Determining Appropriate Set Volume For Resistance.3

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Determining Appropriate

Set Volume for

Resistance Exercise
James Krieger, MS
Journal of Pure Power, Redmond, Washington

SUMMARY response of the body to changes in set multiple sets to be superior in trained
volume can be viewed as a dose- subjects only.
response relationship. For example, as Another problem is that the majority
the dose of a drug is increased, the of resistance training studies compare
bodys response to that drug increases, 1 set with 3 sets per exercise (1,4).
until a plateau is reached. If the drug However, there are many other varia-
dose continues to increase, there is tions in set volume that can be pre-
no further increase in the bodys re- scribed. There has been very little
sponse to the drug, but an increase in research done regarding the dose-
SETS PER EXERCISE PRODUCE side effects can occur. Similarly, as the response effects of the number of sets
46% GREATER STRENGTH GAINS number of sets of a resistance exercise on strength gains. Ostrowski et al. (15)
THAN A SINGLE SET. LITTLE BEN- increases, the bodys response (the compared 1, 2, and 4 sets per exercise
EFIT IS OBSERVED FOR MORE increase in strength and muscle mass) and reported no significant differences
THAN 3 SETS. FOR CLIENTS may increase. However, at some point, between groups. However, the vari-
INTERESTED IN GENERAL FITNESS this response will plateau, and too many ability of the responses and the small
OR WHO LACK TIME, A SINGLE SET sets may increase the risk of injury. number of subjects per group limit the
IS APPROPRIATE. THREE SETS PER statistical power to detect differences
The personal trainer should take an
EXERCISE IS AN APPROPRIATE between groups. Rhea et al. (19) looked
evidence-based approach when it comes
STARTING POINT FOR CLIENTS at dose-response effects with a meta-
to program design for a client. How-
LOOKING FOR MAXIMAL analysis, reporting 4 sets per muscle
ever, the evidence regarding the
STRENGTH GAINS. ADJUSTMENTS group to be the optimal number for
appropriate number of sets has not
CAN BE MADE FROM THESE both trained and untrained subjects.
been straightforward. Review articles
STARTING POINTS BASED ON However, as mentioned earlier, the
on this topic have come to different
CLIENT RESPONSE. limitations of the study design indicate
conclusions as to whether multiple sets
that the results should be interpreted
can produce superior strength gains
with caution. Also, since Rhea et al.
he design of a resistance train- (1,3,4,23). Most studies published over

reported the data as sets per muscle
ing program requires the ap- the past decade have shown multiple
group, the sets-per-exercise problem is
propriate manipulation of a sets to result in significantly greater not adequately addressed. Given the
variety of variables, all of which can strength gains than single sets (2,59, lack of convincing scientific data re-
affect the adaptations to a resistance 1214,17,20,21). Some published meta- garding the dose-response effects of
training program. These variables in- analyses indicate multiple sets to be the number of sets, it can be difficult for
clude but are not limited to frequency, superior (18,19,24); however, these the personal trainer to decide what
intensity, and volume. A primary way articles have a number of methodo- number is appropriate for a client.
that training volume can be manipu- logical limitations, which has resulted
in criticism of their conclusions (10,16). A recent meta-analysis was published in
lated is through the number of sets
the Journal of Strength and Conditioning
performed per exercise and per muscle Also, the results of these articles have
group. Thus, the number of sets can not been consistent. For example, Rhea
have a strong impact on the morpho- et al. (19) reported multiple sets to be
logical and performance-based outcomes superior in both trained and untrained
volume; sets; strength; meta-analysis
of a resistance training program. The subjects, but Wolfe et al. (24) reported

30 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010 Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association
Research to try to shed more light on per exercise is a sufficient stimulus to relationship between the number of
the dose-response effects of the num- improve strength. Also, clients who sets and intensity. The studies in the
ber of sets per exercise (10). This meta- are lacking time can still experience recent meta-analysis involved an aver-
analysis had 2 purposes: to address the strength gains by doing only 1 set to age of 710 repetition maximum (RM)
criticisms of previous meta-analyses in failure or near-failure per exercise. per set. The optimal set volume for
this area and to establish a dose-re- 2. If a client is interested in maximal higher training intensities (15 RM)
sponse relationship of set volume on strength gains, then multiple sets per has not been adequately investigated.
strength. The main finding was that exercise are necessary. Because the Although scientists have more to in-
a single set per exercise resulted in majority of studies in this meta- vestigate regarding other topics, the
strength gains, but multiple sets were analysis compared 1 set with 3 sets evidence in the single versus multiple
superior. Specifically, 23 sets per per exercise, than 3 sets per exercise set debate overwhelmingly favors mul-
exercise was associated with 46% is an appropriate starting point for tiple sets. It is also clear that there is a
greater strength gains than 1 set, and a client. Because these numbers are dose-response relationship in regards
no further benefit was observed for based on averages, individual client to set volume and strength, with an
more than 3 sets. These findings responses may vary. Thus, set vol- apparent plateau in the response be-
applied to both trained and untrained ume can be adjusted up or down yond 3 sets per exercise. Clients who
subjects, upper- and lower-body exer- from this starting point based on want maximal strength gains are best
cises, and a variety of training frequen- client response and tolerance. off doing 23 sets per exercise, whereas
cies. These findings were also true 3. The point of diminishing returns clients who just want to stay fit or lack
whether or not multiple exercises were appears to be above 3 sets per exer- time can achieve moderate strength
performed per muscle group. cise. In this meta-analysis, 46 sets improvements with a single set. It
per exercise was not significantly should also be noted that these con-
The main limitation of this recent
different from 23 sets. Thus, there is clusions are limited to general fitness
analysis is that there were only 2 stud-
little additional benefit to doing more and maximal strength and that the
ies included that incorporated 4 or
than 3 sets per exercise, although appropriate set volume may be differ-
more sets per exercise. This limits the
individual responses may vary. ent for other goals such as hypertro-
statistical power to detect significant
4. There is no need to differentiate phy, power, and endurance. As always,
differences. It is still possible that 4 or
between trained and untrained sub- a personal trainer should tailor a clients
more sets could result in greater
jects in regards to set volume; both program to his/her individual needs,
strength gains than 23 sets, but more
are equally likely to benefit from goals, and limitations.
research in this area will be needed to
multiple sets. However, for clients
answer this question. What is apparent
with little resistance training expe-
is that there is a plateau in strength gains
rience, it is probably prudent to keep
once you get to 46 sets per exercise; James Krieger
initial volume to 12 sets per exer-
23 sets resulted in 46% greater gains is the editor for
cise to help prevent the delayed-
than 1 set, whereas 46 sets only Journal of Pure
onset muscle soreness that usually
resulted in 13% greater gains than Power, an online
accompanies unaccustomed exercise.
23 sets. The reason for this plateau publication that
Set volume can then be progressed.
is not currently known. It is known that delivers science-
5. These set volumes are considered
mechanical loading stimulates protein based informa-
work sets and do not include warm-
synthesis in skeletal muscle (22), and tion in a manner
up sets.
increasing loads result in greater re- easy to under-
There are still questions that science
sponses until a plateau is reached (11). stand by athletes
needs to answer regarding program
It is likely that protein synthesis responds and coaches.
design. For example, is it beneficial to
in a similar manner to the number of
incorporate multiple exercises target-
sets (i.e., an increasing response as the
ing the same muscle group? The recent
number of sets are increased, until a
meta-analysis found no benefit to REFERENCES
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32 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

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