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I have still not forgotten those days when this deadly disease was new to our world and

very few
people were aware of it. My curiosity about this disease started when for the first time I saw the ad
of a condom on the television. Its lines were, “pehle istmaal karo phir viswaas karo.” no..sorry
this was the lines of a washing powder ad. The actual lines of that ad was, “yahi hai sahi. Condom
hamesha.” I know it’s not funny but somehow it seemed funny to me at that point of time. It
Might be because of my ignorance. One thing I am pretty sure about is that the only one who
benefitted from this fatal disease is the condom companies.

Now some serious talk. I know that you all know about this disease A.I.D.S. The main credit
for our knowledge goes to the curiosity of us guys towards sex. For those who are good guys…I mean
saint type (brahmchari), CBSE has it in their syllabus. So if you know about AIDS, it means you were a
studious student at your school level rather a guy who always thinks about sex.  So always feel
proud to say, I KNOW ABOT SEX..oops AIDS. We all know about the various ways to prevent AIDS
and the main technique among them is to use condoms. But do you know that during the use of a
condom the rate of breakage is between 0.4% and 2.3%, while the rate of slippage is between 0.6%
and 1.3%. Even if no breakage or slippage is observed, 1–2% of women will test positive for semen
residue after intercourse with a condom."Double bagging," using two condoms at once, also
increases the risk of condom failure. (source Wikipedia ). So the only way to keep yourself fully
protected from this disease is to be obedient to your mates...I mean mate. (I hate polygamy.)
“wafadari me ho samajhdari hai. ”. Guys now I am loosing the track. From the start I am
advertising only CONDOMS. This is a post on AIDS.

Can you imagine the feeling of having AIDS??? No one can imagine himself to be in this
condition. But as a writer I can try..

My name is Prateek Singh. I am a student of engineering. Three months ago when I went to visit
a doctor for a general checkup he told me that I am suffering from AIDS. It was shocking as well as
funny at that time. I never had any intercourse with any women in my whole life though I had
attended several blood donation camps. I then went to the several well known doctors but all said
that my result is positive. I am a HIV positive. All people say that you should keep yourself positive in
every aspects of life. But today this one positive thing ruined my whole life. I don’t feel positive any
more. I lost everything. I am not attending my college anymore. My friends don’t even bother to visit
me. My “someone special” is now someone other’s “someone special”. I haven’t told this to my
parents. Not because I am not sure that they would be able to bear it or not. But because I am afraid
of the society. According to them the only way to get AIDS is by having sex with prostitutes. I am
alone and I am pretty sure that I will die alone too. But after my death if police would do
investigation then they will surely find that I was suffering from AIDS. What would happen then???
The only way to get out of from all these things is to commit suicide. I know it’s the choice of
cowards. But in my case it’s the most appropriate option. I am sorry papa. But I have to do this. 

End of this emotional story . I just wanted to show you the perspective of society towards
the cause of this disease. I just wanted to show you the loneliness a person suffering from this vital
disease go through. I just wanted to show the life of AIDS. This is all I want you to feel.

Beware …take care. Soon meeting you with my next post. Till then bye bye. 

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