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stone types:
STONE - silk georgette
Stone size:1200mmx600mmx20mm
Angel bracket type: Pin angle bracket
no. of brackets used = 2
angle bracket used:
Width 35
Height 30
Hor. Length 47
Thickness 4
pin used: Dia x L 5mmx40mm

Bolt used: bolt Dia x L 8mmx70mm


Type material
stainless steel type S.S. GR .316 for brackets
ultimate stress u 510 N/mm2
yield stress y 230 N/mm2
allowable stress in shear (qall) 138 N/mm2

Loading calculations

A. Vertival loads

stone width =W 1200 mm

stone height =h 600 mm
stone thickness=t 20 mm
number of brackets 2
specific gravity of stone 27 kN/m3
total load of stone 0.3888
load for each bracket (Fv = SG/No. of BR) 0.1944 kN
Ultimate Design vertical forceFv(ult)=1.4x Fv 0.27216 kN FS=1.4

B.Wind load

if the stones are external use wind 1 calculation

if the stones are internal use wind 1 to be neglected as there is no External wind considered .
wind 1

N=number of brackets 2
wind velocity V and wind load are designed according to BS6399-2:1997
height of the building H He 10 m
Vb=basic wind speed 38 m/s
K1=altitude factor 1
K2= directional factor 1
K3= seasonal building factor 1
K4= terrain &building factor 1.09
design wind speed Vz Vz=K1*K2*K3*K4*Vb 41.42 m/s
design wind pressure q q=0.613*Vz^2 1051.672853 n/m2
wind force om each stone panel q*W*h 0.757204454 kN
pressure on each bracket Hp 0.38 kN
suction on each bracket Hs 0.38 kN

MIN. horizontal loads:

minimum horizontal force 0.5 kn/m2 (internal) 0.5*W*L/N 0.18 kN
minimum horizontal force 0.5 kn (internal) 0.5/no.of brackets 0.3

C. Seismic Load:

Seismic loading as per Specifications of UBC 1997.

Ca= Seismic Coefficient 0.19 (For Zone Ao=0.1g)
Ip = Importance Factor 1
Ws = Total weight of stone 0.3888 kN
Fp=Seismic Force / panel Fp=4.Ca.Ip.Ws 0.295488 kN
Seismic force on each bracket=Fp 0.42 kN

Design horizontal force(FH) max of Fp,Hp& min 0.42 kN

ultimate Design horizontal forceFH(ult) FS=1.4 0.59 kN
Thermal Movement of Stone.

Temperature Difference,T T=T1-T2 50 C

Coeff.of Thermal Expansion, f 7.2 x10 ^-6mm/mmC
Length of Stone 1200 mm
Thermal Movement of Stone (= f*T*h) 0.432 mm
IF (f*T*h)<1 ..ok ok
Design of Elements.

cavity 30 mm

Angle size
X1=width of the angle 35 mm
X2= height of the angle (upstand) 30 mm
S= edge distance from pin center 7 mm usually =5mm+Dpin/2
X3=horizontal length of the angle=cavity+t/2+S 47 mm 47
X4= thickness of the angle 4 mm
Lpin=height of the pin 40 mm
Dpin= diameter of pin 5 mm
cavity to pin 50
1- Design of pin.
stainless steel type S.S. GR .316 for pin
ultimate stress for pin upin 580 N/mm2
yield stress for pin ypin 240 N/mm2
allowable shear stress=qall 1=0.6*y3 144
As1= sectional area of the pin (=/4*Dpin^2) 19.625 mm2
Zs1=sectional modulus of the pin (=/4*(Dpin/2)^3) 12.265625 mm3

Check for Shear:

Shear stress,T1= 4/3*FH(ult)/As 40.08492569 N/mm2

IF T1<qallok ok

Check for moment

(Nd)= no. of dowels 1

Lpin=height of the pin 40
Dpin= diameter of pin 5
Apin=pin section area=*Dd^2/4 19.625
Sj=joint size 5

Mu=FH(ult)*bending arm 1475

Zpin=(*Dpin^3/32)/Nd 12.265625 N/mm2
Mu (app) =applied moment stress =Mu1/Z 120.2547771
IF M1app<y1ok ok
ratio 0.501061571
2- Design bracket.

stainless steel type S.S. GR .316

ultimate stress u 510
yield stress y 230
allowable stress in shear (qall) 138

As2= sectional area of the bracket X1*X4 140 mm2

Zs2=sectional modulus of the bracket (X1*X4^2)/6 93.33333333 mm3

*Check for Shear:

Shear stress,T2= 3/2*FV(ult)/As 2.916

IF T2<qallok ok
*Check for moment

S=edge distance from pin center 7 mm usually =5mm+Dpin/2

L=bending arm L=X3-X4-S 36 mm
Mu2=ultimate moment on bracket Mu2=FV(ult)*L 9797.76
Z=modulus of elastisity (X1*X4^2)/6 93.33333333 mm3

M2 (app) =applied moment stress M2 (app) =Mu2/Z 104.976 N/mm2

IF M2app<yok ok
ratio 0.456417391
*Check for combination of moment and shear
c=(M2^2+3*T2^2)^0.5 105.0974298 N/mm2
if c<yok ok
Checking Angle for Deflection:

E =Mod.of Elasticity 210000 N/m

I = Moment of Inertia of section X1*X4^3/12 186.6666667 mm4
max= Deflection of angle plates FV*L^3/(3*E*I) 0.077125224 mm
all=allowable deflection L/120* 0.3 mm
IF all< maxok ok
* note - delection limit for cantilever is considered as L/120
Extra check
total= ( max+ Thermal Movement + Thickness Of bracket ) < Joint Size
joint size 7 mm
total 4.509125224
IF total< joint size..ok ok

the joint size is calculated by adding thickness i of angle bracket + gap between underside of bracket and top of stone .

max. gap for allowance of thermal expansion is between 2-3 mm

3.Design of Bolts.
Dn=Diameter of Bolt (nominal) 8
D=Diameter of Bolt (effective) 7 mm

L bolt=Length of Bolt 70 mm
no. of bolts used 1
Ab=bolt cross section /4*D^2 38.465 mm2
Zb= bolt modulus of elastisity /4*(D/2)^3 33.656875 mm3

Check for Shear:

Shear stress,T3= 4/3*FV(ult)/Ab 9.434030937 N/mm2

Vall(bolt) 195 N/mm2
IF T3<Vall(bolt)ok ok

Check for Pull out at critical Section:

Taking Moment around O,
FV*L = Pout*Y
slot diameter D(slot) 15 mm
edge distance S 8 mm
Y Y=X2-S-D(slot)+D/2 10.5
Pout=pullout force Pout=FV(ult)*L/Y 933.12 N

Pout (total)= total pull out force Pout + FH(ult) 1523.12 N

Bolt must tested with failure more than 3xPout 4,569.4 N

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