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Xero features

Module: Home page

(a) Company setting option
The setting option includes subscription and billing tab and home tab that displays
your previous log in time and tabular column including names of organizations, types
of access and subscription details in xero and allows you to add another organization
to your xero account.
The profile settings option in settings tab allows you to edit and save the basic
information such as company name, image and location and contact details such as
phone number and website of your company.
The account settings option in settings tab allows you to edit and save your email id
and password and includes radio buttons for selecting either display your xero
account or organization you were last in, when you login.
(b) Notification icon
This icon alerts you about the business information that needs attention to have better
control of business.
(c) File library icon
This icon allows you to upload files and take photos of company information and includes
inbox and contract folders. It also allows you to add folders of your own and lets you to email the
files directly to the file library's inbox.
(d) Help icon
This icon helps you in searching or browsing for topic with which you need assistance. It
provides link to help center page and displays popular help topic, where questions were asked by
many users and also they can get advice from their accountants.

Module: Dashboard tab

The dashboard tab provides you with options to import your bank transactions by adding
your bank account details including bank name, account name, type of currency and bank account
number, credit card account details including bank name, account name, type of currency and last
four digits of credit card and paypal account details including account name, type of currency and
check box for setting up of automatic paypal import.
It includes expense claims and allows you to create new sales invoice, bill and receipt in
xero and displays you the bar charts representing invoices owed to you, bills you need to pay and
amount of cash coming in and out of organization. You can also edit your dashboard of your choice.

Module: Accounts

(a) Bank account option

This option allows you to reconcile your transactions, view your bank statements and add
account transactions and to search for transaction.
Manage account option helps you in finding account transactions and bank statements,
creating new spend money, receive money and transfer money details, reconciling your account,
adding bank rules to provide quicker and easier way to reconcile imported bank statements,
importing bank statement, viewing status updates, getting bank feeds and editing bank account

(b) Sales option

The new option allows you to add new invoice, quote, repeating invoice and credit
note. The import option allows you to import batch of invoices and send statement option
allows you to view and send statements to customers.
Search box helps you in getting required invoice or required quotes. The bar charts
and pie charts represent money coming within the company and customers owing the most.
The invoices bar helps you in viewing amount of drafted invoices, invoices awaiting
for approval, invoices awaiting for payments and overdue amount.
The quotes bar helps you in viewing drafted quotes, sent quotes, accepted quotes and
expired quotes.
New invoice drop down box provides you options to create new invoice and new repeating
invoice and includes add contact group option that allows you to add add invoice to contact group.
New credit note option allows to create new credit note and send statement option allows
you to view and send statements to customers.
Import and export option allows you to import invoice files from and export invoices to
respective excels.
All tab displays all invoices created or uploaded in xero, draft tab displays all drafted
invoices, awaiting approval tab displays invoices awaiting for approval, awaiting payment tab
displays invoices awaiting for payment, paid tab displays paid invoices and repeating tab displays
repeated invoices.
Search box helps you in getting required invoice.
New quote option allows you to create, save and send new quote.
All tab displays all quotes created or uploaded in xero, draft tab displays all drafted quotes,
sent tab sent quotes, accepted tab displays accepted quotes and invoiced tab displays invoiced
Search box allows you in getting required quote.
(c) Purchases option
New drop down box provides you options to create new bill, new repeating bill, new credit
note and new purchase order.
Import box allows you to import batch of bills by uploading file with template matching
xero template.
Bills bar helps you in viewing amount of drafted bills, bills awaiting for approval, bills
awaiting for payment and amount of overdue bills.
The bar chart represents information regarding amount of upcoming bills, due amount and
paid amount.
Purchase order bar helps you in viewing drafted purchase order, purchase orders awaiting
for approval and approved purchase order.

New bill drop down box provides you options to create new bill and new repeating bill.
New credit note box allows you to create new credit note.
Import and export option allows you to import files including bills details from and export
files including bills details to respective excels.
All tab displays all bills created or uploaded in xero, draft tab displays all drafted bills,
awaiting approval tab displays bills awaiting for approval, awaiting payment tab displays bills
awaiting for payment, paid tab displays paid bills, due tab displays due bills and repeating tab
displays repeated bills.
Search box allows you in getting required bill
(d) Pay run option
New pay run option allows you to create new pay run by completing few steps of setting
payment dates and payment frequency, entering employee payments and reviewing summary of
previous steps to save or approve the pay run.
The approved pay run screen includes batch payment box that allows you to make
payment for employees in batches and send payslips box that allows you to send
payslips to employees.
You can also view pay run summary report through view pay run summary report
Manage pay item box provides you options to add new pay item by editing details such as
pay item name, pay/tax type and account for reporting and displays you the active pay items in
active tab and archived pay items in archived tab. You can also archive the preferred pay item.
The bar chart represent information about payment awaiting for employee and paid
payments over specific period.
(e) Expense claims option
Add receipt box allows you to add receipt of expense and edit details of your receipt.
Current claim tab allows you to submit receipts for approval or delete receipts and previous
claim tab displays status of receipts.
Awaiting authorization tab displays you the details of receipts awaiting for authorization
which subsequently allows you to approve, decline or delete the receipt awaiting for authorization
and to authorize the receipt.
Awaiting payment tab displays you the details of receipt awaiting for payment which
subsequently allows to pay the amount in receipt.
Archived tab displays you the details of paid receipts which subsequently allows you to
view expense claim summary report.
(f) Fixed asset option
New asset box allows you to add new asset to xero, and import box allows you to import file
including several fixed assets into xero.
Pending items tab displays you the purchase details of your assets, and registered item tab
sold and disposed item tab display you the details of the registered asset and sold and disposed
Search box allows you to search for required asset.
Module: Reports
(a) Summary tab displays you the
Performance reports which shows you the performance of the business based on revenue
and expenses and includes
Budget summary report
This report allows you to view the budget details for specified month over specified
number of periods.
Budget variance report and profit and loss report
The common formats tab allows you to view the budget variance report and profit
and loss report including your net income for current and previous three months and for months of
current financial year and budget variance and profit and loss reports in year to date progress format
and month to date progress format.
The compare periods tab allows you to compare the details of budget variance and
profit and loss for specified date and specified period of months with specified previous number of
The show date range tab allows you to view the budget variances and profit and loss
for specified date range, compare the details in specified date range with previous month, quarter,
year or period with specified amount of compare periods.
More option shows you the sort by field, currency field, and check box for cash
Executive summary report
This report shows you the executive summary which includes cash, profitability and
balance sheet items for specified month with summary only or both summary and ratios.
Expenses by contact and income by contact reports
These reports allow you to view the incurred expense transaction and contacts with
which income transactions occurred for specified date and specified period of months and to
compare the expenses and income with previous number of periods.
Inventory items summary report
This report allows you to view the details of summary of inventory items used in
transactions for specified range of dates and to track the quantities and prices of the items.
Sales by item report
This report allows you to view the details of invoice sales of inventory items for
specified date range and you can also sort the items by item code or description.
Sales tax report
The sales tax summary tab displays you the sales tax summary showing sales tax
charged or paid by your organization for the tax period being reported based on the sales tax rates
you have set up for your organization for specified date range and you also have check boxes
named show by tax rate, show by tax component and show by account type.
Publish option helps you to publish the sales tax summary.
The sales tax audit report displays the summary of sales tax for the previous month.
Cash reports which shows you the change in cash levels and includes
Bank reconciliation summary report
The bank reconciliation tab displays the actual bank balance matched with balance of
the bank account in Xero for specified bank account and date.
The bank statement tab and statement exceptions tab displays you the details of bank
statements and statement exceptions tab for specified bank account and specified date range.
You also have check box named reconciled only to view only the reconciled
Cash summary report
This report displays you the details of cash into and out of your organization for
specified date and specified period and allows you to compare the summary with average or
previous periods.
You also have check boxes named include tax, show YTD and show income %.
The more options shows you the show working capital with field.
Bank summary report
This report allows you to view the details of bank summary representing money
coming in and going out of your bank accounts in Xero for specified range of dates.
Foreign currency report which shows you effect of currency fluctuations on foreign
currency transactions and includes
Foreign currency gains and losses report
This report allows you to view the details of accounts payable, accounts receivable
and bank accounts revalued in your base currency, and your organization's total foreign currency
exposure for each currency for specified range of dates.
Pay run reports which shows the details of pay run transactions and includes
Pay run by employee report
This report allows you to view the amounts paid in given period to individual
employee or all employees for selected employee or all employees for specified date range.
You can also view the totals for each pay type and period.
Pay run by pay type report and pay run by pay item report
These reports show you the amounts paid in a given period by pay type and by pay
item for selected pay type or all pay types and selected pay item or all pay items for specified date
range respectively.
You can also have check box named show pay run.
Pay run summary report
This report shows you the summary of pay run for specified date range.
Position reports which shows your position of business based on assets, liabilities, and
equity and includes
Aged payables report and aged receivable report
These reports show you the details of aged payables such as amounts owed by you,
to your suppliers, and how long these amounts have gone unpaid and details of aged receivables
such as display amounts owed to you, by your customers, and how long these amounts have been
outstanding for specified date respectively.
You can also have show by field to select either month name or month number and
ageing by field to select either invoice date or due date to modify the information in your report.
The two charts in aged payables report represent the information regarding aged
payables and expense claims.
The chart in aged receivables report represent information regarding aged
Balance sheet report
This report shows you the net worth of your organization for chosen balance date and
you can also view the comparison of chosen balance date with previous year, last year end, previous
quarter or previous month for specified number of periods.
Depreciation schedule report
This report shows your depreciation and fixed asset value of organization for chosen
You can also view your depreciation as actual depreciation or estimated depreciation,
and modify the information such as name, number and type of asset to displayed in your report.
Fixed asset reconciliation report
This report shows you the summary of book value, credits and debits to fixed asset
accounts and accumulated depreciation to quickly reconcile the balance sheet and the fixed asset
register for chosen date.
Movements in equity
This report shows you the change in your organization's net worth over the financial
year for selected balance date and you can also have option to compare with previous year.
Detail reports which shows you the details of the transactions in your accounts.
Account summary report
This report shows you the monthly summary for account chosen from bank account,
expenses, assets, liabilities and equity for specified date range.
You can also view the comparison of actual against budget for that month.
The chart shows you the information representing the selected count summary.
Account transaction report
This report shows you the transactions coded to one or multiple accounts in your
chart of accounts for account chosen from bank account, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity for
specified date range.
You cannot print the account transaction report.
Customer invoice report
This report shows you the items from sales and the details of customer invoices for
selected dates such as invoice date, due date and expected date over specified period.
You can also sort the details in the report by invoice number, reference, contact,
invoice date, due date, paid date and expected date.
You can view the required details by selecting the required status such as draft,
awaiting approval, awaiting payment, paid, void and deleted or you can also view all the statuses in
the report.
You cannot print the customer invoice report.
Detailed account transactions report
This report shows you the invoices, bills, credit notes, expense claims, and bank
transactions for selected date range.
You can also sort the details in the report by account name, account code, reference
and date.
You have a check box named cash basis for filtering the details you require.
You cannot print the detailed account transaction report.
General ledger report
The general ledger summary tab shows you the details of all transactions from all
accounts for chosen date range.
The general ledger exceptions tab shows the transactions that are out of the ordinary
based on other transactions in the same account for chosen date range.
You can also sort the details in the report by account name or account code and can
export detailed general ledger to excel sheet.
Journal report
This report shows you all the items going into and out of your general ledger for
chosen date range. You can order the journals by journal date and journal ID.
Manual journal option allows you to add new journal, repeating journal, provides
you way to import the file including manual journals and displays you the drafted, posted, voided,
repeated and archived journals in respective tabs.
Add new journal option allows you to add new journal.
You cannot print the journal report.
Supplier invoice report
This report shows you the items from purchases for invoice date, due date or planned
date for selected date range
You can view the required details by selecting the required status such as draft,
awaiting approval, awaiting payment, paid, void and deleted or you can also view all the statuses in
the report.
You can sort the details in the report by reference, contact, date, due date, paid date
or planned date and have check-boxes to view only the unsent invoices and include deleted and
voided invoices.
You cannot print the supplier invoice report.
Tracking summary report
This report shows you the information on your accounts from tracking point of view
to generate list of your tracking options showing the activity in selected accounts group for selected
date range.
You can save the report as draft, publish the tracking summary report and can change
the layout of the report.
Trial balance report
This report shows you the list of the accounts in your chart of accounts and their
balances for the chosen date.
You can also sort the details in the report by account name or account code.
(b) The draft, published and archived tabs displays you the respective drafted, published and
archived reports.
(c) The update box in the reports allows you to update the changes in the various fields before
generating the report.
(d) The print option in the reports allows you to print the respective report and export option allows
you to export the reports as excel, pdf and google docs files.
(e) You can star your required report to make the starred report to appear in reports menu.
Module: contacts
The add contact, add employee and new group icons allow you to add new contact,
employee and group respectively.
Import and export options allows you to import contacts from and export contacts to suitable
All tab shows you all the contacts stored in xero, customers, suppliers, employee and
archived tabs show you the contacts stored in respective tabs.
You also have options to merge the contacts.
add new contact, new group, import and export contacts and segregate the contacts to existing
groups such as customers, suppliers, archived or newly created group.
Search box allows you to search for required contact.
You can create smart list for the contacts based on their items purchased, outstanding details,
overdue details, and amount paid to your company by simply running the search and saving the
search using run search and save search options.
Module: Settings
General settings allows you to can star your required settings to make the starred setting to appear
in settings menu and includes
(a) Organization option
Organization settings allows you to edit and save your company's basic information
including display name, legal/trading name, logo, line of business and organization type and contact
details including postal address, physical address, telephone number, email and website. You can
also add additional contact field including fax, Skype, twitter and facebook, etc.
Tracking allows you to add and edit tracking category by giving details such as tracking
category name and category options.
Conversion balance which is snapshot of your organization's balances just before you start
using Xero includes
add comparative balance tab which allows to save debit and credit details of
the accounts from previous years that you want to use for comparison in the
financial reports in Xero.
Conversion date tab allows you to enter the date you began processing all
your transactions in Xero.
Tax rates allows you to add tax rate for your organization to charge or record specific tax
amounts on invoices, bills and transactions that you enter into Xero. It displays you the details
including tax rate and accounts using the respective tax rates. You can delete any unwanted tax rate.
Chart of accounts includes
add account option allows you to add accounts by entering specified details
including account type, code, name and tax.
add bank account option allows you to add bank account, credit card account or
paypal account.
All accounts tab displays you the all accounts in xero, and assets, liabilities, equity,
expenses, revenue and archive tabs displays you the accounts related with respective
You also have option to change tax rate, search for the required contact in search
box, and archive the required contact.
Financial settings allows you to edit and save the details including date and month fields of
financial year end, sales tax field, and time zone.
Users allows you to invite user after entering details including the name and email and
allowing access to the functions in xero, and includes user tab that displays the users added in xero
and recent activity tab that displays the details including name of user and their login dates and
times. You can also add or remove xero support to your organization.
Custom contact links allows you to create custom contact links to allow you to click from
Xero contacts to other systems such as customer relationship management (CRM).
(b) Features option
Invoice settings
New branding theme drop down box allows you to create new standard branding
theme and custom branding theme for your documents.
Options box allows you to edit and copy the theme and allow you to upload your
logo in standard branding theme.
You can also upload your customized invoice, quote, credit note, statement and
purchase order template file for your newly created custom branding theme.
Default settings option allows you to set the default due date for bills and sales
invoices and quote expiry date and to edit your invoice, credit note, purchase order and quote
prefixes and number for your upcoming invoice and purchase orders.
Payment service option allows you to add new payment service to your invoices for
allowing easy online payment for your customers.
Inventory items allows you to add new inventory item by entering the purchase details and
sales details of the item and includes import batch of inventory items from your computer and
export the information regarding inventory items as pdf or csv files.
Currencies allows you to add new currency that your organization uses and to view
exchange rates for the added currencies for specified date.
Pay items allows you to add new pay item and displays you the details of active payments,
such as item name, pay item type and to whom which the payment is paid and details of archived
pay items.
Email settings allows you to add email address to which you want to get replies and to edit
email template of sales invoice, credit note, statement, remittance, purchase order, repeating
invoice, receipt and quote and add new email template
(c) Connect option
Xero to xero allows you to send invitation to your customers and suppliers to connect with
them directly to directly send and receive their invoices and bills into sales and purchases.
Add-ons such as square, highrise and freshbooks, etc allows you to connect with third-party
software providers and exchange data between their software and Xero for advanced payments,
mobile features and tracking time features. You also have option to disconnect the add-on when

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