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Reflection 1


James Gessel



Writing 2100
Reflection 2


I was pleasantly surprised when I began the course a few months ago, as I assumed it

would be just another writing course. In almost every other writing course I have taken, there has

been no variation as to what we have written. It seems to be a cycle that goes: read a text, write a

report, edit and submit a final draft. This cycle continues until the class is over. I never had any

experience writing any other type of document than a report.

This class, however, has taught me to write many different types of technical writing.

Writing is not so boring as I once thought. I have always slightly enjoyed writing, but with the

repetitive nature of most classes I lost interest. This class taught me that it was the repetition that

was boring me, not the writing. I am glad to have had experience in writing memos, proposals,

visually based documents, and visual presentations, as that was the first time I have been

exposed to certain types of documents. I know that that exposure will help me in the workplace,

as well as in other classes in the future.

I was also reminded of the power that text and wording can have, after reading about

rhetoric and other topics in the textbooks. I like how the teacher always referred to writing as a

powerful tool, used to change things. I believe that, and that belief was reinforced because of this

class. Writing is a powerful tool that can change the world in many different ways! Im grateful

for all I learned in this class, as well as the interest it sparked in me once again.

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