Financing Urban Special

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Objectives of the session

The debate will revolve around the implementation of the

Habitat Agenda with a special focus on its adequate financ-
ing including exploration of viable innovations, synergic
mechanisms and new partnerships to be proposed ahead of
Habitat III.

The overall objective will be:

To contribute to developing a common understanding
about the catalytic and multiplying effects of coordinat-
ed donors investments in sustainable urban develop-
ment to achieve the overall development goal.
To outline current challenges and comparative advan-
tages within the existing framework of financing instru-
ments for sustainable development, and specifically pro-
pose innovative means to finance a reinvigorated urban
To promote increased coordination and cooperation of
development actors at the urban level encouraging syn-
ergy and new partnerships, in order to effectively and
SPECIAL SESSION efficiently allocate available resources.

WUF 7 CONCEPT NOTE Moreover, this special session is expected to constitute a

valuable substantive contribution to the global debate of

SPECIAL SESSION financing for development within the Post-2015 Devel-

opment Agenda.

ON FINANCING Ahead of the definition of a new urban agenda in 2016, it

will specifically advocate for a clear financing framework and
bridging of current funding gaps.

THE NEW URBAN Introduction of the topic

Since the elaboration of the Urban Agenda in 1996, thanks
to the strengthened role and advocacy efforts of Habitat
agenda partners, the focus on urban poverty in the devel-
opment agenda adopted by international donors, multilat-
eral and regional banks has experienced a relatively good

In recent years the World bank, regional development banks

as well as a number of country Development cooperation
agencies have set up or strengthened urban departments
within their organizational structure with increasingly spe-
cialized expertise and portfolio of funds, to plan interven-
tions to counter the so called urbanization of poverty in
developing countries.

Regardless of this trend, the urban agenda still has a long

way to go to position itself centrally in the Global develop-
ment agenda, acquiring adequate finance levels for its status
as a principal development driver that goes far beyond the
mere framework of urban poverty reduction strategies.

As of 7th March, 2014


Despite the scarce availability of reliable data on funds ac- Linkages with Post-2015 Development Agenda
tually allocated to the implementation of the Urban Agenda, and Habitat III
it is legitimate to argue that, not all resources and funds al- The linkage of the sessions topic with the on going Post-2015
located to interventions within the urban perimeters can be Development Agenda is strong and the debate will borrow
considered funding towards implementing the urban agenda. from the progress registered so far in the global process, start-
In fact it is clear that in many cases a coherent linkage with ing with the outcomes of Rio + 20, while striving to contrib-
the sustainable urban development dimension is missing and ute to it through gathering valuable inputs from the sessions
consequently the efficient harnessing of its full potential. debate.
With the given scenario, accelerating progress towards the The session will also contribute to promoting the coherent
implementation of a renewed urban agenda will require a frameworks of coordination auspicated by the UN system for
broad base of financing sources and mechanisms, including the Post-2015 Development Agenda, hopefully resulting in im-
upholding existing commitments for Financing Development proved mobilization and more effective allocation of resources
from traditional donors and strengthened contributions from for development.
all Habitat Agenda partners.
The substantive outcomes of the session will consolidate
Investment of available resources should also be oriented to knowledge and understanding towards the creation of a fi-
trigger catalytic effects, scaling up the use of mechanisms that nancing framework for the new urban agenda in 2016.
leverage additional development finance including mobiliza-
tion of domestic resources, for example through strengthening Key interrogatives
financial management and tax systems at the national and Is the current level of funds allocated to sustainable urban
local level. development within main donors programming adequate
to its importance as a driver of development?
Public-private partnerships within clear policies and account-
Is the current proportion of funds allocated to the urban
ability frameworks should be encouraged, especially in the
sector aligned to the notion of sustainable urbanization
field of urban infrastructures and service provision.
and consistent with the goals and principles of the Urban
Urbanization processes guided by the notion of urban equity Agenda?
will help to mobilize public subsidies and income generated by What are the available financing instruments for sustain-
land regularization as well as the added values resulting from able urban development and how effective they have been
planning and servicing of converted areas, towards advancing so far?
the right to the city for all.
What other funding opportunities are emerging in a gen-
This session will demonstrate that correct investment on sus- eral framework of reduced ODA (Official Development As-
tainable urban development, regulated by effective and inclu- sistance)?
sive policies from credible institutions, can foster economic Why would increased funding for sustainable urbanization
growth and development. For the same reason all concerned accelerate development?
actors are called to contribute to design and support a coordi- Which are the relevant synergies to put in place ahead of
nated financing framework to be articulated ahead of the new Habitat III in 2016?
urban agenda.
What are the emerging innovative funding mechanisms to
further explore and recommend within the framework of
the implementation of the new urban agenda?

As of 7th March, 2014 Page 2


References Format of the debate

The Habitat Agenda: Goals and Principles, Commitments A high-level panel of representatives from Development banks,
and Global Plan of Action. UN Habitat 1996 UN system, Private sector, Development agencies and other
Financing for Development Post-2015, the World Bank decision and policy makers, will gather for 2 hours, bringing
Group 2013 their experience and perspectives to the audience on a sub-
ject that cannot be articulated in isolation to the development
UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development
Agenda: Financing for Sustainable Development in the
Global Partnership Beyond 2015 The special session, held in parallel with the ones on high-Lev-
Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable el UN Interagency, South-South Cooperation and the Business
Development Financing1 Roundtable also discussing means of implementation of the
DESA World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search urban agenda will converge in a joint plenary where the
of New Development Finance respective conclusions will be presented resulting in a moder-
ated open discussion with the audience.
Doha Declaration on Financing for Development

1 The Committee was established in follow-up to the outcome of

the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) with
a mandate to prepare a report proposing options on an effec-
tive sustainable development financing strategy to facilitate the
mobilization of resources and their effective use in achieving
sustainable development objectives. To this end, the Commit-
tee was tasked to asses financing needs, consider the effec-
tiveness, consistency and synergies of existing instruments and
frameworks and evaluate additional initiatives. It will conclude
its work by 2014.

As of 7th March, 2014 Page 3

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