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Your application has
been accepted.
Imagine this. Youre opening a letter What?! But lets look at why this e-book is
from your dream college. Think of so fundamentally necessary to your
the anticipation, the anxiety, the Youre crazy, I hear you say. application process...
Nope. Grades are good, but
Now imagine it says, unless you win a Millennium Prize
Congratulations. Youre in. for mathematics - theyre only a
benchmark. They arent the clincher.
This isnt an unrealistic goal for
you. Yes, getting accepted into the You need to be different. You need
top universities is becoming more to be passionate, interesting, and
competitive and more difficult every exciting. You need to be an obvious
year. contributor.

But, there is a sure-fire proven way of And how do you do that? Through
getting the attention of admissions authentic and ethical involvement in
officers. extracurricular activities

And guess what? One of the ways to get accepted is

to demonstrate your ability to impact
It isnt your grades alone. others outside of the classroom.

By the end of this e-book, youre

You could get a perfect SAT going to have the tools to build
score and you can bet every and communicate your excellent
last dollar that it wont make a extracurricular portfolio, how to
lick of difference to make your application pop off the
your application. page, as well as how to start and lead
your own extracurricular projects.

01 02 03 04
Why getting in is getting harder
What top universities are
looking for
How to effectively
communicate your
extracurriculars on your
Case Study:
Making your application stand out
with Soumil Singh

05 06 07
Case Study:
Postgraduate applications
with Tommy Yan
Case Study:
Starting your own project with
Jennifer Wright
Closing statements
Getting in is
getting harder
More people want access to the The best schools have the luxury Whether you dream of living and Methodology: How this eBook
worlds best education facilities than of choosing their students. They learning near the Silicon Valley, or was built
ever before. can decide between a first-chair being a part of a sports programme
Drawing knowledge from our
cellist with a 1550 SAT, and a state at Wake Forest, that dream is
experienced team at Crimson
Look at this: Over a recent five- basketball player with a 1450 SAT, still alive.
Education (from ex-admissions
year period from 201015, most both of whom were school captains.
officers to successful applicants), we
of Stanfords applicants (69%) with Make your application explode off
built this document to pass on their
SATs of 2400 the highest possible These days, universities are likely the page and grab the discerning
wisdom to you basically helping

score at the time were not offered to send these types of applicants a eye of admissions officers. Apply the
you create a better application for
a place. letter saying ...Thanks, but no thanks; in-depth information provided to
your dream college.
we found somebody better. you in this document for the perfect
Read that again. application now, read on.
The Crimson team have helped
The colleges decide what they students to broaden their horizons
If you had a perfect not good, not
and open up opportunities to
great, but perfect test score, more want from their students. Its a
schools they never thought were
often than not, it was not enough to sellers market. possible, all because they have the
get you into Stanford.
inside knowledge of what works to
In fact, these schools selection lists get in.
But if youre academically the best, can run so deep, they rarely ever
surely you should be able to attend have underqualified applicants. Within this eBook, you will see a
the best academic institutions, right?
lot of references to the Ivy League
Everyone who applies has strong The stuff you really need to know:
schools; however, the information
Well, no. academics. A perfect SAT score doesnt contained in this eBook is not
mean youll get into your specific to these schools. These
The number of applications to the Let that sink in. Getting your job is dream school. universities are used as a benchmark
eight Ivy League universities almost becoming more difficult. More applicants and they have the highest number of
doubled in the past decade. In fact, the stagnant number of applications and traditionally low
in 19992000, Ivy League schools But there is light at the end of the admissions means its getting acceptance rates.
received 121,948 applications and tunnel. harder to get into
they rejected 80% of them. top-ranked universities. The information in this eBook is
You just need to know how to Achieving your ambitions is applicable to all United States of
More recently, the Ivy League class shine in the cluttered application still very possible; you just America (US) colleges and will
of 2020 had 271,389 applicants, and environment and know what need to learn how to position improve your chances of admission
just 23,225 were accepted. admissions officers are looking for in your application based on to whichever US college you desire.
each application. how they are appraised.
Thats an acceptance rate of a
measly 8.5%.
What the top
universities are
looking for
Step One:
In a well-lopsided context, this is a being well-rounded. Its a very looks like a glowing candidate
student who: important distinction. on paper, but when you dig into

Context and
her application shes not much
Can do everything expected of Everyone can present themselves different to any other prospective

them in the classroom and on as well-rounded in an application student. This makes her application
campus (horizontal) balanced extracurricular activities, forgettable as she joins a multitude
Has an in-depth passion or skill good grades, and some leadership of applicants just like her.

that goes far deeper than their activity.
peers (vertical) Charlie reads like everybody else:
Well-lopsided v well-rounded But admissions officers arent looking she hasnt shown a clear passion for
candidate: which one does every Essentially, these are students for well-rounded. For example, anything. We dont know what makes
university want? meet Charlie. her special; she does a little bit of
who possess a combination
of intelligence, creativity,

Firstly, what are top universities Charlie is very involved at school
screening for? How do they separate empathy, and initiative, on the athletics team; she is scoring Shes a leader but so what?
the wheat from the chaff during while illustrating authentic, good grades and has joined a few
the early stages of the application passionate interest in an area extracurricular activities in her final We dont know anything about
review? special to their personality. year of study, such as Model United her personal narrative. Shes well-
Nations. Charlie will probably be rounded. Not well-lopsided. And you
Well, what most top US universities Meet Tanya. She is an excellent elected president of the student remember the Model United Nations
are looking for are well-lopsided student; she gets good grades, body council. Charlie joined? She merely joined to
students. participates in two or three major write it on her application. She never
activities that exemplify her passions Shes put together an application went to a meeting, and she barely
What does well-lopsided mean? and interests, and she demonstrates essay that reads well and everyone participated on the day. Bad move,
empathy and compassion for her who meets her says shes fun, Charlie.
Product consulting firm IDEO CEO, community and family. friendly, and vibrant. Charlies
Tim Brown, best described it as a classmates think she is a shoo-in for Now, meet Sachin.
T-shaped skill set. Think of the two But her major and most exciting her preferred colleges.
strokes that make up the letter T a feature is that she is a dancer. Tanya Sachin isnt on the athletics team
horizontal and a vertical: has been dancing since she was Wrong. in fact, he is horrible at sports in
three and performs at a nationally- general. His grades are decent, but
The horizontal represents the recognised level. To an admissions officer, shes a he is getting tutoring to improve his
ability to collaborate across middle-of-the-pack, maybe. Shes academic standing and is showing
disciplines and express empathy. Tanya is well-lopsided. well-rounded, but top-ranked real progress.
The vertical represents depth of universities dont want well-rounded
knowledge in one Well-lopsided students differ from they want well-lopsided.
particular area. To the untrained eye, Charlie
He is also trying one new Mainly because, outside of The major change in Basically, outstanding personal
extracurricular activity this year academics, Sachin shows passion college applications achievement is moot; meaningful
debating. It makes him dreadfully through book club, he shows and ethical contributions to the
nervous, but his school didnt have a initiative with starting the debating Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern community and towards the good of
team and he thought it needed one! team and hes ethically and socially For Others And The Common Good others is what matters.
aware, convincing his peers to Through College Admissions
And book club? Sachin founded a show empathy and help the Three areas of achievement a
book club. disadvantaged. This report has reshaped the student needs to demonstrate.
Whether its book club, music, chess, admissions process and what is
Hes the president. He organised a or participating in a Model United considered important in a good
book drive in the local community Nations, it does not matter. application. More than 50 top-ranked The stuff you really need
to improve the schools library US universities participated. to know:
catalogue. He and his fellow book Admissions officers are looking for
It is advisable to read the report; Top universities and
club die-hards go to the local shelter who you are and what makes you
however, the key elements relevant colleges want well-lopsided
to read to disadvantaged people different.
here are: candidates; people who do
once every month. Sachin loves book
something unique while not
club. He would give a kidney to book How do you show that you are
that applicants demonstrate neglecting other areas of
club. Its his baby. different?
meaningful contributions toward their application.
Admissions officers want

Sachin is A-grade acceptance By demonstrating PIE: Passion, people, community service, and
engagement with the public to build well-rounded
letter material. Initiative, and Empathy.
good classes, which are made up
the assessment of students of significant contributors.
But why is Sachin better than Admissions officers love PIE. They
ethical engagement with others, The sum of their parts
Charlie? Its just book club. dont care what your extracurriculars
and contributions to various equals an amazing class of
are, just how you do them.
family and community groups undergraduates.
If an admissions officer picks Contributing to families and
across race, culture, and class
up both Sachin and Charlies the redefinition of achievement, communities, regardless of
application, nine times out of which reduces excessive race and class, is much more
ten they pick Sachin. achievement pressure while valuable than being the best
levelling the playing field at something. Be meaningful
Hands down.
economically. and ethical in your approach
to your application.
Step Two: How
They want to see someone who You organise forums at school You could show this by hosting a
has done meaningful, sustained and participate in community social event for all the people in

To Show Youre
community service. service for the poor and your class or encouraging foreign
challenged. students to join a sports team or club

They want to see that you can work that you are involved in.
in a group and solve a These will help demonstrate
communitys problems. your passion. The point is, you are a good person
trying to improve the world, and an
They want to see someone who These activities should be education at your preferred college
Quality Over Quantity contributes to their own family. community-focused, aiming to will help you make an even bigger
ethically improve the community in and better impact.
Want to know how most people The how-to guide an inclusive way.
sabotage their applications? All these activities show that you live
By thinking well-lopsided Firstly, there is no formula. Your story For example, you could start an anti- your life using the PIE principle.
means throwing in a bunch is unique and you need to tell it. We bullying campaign at school, raising
of extracurriculars on their can only give you the framework of awareness and bringing in people of
application, saying leadership a what admissions officers are looking different backgrounds, cultures, and
few times and bang! Application for. class, to voice their issues.
done, right?
With that in mind, here are The activities should demonstrate
Nope. our recommendations: that you contribute to your family.

Admissions officers can smell You should aim for 23 For example, you take care of your
a phony extracurricular a mile main activities nanna, cooking for her and helping
away and will toss yours in the her with her daily activities. Or you
These activities should all have a The Stuff You Really Need

bin if it looks like youre only take on a part-time job to contribute

doing extracurriculars for cohesive theme an underlying To Know
to the familys income taking the
the application. current that exemplifies you. burden off your parents. Target two or three
main activities
They want to see a personal For example: The activities should demonstrate Have a cohesive theme, show
narrative. Do things that You want bullying to end your day-to-day efforts to make the that you want to improve your
in school. So, all your world a better place. community, and make ethical
are meaningful to you;
extracurriculars contributions to the world
dont just create a For example, in any activity, around you.
demonstrate that.
brag sheet. You want a liberal art education your conduct should always be Dont overdo extracurriculars;
to learn more of other cultures. impeccable and include all kinds of more is not better.
Step Three: The three safest extracurriculars for
any college application
Second, the community activity Examples:
Hospitals To study medicine,
Choosing The Right
This extracurricular shows that
Still struggling to decide what to you give up your time to help the enjoy fast-paced work
Extra-Curriculars choose or what will get you ahead? community or people in need. Schools Working with children
and teenagers, and enjoying

Then you need to get the right It shows admissions officers you
blend. This isnt a definitive list, but a proactively care and want to make creativity and teaching
rule of thumb. You need to show you changes in the world. Animal Shelters Love animals
can take initiative and improve the and considering a career in
Picking a Winner or Three community across a variety of fields. animal care
Showing that you can take
So, your extracurriculars can include: Nursing Homes Strong
So how does a student begin? Start charge when something personality and likes
a club? Run a campaign? Organise a
Career activity
concerns you and youre senior citizens

Community activity willing to put in the time Food Banks Cooking and
The You activity demonstrates initiative, gardening, wanting to help the
As weve said before, the key is poor and would rather work
authenticity activities based around
dedication, and perseverance
First, the career activity behind the scenes than
genuine interests and passions will all attractive attributes. face-to-face
be most effective. This extracurricular is related to what
Libraries Enjoy reading,
you hope to study in college and Ensure you choose something that
working with kids, and have
So, a student should think about shows the admissions team that you is important to you and that you
great organisational skills
what really excites them, and should are extremely excited about studying commit enough time to make an
Parks Interested in the
build this passion into something your course. impact at least 12 months or more.
environment or love the
truly substantial that makes a The longer you participate, the more
difference in the larger community Schools want to admit students who you contribute and your progress
are hard-working and passionate will strengthen your application.
about their field. You need to show Finally, the You activity
Following these three steps that your field isnt just for the Working in community service
will help: money or prestige; youre going for reinforces what youve already
This is the big one, the one that
Make a list of everything you love it because without that degree, you learned and develops valuable
screams your personality and shows
to do couldnt be you. college-level skills, such as critical
the admissions officers what makes
Go through the list and identify thinking and problem solving.
you tick. Often, this will be tied to
everything that could be used to your career or community activity,
enhance others lives Journalism: Work for or start the A simple search on Google
which means youll be covered. For
Identify mentors and supporters school newspaper regarding your interests is the easiest
example, you want to study medicine
Applied Mathematics: Become way to get started. A quick phone
so you volunteer at a hospital and at
a Mathlete call also produces similar results.
the research lab.
Computer Science: Build an app
Medicine: Volunteer at a hospital
Or, it can completely divert from Examples: Analysis:
the narrative in your other activities
Youre a maths whiz, but you also This candidate has shown:
to give a better picture of you as
dance competitively in a different
a whole. For example, you create Passion for using their talent to
cultural scenario to your own.
YouTube videos in your spare time improve the communitys
Youre passionate about
(which you also use as a platform mental health
economics, but you also teach
to promote for your community Initiative in tutoring others
poor kids to free dive.
activity). in English
You plan to become a lawyer
Empathy for those who suffer
but you have also built your own
The You activity has an element from mental illness.
video game.
of surprise, because it doesnt
Youre passionate about the
necessarily align with your other They are proactively improving the
English language, and youve
pursuits; rather, it reflects your community and showing that their
started to teach people English
excitement for life it should show day-to-day conduct is to better the
as a second language for free.
that you live your life in a proper and world. Notice the clear, consistent,
You have started your own
ethical way. It will show that theres personal narrative and how the
business, but you also volunteer
more to you than just study and extracurriculars all work together.
at the local animal shelter.
youre motivated by more than just Also, notice the less-is-more
your future career or field. approach with extracurriculars.
Lets consider Student A

The activity cannot be something This candidate is likely to be

Here is an example of one students
self-involved, like being a diamond- considered by many top colleges.
extracurricular activities that they put
ranked Starcraft player or building
on an application.
100,000 followers on Instagram.
Community Activity I speak
This extracurricular should either: English as a second language
and tutor others in English to
1. Continue your personal narrative
improve their confidence and
of ethical community activity,
their ability to take opportunities
and pursuing your career will
in the English-speaking world.
make a positive difference
Career / You Activity Built a
2. Divert to exhibit your
prototype mobile app (because I
uniqueness, your meaningful
want to study computer science).
and sustained contributions,
This app connects people to
your ability to work with others,
on-call psychologists (I want to
and that you work with people
improve the communitys mental
from all races, culture, and class.
health, which affects my close
personal friends).
Step Four:
What makes your Fortunately, there is a second type of
extracurriculars special? The Stuff You Really Need leadership that universities

Leadership -
To Know also value.
Are you worried about your
Extracurriculars show your
extracurriculars and whether theyre
personal narrative: what Innovative leadership is the act of
telling your personal story? starting an organisation, club, event,
drives you and what you
or business. This type of leadership
Here are the key qualities to an
extracurricular that makes it effective.
want to change in the
world. Use the personal vs Innovative shows that a student has the ability
to think creatively, strategically,
narrative to show youre entrepreneurially, and confidently
They can be any hobby or activity as
having an impact on the enough to bring ideas into fruition.
long as they show these qualities. Now, lets talk a little bit
world and that you live your
about leadership
day-to-day life in an ethical Think of leaders like Elon Musk, Mark
manner. There are two main types of Zuckerberg, or Steve Jobs, who each
Your activities can be leadership that admissions officers founded a revolutionary company by
anything, but they should look for: institutional leadership and thinking (and leading) outside of the
reflect the Key Qualities innovative leadership. box, in innovative ways. Realistically,
listed in the table below. this means starting something of
your own that hasnt existed before.
Institutional leadership is working
in an established structure. Most While this type of leadership gives
leadership positions available to a strong boost to applications,
students are in a school or club. students must be able to show
Quality Shows
Some examples include head boy examples of what they have
or head girl, prefects, captains, achieved, otherwise their hard work
Practicing a hobby or activity for Commitment, passion and managerial roles, such as the may be disregarded.
several years president of a book or chess club.
Importantly, leadership isnt as
Institutional leadership is a powerful important on applications anymore.
Taking the initiative, getting Leadership, gets results Leadership is not a prerequisite.
things done indicator of an ability to work with
people as often as these leadership
Being a leader is a great quality,
positions rely on votes to be elected.
Increasing your responsibility, Work ethic, passion, initiative but it needs to be aligned with your
expanding your role personal narrative.To be considered
But some students wont succeed an effective leader you must show an
Mentoring other people Positivity, you have peer respect, at being the captain of a sporting impact on your community and how
you can foster relationships team, a head school prefect, or hold your work is crossing the boundaries
any position that would qualify as of race, class, and culture you bring
Making something from scratch Entrepreneurial spirit, institutional leadership. people together.
self-starter, leadership
How to communicate
your extracurriculars
on your application
Step One:
The scattergun approach is entirely 3. Admit youre not a superhero As a natural networker, youre more
useless to your application. likely to impress the people who
You cant be all things to all people.
Building a
count, like alumni and admissions
You cant be the captain of the team,
A personal brand helps you officers on the interview day.
the editor of the paper, the first-chair

Personal Brand
communicate your level of well-
saxophonist, the champion debater,
lopsidedness efficiently, which will Warning:
the world-class baker, the hi-fiving
be vital during your campus visits When talking about yourself, try to
hero, and the five-star reverse
and admissions officer or blend the selling of your attributes
parking legend.
alumni interviews. with being a natural human being.
The lost art of selling yourself
Over-selling yourself will only detract
Youre not a fictional character. You
1. Exploit your interests from your application or interview.
Have you ever found yourself sitting are you. Talk to your close friends
Wait for the opportunity to sell
on a website, your cursor blinking Seriously. It sounds so obvious, but it about who you are, find out more
yourself, dont crowbar it in.
back at you, because youre stuck in works. What actually gets you off the about yourself and then try to
a text box a text box titled About couch? Are you an aspiring actor? maximise those attributes and make
Me? Giving a 30-second elevator Then get out there and star in a play. a meaningful contribution to
pitch about ourselves can be Cant stop playing video games? the world.
Start a YouTube channel and use that The stuff you really need
extremely difficult, because we can
worry about appearing obnoxious, YouTube channel to do good in the 4. Build your networking skills to know:
arrogant, boring, or mediocre. community. Love money? Start your You need to sell yourself and
People: theyre everywhere. You
own business with a budget and a you do this by building a
need to be good at impressing them.
But thats exactly why its so business model with products. Your personal brand: Something
The best way for you to practise
important. Its the first impression, application will look much stronger if that, on paper, represents who
communicating your personal brand
the first taste, of who you are and its supported by your personality. you are succinctly.
is being you.
why people should care.
2. Focus
Start with people you already know
So, what is a personal brand? Quantity does not equal quality. Do and chat to them about wanting to
you think Tesla has made itself into push your personal brand more. To build a personal brand, you
Its who you are in a nutshell. one of the worlds most prestigious Then try striking up conversations need to:
It succinctly encapsulates your brands, because it has brought with people at school or work whom Exploit your interests
passions and desires, dreams, and thousands of products to market? you dont normally talk to, and Focus your activities
goals all in one go. To an admissions No. The company brought one nurture those fledgling contacts. Admit youre not a superhero
officer, its a leading indicator of who product to market and perfected Then extend this to your teachers Network with your peers,
you are and whether your passions it with an unrivalled passion for and your school principal, which is teachers, and other
and activities will be important technology. You need to be the Elon very important. They can provide influential people
contributors to the college. Musk of yourself. Throw yourself valuable recommendations.
into one or two passions and dont
spread yourself thin.
Step Two:

So, you really enjoy writing For example:
and joined the school Activity type: (Choose relevant The stuff you really need to
Effectively newspaper? You wrote two drop down)

articles a week, which your Numbers are everything.
Expressing Your
Position/Leadership description:
parents very much enjoyed. Founder and president (21 Data demonstrates success.
Why should an admissions Include positive statistics in
your application wherever
officer care?
Describe activity, including possible.
accomplishments: Started club, Write about your role in
The key is writing it right
You Are The Muhammad Ali of grew membership to 20, organised every activity and include
Being You: Showing Impact weekly meetings and hosted tutorial your contribution. Do
Remember to sell yourself, which
And Effectiveness sessions. Organised trip to France to not get lost writing about
goes back to the previous section.
develop students. (136 characters) anything else.
Why are you more important than
Keep it punchy. Revise,
anyone else? Add adjectives to your
General tips revise, revise. Spend a lot of
skills where possible but do not lie.
time on this section of your
Emphasise numbers application. It is key.
Now you have a series of authentic In the descriptions area, make Abbreviate, use symbols
extracurriculars that youre sure you talk about your role in the Small phrases
dedicating the appropriate amount activity and what you contributed Do NOT lie
of time toward. You need to show the (not about the running history of a Re-read, preview, continuously Now you have a feel for what
admissions officers that you club). Keep your writing short, sharp, edit universities are looking for and how
get results. and punchy. Exclude as many words Link it back to your personal to write for them.
as possible. narrative and brand
Its fine to be the most passionate Use words that demonstrate your To get an idea about what it takes
person in the world, but can you Remember: personal brand to succeed and be offered a place
deliver results? Once youve at one of the colleges, below are a
Position description = 50
demonstrated that you have passion few case studies from some our past
characters maximum
and that youve turned that passion successful students.
Activity description = 150
into extracurricular activities,
characters maximum
admissions officers want to know if You can gain insight from their
Honours title = 100 characters
you were successful. journey and apply the pieces of their
information to your own application.
For example, its all well and good to Remember, there is no formula. What
lead, but did your leadership cause worked for them is an individual and
the activity to stagnate or regress? unique experience to them.
Case Studies
Soumil Singh
The type of relationship where
you can sit down with them, have You can get good grades and prove
a conversation about what youve to be academically competent,
been doing, and how its important but as Soumil said, to solidify your
so these things come through in the application, you need more. Think
Cutting Through In The Cutthroat recommendation. of it as building a personal brand. A
brand should be authentic and stay
College Applications Scene Keep it ethical. The teacher needs true to a set of guiding principles.
to write the recommendation, but
Check out Soumil Singh; he was Regardless of what academic its also really important that your Also, having a respected influencer

dubbed New Zealands brightest grades you might have if what you achievements (the ones you think will to back up your claims that youre an
student. After working with Crimson, bring to the table is generic and not best suit the school youre applying outstanding candidate can really set
Soumil was offered a place at differentiated from other candidates, for) really shine through. your application apart.
11 major US colleges, including you are often overlooked in these
Harvard, which he accepted. processes. Having your principal or
a respected teacher write a
Soumil knows how to get accepted Soumil says a real point of difference recommendation is extremely
and pulls no punches about how can be teacher, principal or
cut-throat the admissions process powerful for your application
counsellor recommendations. Below,
can be. Soumil provides insight into how to and something I
get a good one. highly recommend.
The way admissions officers decide
to admit is they try to build an entire How did teacher recommendations So, create a list of extracurriculars
freshman class, and in that class, they work for you? that exemplify your leadership,
try and build an element of diversity, creativity, and initiative, as well
which they see fits the school, In my case, I kept a really good as getting your teachers and
he says. relationship with my school principal principal on the same page so their
and she was more than happy to recommendation supports and
write a recommendation for me. enhances your application.
This is important, but it really does
depend on what type of school you Note: One of the main reasons
go to and how your teachers and admissions officers use
principal approach these requests. recommendations is to evaluate
You need to have rapport with your character. Make sure this shines
the influencers at your school through. They want to see what kind
who you would like to write your of person you are.
recommendation. Thanks, Soumil!
Tommy Yan
have certain strengths that colour How did you structure or
their personal style and their every communicate your skills and
accomplishment. Identify these and experience through the application?
focus on them.

Take the admissions officer on
Postgraduate success: Talking to Tommy Yan, Many applications fail because they a journey. Think of it as a movie
about your life. All good movies
lack focus and clarity.
Lawyer, polyglot and soon to be are edited so that the viewer lives
MBA graduate. If an admissions officer does what the protagonist is living. The
application is no different. Through
not clearly understand who all your essays, references, CV, and
you are, what youre about, everything else, your goal should

Tommy Chao Yan received an the path to pursue an MBA with one
invitation to learn business at one of the best business schools in the and what you will become, be to allow the admissions officer
of the worlds most exclusive MBA world; an unconventional move for then risk aversion takes over reviewing your application to
programmes at Institut Europen someone in my industry. understand how your journey has led
and youre out of consideration
d'Administration des Affaires you to decide to do an MBA.
(INSEAD). Tommy worked with Q: What do you think made your
INSEAD application stand out / irrespective of how great your You must also give primacy,
Crimson to hone his postgraduate
successful? academic or professional record
application. His journey will provide purpose, and precise timing to your
may be.
insight into what makes any MBA it is the best way for you to
application successful, not just for I had the help of one of the most achieve your goals. I would even
seasoned mentors at Crimson to The last thing is to make it all
postgraduate applicants. go so far as to say that you must
help me understand what my true relevant. If you write something
communicate the necessity of the
So, Tommy, who are you and what is strengths were. I had overlooked in an essay, or in your CV, or say
MBA [and how it connects to your
your story? or simply taken for granted my something at an interview, make sure
personal goals]. However, do not
innate creativity, courage, and you communicate the answer to a
display any sentiment of giving up
My name is Tommy Chao Yan. I energy, as well as my international so what? question, without being
if you do not get to do your MBA.
come from an immigrant family, have exposure. Focusing on these things asked that question. For example,
Business schools want to see that
grown up all over the world, and I in my applications and interviews international exposure = merging
you have an alternative means of
speak five languages. I started my positioned me as a rare and unique seamlessly between cultures and
reaching your goals, even if it
career as a lawyer and I transitioned applicant. enabling transnational business
takes longer.
to marketing very early on in my ventures to flow smoothly.
career, pursuing what I believed Top MBA programmes look for
would be a more fulfilling career for diversity, individuality, and people
me. I leaped forward by questioning who know what they want. My
the status quo and questioning strategy filled at least one, if not
others, and that is what set me on all, of these buckets. Everyone will
How did you build your profile proficiency in a second language
through work experience? prior to starting the program and
then in a third language in order to
For postgraduate study, work graduate.
experience can often matter more
than grades. But not just any The intakes are comprised of
work experience. The top MBA no more than 10% of any single
programmes are looking for you to nationality, whereas other schools
demonstrate that you have extended typically reserve 80% of places for
yourself beyond what was required locals and the rest for internationals.
by your job description. I looked at
all the projects I worked on outside Other things that INSEAD looks
of my formal employment, whether for are:
pro bono or for money, and I used Maturity the class is typically
the why behind all of that additional older and it is a one-year MBA
work to tell the story of where I have program, which means there isnt
been and how that has led me to much time to try things out;
want to pursue an MBA. Social skills - INSEAD puts its
candidates into groups that
What do you think admissions
spend more time together than
officers are looking for at INSEAD?
you would sleeping in a day.
It is extremely intensive and
INSEAD looks for international
intensively collaborative;
exposure. This is a requirement for all
INSEAD looks for individuals
the top programmes, most notably
who have accelerated their
London Business School. However,
career and are looking to pick
for INSEAD, this is inextricable from
up even more speed in career
their very raison detre [purpose for

The INSEAD vision forms the basis

of much of what differentiates it
from other schools. For example,
it has a three-language minimum
requirement. You need to prove
Jennifer Wright
UNICEF Youth For Change

Our own Business Operations

Associate, Jennifer Wright,
who was accepted to New York
University (NYU) off the back of her
innovative leadership project, has
some thoughts for you. Jennifer
Wright wanted to study Economics
and Business at NYU. She took
a year off after high school and
began volunteering with UNICEF, Step 1: Idea Step 4: Branding
and became a UNICEF Youth Step 6: Upscaling Further
Ambassador. Spoke to UNICEF board about Worked with UNICEF designers >500 active
how a connected network of to create logo and poster that members in 2016
She then founded UNICEF Youth youth clubs will create brand follow UNICEF design scheme
For Change a national network Regularly run
value and further promote Created Facebook page conferences and
of youth clubs that now has over UNICEF mission Began systematically posting on events on local and
500 members. She currently directs Spoke to other Youth the UNICEF Youth for Change national scales
this networks growth and events. Ambassadors to get them Facebook page - today it has
on board 1700+ likes
Its mission is to support young
people and to promote the rights of
children. She managed to achieve
all this by careful planning and
Step 2: Planning Step 3: Roles & Delegation Step 5: Scaling
diligent work. Below is her winning
Planned roles for team
approach: members based on their Created plan for overseeing As we passed 200
strength; should be progress via google docs; members and 24 clubs it
How do you structure a project, Jen? decided on deliverables regular check-in with each was no longer feasible for
and timeline member candidate to speak directly
Created google docs Worked with people to each captain
When youre starting a project, individually to set geographic Recruited 2 Regional
and other internal
unless you have an idea in mind, and school specific recruitment Directors
structure to record info
youre probably thinking, I have no and facilitate co-working goals
idea where to begin. What I find is After looking at these four different an application.
helpful when homing in on some categories youre going to want to Here are a few things to keep
fantastic project ideas is focusing on brainstorm ten different ideas, and in mind:
four different categories: every idea should be feasible. Then Identify the demographic the
start your research consider whats media reaches and target
First, go over your CV and find what going to be the best one. Do a the ones relevant to your
specific skills or experience you can competitive analysis, how is it going project. Look at specific niche
offer that would help other people. to fit in with your schedule, and publications, not just the
Then you want to brainstorm those. whether it is scalable. mainstream media.

Second, what are you actually Cool, I have an idea, now what? Connections do make it much
interested in? Maybe you have no easier; try to get to know some
experience in climate change or Make a program with key action people who work for the target
refugee rights, but youre really points for every week until the

media outlets.
passionate and want to make a project happens. Chose a date a
positive change in that area. couple of months from the current Email the media contact a media
date and brainstorm every main release which answers the who,
Thirdly, look at globally task that you can think of; things like what, when, where and why
media promotion, team recruitment, about your initiative and related
trending movements. Looking
securing a venue. Then put these news. Timing is everything. Dont
at these you can pick out ideas in chronological order. Break pitch your news during major

causes that people are going to them up into weekly and fortnightly events or huge news stories.
jump on and youll likely get a implements. Then you have a Keep it succinct and to one page
lot more support given structure of how youre going to in length.
achieve your goal.
its topical.
Thanks Jen!
Final thoughts?
Finally, look at anything thats
going to give you an edge. Maybe
Getting media for your project
your parents or family friends know
can be extremely beneficial to its
someone you can connect with, or
success, but it also looks great on
you know someone in a different
country to expand or supply from
their location. Anything you can
leverage your idea off.

Even After All This, Dont I Still Need To Be A

Genius? The Conclusion

No. If youre still umming and ahhing

about what you need to do, or
Some schools are always looking whether you can get into this school
for elite academics, but there are or that one, contact us for a
thousands of colleges that look free consultation.
for more than just book smarts.
Thousands of colleges in New York, It costs you nothing to see how
London, San Francisco, Boston all far we can take you, and you walk
these amazing international cities are away knowing what doors could be
seeking cool, motivated people just opened for you.
like you.
No lock-ins, no hidden agendas. Just
You just need to want to transform a chat between two people trying to
your life! Just like Jennifer, Soumil figure out where the world can
and Tommy did! take you.

You dont need spectacular grades (if If youre in this far, you know its in
you can live with not going to MIT), your heart.
but you do need to be a passionate
character, someone who cares about Contact Us
their family and the community, and
someone who contributes to society,
which is extremely achievable.

You can do this!

made with


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