall at the
Consumer Exhibition last week?
B: Yes. I think I did.
A: Well, mam. Let me congratulate you first. You have been selected by the draw of lots
as the winner for our winter bonanza. You can avail and free trip to any destination of
your choice within India and stay there with your spouse for 3 nights and 3 days.
B: Thats great. But for how long is this offer valid? Are there any hidden costs? Risks?
A: No, mam. Ours is a reputed organization and we have been serving tourists for over a
decade now. The offer is valid till the end of this month.
B: But my husband is not free at present. He has gone to attend a training program for 3
months. May I use the offer to take my daughter along?
A: No, mam. That is not allowed. It is only an offer made to a married couple.
B: But thats very strange. Suppose you pick up the name of a person who is single when
you draw the lots, will you deny him / her this privilege?
A: I think so, mam. The person will be asked to pass on the benefit to a friend or
relative who is married.
B: But this is ridiculous! Do you want to say that it is a crime to be single?
A: Oh, no, no. . . I mean, I dont think . . . I dont know . . . I am not sure.
B: Well, I suggest you check up and make sure.
A: But the policy of our organization . . ..
B: I think it is time to change such an outdated policy. Please speak to the higher-ups in
your organization and tell them what I have said.
A: Ill do that mam, and get back to you. Thank you for your suggestion and sorry for
having taken up so much of your time.
B: Thats all right. But I would be happier if you allow me to use the privilege won by me
by going on a holiday with my daughter.
A: I shall try my best to convince the authorities, mam. Have a good day.
B: Thank you.
Chapter 3
Interview Skills

a) Job Interview for the Candidate: As you finish your education, a job becomes the next
goal for you to achieve. To get the job of your choice, you need to perform better than all
others who are competing with you for the same position. For this you need some
practice which you can get by organizing mock-interviews with your peers and others.

Keep in mind that in an interview you have to be clear and answer to the point. You can
guide the interviewer to question you in areas of your expertise by the information you
give in your answers. When you do not know an answer it is better to say so instead of
trying to beat about the bush or stall for time. Never anticipate a question when only half
of it has been completed. In your excitement you begin to answer it by interrupting the
speaker and that is bad manners. Even if you know the answer, wait till the interviewer
finishes speaking before answering. Do not speak too fast or too slowly, too softly or too
loudly. It is also perfectly correct to ask the interviewer some questions about the nature
of the job, the regulations of the organization, and opportunities for promotions, at the
end of the interview.

Politeness, courtesy, good manner and grooming help to create a good impression in an
interview. Avoid giving in to stress caused by worries such as whether you will get this
job or not and if you dont your life will be blighted. As our scriptures say, do your best
but do not anticipate the result while you are performing. Concentrate on giving your
best performance.

A: Please come in and sit down, Ms. Sujatha.

B: Thank you. Here is my resume and here are my certificates.
A: Let me see. Yes, they are all in order. Now tell us something about yourself.
B: I am a BA with specialization in Communication, Marketing and English Literature. I
have a flair for writing and that is why I am looking for a content writers job. I also
enjoy reading and this helps me get new ideas and better language for writing. Last year
I took a short course in web designing and have learnt Photoshop too. This will help me
to write and design web lessons and e-books.
A: Very good. Now tell me, have you ever worked in a team?
B: Yes, sir. I have been a part of the teams which organized many events in school and
college. I remember the last occasion when we took up a project of visiting the nearby
schools and speaking to the students and teachers about the career options available in
humanities and social sciences. These days not many good students choose these fields,
but there is much potential in these subjects too. We worked in teams of 10 members
each and chose the schools to visit, prepared an action plan for implementation and
follow-up. When we passed out of college, we handed over the project to our juniors so
that it would become an on-going program of the college.
A: Of the three subjects of your specialization, which is your favorite?
B: Well, that is rather difficult to say. When I joined BA I thought English Literature was
my favorite. That is because I had done literature at the +2 level while the other two
subjects were unfamiliar. But as the classes started I found both Communication and
Marketing equally interesting and therefore today I cannot really say what is my favorite.
A: Why do you think literature is important in any course of study?
B: Literature is expected to bring about a change in the sensibility of a person. These
days Emotional Intelligence is considered to be a desirable trait in all persons. By
reading literature we get an emotional and intellectual balance. Literary texts structure
real life contexts which serve as powerful learning experiences. Good literature also
teaches us the way language should be used with maximum effect. It teaches us patterns
of behavior that are acceptable / expected of us in varied life situations. Even great
scientists have acknowledged their debt to literature and the arts. For a student of
literature, it is a continuous process of self-improvement on the lines suggested by the
masters of literature and we can adhere to these rules lifelong.
A: What then is the use of Communication?
B: Literature is also a form of communication. Human life is a series of contexts of
communication both in personal and professional life. The four components of verbal
communication: listening, speaking, reading and writing are useful to us all the time. But
non-verbal communication is equally, if not more important. We are often judged on the
basis of our postures, gestures and facial expressions. Also, language is important in
communicationgood language gets the right response; faulty, abusive, rude language
does not make for meaningful communication. Then there are various theories of
communication, modes and media of communication, the impact of visual and auditory
communication and so on. No aspect of communication is without use.
A: Tell me about Marketing now.
B: Well, actually I was keenly interested in the theory of this subject. But in practice I
knew I would not be able to do a good job using my marketing skills because I am not
very persuasive or convincing. Usually I am tongue-tied when asked to make a
presentation. In the practical sessions of Marketing and its project work, I had to struggle
to perform well. It was then that I decided Marketing as a career was not for me.
A: Thank you, Sujatha. Now do you have any questions?
B: I was wondering how soon you would let us know the result of this interview, if I may
be permitted to ask this?
A: Yes. It is no problem. We shall let you know by the end of this week. Now let me ask
you another question. What are your salary expectations?
B: I think to begin with 1.5--2 lakhs per year. But I am willing to negotiate.
A: Thats all for now. Good day.
B: Thank you, sir, and good day to you too. It was nice talking to you.

b) Conducting a Job Interview: Just as a candidate seeking a job has to be well prepared
for a job interview, the interviewer too needs to prepare in advance. Just an extempore
interview is too informal and ineffective. It does not have the capability of judging and
selecting the best candidate for the job. In fact, to be a good interviewer, one has to be
impartial, quick thinking, pleasant, mature, patient, technically sound and an excellent
communicator. There should be no ambiguity in the questions you ask and you should
not try to intimidate the candidate. You should not interrupt the candidate midway
between the answers unless he / she is off the track.
A: Call the next candidate, . . . Yes, come in and please take your seat. Be comfortable.
B: Thank you.
A: Did you bring all the documents we had requested? May I see them?
B: Yes . . . oh, . . . I think I have forgotten . . . no, no . . . here it is . . . I mean . . .
A: Relax. Dont be in a hurry. We have all the time. Dont be flustered. Give me
whatever you have. We shall think about the missing ones later.
B: Thank you very much, madam. You are very kind. All the documents are here. I was
just a little confused.
A: OK. Everything is in order. Shall we begin the interview now?
B: Yes . . . oh, yes, . . . madam.
A: Let me first introduce you to the interview team: I am Asha Raj, the Personnel
Manager of Key Resources; these are my colleagues: Chandu Lal who is a Statistical
Analyst and Dinu Gopal who is a Junior Analyst. I shall ask you some general questions
then the other two will test your technical aptitude. Finally, if you have any questions,
you may ask them. Are you ready? Would you like to introduce yourself?
B: Yes, thank you. I am Bhanu Prakash. I have completed my M.Sc. in Statistics and
have worked as a statistician for 3 years in a small company.
A: Why do you want to leave your present job? Do you have any problems?
B: No, not actually a problem. The company is in my hometown. Now I would like to
relocate to the capital. My mother needs some medical treatment which is not available
in a small town. Therefore I am looking for a job here.
A: How would you evaluate your performance at your previous job?
B: Sorry, I did not get the question. Could you please . . .
A: What I want to know is whether you performed your job well in the company where
you worked? Did your boss ever have occasion to fault your work? Did you think his /
her evaluation was different from what you felt about your level of performance?
B: No, I never had any such problems. My boss is very happy with my work. In fact, he
is even now reluctant to relieve me. If it was not for the sake of my mothers health, he
said he would like me to continue working for the company for a long time to come.
A: So shifting jobs was a difficult decision for you. How are your decision making
skills? Are you quick in making decisions or do you take a long time? When you have
made a decision, do you implement it or change it all the time?
B: Yes, it was a difficult decision because I enjoyed my job and all my friends are also in
my hometown. I have never lived in the capital. But I am sure it is a good decision to
come here. I thought about it for a long time. I usually do so before making any
decision. I think I am rather cautious, but I do not delay a decision too long. And once I
have made a decision I have the courage to implement it and live with the result. In fact,
in my earlier job I made a couple of decisions for the company which were much
appreciated by the management.
A: Thats good. Now I shall request Chandu Lal and Dinu Gopal to take up the rest of
the interview.

c) Interviewing a Client: In business contexts meeting and conversing with clients is a

necessary part of your job. You need to hone your communication skills to handle this
particular situation. Even those who do not have much interface with the clients usually
may have some occasions where they would have to talk to the client face to face. Here
one needs to be pleasant even in the face of provocation, convinced about the point you
are making, sure of your facts and forceful in your presentation. All these create an
impression of trust and the client will then be satisfied in doing business with you.

Suppose you are lawyer and your client is an organization which needs you to make its
legal policies and represent it in cases of dispute with other companies. You have an
interview with the MD of the company to chalk out these plans.

N and B shake hands.

B: Mr. Nikhil, it was nice of you to come at such a short notice. I know how busy you
usually are.
N: Thank you, Mr. Biswas. I am leaving station tomorrow, so I thought we should finish
this legal business before I leave.
B: Thats fine. I too have been eager to begin the job. Tell me what made you feel the
need for a lawyer.
N: As you know, ours is a small textile company. There is immense pressure from larger
firms for merger. But my father started the company and as long as I am alive I want it to
be independent. How to do this without antagonizing the big fish around is what has
been troubling us for a long time.
B: Have you had any offers for merger? Otherwise how do you know what the larger
textile firms intend?
N: At first there were some hints and subtle suggestions. When I refused categorically,
they tried to create unrest among the workers. All these things are creating tension in the
factory and the workshop where the readymade goods are prepared. I am confused as to
what I should do.
B: Let me see. Do you have any proof that the unrest is caused by your rivals?
N: No concrete proof. But one of the union leaders let it slip that the rival firms are
willing to finance a strike if I dont give in soon.
B: How is you relationship with the workers? What about your employee welfare
schemes? Are there any disgruntled employers in your factory or workshop? Do you have
any sure methods of feeling the pulse of the workers? Are the leaders giving you the
right feedback about the attitude of the workers? Just think on all these lines and give me
a report. Before we do anything, we should be sure of our facts.
N: But what would you suggest if the proof is found?
B: Let me see first what we find. It is possible that the workers feel they are being treated
unfairly. Or, the union leaders may be misguiding them and no outside hand is there in
the unrest. If your policies and not worker-friendly, we should first address them. A
happy worker is the greatest strength of any organizationbig or small. You should pay
them what is legitimately their due and see to their other requirements. You should have
a close interaction with them because any communication gap between the management
and the employees is the surest way to give scope for unrest. Finally, after doing all this
we should tackle the rivals and negotiate with them or have a direct confrontation. Most
conflicts can be solved amicably. But if this is not possible, there is always the court of
N: Thank you, Mr. Biswas. Your words and your clarity inspire confidence in me. I have
been very anxious about my company for a long time now. But I am glad I met you
today. I shall tell my manager to show you the employee policy charter and also take you
around the factory to interact with whoever you want. Then I shall also ask the report
you want to be prepared and given to you as early as possible. Once I am back in town I
shall consult you again.
B: That will be all right. Have a nice trip, Mr. Nikhil.
N: Thank you. Good bye.
B: Good bye.

d) Interviewing a Celebrity: Celebrity interviews have become a regular feature of most

TV channels and print media too; these shows and write-ups are very popular with the
audience/readers. Sometimes they cause much controversy, too, as in a recent instance of
racial color given to one such interview. Therefore, the person who is going to interview
the celebrity has to be very cautious in what he / she asks and the celebrity being
interviewed also should not speak in such a way as to hurt the sentiments of an individual
/ group.

Conducting a celebrity interview needs tact, quick thinking, wit and humor, in addition to
political correctness of language, kinesics and the ability to make the event interesting
both for the interviewee and the audience. One-upmanship is not the trait of a good
interviewer. Establishing a comfort zone for the celebrity and the audience also is a must.
The whole process should not seem like the presentation of a charge sheet in a court of
law which puts a person on the defensive. Given below is an instance of a celebrity

Host: Good Morning, viewers. This is Hema, you host for the Celebrity Chat. You will be
happy to know that we have with us the eminent industrialist, Prof. XXX. Welcome to
this program, Prof. XXX.
XXX: Thank you.
H: As you are all aware, Prof. XXX was an internationally known figure in academics
before he took up the task of establishing a chemical industry. This was about 4 decades
ago. And the success of his company was phenomenal. Now it has branched out into a
dozen other areascosmetics, pharmaceuticals, computer peripherals, publications and
so on. The name XXX today spells excellence. Whatever he has undertaken has turned
into pure gold. Let us ask him how he feels about this.
X: Thank you, Ms. Hema. You have asked me how I feel about success. I am human and
like all other humans success is very pleasing to me. It makes me happy. But it does not
make me want to sit back and become lethargic. I feel there is so much more to do; so
success makes me strive harder.
H: Thats really awesome. I hope all of you who are watching this will feel like the
Professor and then success will be within reach. Now Professor, let me ask who has been
the role model in your life?
X: I think the earliest role models I had were my parents. I come from a small village
were my father had a grocery shop. He taught me to work hard and treat the customer as
God. It was my mother who taught me that sky is the limit for our achievements as long
as we dont trample over anyone in our passion for progress. Then I had a maths teacher
in school whom I can never forget. He taught us that to be good at numbers was to be
ethical. 2+2 should always be 4 and nothing else. He showed me how the means alone
can justify the end. If we compromise with the means the end can never be good.
H: Have you been able to pass this on to your own children?
X: Yes, I think so. Both my son and daughter are successful in their own fields. My
daughter is a fashion designer and my son is a singer. Their lifestyle often beings
challenges to them which I am sure they resolve using the values ingrained in them. I
have not heard anything against them yet.
H: Yes. Usually people in show biz have too much spotlight focused on them and some
skeletons do come out. You have no such fears?
X: I dont think I do. My wife passed away when my children were very young. I
brought them up with the help of my old mother. The children are very close to me even
now that they live so far away. If they do something wrong I am sure I will be told.
H: Tell us something about how you established your business.
X: From my college days I had great interest in entrepreneurship. But due to the
condition at home I took up a job in a college. Soon I got selected for the university.
Before I finished a couple of years I met a person who was willing to invest money if I
wanted to concretize my ideas about establishing a chemical firm. I jumped at the
opportunity. Later he became my father-in-law.
H: Was your venture successful from the beginning?
X: No, not really. The first few years were an uphill struggle. Many times I would think
it had been a wrong decision to leave a secure job and take up such a risk. But my
partner and financierthat is, my father-in-law always had faith in me. He constantly
encouraged me to dream of success. And today that dream has become a reality.
H: So you attribute your success to him?
X: Not completely. He was the backbonebut the limbs and muscles were the team of
workers whose dedication took me to newer heights each day.
H: That is good to hear. Very often people forget the workers who help us to achieve
great things.
X: I can never forget them. XXX is not a company, it is a family. Today there are 10,000
employees in the company at its 25 branches and to me each one is invaluable.
H: I am sure they will be happy to hear you saying so and work more loyally and bring
you greater success. Thank you for being with us, Professor.
X: Thank you and the viewers. I had a very pleasant time.
Chapter 4
Interpersonal Skills

a) Asking for and Giving Advice: In situations which confuse us we may want to consult
others to find out what they think of the problem. Sometimes people are reluctant to ask
for advice: they may think they know best or feel shy to ask for anything including
advice. There is nothing wrong in asking for advice. We only ask those people whom we
trust; sometimes just by speaking about the problem aloud to someone or having a patient
listener brings the solution to mind in a flash. Sometimes the advice given may not be
what you want or like; then think whether it is useful or not; use / reject it only after some
consideration. People who love to give advice unsought are not usually approached when
someone wants a piece of advice.

A: I have a serious dilemma. Should I continue with my studies or take up a job? Could
you help me make up my mind?
B: It is very difficult to say offhand. First we need to weigh all the pros and cons. Lets
see what your options are.
A: I appeared for the entrance exam and have got a rank which will surely get me a seat
in PG. In the meantime I have an offer from a cousins company for a job. That is why I
am unable to decide.
B: Well, you must consider your interest and your needs. Are you interested in working
immediately or studying for some more time?
A: I think I would like to work. But unless I equip myself by studying further I may not
move higher in my career. In which case I need to do PG.
B: The next consideration should be money. How is your financial situation? Do you
need to work immediately, or can you study without causing any financial hardships to
your family.
A: If I study I shall surely get a scholarship. So there will be no problem. But my father
is the only earning member in our family of 6 so money is never in plenty.
B: Even if you get a scholarship, you will have to stay away from home and this will cost
A: I know. And I think my parents would like me to begin working and help the family.
Of course, they have never said anything and are even now encouraging me to study
further. But I feel a sense of responsibility and would be happy to help them.
B: Then, let me suggest one thing: why dont you work for a couple of years and then
think of studying further. These days many older people are going back to colleges. And
all good universities have Distance Education mode at UG and PG levels.
A: Yes. What you say makes sense. I never thought of that. Let me take up this job now
and see whether I can complete my MCA or MBA through distance mode. Then I would
have fulfilled my desire to do PG and shall have many other career opportunities. In the
meantime I can also save up some money while helping my parents with the family
B: Yes. Thats what I was suggesting.
A: Thats really helpful. Thank you so very much. I feel great relief after discussing this
with you.
B: You are welcome, anytime. I am happy my suggestion helped you reach a decision.
b) Issuing an Invitation: Invitations in the course of business are quite common
business lunches, dinners, and get-togethers. There is a specific etiquette involved in
issuing oral invitations to a superior officer, a colleague, to a subordinate, to a business
acquaintance and so on. Being offhand, inviting at the last possible minute, not making it
clear for what the invitation isthese should be avoided. The date, time, venue, often
dress code are all necessary parts of a verbally issued invitation.

A: Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you?

B: I am rather busy now. Can it wait?
A: It will just take a minute, sir. I wanted to invite you to my daughters wedding.
B: Oh, congratulations. I didnt know your daughter was getting married.
A: It was finalized all of a sudden just yesterday evening, sir.
B: What does your daughter do? And what about the groom?
A: Both of them are software engineers. They were classmates in college now they are
colleagues in III Solutions.
B: Thats good. When is the wedding?
A: May I give you this card, sir. The wedding is on Sunday at 5 pm at the Garden Spot
which is adjacent to the main branch of III Solutions. My wife and I shall be very happy
if you come with your entire family and bless the couple, sir.
B: Sunday evening, is it? OK, I shall try my best to come.
A: Thank you, sir.

c) Accepting / Declining an Invitation: It is essential in certain contextsespecially when

you are the only guestto accept or decline the invitation without a shadow of doubt.
Unlike the above context where there will be hundreds of guests at the wedding, the boss
can say he will try and leave it at that. But in some invitations such a reply does not
suffice. So we have to say whether we accept or decline clearly.

P: Hello, Qunitin. I heard you got a promotion.
Q: Hi, Peter. How do you do? Yes. You heard correct. I did get a promotion recently.
P: Congrats! When was this? You never told me anything.
Q: I have been so busy lately that I havent got round to telling most of my friends.
P: No problem. I am really happy for you.
Q: Actually, I was hoping we would get together for a celebration. How are you placed
Friday evening?
P: This Fridaythat is, the day after tomorrow? Mmm. Let me see. I think I am free on
that day.
Q: Oh, great. Then shall we meet here at 6.30 and go out to dinner at the Rock Castle?
P: Yes. I have heard the ambience and food are both perfect there. I shall be happy to
come. Thanks.
Q: Thanks to you for accepting at such a short notice. See you on Friday then.
P: Sure. I shall look forward to it.

T: Good morning, Mr. Ahmed. I am from Gulam Industries. I am Toufeeq, Mr. Gulams
A; Please come in and sit down. What can I do for you?
T: Mr. Gulam has sent me here to invite you to the opening of our new showroom in HG
Raod on Monday, 16th July at 10.30 am.
A: It is very heartening to know that Mr. Gulam is opening another showroom. Please
congratulate him on my behalf.
T: I shall certainly do so. Here is the invitation for the function.
A: Thank you for the invitation. But you must apologize to Mr. Gulam; I wont be in
town on Monday. So I shall miss the function.
T: That is really very sad. Mr. Gulam was very particular that you should be there.
A: I regret having to miss it as deeply. But I have to leave for an important conference on
Sunday. Please tell Mr. Gulam I shall come to the new showroom as soon as I am back.
T: That will be very nice. Thank you.
A: You are welcome.

d) Offering Help, Suggestions, Opinions: Offering to help others in times when they
really need us is the trait of a self-confident person. Offering suggestions when someone
would benefit from it, or an opinion in sessions of brainstorming are all common
contexts. But when given without adequate reason help, suggestions and opinions are
quite an irritant. So be very cautious before you use these in your professional and
personal life.

A: I have a load of pending work and the electricity is playing up today. I thought I
would work on my pc for a couple of hours more and finish the work.
B: Is the work very urgent?
A: Yes. The pages have to go for client review in a couple of days. If I dont do it today,
I cannot get the Chiefs approval before placing it before the client.
B: Thats a problem, then. Dont you have a laptop?
A: No, I dont. I wish I had one, though. I have been planning to buy one but havent
found the time to go shopping yet.
B: Thats too bad. But you do know how to use a laptop, dont you?
A: Yes. I have used some of my colleagues laptops from time to time. So I think I can
use one fine.
B: Then I have a suggestion: why dont you use mine? Since you say you have only a
couple of hours of work, the battery should see you through.
A: That would be a real help. But are you sure you can spare it for two hours?
B: Yes. Today my workload is very light and I was planning to go to the library and
browse through some latest journals. You can use my laptop till I come back.
A: I must thank you. You have saved the day. Thanks again.
B: You are welcome.

A: The proposal that you gave is not a very good one. Would you like to take it back and
revise it?
B: Why? What is wrong with it?
A: The objectives, for one, are not clearly spelt out? If we initiate the project you have
suggested, who will benefit from it? Who is the target group and how are you planning
to reach the product to them? So you see, you have to check the methodology too.
B: I dont think I agree with you. I remember mentioning all these things.
A: Well, at a cursory reading, I could find none of these things. So I suggest you revise it
and resubmit again in a day or two.
B: May I just point out the places where all the information you are seeking is located?
A: Yes, I suppose you could do that.
B: Here on page 4 you find the objectives; immediately after that and continuing on page
5 is the methodology. I think the rest of the things like target group follow after this.
A: Yes. I see it now that you have pointed out to it. Let me make another suggestion.
The proposal needs to be organized better so that just a glance can highlight all the
important points. Would you consider redoing it so that it is more reader-friendly?
B: Yes. I think I get your point. Let me see how I can improve it. Thank you for your
A: It is no problem. I was just trying to save you the trouble of getting a rejection from
the CEO.
B: Your suggestions are welcome, anytime. I am grateful.

A: Why do you work so late in the night? It is very unhealthy. You should get up early in
the morning and do your work when you are feeling fresh.
B: I prefer to work late in the night. That is the most productive time according to my
biorhythm. Why do you object to it?
A: I believe no one can do well or succeed in life by sleeping as late as you do. Early to
bed and early to rise is a wise proverb.
B: All things cannot be generalized. We should work at the time best suited to us
individuallythis is what makes us most creative. No use following rules if they dont
suit us personally.
A: But still I think you should try to change your habits.
B: I did try once because many people have been telling me this from my childhood. It is
like compelling a child to write with the right hand when it is instinctively a left-hander.
The compulsion is more harmful than good. I would get up early and dose on the table.
Then I would go to bed early and lie awake for hours worrying about the waste of time.
A: Well, thats strange. I prefer to work in the morning.
B: But what suits you need not be right for everyone. So let me do what suits me best.
A: OK. As you wish.

e) Making a Request: In the workplace we always work as a team. Often we may need to
ask others for something or accede to their request. But only when the request is made in
the right spirit does it get the proper response. If you are making a request to put the
other person in a tight corner or agreeing to a request to show the person in a bad light
that is not correct. Making a request thus is an important interpersonal skill. People who
have a good standing among their friends/acquaintances find it much easier to make a
A: Oh, there you are, Chinnu. I was just coming to look for you.
C: I was in a class, Annu. Is there anything you wanted?
A: Yes. I need your help very urgently. I have just got a call from home that my son has
fallen down the stairs. I have a class now. I was wondering if you could help out.
C: Of course, I shall.
A: But you are just coming from that class. How can I ask you go back there again? I
think I shall have to ask someone else.
C: Dont worry about such things, Annu. You just go home. I will manage.
A: But are you not tired? You dont look very well today.
C: It is no problem. I have a slight headache. I shall give the students some assignment.
You dont worry about the class. Just go and check if your little Madan is fine.
A: You are a great help, Chinnu. I owe you.
C: OK. Some day when I am not up to it, I shall give you my class. Now go quickly.
A: I shall. Thanks again.

f) Registering a Complaint: When there is a problem in a department, or between a group

often the complaint is taken up to a person in authority. Usually the person who is
complaining is irritated and this may show in the manner of speaking and non-verbal
signs. But this is not the proper mode of communication. We should remember that the
complaint is being made to a person who holds a high position. Politeness, concern,
positive attitude, maturity are necessary to register a compliant without being unpleasant
about it.

A: I want to meet the tax officer.

B: Please come in. I am the tax officer of this unit.
A: I have a complaint to make. I was supposed to get a refund of the excess tax I paid
last year. But in spite of repeated reminders I have not got the money back.
B: Thats not possible. The refunds are given regularly. Are you sure you havent got it?
A: Why do you think I will waste my time and yours by complaining when I have
nothing to complain about? Your staff does not allow people to come to you. Because I
have been haunting your office regularly they allowed me to meet you today.
B: I am sorry if you have faced any problem. Please wait here while I check your file.
A: All right.
B: Here is your file. It says that the cheque which was sent to you by post came back
saying that you were not available at that address.
A: Let me see the address. . . . Oh, the house number is not 113. It is 131. No wonder it
did not reach me.
B: Well, then you cannot really fault my staff.
A: Sorry. But what about the refund?
B: If you could wait for a little while, I shall have a fresh cheque prepared and hand it
over to you in person.
A: That will be nice. You are very helpful.
B: We do our best.
A: Thank you. I shall wait in the lounge.
B: Please do. I shall send the cheque to you.
Chapter 5
Group Interaction Skills

a) Calling for a Meeting: Asking all the persons who have to attend any particular
meeting to come to the venue on the specified date / time, remembering who is able to
come and who is unavailable, answering questions about the agenda of the meeting when
the invitees ask for it and many such skills go a long way to help you when you have to
call for a meeting.

A: Mr. Malik, please write down the names of all the people who have to be invited to
attend the area managers meeting on Thursday.
M: All right, Mr. Ali. Should I include the newcomers who have joined last month as area
managers also?
A: Yes, I think you should call all of them too. The Chairman wants to meet all the area
managers this time.
M: Should I make a list of the regional managers too and call them?
A: No. Thats not necessary. Since there are only four regional managers, I shall call
them up personally and inform them. You call the others.
M: Ill do that immediately.
A: Hello, Mr. Bani? This is Ali from the Head Office.
B: Hello, Mr. Ali. How are you?
A: I am fine, thank you. I wanted to inform you that there is a meeting on Thursday at 2
pm in the Committee Room of the Head Office for all area managers. The Chairman
would like you to be present too.
B: Sure. Ill be there. Anything else?
A: No, thats about it. Thank you.
A: Hello, Mr. Charles? This is Ali from the Head Office.
C: Oh, hi, Ali. Its been a long time since we met.
A: Yes. But we shall be meeting on Thursday.
C: Anything special?
A: Actually I called up to tell you that there is a meeting on Thursday at 2 pm in the
Committee Room of the Head Office for all area managers. The Chairman would like
you to be present too.
C: On Thursday at 2 pm. Hmm. But that is impossible. I have to meet a client for a
presentation. It is also scheduled for the same day, same time.
A: Can you not put it off? This is important.
C: No, I dont think I can do that. It is a very urgent presentation. Can you talk to the
Chairman and make my excuses?
A: Ill see what I can do.
C: Tell him I can finish the presentation in a hour and join you at about 3.30.
A: I shall do that and get back to you.
C: Thanks.
b) Organizing a Meeting: Various levels of planning go into the process of organizing a
meeting. The person who is organizing has to have a clear idea of all that will be needed
in the course of the meeting. The agenda and handouts should be ready in advance.
Microphones, LCDs, and other gadgets should be checked to see if they are in working
order. Tea, lunch and drinking water should be arranged as and when necessary. All
those who form a part of your organizing team should know what they should do and
when. There should be no confusion once the meeting has begun. You should be able to
anticipate any snags that may arise and keep a backup mechanism in place.

A: Are all the arrangements made for tomorrows meeting?

B: Yes, I think so, madam.
A: Let us make a checklist to see if we have forgotten anything. The Chief Guest has
been reminded about the date and time?
B: Yes. The PA called up just an hour back to confirm.
A: What about the bouquets and mementoes for the guests.
B: They have been ordered and will arrive by 8 am tomorrow.
A: Have you checked whether the banner is put up?
B: No, the banner has not arrived yet. We are a little worried about this.
A: Why dont you sent X to the printers and ask him to wait there till the banner is ready.
Otherwise it may never come!
B: Yes. I shall do so immediately.
A: Now, what about the sound system and the multimedia equipment?
B: All that is perfectly in order. The electrician is an efficient man.
A: Good. What about the tea and lunch arrangements?
B: Y has gone across the road to the cafeteria where we placed the order to find out how
things are moving. He will report back as soon as he has some update.
A: All right. Have the folders, charts, graphs, handouts been arranged properly.
B: Yes, madam. But there is a slight problem here. We feel that the folder may not be
adequate if at the last minute all the unexpected members turn up.
A: Dont worry. Keep a few extras. And do not give folders to the organizing team
initially. Once the meeting begins we shall see the position and then take a decision.
B: Anything else, madam.
A: I think that is all. If I think of anything else, I shall call you again. In the meantime
see that the pending jobs are taken care of.
B: Ill do that, madam.

c) Conducting a Meeting: It is difficult to conduct a meeting unless you have good

communication skills and the ability to control a conversation. In the meeting many
people say many things but finally it is the chairperson who has to take a decision or
resolve an issue. Meetings are often organized to negotiate between groups or resolve
conflictsso these skills come in handy while conducting a meeting. One has to be level
headed, even tempered and patient in order to conduct a meeting properly.

A: Gentlemen, we have assembled here to discuss how we can extend the benefits being
reaped by our company to the workers who are involved in the profit-making process in a
big way. We would like to show them our gratitude by doing something tangible and
concrete for their welfare. Let me have your ideas on this issue.
B: Well, the best thing would be to increase their pay.
A: You really think that would help?
C: No, thats not really adequate. The pay increases as a matter of course every year. So
what is so great about increasing it a little more? Money is easy to spend; then nothing
remains. It would be better to use that money for some investment in the name of each
employee instead of giving him or her cash.
A: You mean the company should take the responsibility of investing the money on the
employees behalf?
D: How can that be possible? The workers may not believe that we are investing wisely.
They may feel that they should be allowed to do what they want with their own hard-
earned money.
A: Yes. You have a point there. Even if they waste the money, they may feel they are
entitled to do so.
E: I think we should improve the housing colony and its facilities. We can extend the
facility of living quarters to many more workers than available at present if we build a
new complex. We can also think of better roads inside the colony and a small playground
for the children.
A: Thats an interesting suggestion.
F: We can start some welfare program for the wives of the workers.
G: How about starting a school within the colony?
A: Thats a little difficult. The kind of infrastructure a good school needs and the
manpower too is beyond our means. Any other suggestions?
H: Why dont we consult the workershave a survey or some such thing and find out
what they would really like.
A: Yes, we could do that. In the meantime, let us discuss the suggestions you have given
and also announce a small bonus to all the workers to celebrate our phenomenal success
this year. Do you all agree?
All: Yes. Thats would be nice.

d) Giving Opinions: Most meetings are actually brainstorming sessions where some of
the best ideas take shape. It is essential to attend a meeting with full preparation so that
you can participate in the process and make a meaningful contribution. Just raising
objections is what many people do in meetingstheir opinions are most often negative.
Some give opinions just for the sake of saying something. When all these are avoided
and a person thinks of a creative idea and puts it in a persuasive manner, the opinion
carries weight.

A: Hello, everyone. We have to discuss today whether there should be any changes in the
companys policy before we move into the next year. Do you have something to say
about this?
B: No . . .. I think things are fine as they are. We are a year old now and the last year has
been good. So let us continue on the same lines.
A: Do all of you think like this?
C: Let us be more specific. Which policies are we talking about? Does it refer to the
products and services, employees, recruitment, rules or what?
A: Anything and everything. You can suggest changes in any of these and we shall see
how far the changes are feasible.
C: One change which we can consider is increasing the client base by giving some
incentives. I have made out a proposal which I shall circulate at the end of the meeting.
We can discuss your inputs on this in the next meeting.
A: OK. Thats good. Let us see what incentives you have suggested in your proposal and
its impact on the market and the companys finances.
D: I wanted to suggest that the rules of overtime for certain departments should be
revised. Some of us cannot finish our jobs working 8 hours per day and then when we
claim overtime there is usually a feeling of guilt that we are doing something wrong. Can
we not think of a better method of calculating overtime than leaving it to individuals?
A: You mean we should have a slab fixed department-wise?
B: Oh, no. Then what happens to a person who is more committed and another who is a
A: There you have a point.
D: What I think is this: while allotting work the person in-charge should estimate roughly
how much time it will take and make a noting about the overtime allowed for that work.
Then if the person exceeds the allotted time, he / she should be questioned. Otherwise
the claim should be passed without raising any questions.
A: Yes. What you say makes sense. Let me see what we can do to implement it
immediately. Any other issues?
ALL: Not at present.
A: Thank you, then and good day.

e) Supporting / Opposing a Person / an Idea in a Meeting: When you agree with

someones opinion it should be done with balance and moderation. The same is true of
disagreementit should not be unpleasant. You should not agree or disagree due to
prejudices or personal relationships. Objectivity is important in a meeting. Even when
you are firm in your refusal, there is no harm in being polite. Shouting or using abusive
language spoils the tenor of a meeting and no business can be transacted in such a
tension-filled atmosphere.

A: Sir, we need better passenger amenities. What we have at present is not adequate.
B: How can you say that? The public is always making demands. How irresponsible you
are! Cant you talk about your responsibilities for a change? We try to keep the place
clean and you dirty it every minute. If you learn the value of cleanliness wont you get
better amenities automatically?
A: I dont think you should get irritated. I am just voicing the opinion of many people in
the audience here.
C: I agree with what A says. The authorities are lethargic when it comes to public
welfare. Cant you become more vigilant to give us better service?
B: Enough! Enough! Speak one at a time. Why should you all speak at once? How can I
answer any of you if all of you speak at once?
D: Please, Mr. B calm down. Let me take up the questions of the people.
B: OK. Do it if you think you are better. I have nothing more to say.
D: Thank you. Now, ladies and gentlemen. We are touched by your concern about
improving passenger amenities. We too would like you to get the best of everything we
have to offer. But often this is not possible because we cannot do anything single-
handed. We need your cooperation.
A: All right. We are ready to cooperate with you to improve the facilities. What would
you suggest we do?
D: First, let us form a committee from among you and arrange a meeting. In a smaller
group we may be able to take up particular issues rather than broad subjects like
passenger amenities. If you make out a list of all the amenities you find deficient, we
shall fix a date for addressing each of them.
C: Your suggestion is good. Let us join hands to make a difference to what is being
offered to the public instead of blaming each other for some lacunae in the system.
A: OK. We shall do as you say, Mr. D and get back to you.
D: I look forward to that. Good day.

f) Speaking to Superiors and Subordinates: In any organization upward and downward

communication is considered very important. What this means is how we speak to our
superiors and subordinates. Many people are awed by their superiors or adopt a falsely
flattering tone with them. And the same people are rude and insensitive while talking to
their subordinates. Both these have to be avoided. Communication etiquette suggests
that we should respect all human beingssuperior or inferior in positionand treat them
as equal.

A: Why have you not sold any of the new design shoes this week?
B: Sorry, sir, the customers dont seem to like the design.
A: How can that be? In the other outlets, the same shoe has sold dozens of pairs, but in
our shop not one of them has been sold.
B: Actually, the design does not afford much comfort to the wearer. That is why . . ..
A: You mean you have been telling the customers that it is uncomfortable. You have
been discouraging them from buying the shoe? I have heard these reports. Now tell me
whether it is true?
B: What can I do, sir, when they ask me which is a better buy? Model no. 10 which has
been popular for many years is what I am forced to recommend. They too agree with me
and that is why the new design is still on the shelves.
A: You fool! Do you know how much money the company invests to bring a new design
to the market? How dare you jeopardize the companys profit for such silly
B: But, sir, if we make a profit by cheating customers they will never buy from us again.
So being honest to them at present is a better policy in the long run.
A: Dont teach me policy, you, you! The new design is more expensive than Model no.
10. See that you sell as many of the new design as possible. Dont bother about anything
elsecustomers comfort and so on.
C: What is all this commotion? Anything wrong?
A: Yes, sir. Here is one salesperson who is refusing to sell the new design because he
thinks it is not very comfortable! As though the responsibility of making the whole world
comfortable rests on his shoulders! I was just telling him to do his job and not put the
company in financial risks.
C: Let me hear what he has to say for himself.
B: Sir, most of the customers who come to our shop are known to me from their long
association with our company. So they invariably ask me what is the best buy. Since I
know from personal experience that Modal no. 10 is very comfortable I usually tell them
that whenever they ask. As a result I have not been able to sell even one piece of the new
design. I dont think I can tell them a lie . . ..
A: How do you know that the new design is not comfortable? Just because you have not
tried it, it is not worth buying? Do you know the kind of research that is carried out
before a product is launched? What . . .?
C: Just a minute. Let me handle this. Mr. B. Why do you assume that the new design is
not comfortable?
A: Sir, many customers first try it out, find it so and then only ask for my opinion. I
never tell them anything initially. My opinion only strengthens their resolve. My only
fault is that I dont try to convince them or persuade them.
C: All right. I understand. Now I think you should first try out a pair of the new shoes. I
am giving them to you at a 50% discount. If after using them for a month they dont
satisfy you, you may return them and take back your money. But if you are happy, you
must change your sales talk and report back to me with the result. How does that suit
A: Thats just great, sir. Thank you, sir. I shall do as you suggest and then report to you
after a month.
C: I am sure you will have no complaints and then Mr. B will also be pleased with your
sales figures.
A: I am sure it will be so, sir. Thank you.
Chapter 6
Presentation Skills

a) Making a Business Presentation: Researching the subject on which you have to make
the presentation, knowing what to say and how to say it best, changing the style of
presentation depending on the audience, gauging the audiences non-verbal response,
keeping in mind the goal of the presentation, using voice modulation, effective language
are all necessary for making a good business presentation.

S: Taruni, are you ready with your presentation?

T: Yes, madam. I have it all prepared. But could we just go over it once before the
invitees arrive?
S: OK. Please begin.
T: Good morning, everyone. I would like to first introduce you to our organization
Swechcha and its major fields of activity. Then I shall tell you where we need help from
service minded individuals like you. As you may have heard, Swechcha is funded by
NRIs interested in improving the standards of rural education and health in India.
Therefore we concentrate mainly on these two areas.
But money is not the only thing needed to achieve the targets we have set for ourselves.
We need dedicated individuals to concretize our vision of improving the quality of life in
our villages. That is why we have invited some of the key persons in the social service
sector here today so that we can chalk out an improvement plan and induct people who
can implement this plan. Let me now show you a visual presentation on the work that
has already been done in 20 villages over the last 2 years. (video show)
Now if you have any questions, you may ask them. Your valuable suggestions are also
S: You have done a good job, Taruni. But in your initial summary you said that you
would introduce the audience to the organization. Dont you think you should shift the
video show to the beginning and then come to the second part of the presentation about
the need for service minded personnel?
T: I think I get your point. But why I put the video show at the end is because if I
interrupt my oral presentation with a video, I may not be able to capture the attention of
the audience again. The visual part is usually more attention grabbing than the verbal
S: OK. Then go ahead and do it as you think best.
T: Thank you, madam.

b) Handling Feedback: After making a presentation it is usually for the speaker to face
some questions from the audience. Handling this in the proper manner with confidence
and patience, understanding the point of view of the audience, being honest when you
dont know the answer, controlling conflict and being able to negotiate with the audience
or persuade them to your point of view are all essential skills for a good presenter.

A: That was my presentation about the need for proper accountability in the organization.
Now if you have any questions or comments, you may come forward.
B: You have mentioned that accountability is one way of gaining the trust of the people
we work with. Could you elaborate this?
A: Yes. I shall certainly try. When we do any job we should know why we are doing it
and how it should be done. If we do any task mechanically, we do not think about these
two aspects. Which means, once the job is complete if anyone asks us about it, we are
not in a position to tell him or her what we have achieved by completing the job.
Therefore, people assume that we know nothing about the work we are doing and they
become skeptical about our ability to do anything efficiently. That is why I said that
when we are accountable for what we have done, we gain the trust of the people. I hope I
have been able to answer your question.
C: I have a question. How does one become accountable?
A: The most important trait in becoming accountable is to take the responsibility of the
task assigned to us. Suppose I am a front office executive. I have to be keenly observant
as to who comes in and who goes out. On a day when there are not many visitors to the
office, I cannot allow my attention to wander. If I leave my post for a few minutes, I
must ensure that someone is there to substitute for me. It is all a matter of attitude.
Suppose I think nothing will happen if I do my job half-heartedly, then my accountability
is not 100%. In case there is a court case and I am asked to give evidence in a court of
law about the people who came in and went out on a particular day, I shall not be able to
swear about what I saw. There will remain a nagging doubt in my mind about the actual
facts because I was not doing my job in an accountable manner.
D: I have a comment to make: I think people in high positions, that is, positions of
responsibility need to be accountable. In other jobs accountability is not so important.
A: I dont think I can agree with you on this point. Take the example of a municipal
sweeper whose job it is to sweep the busy roads in a big city. He / She does the job in the
middle of the night so that traffic is not disrupted during the daytime by sweeping. One
night the sweeper feels lazy to forego sleep and sweep the road at 2 am. Nothing much
happens if one road is not swept on one dayyou may think. But if this trend is
followed by 100 sweepers for a few days, the city will become unbearably filthy. Then
dont you think even a sweeper needs to be accountable.
D: But there are supervisors to check the shirkers, arent there?
A: If people work only because some superior will punish them if they dont, the whole
work culture deteriorates. Policing is not necessary for a person who believes in
accountability. If each person does his / her job dont you think the whole system will
run smoothly?
D: Yes. I think you have a point.
A: Are there any more questions? . . . Well, then I would like to thank all of you for
giving me a patient hearing and for all your interesting interaction.

c) Making a Speech to a Large Audience: It is often noticed that people who are used to
speaking to a large audience have the tendency to talk down to them. But this is not a
good strategy. There are various levels of comprehension in a large audience and a
speaker should keep this in mind. The three Hs of public speaking have to be put into
practice here: humility, humor and heart. Too much of an ego spoils a presentation; when
the attention of the audience is wandering a touch of humor snags their attention back to
the speaker; and sympathy with the listeners is a must. Speaking to a large audience
needs a level of confidence which can be acquired with practice.

Speaker: A very good morning to all of you. Today I would like to tell you about the
advantages of improving your conversation skills. First let us see what a conversation is:
when two or more people are speaking to each other, exchanging ideas, discussing issues
or explaining their feelings about something, the process is called a conversation.
Conversation is a two-way processall the participants are required to speak and listen.
We cannot call what is happening in this auditorium as a conversation because here I am
speaking and you are listening to me. At the end of the speech you may ask me some
questions but during the 40 minutes allotted to me for speaking none of you will interrupt
me. Therefore it is a speech and not a conversation.
Now let us see why a conversation is important: it is more frequently needed than public
speaking skills in our life. We may rarely get an opportunity to speak to a large audience,
but we have to converse with people almost daily. Therefore, to be able to carry out a
meaningful conversation we must overcome certain barriers.
Some of these barriers are: you may not have any ideas to express, or you lack the
language competence to speak, or you do not have the confidence to say what you want
to, or you feel self-conscious about what you would like to say anticipating a negative
response from the other person(s). By taking each of these individually we can improve
our conversation.
For improvement we should formulate certain strategies: when the problem is paucity of
ideas we should improve our awareness about the things our friends/peers usually
discuss, as for example: students should be able to converse about their curriculum;
all people should know something about social issues, politics, etc., about hobbies,
future plans, about controversial issues and so on.
The next strategy would be to improve our language competence by reading aloud at least
for 15 minutes each day, being aware of how others use language and how we can
better ours by imitating them; the right vocabulary is also very important.
In addition to this, a good conversationalist needs self-confidence; so build up your
confidence in conversing with people regularly. Do not remain silent when you have
something to say. Do not worry about whether people are laughing at you. Practice the
most difficult tasks more.
Do not think that you can be perfect before you have even begun to practice.
Next you should get rid of your shyness. Self-consciousness can be got rid of by
believing that if people laugh at your conversation you can improve from their response.
You need not always be praised, you must learn to accept criticism.
The manner in which people judge you has
much to do with conversation. Therefore, one has to become a good human being to
become a good conversationalist. This can be done by using tact in tough situations and
learning to be flexible and negotiate for a meaningful conversation.
As mentioned earlier, speaking alone does not constitute conversation.
Listening is also equally important for good conversation. If you only speak and do not
allow others a chance, it is as bad as when you remain silent and contribute nothing to a
conversation. Although
language is important in conversation, your facial expression often says the opposite of
what your words are saying. Therefore, use body language carefully to enhance your
conversational skills. Use gestures only where they are meant to clarify a point not to
show rudeness or unacceptable behavior. Keep a neutral or friendly facial expression.
Use tone and pitch to voice, proximity etc to the best advantage in any significant
Once to implement all or at least some of these you will be surprised at the rapid
improvement in your conversational style.
d) Offering a Toast / Felicitating Someone: When a person gets a promotion or achieves a
target, during a special occasion or at the time of someones superannuation, it is essential
to be able to offer a toast and felicitation. This is a special communication context which
tests your extempore presentation skills. Fluency, ease of speaking, confidence and the
use of appropriate language and style are the marks of a good felicitation speech.

A: Today Mr. Gupta is relinquishing charge after working in our company for 35 years. I
first congratulate him on his attaining the interesting age of 60 and invite all those of you
in the audience who would like to felicitate him to come forward.
B: My association with Mr. Gupta for the past 10 years has been a memorable experience
for me. Whatever I have learnt about the workings of the company he has taught me. He
has always been known for being meticulous in all that he did. He had a way of training
us youngsters which made us feel motivated as well as efficient. I take this opportunity
to express our deep gratitude to Mr. Gupta and wish him a long, fun-filled and fulfilling
C: Mr. Gupta worked under me for the first 5 years after joining the company. And when
I retired I handed over charge of this office to him. I remember that from the time of
joining he was sincere, hardworking and eager to take an initiative. Whatever needed to
be done, he offered to do and completed all tasks with verse and enthusiasm. I noticed
his exceptional qualities from the beginning and in the 35 years that have gone by, the
hope of those early days has been fulfilled. Today Mr. Gupta retires after a long and
dedicated service and we wish him all the best for all that he hopes to do in future. May
he continue the good work he has always been doing.
D: On behalf of the mazdoor union, I want to felicitate Mr. Gupta who has been the best
boss any worker can have. During any crisis he has stood by us. He has helped us in
times of personal problems. He has been strict without being unreasonable. He knows
how to talk to all types of people. He has inspired such loyalty in the workers that we are
willing to lay down our lives for him. His word has always been law to us. Just with a
smile he can solve any problem. We are sure we shall never get a boss like him. We
wish him all the best and hope that he will keep in touch with us even though he is
formally relinquishing change today.
A: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for all your kind words to Mr. Gupta. Now I
request Mr. Gupta to say a few words.
G: My greeting to all of your present here today. I am really overwhelmed by all the
words of felicitation you have bestowed on me. I did not know there was so much
emotion in your hearts for a person like me who has only been doing his duty to the best
of his ability. But I am happy that I have made a place for myself in your hearts. I have
great fondness for all of you who have worked with me. I have great respect for Mr. C
and Mr. A who are my seniors. I thank all of you and promise that I shall try to live up to
the hopes you have for me even after I have retired. With all your good wishes I am sure
my future is going to be great. Thank you again. I have no words adequate to express
my deep gratitude to all of you.
Chapter 7
Leadership Skills

a) Rewarding: One of the important skills in a business context is to learn to be an

effective leader. But for this we have to first be able to lead ourselves in the right path
though self-assessment and self-improvement. A leader requires the kind of maturity,
diplomacy, perception and judgment that an ordinary person may not acquire in an entire
One of the major tasks of a leader is to motivate his / her group to do their best. This can
be done only when a leader knows when to praise a person, how much to praise him / her
and in what way to do it. When an exceptional performance goes unrewarded, people
feel frustrated and lose the interest to strive for excellence. Words are powerful
motivators and they can be supplemented with incentives which the leader thinks will
make the rewarding process more concrete.

A: Sir, we have completed the project on time and the client is very pleased with the
B: Thats very good. I must congratulate all of you. You have worked very hard to meet
this tough deadline and now all of you deserve a few days rest. So I am not going to put
any of you on the next project immediately. You have the rest of the week to catch up
with all that you had to sacrifice for the last 4 weeks.
C: Thank you, sir; that is very considerate of you.
B: Also, the management is likely to get a huge profit through this project. So the board
members have asked me to tell you that you will be given performance bonus. This will
come to you along with your next salary.
D: Wow, wonderful news, sir. We shall work harder on the next project so that you
continue to reward us like this.
B: You dont know how happy that makes me. Unless you work hard the company can
never progress and when the company moves ahead so do you. Once again, I want to tell
each one of you that you have worked wonders. No one thought this project could be
completed in such a short time. And you have not compromised on the quality of the end
product in spite of shortage of time. So you are to be doubly congratulated.
All: Thank you, sir. We shall continue to do our best, under your able guidance.

b) Punishing: Though punishing is an unpleasant task, it has to be done and a leader finds
many such contexts in the course of his / her word-a-day life. If a person does wrong,
you need to tell him / her about it. Some people ignore mistakes of their subordinates
because they feel embarrassed to check them. This is not a good precedent because if one
person goes scot-free after breaking some rule, the others will follow suit and the
discipline of the organization will suffer.
But the leader has to use great caution while communicating punishment. The context is
unpleasant, therefore, the words, tone, etc., should be the opposite. Instead of hauling up
a person in front of his / her colleagues / friends, it is better to correct him / her in
isolation. Some chances for improvement should also be given before any drastic
measures of punishment are adopted. But when all else fails the punishment has to be
A: Mr. Kuku I have received complaints about you again.
B: Oh, what did I do, madam. I have been doing everything you said since the last time
you called me here. I did not do anything which you asked me not to do.
A: Are you sure? I think you did not understand what I told you last time. I said: if I got
any further complaints about you I would be forced to take serious action.
B: But . . . I, but, but . . . nothing . . . I have done nothing wrong.
A: Let me ask you something: the proprietor of Summer Drinks has given you some
money for booking a slot for his product on the yellow pages, isnt that right?
B: Yes. You asked me to collect bookings and I did it.
A: Did I ask you to take the money in cash? Did I not tell you that the money should be
taken in the form of a bank draft payable to our company?
B: Actually, madam, they were in a hurry to pay. The man who came with the money had
to go out of station that very day. It was late and the banks had closed. So he gave me
the cash.
A: How much cash did he give you?
B: The exact amount, madam, I swear.
A: Dont do that. I have been told by the proprietor of Summer Drinks that you have take
ten thousand rupees more than the amount fixed by me.
B: No . . . no, I mean . . . I think, . . . I didnt know . . . I didnt count . . . please, madam.
A: Mr. Kuku, I am sorry for you. There have been a dozen complaints against you in the
last 2 months. That is why last week I warned you that this was your last chance. But
again you have done something unethical. Therefore, I am forced to terminate your
service. You will collect your last pay and relieving orders from the office today. Thank
B: But, madam, think of my poor family, think of my children. We will starve, madam.
Please dont take such a decision. Please give me one more chance.
A: Sorry, Mr. Kuku. This was your last chance and you did not make use of it. Now
please dont waste any more of my time. Be grateful that I am not calling the police and
registering a case of fraud against you. Please leave now and in future try to be honest in
any other job that you take up.

c) Making an Apology: People in positions of power and authoritythat is, leaders

often find it difficult to make an apology even when they are wrong. We expect others to
apologize to us for the slightest of lapses but when it comes to our doing the same we are
But to be a successful leader one must know how to apologize and express genuine regret
for having done something wrong without feeling that it is a demeaning experience. The
apology should be simply worded, backed by sincere emotion and show how you aim to
correct such a lapse in future.

Q: Ms. Rehana, I deeply regret having raised my voice in the meeting yesterday. I
apologize to you for my rudeness.
R: Please, sir, you need not apologize. The fault was mine for not having provided the
right statistics. Your anger was justified.
Q: You may have made a mistake but there was no need for me to shout at you in front of
a room full of people.
R: Yes. I did feel very upset at that time but later I realized that the fault was mine. I have
not been well for the last few days so I could not get the statistics ready. And I forgot to
tell you about it.
Q: I should have realized that you are usually very efficient so your mistake must have
been due to some serious problem. Or I should have waited till you were alone to correct
you. I feel ashamed that I have so little control over my temper.
R: You are making me feel embarrassed, sir. I shall be more careful in future so that you
do not have any complaints.
Q: And I can promise you that I shall curb my temper. Please say you accept my apology.
R: I do, thank you, sir. Let us not discuss it any more.
Q: Right. Let us get down to other business, then.

d) Showing Sympathy: In times of misfortune, we need people around us who will

shower us with sympathy. A leader often has the responsibility to show sympathy to his /
her subordinates in difficult times and this has to be done in such a way that it does not
sound patronizing. Sometimes sympathy without genuine involvement sounds false. Too
brisk or too cloying emotions also has to be avoided. Expressing sympathy should be a
positive interaction and not a negative one. Avoid platitudes and try to be honest, simple
and authentic.

A: I am sorry, Mr. Paramanik; I heard that you have lost your father. Please accept my
condolences. I was wondering why you had not come to office yesterday. Then Ms.
Parikh told me you had to rush home when you got the news. So I thought I should come
and see you today.
B: Thank you, sir. I am sorry I could not inform you personally. When I got the news
you were in a meeting. So I left a message with Ms. Parikh.
A: Was he very old? Was it sudden? Who was there with him during the last hours?
B: Yes, sir, he was about 80. He lived a long and active life till the end. He was pottering
in the garden. He was not ill at all. The end came all of a sudden. There was no one at
home then. The neighbors called me when they saw him collapse in the garden.
A: Oh, that must have been a great shock for all of you.
B: Yes. At first we could not believe that he was no more. He was so very active we
couldnt believe everything had come to an end. . . . But we are happy that the end was
painless and sudden. My father had a dread of illness and prayed to God everyday that he
should not crawl towards his death. His wish was fulfilled and all of ushis children
are glad of this.
A: But you will miss him, I am sure. I remember when I lost my parents it was a
traumatic time.
B: Yes. He was the best friend I ever had. I cannot imagine how life is going to pass
without him there to guide all of us.
A: I am sure the Almighty will give you the courage to face this grief. If there is anything
you need, please dont hesitate to ask.
B: I shall not be able to join duty for 12 days, sir. As I am the eldest son I have to do all
the last rites.
A: That is all right. Do not worry. We are all there for you. Here is a small token from
the company. Please use it to meet your immediate expenses. Take care.
B: It is very kind of you, sir. Thank you once again.

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