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Meeting and Agenda

Thames Water (TW) and

Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC)

I. Confirmation that suspension of installation at affected

addresses will continue pending resolution
II. Programme for removal of meters already installed
III. Assessing alternatives to the present smart meter and
agreeing a programme to implement an acceptable
alternative meter, alternatively adapting the present
IV. Any other business

Conference call Number: +44 (0)330 221 0088

Meeting on Monday Access Code: 518 320 901
31 July 2017 - 10:30 UK time
Audio PIN: 518 320 901
at 140 Stamford Hill
London, N16 6QT

Mark Cooper Dayan Shulem Friedman

Head of Metering UOHC - Senior Dayan

Yvonne Ryan Asher Gratt

Technical Development Manager, Smart metering UOHC - Consultant

Stephanie Baker David Gurwicz

Smart Metering Programme Manager UOHC - Consultant

Rachel Onikosi
Stakeholder and Communications Manager, Smart metering
Akiva Snitzer
Eli Brief
Pinches Ostreicher
Sarah Weiss
Community members

Elliot Lister
Sabbath Observance /1
The Sabbath (or Shabbos, as it is called in Hebrew) is one of the best known and least understood of all
Jewish observances. People who do not observe the Sabbath think of it as a day filled with stifling
restrictions. But to those who observe Sabbath, it is a day of great joy eagerly awaited throughout the
week, a time when we can set aside all of our weekday concerns and devote ourselves to higher pursuits.
The Sabbath is the most important ritual observance in Judaism, and is the only ritual observance
instituted in the Ten Commandments. Sabbath has become the primary indication of a persons
commitment to Judaism and one who adheres to its laws is known as a Shomer Shabbos.
We take the five-day work-week so much for granted that we forget what a radical concept a day of rest
was in ancient times. The weekly day of rest has no parallel in any other ancient civilization. In ancient
times, leisure was for the wealthy and the ruling classes only, never for the serving or labouring classes.

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy"

one of the Ten Commandments
Sabbath Observance /2
There are many positive activities connected with Sabbath observance, including special prayer meetings, special
meals and songs, but here we will focus on the work restrictions for this day of rest.
Many see the word "work" and think of it in the English sense of the word: physical labour and effort, or
employment. The Torah does not prohibit "work" in the 20th century English sense of the word. The Torah
prohibition uses the Hebrew word "melachah" which is usually translated as "work," but does not mean precisely the
same thing as the English word. Before one can begin to understand the Sabbath restrictions, you must understand
the word "melachah."
Melachah generally refers to the kind of work that is creative, or that exercises control or dominion over your
environment. The quintessential example of melachah is the work of creating the universe, which G-d ceased from
on the seventh day. Note that G-d's work did not require a great physical effort: He spoke, and it was done.
The word melachah is rarely used in scripture outside of the context of Sabbath and Holiday restrictions. The only
other repeated use of the word is in the discussion of the building of the sanctuary and its vessels in the wilderness.
Exodus Ch. 31, 35-38. Notably, the Sabbath restrictions are reiterated during this discussion (Ex. 31:13), thus we can
infer that the work of creating the sanctuary had to be stopped for Sabbath. From this, the sages concluded that the
work prohibited on Sabbath is the same as the work of creating the sanctuary. They found 39 categories of
forbidden acts, all of which are types of work that were needed to build the sanctuary and which included kindling
and extinguishing fire.
Sabbath Observance /3
All of these tasks are prohibited, as well as any task that operates by the same principle or has the same purpose.
The use of electricity is prohibited because it serves the same function as fire or some of the other prohibitions, or
because it is technically considered to be "fire." This includes the opening or closing of an electric circuit. Much
research has been done to examine the technical workings of modern electronic devices in relation to accepted
practice in Jewish Law and several solutions are offered which do not violate established Jewish Law. For example,
modern technology can be utilised to pre-program certain actions such as switching lights on or off.
Modern kitchen appliances involve electronic sensors and displays which are activated by the consumer as he uses
the appliance. Major companies such as Samsung, Sharp and GE Appliances incorporate a Sabbath Mode in the
design of some of their appliances which, when activated, disconnect or alter the forbidden electronic functions. For
example, the functioning of interior lights, fans, defrost systems, door alarms and panel displays in fridges and
freezers are altered so that these functions are either disabled or modified to comply with Sabbath use. Because of
their complexity, some of the solutions on offer have not been accepted as compliant with Jewish Law by all
Rabbinical authorities and it will generally be indicated who has endorsed the product.
About the UOHC
The UOHC is the umbrella body for Londons Charedi community of about 50,000 people. It provides
religious leadership and services to Charedim in this region, as well as social welfare services, working
together with similar communities throughout Europe.

The London Charedi community was established in the late nineteenth century and in 1926 a number of
synagogues joined together to form the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, which has since
expanded to include over 100 synagogues plus many associated institutions such as schools, colleges,
homes for the elderly, burial society and a wide range of community services.

Members of the Rabbinate carry the title Dayan which indicates that they act as judges in a
Jewish court of law. After receiving his rabbinical qualification, Dayan Shulem Friedman joined the
Rabbinate as a Dayan some 40 years ago and is today the most senior dayan in the Rabbinate. He
has advocated on behalf of the UOHC on numerous occasions in negotiations with authorities.
UOHC Consultant

David is an electrical engineer who spent most of his career working on consultancy projects for
companies including BP, Electrolux and Kawasaki.
He holds a Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering from Kings College University of Durham and
has an active patent portfolio of 29 patents to his name in the field of control circuits
He established and successfully managed various businesses during his career. As Managing
Director of Sevcon Limited David grew the companys turnover from 3,000 with two employees in
1963 to circa 4m and 400 employees in 1976.
David is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering & Technology and a member of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
UOHC Consultant

A successful telecom and IT entrepreneur with an impressive track-record of starting up

businesses, operations and building companies into highly profitable concerns
Asher founded Telco Global, a long distance telecommunications business in 1996, built it into a
well-organised business with a 300,000 customer base, employing 300 staff. Telco consistently
achieved the highest level of customer satisfaction recorded by OFTEL. He sold the business in
2004 to British Gas.
He has also been active in many communal causes and has since 1969 campaigned to preserve
the dignity of the deceased. He was instrumental in winning a High Court landmark legal victory
for the religious rights of Jews and Muslims with regards to invasive autopsies.
Sabbath Observance Issue /1

Thames water proposes the smart meter Sensus 640MC

Sabbath Observance Issue /2

Amount of liters

Electronic register LCD display Flow direction

Piston at end of Electronic switch


A) Water flowing enters the B) When the piston in the measuring C) The pulse is then fed to the
chamber causing the piston to chamber reaches the end of its register which records in real-
move in strokes when the exact stroke, it causes a momentary time the number of pulses
volume has been reached. closure of an electronic switch generates. This interprets to the
producing an electronic impulse. volume of water used.
Sabbath Observance Issue /3

Concerns with these meters begins

with the immediate electronic
connection that is caused as a direct
consequence of the customer
opening a water supply, which is
prohibited on Sabbath.
Arad Solution /1

Arad provides kosher smart meters in Israel

branded Carmel - Glatt

Arad Solution /2
With these meters, the measuring device and the register are
independent of each other.


measuring unit

A) The measuring B) The register - a separate device which is

works entirely mounted on the meter, receives a rotary movement
mechanically from the meter via magnetic coupling
Arad Solution /3
The register is split into 2 main
The Carmel Glatt register

The mechanical counter driven

by the magnetic movements from
the measuring unit.
The digital reader - reading the
mechanical dials positions and
transmitting the information to the mechanical
data center. digital reader Sabbath chip

The Sabbath chip controls

on what dates the digital at predefined at preloaded
when triggered
reader should not function. reads mechanical
calendar dates
disables the
dials positions reading to digital reader
data center
Arad Solution /4

Arad Gladiator UK



The Gladiator UK - Arads Volumetric meter with

Concentric fitting, designed to fit UK pipework.
Arad Solution /5


Place the Glatt register on the Gladiator measuring unit (by minor
gearing changes).

Achieving a Gladiator - Glatt (Kosher) smart meter.

Gurwicz Solution #1
Minor modification to the
current Sensus meter
The metering process to be based
switched off according to the switch

times of Sabbath and other Jewish

holidays* by an electronic switch
between the points where the
pulses are sent and the measuring
This will disable all activities, due
to the pulses not being generated
and received by the chip.
When the switch is back on, the
metering is re-activated.

* either by installing a chip or controlled remotely

** that may already be there or by having one
This diagram is for illustration purposes only
Gurwicz Solution #2
Similar to option #1 but
putting the switch right at the
beginning where the battery
power is being supplied to the
entire metering device, which
will cause the meter to be
completely switched off
during Sabbath and other
Jewish holidays.

These options are

subject to the outcome
of direct discussions
between Mr Gurwicz
and Sensus. based

This diagram is for illustration purposes only

Nisko Telematics Systems
Leading approach to telemetric systems





Nisko - Kosher meter
One of the most important goals we had is to provide a solution for the need of an electronic
meter that will not cause any electronic pulses during Sabbath (the Jewish holy Saturday).
In order to do it we needed to find a solution that will maintain the accuracy of the very
sensitive magnetic sensor and yet, to be able to become totally mechanical during Sabbath.
The solution:
o We have added a mechanical gear in ratio of 1:55000.
o This gear is working constantly along with the magnetic sensor during week days.
o During the week all the water counting is done via the magnetic sensor.
o At the same time a second set of magnetic sensors located over the gear, performs as an
o Before Sabbath begins the electronic device records the status of the encoder and than
shuts off.
o And at the end of Sabbath the electronic board comes back to life and reads the new
location of the encoder.
Nisko - Kosher meter


Electronic Board

Batt. Batt.

The piston
Water meter piston chamber magnet
Nisko - Kosher meter

Nisko have all the tools to adjust a solution to the utility company
and to the customers requirements
Thank you!

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