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ROLL NO-1611095
Modern societies are too much influenced by the western culture. That spoils
our indian culture which have much more impact on the relationship status. So that only a
countable no of true love exists in this society. In this research we are about to study four
different types of relationship i.e. one-one, one-many, many-many, many-one. Now a days
people are comparing relationship as time pass. The main motivation to write this topic is to
maintain a reliable, sustainable, stable life throughout the life.

In india the signature of love is reflected on tajmahal (one among seven
wonders of the world). Let me remind two lines on history of this. It was built on memory of
shahjans (an indian emperor) beloved wife mumtaz. That shows what the relationship in
india counted. But as the time proceeds western culture fight hard with indian culture in
indian society and finally able to find his place in a new place. We all became influenced by
their dressing, living style, language, behaviour, it also add good and bad culture in our
society. In this research we only talk about the bad influence of western culture on people.
Fall in love is a part of neurobiology. That activates different types of
neurons in nervous system which stimulates the glands to secret the hormones which controls
our behaviour. The activity of neuron may change in course of time depending upon persons
perception about what he acquire from his external environment like media, friends, parents
etc. All these thing have both positive and negative impact on a person but in which way a
person sees it that makes a person a man.

Love may consider into many forms. Love within family, friends and life
partner , all forms of love saturates our lives till death; assuring in creating connections with
other. After all we are interpersonal in nature that is if anyone fall in love with other that also
reflects in his/her behaviour. It is the sign of beginning of anyones relationship. Basically we
study four types of relationship to measure the quality of love through several parameter like
loyalty, honesty, truthfulness, belief etc. any relationship with more loyalty, honesty is sure to
be stronger relationship.
Here author describes two types of relations algorithm to define love
breakup for love making, breakup for time pass. Each step define growth of relationship.
Here our main aim to find the quality of true love which is defined by all the above
characteristics. people who are hundred percent loyal in their relationship their relations
remains constant throughout. But it is difficult to find loyalty in relations which is ten in
thousand in 21st century love.

LOYALTY = {(trust + honesty) / time}

LOYALTY: level of faith.
quality of love is more necessarily than quantity of love. So its important to
make true relationship. But the number of fake relationship increases due to entry of western
culture on indian society

As per results collected by the authors they said the management of multiple
relations at a single time for a single person is too difficult because of on that time they are
concentrating only on single relation and forget about others. For saving a single relation they
are actually loosing many other relationships as like they cheat their parents at every step,
telling lie to their friends when met with their partner etc. Even sometimes due to pre-mature
stage they took wrong decisions and actions in life. For this, they paid in life for a long time.
Ultimately, they will now getting out of control from their parents hand slowly-2. One day
this imbalance life will may lead to that specific person dark future.
As per author point of view, nothing is good or bad in this
world that only depends on the vision of the person as an example for making boy-friend/girl-
friend relation is not bad that depends on the type of person as well as time but for more
tighten the strength the maintenance of any relation is more important than establishment just
like marriages are not so important but still the life after marriage is more important.
According to nine years experience of authors, the stability of any relation in todays youth
is only based on demand basis. Demands may be of any type say related to money or related
to anything as they considered a most common example of college life most of the boys make
girl friends for completing their assignments and making notes near examination. They only
see main three factors according to the situation viz. demand, relation and time.
RELATIONS directly proportional to TIME

This graph shows in future the rate of true love will going to be continuously decreased
and in the end there will be no heart-to-heart connectivity for upcoming generation/XYZ
generation. The main cause is the increased rate of EGO. When enters into relation then it
will destroy almost everything in relation. As a true saying said by a great philosopher is:
So, the better solution is removing E and just GO. In this way, we can kill EGO and maintain
a smooth relation. Authors advised us please do not put your ego especially in front of those
people who loves you most.

Different types of relationships of lovers are reviewed and analyzed
in this paper. The major benefit to designed algorithms at different steps is to check the
present status of todays youth relationships that in future may use to detect the
reliability/stability in lovers relationship. Authors considered some certain parameters for
measuring the rate of true love gradients. The three main factors are viz. honesty; truthfulness
and loyalty etc were considered by the authors. The results collected during theoretical
analysis showed degradation of quality of love (QOLo) in 21st century youth just because of
time and demand basis relationships. By utilizing above discussed formulae the loyalty
among any true lovers relations can be easily measured. In this way, authors contributed
their efforts for the measurement of true love and the ultimate objective of authors is to
enhance the quality of live by enhancing quality of love.

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