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Cambridge State Medial Anaopolgy 2 or Rem Fanner, Conf Medel Seal Any, Unies Kate ‘yon Gand Depron of Sai adi, Hard Mic! So ‘Nn arook, pret of opis, Ur of Masa itr Levis Deparment f Scilly, Unis Sane ‘obedLleood, Dpsonn of dhol, Unie Caller Tan ‘uc Lock Depart of Maras and Sol Subst Mat, Nancy Seperate, Darn of Arpt, Uni of Callas Bel Matic apse she ste sowing pei aes within anton Tonia Nor neta alo arp Bepning wa pri el evn ae er opcalits meta enol now proves sagan fren xan (ie mon pes ets instep ta e hema Mesa noel ncn the ye ea nto nd ah an aut off ad pone cin he mer of tect csi of ‘ts td hewn on sou be ody, thy aro ig Sh "Tsuen sce Incas thewecy Inve mono, stot colton fay on cet ut shor tk dc he a ee ‘Sth mbt: 1 Lynn M. Morn, Gomi reat x the pois 9 primary cre seo 8 Embodiment and experience ‘The existential ground of culture and self uv by ‘Thomas J. Csordas |CAMBRIDGE 15 ene. ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS oe HD CRTOU DE LE Di BIBLIOTECA, ia Introduction: thesbody as representation and. being-in-the-world ‘Thomas J. Crordas ‘Much as ben writen about the tod la eocent year. Begining inthe ‘aly 1970, and wih increased energy inthe fate 1960 the body his _fsumed lively presence onthe nthropologia scene and on these of Incrdsclpinary altura sudien Feminist theory, berry critic, history, comparative religion, philoophy, soclogy, and peychology ar all “mpliated in the move reward the body. Anthropologists with Interests ranging cross medial nd peycholoial anthropology the anthropology of ‘pace, material ular, practic theory performance theo), ciel hey, {nd even cognitive aihopoloy have problematized the body in recat Inher Keynote address to the 1090 annual meting of the Americ [EthnoloicalAsroiation dedicated to the theme of “The Body in Soity ‘and Culture," Emly Martin sgarted that hough the widprend iter ‘Sein the body may be acount for by the conemporzy centri of the ‘ody in Western soil forms t may ab be due to the contemporary [torical moment ia which "ne are undergoing fandamenal changer i how our bodies are erganied and experienced” (1992: 121. ting Lev ‘Stra’ obervaton that sede tent seem to become feed on [Bhenomend pedal) when they are ending, se suggest that we ae seeing ‘re end of one bd of body and the besing of another Kind of bs bia 2b. eat scolarsip inthe roca scence and humanities would appear to support Martin's claim. The kind of body to which we have been accustomed in scholarly an popal thought aie is tpicaly assumed 10 be a fied, material entity subject co the empiri rules of biological ‘iene, exiting prie othe mutability and fx of clr charge od Siverity and charecterzed by unchangeable inner neces. The new” ‘ody tha Bes begun to be Meaed can no longer be considered as & ‘rue tet of mare Tn the wake of Foucault (eg. 1079, 1980), a chors of ‘rica statements has aren tothe effect thar te body isan ently problemi notin” (Vernant 1985 20) tht “the body a istry” i har it bebaves anew ways at parca itr mament (Bynum 1980: 2 Thomas, Candas 171 and hat the body shouldbe andertod nota constant ex Duras an epitome ofthat (A: Frank 1991: 40), Otters ave argued thar, de to the detailing impact of socal pro= ces of commesifenton, fragmentation, and the scr barage of lage of body parts (Kroker and Kroes 1987: 20) the human bey ca 00 leoger be considered a "bounded enti,” Inthe me of "ate eapttie™ ‘and “eonmumer clare” with ir muliplcty of images that simulte feeds and desites and the corresponding changes in mate rangement ‘of scil apace, the body/slf has become previ a perorming self of ‘ppenrance display, and impression management (Featrsone 1091 18, 192) Fined “fe ec” categories have become blurted nto more id “ie cours” in which ones look ad feel may confit wih ons logis] snd chronological age (Featherstone and Hepworth 1991), The gas of ‘bodily self-care fave bistrially changed from apirun salvation fo ‘hanced heath, and Soaly toa mareable self (ds 11 e. Foca 1986 and Bordo" 1960 85), "The dieters techniques are not crete pic ‘maiy toward weight fos, but oward the formation of bay boundri®fo ‘roe against the eruption ofthe "bls," and they sere the puro ‘ecial mobiky more than the afiematon of soil peiton Boedo 19000, 98). The asceticism finer body diacpine fo longs incmpatbe with ‘outer body hedonism, tut has become t mei foward one not only ‘exercises to look good, but wants to look god while exercising id=, 18}, canbe ateted to by anyone uevig that n some health women apply makeup fore thei workout. It stands in hap conta at ‘aly to ery historical periods, bu to othe societies sucha that oF Fit ‘nbc the caltaton of boca ot intended an enbancement of 2 performing self, but is eqrde at + repost fowerd the cmmonity (heser,Chaprer 4 of this volun) ‘Doo Harsny angus forceful that “Neither our personal bois aor ‘ur socal dies maybe tena ater inthe ese of xing owe te selF-reating pres elle human about (1091: 10) and tat a ecu fdeology “the univerazed natural boy isthe gold standard of hep ic social lcoure” (Haraway 19M 146). According to Harewey the seproprie anti the tata ad ened body Oo relivism, which is ony the inverse ofthe taising perspective, view hich denis embodiment by "being nowhere ml ciming wo be every where equally” (1991: 191), Instead of relativism she vorates the recog tion af action, thats, nanequielent peice ins taave web of emecions. The emphasis on lection acct the interpretive con reabences of being grounded ia parca cnbvied standpoint = the ceomenuencr of relatedness, paral grap of any station, and mpect communication, Theol, ths stuatednes extends to the dais of ‘ology isl sis evden ineoont ens theory tht eliminates “pas- ‘vey aan intra character othe feral body, and ework bo the stinton besween se and grider (Hara 1991 197-8, andthe desu ing offal seaual plate fom the ac enoception (Jacobus 1990-1 22, 25 Bord 199: 103; Hararay 199, Deane 1980, Kelle 1950). Wich ‘ology ao longer « monic abject, the body is transformed fae. object toaget(Harevay 199: 198; 30a A, Fank 19:48). Thebody ss ss oxperiencing agent cident in cecnt il aence wrk on the exper ceo less (Devisch and Gail 1985; Kleiman 1985; Murphy 1987; {Epc and Dunk 1987; Gordon 19%; Pundit 191; Os 1991; Kime 188, 1092; Good 1994, hody image (G. Frank 1986), ain (Good ea. 192), relipoasheaing(Csordas 990, 1993, 194;Roseran 191; Desires 1992), {and ethnographic practice itself Seheper- Hughes and Lock 187 Jackson 1080; Soler 199) swells inthe bape incldedin the preset volume "The notermporay clturltansfomatin ofthe body canbe conceived sot aly iets of conte culture and blogic eet, busin ‘sceraing an smbiguy inthe boundais of corporal ise. Haavay points tothe bandas etween anal nd human, between ala haan {nd machine, and between the physical and non-physical (191: 151-0, Fates ia his introduction to the ential Fragment for History of he “hana aly, place the boundary between hana and animal orator (anschine) a one end fs continuum whose apposite pes defined by the toundary between human and cy (1989: 1). Examining what aks place _acthese cultural boundries seit gten che circumstances of corpora fx nd boc snsfrmatin sketched above. With respect regen the {goetion gocr beyond the discon between natura soperatarl [Bodies or hetseen natura crporaity and divine Incorporate _gesionpowed by Feherofthekindofbody that members culture cadow ‘homscver ith in orer to come int elation ith the ind of day they ost to themselves 1989: 13) Ite are assert that the bi ultra ‘Phenomenon, align i one domain of clare that offers evidence rch ‘ough o help us rasp the sgniance ofthat sertion, andi sth 0 ‘Shineidence that sever of the chapters the present volume ake up the Another inescepable ansformation ofthe body i the contemporary worlds being wrought by te inerebe pralifrton of oll vclence (ofall tper ethnic violence, sonal vilene,selfdesractive wenc, domestic violence, and gang violence. AS much as any of the {ra {ormations sketched shove, thin one hat to do wth the very meaning of ‘being human being & bey that can experience pain and selienatin rom Sears (189) cxamitation ofthe dselation of sein tortare wo ekdman's (191) portato the dentared body hate the cinateot 6 Mma J. Corda Ieaadton 5 permanent viene in Northern Ire fom Scheper Hughes's (1952) five externa sees lu prone (our scse of bing in a body ad! haba of warculted boil resistance to hegemonic eppresionsreng ‘vce in space as wel want (1978 [1610 elld he ner sense of Impovrsbed residents of Bez slums, and spin wo the madre of {nition o seni. Pate Includes everhing that fll under “athe caning” and rape as 2 pit weapon that characte the ‘Mauss (1950) elnino of techniques of the body ~ swimming, fever Yuna the time ofthe wrtng of ts inteducten, the fay dencng, washing tal breathing io meditate, pote the varias Sppears the threatened vehicle of aman Sing and gy. The oe ‘erting tance amon bec papers in which the body ton ol, ‘pital urgeney ofthis phenomenon is evident nthe wrk of ever and objet. Pato Or aatomy sch ash, fae seal bot Snirbuto tothe present volume, bands have long bec of iterest to anthropologists forthe social sad ‘Along with its rial and pragmatic mpiations fer world cation, ‘smbote venience they bear. Bodily procees ke breshing (at ‘tc thoretal implications ofthe scout covery ta the Boy ha techngue bu for example a the sig), Busing, messraton, bt, en, hinoryandis as much clr! phenomenon at va sogal enya ‘tying, and ugg are o interest i hector variation, ily ete enerms. Alo nded the by pasing heath el fea del of cultural meaning en be dst from he texte of body Aino moment ths moment bo offers cite methods opp roduc Boose, went tary ey rig and salir, ‘unity reformulate hore of uur, la experince, teed ‘Other eatre in thi el ancentater om he "topclbdy”that i) tthe ene of las. The ens fin vohome aed ot sme of sn understanding ofthe boy in ration to pee domain of itu thos heart implcaton and to see his methodol! oppor. ‘city. The body and Ral the boy ad pot domatin, he aly | Neither the is tobe nen fr rated since among anhrepolois td trauma, the Boy nd elo, the bay sd ender, the bay and sl, facing he obilecence ofthe body" and «relied “enh of the sujet” the body at emotion, the body and technology recaps. The wae he jory sl out so wheter he bly wil pei a Set mc toe of abundant licatres oo al dhs tp ody has been te theme, the “else ground of extend sl” (Cerda 190) oF Fest and ite apd such tht the dye aig han esone beter inter i the body is merey an inlet! the 1990 verahelmingly apstent in stot production. Ts posters pro toetng of the American Ethnologial Sect, detested tothe theme of eration self agin bes the eset esto of whether threat "te bd in sociy and culture,” war event that many paras any sch hing a fe bey = wheter he boy ore tan the suo ‘ere ing the tern "body" witout much sent of bode” topes. The pardoned teh ln ft perso be ha i there a teases if tody were lite more ha ayo forse or prion Tt ‘Sveti charnctern of embodiment, indeterminacy (Meret Pony cnc ais the del dangers of Siping te fore ow 20) 1902; Gora 1993) ‘s'a metodspea staring point, and of ebjeiing Bodie ar hinge Finally, her i what we ight cl he “mil bd” withthe muber Seoid of intentionality and lterbjeciity. Te than mses the opr. toes dependent on haw many oft aepect one cares to recone toni tad sentence and entity four sor sl and pe, td Mary Doola(1973) called aentn tthe" Bodies” elering to the toinserc an aed dimeasion of matcaliy to our notions of Cale wd soca and physical spect ofthe body Her dines roughly rests ony {tat betwen mind and body, cular and boy. More pes! Doug ‘What weare calling fr hee na more earl forthe bd han hat Aifeentiaes between the ewe ake of oo beds nthe way or bis, ‘opal in the anthropology of the oy’ ta as Bsn with inc the function, and emphasizes the way cement of pysnogy an natn can 19 neues tha al under hat rb by an eject theme be taken up lo the symbali doon, Nancy Steper Hughes end Mat ‘famas fe the source of symbols taken op inthe cour af altar ‘suet Lock (1987) ies “the boi," nla the in od the ‘Sorin sich lg and oi ructre, Withor attempting so Sl body andthe by pole The iret totheed expen of tropical exsy, | wil summarize the appeaches charter of the thebedy athe cond o representational aes the ty a+ syed {hropolony ofthe boy inorder then to Gtingusht metodo! ‘fratr, society, and alte, andthe third to the relation on contol of ‘andpeit moe tiled tthe tove- sed sims! bed, Joa Nal 1985p the neo" bs.” For ON te ‘Aremie of much ofthis ieratre whet we might alan “nage work! Body refers to the human tendency to anthropomrphize the body that ines iret acs on perception, rote pe, process, ‘aos. The soil ody refers othe ammo soo of i into ce products. By perception I mean the clr! we sd conitong te {obadly organs andthe we of bly process sch a ingestion of food > 8 Pham. Ganda eine soci eategories The bay polit fers worn fy a ountry the ody wrt ge, forming the bss of phrase cho "ee" of sate ‘x “nembes" ofthe body politic. The consumer body refer tothe creation and commercaization of bol needs such a for tem, eget bor ‘ving devices, or ns, «proces in which dou eeted abut the elf in onde vo sel grace, spontaneity, vtacousnes, confidence, ete. The medical ‘body refers tothe process of medalization in which an teasing mombet ody process ate subject o mee control td tecslogy, “To renter or lesser degrees ll hese approaches study the by and ics teanformatons whi stl taking entedimn for granted. Tn my vw this \sinction between the body as either empirical thing or ana theme, ‘ed embodiment sth extent groand of culture asl eel to {apitlizing on the metedologia oporrnity ested sbove But ete be objected hati anything can be taken fox grinds embodiment ws bein to reftame the prom thie way In his fen-ited ey on Tet ies ofthe Body” Maree! Maus 1980) argue tht the body tthe “Se time the rial oo wth which bums shape thet werd ad the ‘gal substance out of which the hums word shape Yet ofl the ‘femal definitions of eature that hae ben proposed by anthropologist, ‘none hve taken sical the i ha culture pounded la the aman ‘ny Why nt then bepin withthe premise tht theft af ur embod ‘ment canbe a valuable starting pln for einkng the nur cutore ‘dou existential station a cular beings? T uggs that the prise of uch 8 standpoint ito throw new light on questions uadtinaly ake Imthropologits and other schol In the human sciences (oe Ferunder 1990 ran example of scholrrcoidring his on dats thin we) Tt should alo a the chapters inthis volume bear ot, ring t lit ew ‘uestions and sources of dts ovroake by thinkers these els Fly, ic ofers the grounds fora frutfl rereading ofthe case dats of eh ogrephy, where passages about bly experience ae tucked tay in enc nd clr meaning elaborated by Low and by Jenin and Valente, (Grol Laderman’sappreach to food and sen Chapter 8 should also be readin ight of Becker's cscusson in Chapter 4, which was oriented around the noden that cultural values ate encoded in body morphology. For [Eiderman ic the practices of fod ingestion and avoance tat ae of toner a se describes the relation betwee aenuory cel and ymbalic ferutre in Hast Maly cult. Fst, Laderman analyaes Malay oe and eld amoral ceaening with repr to ines attbuted to supeeatt Spine stacks or humoral imbalance and bumorl ees of de a the Ssaion and treatment of ies Unlike ther teaments of humoral festoings Lademnen’s inchader sensory component icing sel Derepiont of metbolc changer induced by ingesing cera Kinds of foods: Second, she examines the coneet of Hy which combines the tmemnings of "piven and "power showing how it arculatesfood- ‘Weidance practices pertining both to physiological and symbolic danger. ‘Third, she expres the Malay notions of semana (Spirk of Life) aed nen nner Winds) askeysrounderstanding the nels, cosmolgia, ‘sootioal, sensible, and temperamental dimensions of the Malay vel Fourth she offers an ingung refsive desertion af ber own ncepor™ ‘tio of elements of Maley emment inher reactions to humoral hoor ‘ld foods, the experienc of Taner Wind during taney and the ight nd rerun of herSpritof Life ding an illnes. She cnet with reeeton (on the relation beewees representation and beigi-de-word in eof ‘the monring of ymbolic systems inthe experiential word Tham. ‘The contributes to Pat 1V cach dea hls own way withthe relation ‘between language sd tly experienc by straggling t0 steals the ‘Sse te pecbjeve worl of pus. Tn Caper 9, Jen Jason ‘akes up the probienae of wubjebject, mindy, ad langue! experienc inthe conta of wea the great challenges fr theory of Caltre and self grounded enbodiat, uly the medal cnditon of honic pi. Raed ona stay of paints in» speciale patent pain tweumeat center in New Eagle carefully sorts ot the laerentiy indeterminate elatons wang pin beter, the experi opin and ‘the emacnal sats acompering pla. She exsmins the dialectic of subjection 2nd bjasifeian at an exsemnl struggle over the “reality” of pia andi eapeince lo ao sel. She ivi states te ular immedi of he Cartesian dat (Leer 1980) n patios temptsoden cml interme of ind over tee mates ever mid. Jun py cn tin gg nd the conan fa experience beween pats an ao-sllerers and among fates them Seles. Distinguishing carly brwoen pin andi eases, pyc snd ‘emotional pin, and puna sensation and emotion, she highlights the ‘sel shock fort aie tractor of moving back and forth ‘between the “pil wel” and the mold fevers ie In Chapter IE. akatne Daniel tam rata fom te aathoe- les pain ofthe mec patent the ntentonl led pin of pla torte, The ntepsin ofthese chapes gl the rag ny tht "esol rginof the later fom f pan doesnot ender ile, bu phan ‘mote unrepreestibl. Dail examines the experience of people tertared luring he ongoing vcs ci wa fn Sei Lanka ad through tee pain faxes the ims of repre in seni sathroplogy. Unie Jack- Sen's sere tm cri pin who wet abet develo community of meaning, Dail secs in te afevely Dat memory of ain song the ‘ortre and ter nines wo sce that others have Bsn torre, theireperens ofthe she worthless al attempts to communis something tht war vo aly iidsted and rendered unsreble"| He identis bat, atthe preannent example of whet Pees cll “quali” aa sem ft with the Ta quality of preeetne immediate uncaterineeprncePoso the other bands? in which the inmediyof amie sis ional by the alle fed theres of sends. He gos oat Sony ero Sad at tara forms for ojettfing pin, llowing the opening tint cmos experience that aden "eupcted ays" Ina ii ory hi tortred interoeur acent fm spestetnee fo the ality 4 fm slemenary meaprs, be eres the expeintl jen f objet olin the exten mameat of reat Berwecn epeten Inston » tation and bring-in-the-word, god the theoretical momeat of relation eensen sexe and phenology. Tn Chapter 1, Cathy Winkle alae anaes fem of pin as esultof polis! vneac, rape. Dawng eorageously on he personal experience his eau, she examines the mind/body dissociation consequent on ‘apis frcfulylseting land mines of emional ypbewal Io the thous of hse victims” Her argument undercres the urgent eed for frig of embodiment inthe ers of Anita Hill and Gren: Thowss, ase Washington and Mike Tyron, Her isthe srugle beeen one's fmm seabjectihation and the objetifention of self by the wlence of laters Unlike Datiel, who could onty observe his Tamil interbeuce’ Steuer series, Winkler a inventgator-victim” i ale o del with fer ethnosaphic formants as "ictim-nwewpwors” Ia unique, jnvewed ethnographic eatioshi, the athroplopn provides er inorm {ht with an analy framework, and hey tke responsi fr eiting the texte of their interviews. Bepsning with acriique ofthe symptoms and Sages abstracted ar "rape trauma syadrome;" Wioller Metis series of five ovetapping conte of tau that define the cultural nd existential rmeanng of rape. The existential ground of culture, in paricuar of “Groton meting, becomes espestlly vivid inthe body's ricer ree ‘civ ecgnition of the rapist even whe he icin unable ro crake x ‘efit visual tepecsenttonal memry of Me fae Final, Chapter 12 my atempt at + caltul phenomenology ofthe physical dd exited! pln sere by a young Navajo man ate With tumor induced slauredhorder Primed by reactions on Heidegger and ‘Merieau- Ponty, is lio an temp o anticipate wo potential objections ' phenomenological paradigm of embodiment: fst that de domain of preobinctive experience it somehow “precultaras” and stcond, hat embodiment” throws out the bilogy with the tatbwaer. ‘The young soon satey for miking seme of hit afficon combines clement af "Naval Peyotst healing snd pirat with element of Anglo-American ‘aplanatory model and biomedical treatment and presupposes a cimplex interaction between bslgy snd cule, | anaiae the paint snare ‘rede to show the ealtural formation of prebjotie experience snd that Tangiags can be understood no nly a representation but a dsconre of fealty end bcing-in-e-woed als sow the bodily immediacy a which ‘herasof contention by lightning, theta number four, and being thor through with an objet by witcherf come int lay. Phenernenalgy nd neurology ae brought io dialogue wit x dicusion of how the ‘btavionl syndromes sociated with temporalbe lesions and the ess ‘or rif peyote ingen derive existential meaning in the context of « ‘ody symthesof langue hough, religious experience and healing 20 Thoms. Corda Gian the ety sage of evhpmest of» praignof emtodimeni shoal ame wn sure that he cnrbtons fh ee Shot ‘cere ity to ay coe paradigmatic poste. "The tener wil te {ats ine oe em node mos are sd arn ‘Sisal ono thee wa pros in sich mening nen in Spon th body Jer temper he tm odie eer embodinens Nevers, probematiing he by nd code lcs ch tts within the nwa of enti Ive cated sore owe i a {im postion ih espe tothe ins bewee prefect enon, cd nnd wd body, tet and coer, represent Bong ‘el semis and phenomensoy, aged experince {bt enbodimem. Thc alecie marion stu hee pa of ee Seige eal manent a theng abou uur and se sad ne Saralhough one of hes duis pura eer sete pl irecnelably oppose. We are well reminded, for example Pore indo of abn ls semi tad Mere Pots cme cee ‘thi phoebe Ta thi ih our perp ist en the terse stich oppo tems met, wheter theyre undenton fo tenant Tesion or collapse upon one snber, "That tan make othe heer reine and te poe of etn ha mn cnn ng substance orpeenaton nd sets 0 ‘being-in-the-world. ees See et remect te arte |B, Tumer (1991), ad Lock (1994). uae slate aoe resets So ee eae Sonera sere Seopa eee ree eae steer nc See ee Secrest ora St eee Dodecanese ee Freeones bt peace Sc rasan era a ere eee ae acinar anion sac wnnn a Sheree nrecn eevee: See a ence Sie Barth Rand 1986) The Rel Zang, Howards, New Yr: Hi od Wane Bigeot Car (1991) Remain the Hay (WH Lite Help rm Men "enn bets Gon ey ar td th Spc of pana eaysen. ‘Box, Sum (190) Renn the Slr Body. In Mary Jebus, Eve Fox Talkin Sly Shuto Body Pu: Wane ante Desf ‘Sime, Now Yo Rede! py 112 es aH ae, evr Sed ety Pe ‘Byun Canine Waller (a6) The Female Body and aos Price athe ‘er Mil en Mca here rameters Hato th an [aly Poe 1 New Yack: Zane 9p. 10-309 i copia Jah D. (505 Howe Hesepe, nthe Qui f “erent ‘hcasaalgy In Joep Koka, The Compo 8 Mars Ha ther ang and Fm" Wnkingo: Cote fr cane Rear a ‘henomengy and Unies re of Ase pp 1028, castor Jame 198 rerun, eases Clr and Gore . Mates lang Cares The Proton Pb of Bsmgrapy Dersey: Unirersty ss, ome and Gene Marca (198) Writing Clue The Ps ond Pato Eanorapy. Bele Univer of Calf res. ‘cece Photon 198 Ebene Paap fer Astropigy Eea1 (199) Som Mater Anton. Cla dopey 139-6 (Goad Pie Saved Sel A ulna! Phnom of Chara Hei, Beth ‘ley: Uns a afore Destiny Jesus (91) Of Cromartie Jobs Hopkins Uninesiy eset Rote (199) Ray and Bain Th Ante sont Helin he Nia Hinata: Paap: Users af ean Pres Devic, Rees Ani ally es (1989) Stand Symp is Bey ‘Sem, Speco he atmationa uae Peony 30:0, Doan May Ans (100) Teno: Technol eet a the Fei i,m Mar Jasin, Ev Hoe Keler, sn Sly Sauteworth eh, Bo) ul Work crate Sie Now Yer: Rote 6316 ‘Dp Mary (197) Naar Sy New Yer Vine. Fontherane,bike o0) To Body ip Cnmamer Cee Te Me Fetersoe, ‘Mic Hepwor, and Ban. Tare, ey The Body Sl Peas oud (hal Tho. Lande: Sge Pato 9p. 10-9. eatheran Mic Mie Hepworth (991) The Ma of Aang nd he ‘osu Lie Cun. In Mite Featesne ike Hepat ed Ba ‘Tune ede The Hy Shia Pro an Call They Londo Sat elie nto oa Fb rag a Fein, ale 1861) Formato of Pte” The Nera of th Boy on ‘Poa Terr Noo end Cas: Unies of Cea Pros 22 TharJ. Condes ems 9 ued Wc Tx Mehr rey. “a i ya a ant Then Ried Wee Ja Rig ie Afrce 20: 92-111. a Pane er ihe io PT Beh of he ri eu Yt 9b) ht Sa Yo: tion, ew Yo Ve hh Co a yea Ne a Ar ea Soc of ie a. ic Re: In Mis ten Hep a ef od [etn Cat are Sp. al Se On tina ay eit Dey Paha cae amy tine ef ocr ah uit Tc rag as Neo ae. SSE Ril te aaa Con Pa se Dro a it Kin 2 Pi ‘i npr nial Pere Beer ast Cnt Se {99 ing Hs Dba Ca rs, ee and Payehiaery 14 275-97. ie nie Pin ue Sc ne a ita (Te ot Toy Ama Ree of A 8 Do 5) reo iat eto tot Pe Ti iy Ee ce ty Sey as Wma ed Banco Ss Row ot ea 130-42, S cy Stn, 05 on oF Rani of Na New Ya outlet. Cote a 9 Thelin Fini Thr. Int 0 Pa md Cari: Rael pin ol Be ny agus Urey nl hn Peat Cone nd Fein Dee i My Jy Bem Po Rs mad Sa Serr Saris Wim ode Doors of Se New Yak Rie! Ina iy ey, ot Kale Sy Slew, 90 a ie de Dain Sos a ee tle Int an Denn (One Be: Pi 1 tone i erm ae nt ts an Ba in Bly ak gee pen eae < name 0 iis ap Po of VV iit mre Sates Uae Intndeson es eles, Brel ox (19) From Seren of Life wm Sere of ah tm Mar “fctbon veh Fox Kee, fed Sally Sutevarthy ey, Boy Polis: mato Dice of Sate New Yer: Rowley. 17 kienuj Erne (08 Mind ao Boy ae Meaper in M.Lck nd Drea ci) Bimedine Eom Dorie Kher Ace (093 The Bn lene on Meng: Meubor 8 Pescin an p= Sertton nls Expres, lee Anlroplny Quer 6 33-46 se rer 186) Tes Nora Slee ig, the Hanon “Gndon New York: Bae Book ics Arr ae Jan Ronan (91 Suing a i Prins Tes ema "Torad an Eatography of Experience, Clare, adn, ont sic Jala (100) The Kees Red, ori Moly New Yok Clann oy ra iain Ker 9 alan: att, Gee (1987) Won Fi and Dangers Tig: Wht Caos Revs “ae Mr. Caage Unies a Chiao Pres ate Deen (98) Th Ae Bay. 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In Bex ‘rr an ios ens Arpt of tin Clio 24 Thomas}. Corda (7 Errno Noh Amen Pros. Spc io Gre. Win. ise: Wiens pp, 38, Panda, Min (91) Mor Within the Ry Wares Naat a ‘eign tn nee Rea Porm ie hor in Aap of te: rept ad eres rete Spd ano Gte Wea ‘Quen Neo (98) Te Carl Ba of Mewpoe James Fede, “BoondMaphr The Toyo Tops sakes. Sank Sneed Unveniy ep 38.95 ‘Riser Pal (991) Prom Tent © Asin Buy in Hemeni Il, Kthecn Bune nd ob 8. Tg cm ves, Noh Unies Pron Resemsey Marin (1991 Hang Sond rom he Matson Rare: Toi ao abn Bebe aires of Cf Pre ‘Saar Hen 186) The mPa The Making oul Ur hing of the Wid "New York Oxed Unrig Prem ‘Serpe Hughes, Nec) (1992) Dah ste Wai: The Vises of Brey “fen Bret Beaty Unive of Ca es, ‘Senge Hughes Nowe td Marat Look (167 The MidB: A Pre enon fo Parre Woot ln Medal Antropol Grate 1 6 Sea, Ried (99D Curl Peeholgs: What ts 19 Th). Sey, I Sbwuer, adGHey ey Gla! Pcl fy ot Compartn ‘Hanes Does Cant’ Cambie sient Peep, Ses Pal 99 The Tan Eebaps Thi The Se hcp. Pind Uneraty fPemyraca Pee. Sleiman, Sen Ruble (1985) Ta Fae dy Weary Cal Camtrde, ‘Mc Hare Unteriy Prem "Tay Chat (198) The ena ia M, Cait Cali a Lae, "he Cans of Pron Atay, Pt, ly New Yrs Ca ie Unie rem yp. a (080) Sues the Sei The Mig ofthe Modo deiy. Cambee Harvard Unser Pm ‘amg Bou 90 Ree Deore in th They oh ye te eter, Mike Hepworth and Bryan Tuc ss The Ba Sl Pro and Call Theory Lindo: Sa: Paso p35. ‘Tame, Terence 80) The Soci Sn J. Crd R Lovley oe tai, in Hee Step A. (98D) The Unpeale: Dir, Dig ad Rin he "Paumaos Worl Made! Carer of Won Poe erat Jesse (M8) Dim Body, Dazang yn Mikel Teer, "Pata fr yh Haman Ban PI. Nw Yak Be Part y Paradigms and polemics

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