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SOLIDWORKS Simulation Evaluation

NAME _______________________________________
Chapt. #1, Exercise 4
(Stress Determination in a Bicycle Brake Lever)

a) Plot of bending stress in the brake lever handle.
Include Fixtures and External Loads. ( 5) ____

b) Probe graph of bending stress from top to bottom

of the brake lever at two nodes to right of fillet tangent.
Record stress at top, middle, & bottom of handle (10) ____
Descriptive title & your name (title does not merely
repeat axis labels) (good / fair / poor) ( 5) ____
Descriptive axis labels and units ( 5) ____

c) Graph of shear stress due to bending from top to bottom

at same location as step (b). (10) ____
Record stress at top, middle, & bottom of handle ( 5) ____
Descriptive title & your name (title does not merely
repeat axis labels) (good / fair / poor) ( 5) ____
Descriptive axis labels and units ( 5) ____

d) Manual calculation of bending stress on top and bottom

of model at same location used in part (b). (10) ____
Distance from external load to fillet tangent. (10) ____

e) Compute percent difference between bending stress

using classical equations and the finite element solution
of parts (b) and (d) at both top and bottom of beam. ( 5) ____

f) Manually calculate the Max. and Min. shear stress due

to bending at same location used in part (b). (10)____
Determine the percent difference between classical
and finite element solutions for Max. shear stress
determined in parts (c) and (f). ( 5 ) ____

g) Reason for comparing stress at a distance of two

corner nodes to the right of the fillet tangent line. (10) ____

TOTAL ____/100

Do not submit items not requested. (marked NA)

Organize pages in order of items listed in the

problem statement.

Work neater (or) organize work (or) label

calculations (or) include units.

Show values used in all manual calculations.

Use more descriptive titles on plots and graphs.

Include your name on each plot and graph. Also,

include your name at end of the STUDY name so that
it appears on each plot.

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