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Mental Skills Training for

Tennis Players: An Added

Skill Set for the Strength
and Conditioning Coach
Jeff H. Greenwald, MA
Mental Edge International, Corte Madera, California

SUMMARY coaches understanding of the parent- their level of confidence. The increased
athlete culture and offer them tools to perception of competence and self-
enhance performance and reduce pa- determination that comes from a sense
rental control. of autonomy will, in turn, raise their
TENNIS PLAYERS, THERE APPEARS intrinsic motivation (8). Managing in-
TO BE NOTABLE PARENTAL PRES- Increasing a players sense of auton-
omy, enhancing task focus, and im- trinsic motivation is relevant to
SURE PLACED ON JUNIOR PLAY- strength coaches because they have
ERS AS PARENTS POUR proving the emotional connection
between the strength coach and the the ability to influence players to spend
SIGNIFICANT RESOURCES INTO the countless hours they need to
player may increase the likelihood of
THEIR CHILDRENS GAMES. THIS become physically fit or to practice
success and enjoyment among tennis
ARTICLE IS WRITTEN TO ENHANCE their skills for many hours a week,
players and their families. Given the
STRENGTH COACHES UNDER- sometimes without immediate reward.
limited research on the relationship
between strength coaches and tennis Most importantly, players intrinsic
ATHLETE CULTURE AND TO OFFER players and the application of mental motivation levels can be directly af-
THEM TOOLS AND STRATEGIES TO skills in this milieu, this article draws on fected by their support team, such as
ENHANCE PERFORMANCE AND studies done among coaches, players, feedback received after performance or
REDUCE PARENTAL CONTROL. and parents. Tennis coaches and during training, or by specific mental
strength coaches have similar objectives skills interventions discussed at the end
developing positive relationships and of this article.
iven the individual nature of training protocols that facilitate PARENTAL IMPACT AND

G competitive tennis, helping

junior tennis players develop
a sense of autonomy, personal mastery

Researchers consistently identify pa-
and intrinsic motivation critical to their Self-determination theory (SDT) has rents as having the most influence on
long-term success in the game. In one become a popular motivational frame- the psychological development of chil-
study conducted by the Institute for the work for studying sport-related issues. dren. As a result, children develop
Study of Youth Sports, coaches repor- SDT is built on the presumption that beliefs in their abilities, maintain cer-
ted that an excess focus on winning human behavior is motivated by 3 tain standards, and acquire sport-
was the number one parental factor primary psychological needs: auton- related value systems based largely on
impacting the players they work with omy, competency, and relatedness (7). the influence of their parents (14).
(9). As parents and players appear to be For example, when players feel they are Parental support and praise have
more focused on outcome than ever, choosing to engage in specific activities consistently been found to enhance
strength coaches are in a difficult yet on their own, without the presence of
opportunistic position to help their external pressures, they are satisfying
tennis players shift focus from outcome the need for autonomy. As players train parental pressure; intrinsic motivation;
to mastery. Applying the following their mind and body in this way, they autonomy; self-regulation; mastery; junior
strategies may enhance strength will improve and will see an increase in tennis; communication; self-efficacy

94 VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2009 Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association
childrens perceptions of their athletic communication competence (10). parents commitment to their childs
ability, enjoyment, and positively in- As more and more players are sub- development (empathy), while setting
fluence their interest and involvement jected to parental pressure and extrin- appropriate boundaries (no-parent pol-
in sport (3). Alternatively, unrealistic sic rewards (such as rankings, college icy during training sessions), may be
high parental expectations, pressure, scholarships, and opportunities in pro- the most effective approach to help
and criticism have been linked to fessional tennis), the coach must be increase players autonomy while di-
decreased enjoyment, interest, and able to identify players perceptions minishing excess parental control.
beliefs in athletic ability, less intrinsic and emotional state to optimize phys-
motivation, and more stress among ical training protocols and facilitate ABILITY TO SELF-DISCLOSE
youth athletes (12). In fact, one study performance. For example, strength Many coaches and players report that
found that interpersonal relationships coaches are likely to find themselves parents place too much emphasis on
have an impact on adolescents fear in situations where they must motivate winning (9). As a result, players
of failure (6). The parents of these athletes following a loss, manage appear to be externally driven at a very
adolescents described themselves as differing expectations among players young age. This extrinsic motivation
demanding high levels of performance and parents, and provide tennis- has been positively linked to increases
from their children at a young age. specific strength and conditioning to in anxiety among athletes (7). Players
In another study, 61% of junior tennis address key improvement areas, all also receive constant instructions on
players revealed that their parents have of which are enhanced with effec- how they can perform better and
caused them embarrassment during tive communication skills. Specifically, improve upon past performances. Pe-
tennis matches while 88% of parents the communication variables con- riodic and appropriate self-disclosure
reported that they became at least sidered here are reflective listening, the communication of personal material
moderately upset with the athletes perceived ability to self-disclose ap- relevant to the athletes circumstance
(15). The same parents indicated that propriately, and the use of positive can help normalize players negative
they did not realize the impact that reinforcement. feelings, reduce anxiety, and create an
winning had on the young players important bond between strength
emotions. A child who views winning REFLECTIVE LISTENING coaches and their athletes. Coaches
a tennis match as the most important Strength coaches listening skills are who possess the ability to share
goal due to his/her parents expect- improved greatly through reflecting personal setbacks will likely gain more
ations and negative behaviors is at risk and empathy, which is described as respect from their players and
for a loss of intrinsic motivation and the ability to put oneself in the shoes of be perceived as encouraging. Male
diminished sense of autonomy. others and understand how they might coaches in particular who can express
be feeling or thinking. Empathy is themselves emotionally, both verbally
Therefore, it is increasingly important regarded as a fundamental skill that and nonverbally, may be perceived as
for the entire support team working facilitates effective communication. In having more skill in balancing the
with junior tennis players to be positive one study, adolescent athletes reported needs of their athletes and effectively
role models and understand the stres- that they preferred a coach who was implementing their own communica-
sors of their athletes. Strength and empathetic and supportive (4). To tive agenda simultaneously (10).
conditioning coaches have a unique improve empathy, it is suggested that
opportunity to act as a buffer when strength coaches focus on listening to COACHING WITH POSITIVE
this type of pressure becomes apparent their athletesin both content and REINFORCEMENT
and can help athletes develop more body languageparticularly following Strength coaches can create interactions
resiliency through effective com- a loss. During physical training ses- that increase players self-confidence
munication and mental skills used sions, strength coaches can communi- by praising players demonstration of
during training sessions (e.g., imagery, cate an understanding of the autonomy. Some studies demonstrate
relaxation, and positive self-talk). These disappointment an athlete might feel that how players perceive coaches
skills have been found to facilitate first before offering any statement behaviors may influence their level of
performance. intended to motivate him/her or enjoyment (2) goal involvement (16),
CULTIVATING POSITIVE change his/her mood state. For exam- achievement motivation (6), and self-
RELATIONSHIPS AS BUFFER TO ple, a strength coach might say, it perceptions (1). Some coach training
PRESSURE sounds as though you poured your programs conducted in the United
It is suggested that effective commu- heart out. I can imagine that was States have demonstrated that coaches
nication between strength coaches, a tough one to lose after all the hard who changed the quality of their
athletes, and parents is one of the most work youve put in. Empathy can also interactions with their athletes by
critical skills in becoming a successful be useful in defusing the defensiveness becoming more encouraging and sup-
coach. In some sport psychology parents may feel when confronted to portive have seen an increase in self-
literature, this skill is described as change their behavior. Acknowledging esteem among the athletes (5).

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 95

Mental Skills Training for Tennis Players

Autonomy-supportive coaching in- coaches better understand the motiva- Athletes should monitor their heart
cludes such practices as giving athletes tions of their players, goal orientation rate between exercises and use di-
more choice in the context of a work- will be explored to determine whether aphragmatic breathing when there is
out, providing more explanation for the intervention strategies may be useful in sufficient down time. To accomplish
purpose of particular tasks and training the context of the strength coach- this, strength coaches can teach ath-
guidelines, avoiding the use of criti- player relationship. letes to master diaphragmatic breath-
cism, acknowledging the athletes feel- According to this theory, people define ing, which is a task focus that
ings and perspectives, providing success differently. Some concentrate effectively shifts their attention to an
opportunity for athletes to act inde- on learning, mastery, and self-improve- activity within their control. By teach-
pendently, and avoiding behaviors that ment, where the task is the major focus ing players to lower their heart rate in
promote players extrinsic motivation (task orientation). Others emphasize the gym, they will be better trained to
(5). Strength coaches who recognize accomplishment and social compari- use this strategy on the court between
the importance of providing athletes son, where the presentation of the self points. Diaphragmatic breathing re-
with these opportunities can diminish is the point of reference (ego orienta- quires players to breathe in through
the potential negative impact of pa- tion) (11). In general, task orientation their nose on the count of 4, holding
rents behavior. in comparison with ego orientation, for 1 second, and releasing out through
The most influential coaching behavior especially when players lack some their mouth for a total of 6 seconds. To
that appears to be linked to self- confidence, has been shown to be use a shortened version, a 4-second
confidence is praise for autonomous a more productive developmental inhale and 4-second exhale will also be
behavior. In some studies, this sup- path. It is proposed that an ego beneficial. It is recommended that
portive style of coaching has increased orientation can hurt performance players use this technique regularly be-
a sense of competence among athletes. when players spend too much time tween sets or specific cardiorespiratory
Praise may be a particularly effective judging their ability because they drain exercises or after the workout while
coach behavior as it indicates a very their mental resources that could be stretching. Strength coaches may also
clear and direct communication be- better applied to the task at hand. have their players use diaphragmatic
tween a coach and player that may breathing for a few minutes prior to the
It is common to see a decrease in workout to promote mindfulness, re-
signal the closeness of the relationship motivation for players following a loss.
(relatedness) and the coachs accep- duce tension, and improve the quality of
While some brief disappointment is sessions. Meditation practice through
tance of an athletes performance or normal in the competitive arena, it is
ability (competence). Process-focused breathing practice has been shown to
important to pay attention to the degree enhance neurobiological activity in the
praise that highlights behaviors (e.g., of players reactions and how well
great job finishing that last exercise) brain that can help players sustain
they are able to sustain effort during focus over a longer period (13).
instead of the person as a whole (e.g., physical training sessions. Negative
youre a fit player) is now believed to body language, poor effort, or deroga- REFRAME NEGATIVE SELF-TALK
cultivate a sense of mastery in adoles- tory self-talk may be indicators of an Use teachable moments through pos-
cent athletes. In contrast, praise that ego orientation that is developing in itive reframing or self-talk during
tends to compare young players with the context of their competitive tennis training sessions when players express
one another, focuses too much on experience. Addressing these reactions negative self-defeating thoughts to
outcome or makes players question during training sessions through effec- promote autonomy. Reframing is a pro-
their ability, can undermine intrinsic tive communication and mental train- cess whereby the coach would offer
motivation and self-confidence (5). ing can help young players focus on alternative viewpoints of the same
what is relevant during performance so situation that expands perspective.
that they can ultimately succeed. For example, when pressed during
PLAYERS physical training sessions, it is common
IMPLICATIONS OF RESEARCH: A for players to tell coaches that they
Goal orientation has also received a PRACTICAL APPLICATION
tremendous amount of attention in cannot perform a particular task due to
To accomplish these developmental fatigue or lack of confidence in their
the past decade. Many athletes have tasks, it is suggested that coaches con-
reported that thoughts not connected ability or fitness level. It is suggested
sider integrating the following strate- that strength coaches reframe this
to the task at hand interfere with what gies to impact players motivation.
should be their only focuspersonal negative belief by stating something
performance. Known as cognitive in- like, You can do it and then asking
terference, a task irrelevant, self- DURING TRAINING SESSIONS the player to repeat this statement.
preoccupied style of thinking appears Teach players to improve their self- When the player is successful, there is a
to include components of worry over regulation skills with the use of a heart golden opportunity to then use praise,
performance (11). To help strength rate monitor during training sessions. You can accomplish more than you

96 VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2009

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