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Pitch Assignment

Book Pitch form + Book Report form

Book Pitch Form

This term, you will have to do a book pitch. This means that you will give a short presentation
in which you sell the book you have read to the rest of the class and your teacher of course.
Pretend that you want your book to be made into a film and that you have to convince your
listeners to invest money in your project. Below, you will find some questions that will help
you to organise your talk. Beware that if several students have read the same novel, you will
all have to shed your light on different aspects of the novel. The first question, however, will
have to be discussed by everyone. Ask your teacher for further instructions.

1. Give 3 arguments to explain why people should watch and invest in your film.

Watch: Invest
1: 1.............................................................
2...................................................... 2.............................................................
3....................................................... 3.............................................................

2. You are going to give the film a different title:

A. Whats the name? ......................................................................................................

B. Explain your

3. What is the genre of the film? Explain.

Its a bit of an castaway adventure fiction and also a psychological story. They live and need
to survive on an island and Its all fake but they do believe in things and want to find a way
out of there. It sets also a point about the dark side of human kind and that we are depended
on rules and civilisation. This makes it look at the movie and makes us think about our own
experiences and why we have rules and things. So it makes it a bit psychological because of

4. What is the theme/ the underlying idea of the film? Give scenes in which this is shown!

The theme and underlying idea of the film is survival and the goodness of todays society.
These are going to be the main genres. In the book these are also the most important
genres. They need to survive on an island all alone and they are sort of tested there on how
good they function without rules and all the normal/basis things of todays life. This is also
coming back in the movie.

These subject will be shown in the scenes when they start forming two different groups, the
good ones and the bad ones. You wanna be good for humans and society or not? This will be
shown in those scenes, like when they are fighting and arguing.

Also will you, from off the start, see that the need to find a way to survive without parents and
rules. They need tot find food, what they do from the start, and make fire a place to sleep and
all those things.

5.Where is your film set (time and place)? Mind: you have to convince your investors to
produce your film!
Its set during the second worldwar. There first will be an introduction with the main
characters and their daily lives in the real world. What leads to the moment they are all
together on the island. And it is set on an island in the pacific ocean.

6. Who would you like to cast as your leading actors? Explain why.
Id first of all like to have kids as actors to play. Because the characters are supposed to be
kids from around 12/13 years old. So I will be casting the kids from the tv-show Stranger
things. I think they are really good actors and are driven by the roles they play.

7. If you had to leave out three of your characters for your film adaptation, who would
they be and why?
I think I would leave out. The littluns because they dont add anything at all and do are
stranded there, but it is way more about the main characters like: Simon, Piggy, Ralph
andJack. Also would I leave out Sam and Eric (Samneric) because they also dont add that
much to the story. The plot will still be fine without them. Thats why they dont have to appear
in the movie.

8. Are you going to use a particular kind of music in your film? Explain why you have
chosen this kind of music or why you have decided not to use music at all.
I wanna use the music of John Williams he has music for movies which are not regular films.
They are al fantasy or sci-fi. This also isnt real and it has a bit mysterious something, the
beats. So I think John Williams will add a lot with his music to the movie. Just like he did with
E.T., Jurassic Park and more movies like that.

9. Will your story be structured chronologically? Do you believe flash forwards/flashbacks

help convey the meaning of the story?
It will be chronologically. But there will be skipped a lots of part. To not make it boring
because of the time. Just like from off the introducing of the kids in their homes snd lives to
the plane crash.

10. What kind of narration are you going to use? Restricted or omniscient? Explain your
Restricted narration: the spectator only knows as much as one character, resulting in
Omniscient narration: the spectator knows more than the characters, resulting in

In the movie I will use an omniscient narration. With the main characters Ralph and Jack. So
the viewer can decide which side he/she chooses. This builds the suspense to a higher
place. And shows with who the viewer will feel a connection with.
11. A. Choose one of the chapters (or events) of the book and describe why this chapter
should definitely stay in the film.

B. Also, give your views on the importance of this scene for the film as a whole

C. How this scene would have to be put on the screen (setting, actors, music).




Book Report Form

How to express your opinion about a book.

Teachers dont like it when you say you liked the book, because it was nice, or when you say
something like: I hated that book, because it was stupid. It may all be true, but we like to hear more
from you. It may be difficult to pick out exactly what it was that irritated you, or what kept you reading
for hours on end. So here is a list of things that might be helpful to express your likes or dislikes about
the book you have just read:

A. Tick the boxes and/or fill in:


Which theme(s) can be found in the book?

Examples of themes: father-son relationship, drug addiction, guilt, betrayal, racial
discrimination, forbidden love, terminal illness, totalitarianism, World War 2, reality TV,
immigration, etc.






When does the novel take



Where is the novel

What is your favourite scene/chapter/part? And why?


The Plot (in 2 sentences)


What actually happened in the book

Is the book realistic?

Did the author convince you that what he wrote about

o Could have happened.


o Could never ever have happened.


Did what happen in the book, ever happen to you?

o Yes,


o No

Do you know about other books or films with the same theme or subject?
o Yes,

o No

Was this a book that made you stop and think about certain problems/issues?
o Yes, namely,


o No

Characters in the book

Did the characters seem like

o Real people
o Archetypes (characters who represent common characters in human
life, e.g. the wicked witch, the timid old lady, the mad scientist, the
strict father, the bully etc.)
o Flat characters (characters that are relatively uncomplicated and do
not change/develop in the course of the story)
o ......................................................................................

Which character did you really like, who did you not like at all?
Also explain WHY you did or didnt like him/her.

o Like................., because ...................



o Dislike.............. ., because............


Which emotions/thoughts did you recognise in the main character?


Structure of the book

Which structural elements could be found in the book:

o Parts
o Chapters
o Flashbacks
o Flashforwards
o Chronological order
o Climax
o Open ending
o Closed ending
o First person narrator
o Third person narrator
o Changes in perspective
o Tension
o Prologue (a part that comes at the beginning of a play, story, or long
poem, often giving information about events that happened before the
time when the play, story, or poem begins)
o Epilogue (a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves
as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened)
o Motifs (is a recurring symbol which takes on a figurative meaning)

Language that was used in the book

The writer used:

o Easy words and short sentences
o Difficult words or scientific words:
Give examples............................................................




o Long complicated sentences

o Lot of symbolism:
Give examples:


o Beautiful / poetic English





o Spoken / street language,




o A lot of dialogue
o A lot of long descriptions
o Funny words and expressions:




o .......................................................................

To which genre does the book belong:

o Autobiography (an account of a person's own life written by that

o Thriller
o Romantic Novel
o Humoristic Novel
o Historic Novel
o Cultbook (nonfactual work of literature that has a large following of
loyal fans)
o Science Fiction
o War Novel
o Psychological novel
(a novel that focuses on the complex mental and emotional lives of its
characters and explores the various levels of mental activity)
o Fable/allegorical novel (a short story that usually is about animals and
that is intended to teach a lesson)
o Chick Lit - literature intended to appeal primarily to women, especially
books that emphasize human relationships and emotions rather than
action or adventure.
o Coming of Age novel or Bildungsroman is a literary genre that
focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist
from youth to adulthood, in which character change is extremely
o Social novel (social problem/social protest novel)
o Epistolary novel - a novel written as a series of documents. The usual
form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper clippings and other
documents are sometimes used.

B. This part is not compulsory but we strongly advise you to add a summary to your
literature file! Write a summary (in English or Dutch) of the story. Or you can download
a summary. Please quote the source.
Adapted from Metropool, literatuur voor HAVO/VWO bovenbouw, basisboek, published by Wolters
Noordhoff Groningen, edited by Corrie Joosten, Elout Roeland, first published in 1999. ISBN 90 01
20565 8

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