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A plan to bring back jobs, create

growth and increase opportunity

right here in upstate New York.

Restoring Economic Opportunity. In June, with my support the House passed H.R. 10, the Financial CHOICE Act. This
bill rolls back a range of burdensome Dodd-Frank regulations that have restrained growth, hampered innovation, and raised costs
for consumers all while boosting profits for big banks. I am also introducing legislation to ease the chartering process for new
banks so that rural communities have greater access to capital and banking services. Since 2008, only three new banks have been
chartered and, on average, we loose one community bank each day. This has put rural communities at a serious disadvantage.
To increase growth locally, I introduced H.R. 3293, the Support Procurement of our Nations Stainless Steel Act. This bill would
create new opportunities for domestic manufacturers like Sherrill Manufacturing, that produce American made flatware. I am also
an original cosponsor of H.R. 2264, the Make it in America Manufacturing Communities Act. This bipartisan bill codifies the
Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership, which supports regionally-driven approaches to increase manufacturing.

Reforming Our Tax Code. Simplifying our tax code is key to creating jobs and a level playing field for American businesses.
Today, our tax code is riddled with special interest loopholes that benefit the well-off at the expense of hardworking New Yorkers.
We must reduce corporate tax rates to bring jobs back to America and simplify our tax code so that all taxpayers have a fair shot.
I will continue to advocate for provisions of our tax code that benefit Upstate families, small businesses, and municipalities while
pushing to overhaul those that are simply broken. In addition to protecting the mortgage interest and charitable deductions,
it is my priority to preserve the federal deduction for state and local taxes, which saves New York taxpayers thousands each
year. I also strongly support tax-exempt municipal bonds, which provide local municipalities a reliable and efficient way of
financing local infrastructure projects. I am also an original cosponsor and champion of H.R. 1871, the Property Tax Reduction
Act. This bill will correct an oversight in federal law that has allowed Albany to pass along the costs of its soaring Medicaid
program onto local counties, burdening our local governments with increased tax liabilities and driving up our property taxes.

Revitalizing The Agricultural Sector. Agriculture is among upstate New Yorks most important industries and has for
decades been a vital part of our regions heritage. In recent years, unfair trade agreements, rising regulatory costs, and distortions
in the labor market have made it more difficult for family farms to grow and thrive in the Mohawk Valley and Southern Tier.
I am working to protect Upstate agriculture, push back against bad trade deals, and fight federal overreach. I am a cosponsor of
H.R. 281, the Family Farm Relief Act. This bill streamlines the H-2A Agricultural Visa program so that it works better for farmers
who lack access to a stable and reliable labor pool. I also supported passage of H.R. 26, the REINS Act. This bill would require
Congressional approval of significant agency regulations that have the potential to impact agriculture. I am also leading the
charge to change and reform the Dairy Margin Protection Program so that it actually works for farmers who are paying into it.

Reinvesting In Our Infrastructure. Due to a lack of strong and sustained investments, Americas infrastructure is lagging
behind the rest of the developed world. In upstate New York, too many of our roads and bridges are in dire need of repair and
both Albany and Congress have shirked their responsibilities for too long. As our infrastructure ages and no new investments are
made, local municipalities face a growing backlog of projects and our country risks losing its competitive advantage.
With an infrastructure proposal on the horizon, I am committed to making sure upstate New York gets its fair share and that
funding is spent in a fiscally responsible way that targets those projects most in need of support. First, Congress must fully fund
the highway and transit programs already authorized under the FAST Act and ensure that funding is sustained over time so
that states and municipalities have the resources to actually follow through on projects. Second, Congress must act to modernize
Americas air travel infrastructure by passing a proposal to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration. Third, Congress
must provide for the maintenance of our nations ports, such as the Port of Oswego, by funding existing dredging projects.

Rebuilding Our Communities. Opioid and heroin addiction has reached crisis levels in upstate New York, requiring
immediate attention. Stunted economic growth and acute job loss have no doubt contributed to the drug crisis, as a lack of
opportunity has led to hopelessness and despair for too many New Yorkers. As a member of the Congressional Bipartisan
Heroin Task Force, I am committed to pushing forward bold policies that aggressively address the problems of drug addiction.
I am an original cosponsor of H.R. 2938, the Road to Recovery Act, which will help states increase drug treatment options for
Medicaid enrollees. I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 1781, the Comprehensive Fentanyl Control Act, which increases penalties
related to the distribution of Fentanyl. In addition, I continue to call on House and Senate leaders to fully fund provisions of the
Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), which was passed last year to address the growing drug crisis. I will also
fight to protect and preserve Social Security, which remains a vitally important lifeline for Upstate seniors.

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