Medical Equipment

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1. Devi sandra 5.Raudathul adawiyah

2. Mirnawati 6. Sakinah nabella

3. Ni kadek mariani

4. Nur aina sari




A. Patient care tools

1. Ice bag

Function: for cold compress

2. Breast Pump and relieve

Function : to help pump the milk out of the breast of women who are breastfeeding

3. Nipple Shield

Function: to protect sore nipples during breastfeeding so that the baby can suck milk by using
the tool

4. Air Cusion
Function: as a seat on hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid sufferers

5. Colostomy bag

Function: to accommodate the stool in patients after colon surgery (surgery artificial intestine
through the abdominal muscles and skin)

6. Urinal male and urinal female

Function: to accommodate the urine in patients who may or may not be able to wc

Urinal male urinal female

7. Bedpan
Function: to accommodate the stool in patients who should not or can not go to wc

8. Pus basin

Function : to accommodate vomit,pus,a former cotton and others

B. Tool medical action

1. Gloves

Function: to protect the hands from the influence of the surrounding environment
2. Cathether

Function: to remove or capture urine

3. Urine bag

Function: to accommodate the urine associated with a ballon cathether or a foley cathether to
dislodge or capture urine in a closed system

4. Stomach tube

Function : to collect the liquid/gastric juice,to rinse/wash the entrails and for the provision of
5. Feeding tube

Function: for nutritional flood or fluids by mouth and nose

6. Wing needle

Function: as an extension of the vein for intravenous fluids or intravenous drugs in the long

7. Infusion set

Function: hoses for intravenous fluids

8. Transfusion set

Function: for the provision of a blood transfusion

9. Spuit/syringe

Function: to inject patients

10. Injection Needle

Function: to inject coupled with syringe

11. Gliserin syringe

Function: for spraying lavement/clysma rectal fluid that is often used is glycerin or soap
12. Currete

Function: to clean the uterus in patients abortion/miscarriage

C. Diagnose illness

1. The book is color blind test

Function: checking the color blind

2. Chart vision snellen

Function: checking acuity or sharpness of vision

3. Reflex hamer

Function: checking the reflection of the ability of certain parts of body for example knee

4. Tongue blade

Function: to suppress the tongue in order to check/see abnormalities in the throat for example

5. Laringeal mirror

Function : to check/view the situstion in the mouth/throat

6. Clinical hermometer

Function: measure the patients temperature

7. Obstetrical Stethoscope/ Stethoscope monoaural

Function: to hear the babys heart in the womb of pregnant women

8. Stethoscope binaural

Function: to hear the sound of an organ such as the heart,lungs and others
9. Sphygmomanometer

Function: to measure blood pressure

10. Nasal speculum

Function: to check the nasal cavity

11. Ear speculum

Function: to check the ear cavity

12. Rectum speculum

Function: to check the anal canal

13. Vagina speculum

Function: to check the vaginal opening

D. Surgical tools

1. Bistoury/ Bistouries

Function: surgery
2. Artery Forceps

Function: for clamping of the arteries

3. Peritoneum forceps

Function: to clamp the tissues lining

4. Needle Holders

Function: to clamp the sewing needle and stitch open wounds such as surgical wounds or
5. Suture Needles

Function: needles for suturing


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