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Pasti tau dunk apa itu Achievement ???

Bagi yang blm tau saya jelaskan sekilas,

Achievement adalah Harga buronan dari Character kita. Semakin tinggi harga buronan, maka
semakin tinggi Grade Bintang karakter kita.

Contoh :

Ada berbagai macam Achievement yang dapat kita selesaikan untuk mendapatkan Harga
Buronan.. Dimana 1 Point = 10.000 Berry.Disini saya tidak membahas achievement-
achivement lainnya, tapi yang saya bahas adalah Hidden Achievement. Dimana
Achievement ini tidak terdapat petunjuk, dan hanya didapatkan secara tidak sengaja.

Bagi yang mendapatkan Hidden Achievement Selain yang saya share disini, Mohon
ditambahkan dan berikan Keterangan sejelas-jelasnya.

1. This is called assassination! : "Attack Kuro on Syrup Village Failed 1 times"

2. Curse of the Golden Flower" : "Attack Don Krieg on Baratie Failed 1 times"
3. The body is a Block! : "Attack Man Demon Gin on Baratie Failed 1 times"
4. Takoyaki : "Attack Hatchan on Kokoyashi Village Failed 2 times"
5. Can I say dirty words : "Attack Arlong on Kokoyashi Village Failed 3 times"
6. Mohmoo really cool! : "Attack Moo on Kokoyashi Village Failed 1 times"
7. Good slip, thrilled! : "Attack Alvida on Logue Town Failed 3 times"
8. Zoro, Stop! : "Attack Tashigi on Logue Town Failed 3 times"
9. Hit a fly! : "Attack Laboon on Reverse Mountain Failed 1 times"
10. Clean the smart ... Also hung up! : "Attack Mr.5 on [Hidden] Whiskey Peak Failed
3 times"
11. Green ghost wrath! : "Attack Dorry on Little Garden Failed 1 times"
12. Red ghost battle! : "Attack Broggy on Little Garden Failed 1 times"
13. Candles dolls : "Attack Mr. 3 on Little Garden Failed 3 times"
14. A terrifying flow : "Attack Wapol on Drum Island Failed 10 times"
15. Brothers, I beg you to let me : "Attack Smoker on Nanohana Desert Failed 5
16. Goddess, ah, I'll give you knelt down ... : "Attack Nico Robin on Casino Rainbase
Failed 3 times"
17. I Hate Okama! : "Attack Mr. 2 on Alurbana Failed 3 times"
18. Get Ready : "Attack Mr. 1 on Alurbana Failed 3 times"
19. Celaka : "Attack Crocodile on Royal Palace Failed 20 times"
20. Shandia Prince : "Attack Wiper on Angel Island Failed 3 times"
21. Heaven Fury : "Attack High Priest Shura on God Casey Altar Failed 3 times"
22. Playing with balls : "Attack High Priest Satori on Trial of The Ball Failed 3 times"
23. Survival rate of 0% : "Attack High Priest Ohm on Giant Bean Vine Failed 3 times"
24. Dewa, aku keceplosan! : "Attack God Enel on Golden Bell Failed 20 times"
25. Fish bait! : "Attack Jonathan on G8 Fortress Failed 10 times"
26. Sigh! What a pain! : "Attack Porche on Long Ring Long Land Failed 10 times"
27. Sangat lambat sekali ! : "Attack Foxy on Long Ring Long Land Failed 20 times"
28. To save life, Exhibitionism! : "Attack Franky on Franky Family Failed 20 times"
29. Wrapped around the rope : "Attack Pauly on No. 1 Dock Failed 20 times"
30. Goddess, this time I get on the ground ... : "Attack Nico Robin on Night Attack
Iceberg Failed 20 times"
31. Behind door : "Attack Blueno on Sea Train Failed 20 times"
32. Magical ability : "Attack Baskerville on Enies Lobby Upper Failed 20 times"
33. Doors everywhere : "Attack Blueno Enies Lobby Lower Failed 50 times"
34. Grandma Wolf : "Attack Jabura on Justice Tower Upper Failed 36 times"
35. There is no dead end : "Attack Kaku on Justice Tower Lower Failed 49 times"
36. Six king gun! : Attack Lucci on Door of Justice Failed 64 times"
37. Phoenix chains : "Attack Puzzle on The mysterious pirate ship Failed 21 times"
38. Two places at once : "Attack Campachino on Ice Road Failed 24 Times." Two places at once :
"Attack Campachino on Ice Road Failed 24 Times."
39. Brotherhood! : "Attack Campachino on LOVELYLAND Failed 26 times"
40. Heat Unlimited : "Attack The Accino on Accino castle Failed 29 times"
41. Night Raid Bats : "Failed in Hildon Battlefield 20 Times."
42. Strange Doctors : "Failed in Hoogback Battlefield 30 Times."
43. Marry me! : "Failed in Perona Courtyard Battlefield 40 Times."
44. Three is a small arrow cut the tail : "Failed in Decisive Ryuma Battlefield 51
45. Fap, Fap, Fap : "Attack Perona on Ghost Perona Failed 20 Times."
46. Oz, Round and Round! : "Attack Oz on Giant Oz Failed 36 Times."
47. Chikage! : "Attack Moria on Gecko Moria Failed 48 Times."
48. Hot Spring Energy Canon! : "Attack Kitaro on Hot Spring Failed 20 Times."
49. Was Caught! : " Attack Macro on Flying Fish Failed 30 Times."
50. New Stuff : " Attack Bide on Sabaody Island Failed 50 Times."
51. Slave collar! : "Attack Disco on Auction Battle Failed 50 Times."
52. Hehe, you came for me : "Attack Denon Navy Elite on Fled Auction Failed 50 Times."

Tilt: potongan bulat halus
Cool: potongan bulat halus
Ganglunjiasi: potongan bulat halus

berbagi kebahagian,, untk prtma kalinya juara turney,,,
dgn bye 3x,,,,

topup dgn tcash

Terapi Air Putih :

1. Anjuran Minum 2 gelas air setelah bangun tidur, Ternyata

dapat membersihkan organ-organ Internal

2. Minum segelas air, 30menit sebelum makan dapat mmbantu fungsi lambung

3. Minum Segelas air sebelum mandi, dapat menurunkan tekanan

darah seluruh pencernaan

4. Minum Segelas air Seblum tidur, Mencegah Stroke + Serangan


Subhanallah, , ,

Islam Telah Mengatur Semuanya !

Yuschapunk pass 7eaa57



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