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The Suns Wobbles and the Earths Spiral Path

Figure 1 and Figure 2 (Enlarge)

Will J.R. Alexander et al. (2007) - Conventional illustrations show the Earth
orbiting around a static Sun. This is misleading. First, the Sun wobbles through
a tube of space and not along a smooth path at a constant velocity. Second,
the Earth orbits the Solar Systems Center of Mass (SSCM) and not the Suns
Center of Mass. The Earth therefore follows a spiral path as it moves through
space. This is illustrated in Figure 1. (It is important to note that the scales in
the figures 1 and 2 are highly compressed so that they can fit.)

The tube in the middle represents the volume of space that the Sun revolves
in and is about 3.7 * 10^6 km in diameter. The ecliptic plane is at a 45 angle
to the line of movement. The Earth to Sun distance (the chord length) varies,
depending on where the Sun is located in the tube. While the paths of the Sun
and the Earth are closely linked as they move through space, the changing
relative positions result in corresponding changes in the distance between

Figure 2 shows the path of the combined Center of Mass of the four major
planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, relative to the SSCM for the
period 19782006. Visualize the three-dimensional view of this figure with the
orbit path spiraling towards the viewer. Starting in 1978, the orbit maintains a
nearly constant distance from the SSCM. In 1985 the orbit starts moving closer
to the central point occupied by the SSCM. It swings around the SSCM,
reaching its closest position in 1990. It then spirals away from the SSCM until
1994. From 1995 through to 2000 there is little change in the displacement
from the SSCM. From 2001 through to 2006 it makes another approach to the
SSCM. As can be seen, these changes are not regular in time. They were
relatively unchanged from 1979 to 1985, and again from 1995 to 2000. They
changed rapidly from 1986 through to 1994, when they closely orbited the

The Sun follows a weighted reciprocal path but its Center of Mass is much
closer to the SSCM. It also accelerates and decelerates synchronously but
moves in the opposite direction in order to maintain the system in
equilibrium. The Sunspot minima occurred in 1986, 1996 and 2006. The
compass points on the figure are for reference purposes only. Note that the
Sunspot minima of 1986 and 1996 both occurred in the SW quadrant of the
figure, and that of 2006 in the NW quadrant when viewed from a position
ahead of the approaching Solar System. This is in an anticlockwise direction
relative to the forward clockwise movement of the spiral paths about the
SSCM followed by the orbiting components of the Solar System. The angular
distance followed by the orbit from 1986 to 1996 was 360 when it returned
to the same quadrant. It was only 270 from 1996 to 2006 when it did not
complete a full 360 rotation around the SSCM. The angles are approximate
but are amenable to calculation.
Table 1 and Figure 3 (Enlarge)
Influence of the Planets: Table 1 shows the positions of the Planetary
Systems Center of Mass (PCM) at the time of the Sunspot minima during the
period 19022006. The information in this table provides the first positive
linkage between solar activity and the hydro meteorological time series.
There is a statistically significant linkage with the double Sunspot cycle. He
found no statistically significant linkage with the single, 11-year cycle. His
analyses showed that these alternating cycles are associated with different
hydro meteorological characteristics. The periodic behavior of the Solar
System has a duration of 21 years (actually 20.8 years during the past
century), not 11 years. This explains why scientists have been unable to find a
linkage with the 11-year cycle, from which they erroneously concluded that
there is no linkage with solar activity. While the relative positions of the
planets are closely grouped in space at 21-year intervals, they are not precise
in either time or space. This is the reason for longer period cyclicity including
178 years and longer cycles.
Sunspot Production: The plane of the path of the orbiting planets and the
Sun must be at 45 to the line of motion of the Solar System. This is in order
to balance the gravitational forces of a three-dimensionally balanced group of
objects travelling at constant forward speed relative to that of the SSCM.
Each body in the Solar System will follow a three-dimensional spiral track
around the SSCM thus maintaining the groups constant forward speed. This
path will also be influenced by the changing positions of the major planets
relative to one another and the Suns reciprocal movement.

All bodies of the Solar System therefore have a combination of two velocities.
The dominant velocity component is the constant galactic velocity that is
followed by the SSCM. The orbital velocities of the individual bodies around
the SSCM are super- imposed on the galactic velocity. As they orbit the SSCM
their net forward velocity will be the galactic velocity plus the orbital velocity
(corrected for the 45 slope of the solar orbits) as they move forward in their
orbits around the SSCM, and the galactic velocity minus the orbital velocity as
they move backwards in their orbits around the SSCM. The net result is that
the galactic velocities equal that of the SSCM when the bodies directly trail or
lie directly ahead of the SSCM. The galactic velocities increase as they move
forward around the SSCM, and they decrease as they move backwards about
the SSCM. The galactic velocity of each body in the Solar System, including
the Sun, therefore alternately accelerates and decelerates within the galactic
plane as it orbits the SSCM. This is the crux of the issue. Once it is
appreciated that the reference system is the galactic plane and not the plane
of the Solar System, then everything else falls into place.

Sunspot production is a direct function of the Suns galactic acceleration and

deceleration, with Sunspot minima occurring when the Sun is directly ahead
or trailing the SSCM. There can be no doubt that it is the influence of the
changing relative positions of the major planets that is the direct cause of
Sunspot activity. The actual mechanism for Sunspot production as a result of
galactic velocity changes has yet to be determined, although several theories

The Suns Wobble: The distance of the Sun from the SSCM is the weighted
reciprocal of the distance of the combined Center of Mass of the orbiting
planets. Consequently, both the Suns distance from the SSCM and its galactic
velocity are continually changing. This creates a wobble in its path through
space. This can be calculated given the knowledge of the masses and orbits of
the four major planets. Figure 3 shows the Suns wobble as it moved through
galactic space during the period 1944 to 1958. During most of this time its
orbit was below that of the SSCM in this view. While the SSCM lies within the
body of the Sun most of the time, there are occasions when the Sun wobbles
outside the SSCM. This figure provides an indication of the extent of its
wobble as the Sun moves through space.

Earth to Sun Chord Distance: As a result of the Suns wobble, the chord
length between the Earth and the Sun and the amount of energy received by
the Earth will change accordingly. The next exercise is therefore to determine
the corresponding changes in the distance between the Earth and the Sun and
thereby the changes in the rate of solar energy reaching the Earth. This is
amenable to precise calculation. The calculation of the chord length between
the Earth and the Sun at any particular time has two components. The first is
the position of the Sun relative to the SSCM at that time. The second is the
elliptical path of the Earth about the SSCM. The Suns displacement from the
SSCM changes relatively slowly but the ecliptic direction of the Earth about
the Sun changes with the seasons. Figure 10 shows the dis- placement of the
position of the Sun from the SSCM during 1993 and its effect on variations in
solar energy received on Earth during that year.

The Depiction of Time and Space out of Scipio's Dream

It is common to think of statistical graphics and data visualization as relatively
modern developments in statistics. In fact, the graphic representation of quantitative
information has deep roots, reaching into the histories of the earliest map making
and visual depiction of astronomy, and later into thematic cartography and many
other fields. The idea of coordinates was used by ancient Egyptian surveyors in laying
out towns, earthly and heavenly positions were located by something akin to latitude
and longitude by at least 200 B.C., and the map projection of a spherical Earth into
latitude and longitude by Claudius Ptolemy (85165) in Alexandria would serve as
reference standards until the 14th century.

Planetary movements shown as cyclic inclinations over time, by an unknown

astronomer, appearing in a
10th-century appendix to commentaries by Macrobius on Ciceros Somnium Sciponis.
This is the earliest
known 2-dimensional charts (plotting time vs. celestial latitude; an apparent
anomaly is that it appears to
show the celestial latitude of the Sun varying with time); the scribe used horizontal
and vertical lines as
aids, resulting in a picture strikingly similar to modern graph paper as it did not
become commonly used
before the mid 19th century, some 700 years later. This picture is a notable anomaly,
as the earliest
comparable "graph" diagram do not emerge prior to the late medieval period, some
250 years after
this drawing was made. Source: Wikimedia.

Among the earliest graphical depictions of quantitative information is the above

anonymous 10th-century multiple time-series graph of the changing position of the
seven most prominent heavenly bodies over space and time. The vertical axis
represents the inclination of the planetary orbits; the horizontal axis shows time,
divided into 30 intervals. The sinusoidal variation with different periods is notable, as
is the use of a grid,suggesting both an implicit notion of a coordinate system and
something akin to graph paper, ideas that would not be fully developed until the
1600-1700s. In the 14th century, the idea of plotting a theoretical function (as a
proto bar graph) and the logical relation between tabulating values and plotting
them appeared in a work by Nicole Oresme (1323-1382), Bishop of Liseus, followed
somewhat later by the idea of a theoretical graph of distance vs. speed by Nicolas of

Sunspots and the Price of Corn and Wheat | William Stanley Jevons

William Stanley Jevons (18351882)

William Stanley Jevons (18351882) was a British economist and philosopher who
foreshadowed several developments of the 20th century. He is one of the main
contributors to the marginal revolution, which revolutionized economic theory and
shifted classical to neoclassical economics. He was the first economist to construct
index numbers, and he had a tremendous influence on the development of empirical
methods and the use of statistics and econometrics in the social sciences. Jevons also
analyzed business cycles, proposing that crises in the economy might not be random
events, but might be based on discernible prior causes. To clarify the concept, he
presented a statistical study relating business cycles with sunspots.

Daniel Kuester & Charles R. Britton (2000) - William Stanley Jevons summarized his
thoughts on the effects of weather on economic activity in three chapters of his book
Investigations in Currency and Finance (1909). An in-depth examination of these
essays reveals some very interesting conclusions. In the first essay entitled The
Solar Period and the Price of Corn (1875) he first investigates the striking similarity
between the length of many historical business cycles and the length of the average
length of the sunspot cycle. Jevons finds that the prices of most agricultural products
vary dramatically over an eleven year cycle. He cites English agricultural price data
from the years 1259-1400. The prices of wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas, and rye
reach a relative minimum in the second year of the cycle, an absolute maximum in
the fourth year of the cycle and an absolute minimum in the tenth year of the cycle
before recovering in the final year of the cycle and the first year of the new cycle.
There does appear to be a rather obvious and consistent trend in prices over these
eleven year periods. Jevons discovers that the data (English wheat prices from 1595-
1761) available to him in the Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations (1776) confirm
similar although less marked trends in agricultural prices.
Jevons does not discount other significant factors that might cause the rather
predictable nature of these business cycles. Technological advancements, wars, and
other factors independent of agricultural and weather cycles can and do exhibit
great influence over the economic well being of a nation. Also consumer confidence
or a lack thereof could cause significant variations in spending and employment.
However, Jevons believes that these consumer attitudes may also be related to the
sunspot theory and the corresponding droughts and bumper crops which may result.
If, then the English money market is naturally fitted to swing or roll in periods of
ten or eleven years, comparatively slight variations in the goodness of harvests
repeated at like intervals would suffice to produce those alterations of depression,
activity, excitement and collapse which undoubtedly recur in well- marked
succession. Jevons believes that if it were possible to accurately predict the sunspot
cycle and the corresponding bumper crops and droughts then it would also be
possible to predict impending economic crises.
In the second essay The Periodicity of Commercial Crisis and Its Physical
Explanation (1878) with Postscript (1882) W.S. Jevons continues his study. In this
essay he attempts to find empirical evidence to support his claim that business cycles
follow predictable patterns which can be tied to the length of the sunspot cycles.
Jevons claims that the relationship between weather patterns and business activity
display a stronger relationship in primarily agrarian societies such as India and Africa.
This claim makes this subject more meaningful in studying the relationship between
weather patterns and economic activity in arid and semi- arid lands.

One piece of empirical evidence which W.S. Jevons believed would strengthen his
sunspot business cycle theory actually has weakened this theory somewhat in
retrospect. There is more or less evidence that trade reached a maximum of
activity in or about the years 1701, 1711, 1721, 1732, 1742, 1753, 1763, 1772, 1783,
1793, 1805, 1815, 1825, 1837, 1847, 1857, 1866. These years marked by the bursting
of a commercial panic or not, are as nearly as I can judge, corresponding years, and
the intervals, vary only form nine to twelve years. There being in all an interval of
one hundred and sixty five years, broken into sixteen periods, the average length of
the period is about 10.3 years. Jevons points out that it is reasonable for the
business cycles to vary somewhat in duration as it is reasonable to expect that there
will be different lags between droughts and economic downturns based on
inventories available and on the variations in trade patterns and ability to obtain
imports quickly.

Potentially the most troubling conclusion that Jevons reached was that a sunspot
cycle and the corresponding changes in agricultural yield and national productivity
would follow a predictable pattern of approximately 10.3 years. Most astronomers
now believe that the sunspot cycle does indeed last approximately 11.11 years which
is somewhat troubling and is something that Jevons son attempts to address. This
potential difference in sunspot duration is a primary reason this subject has not been
studied as much as might be expected. However the findings of Garca-Mata and
Shaffner provide some credence to Jevons theory. Summing up, we can say that
from a statistical point of view there appears to be a clear correlation between the
major cycles of non-agricultural business activity in the United States and the solar
cycle of 11+ years. These authors also claim that it is reasonable that there could
be some variation in the duration between sunspot cycles and that there is evidence
that these cycles do correspond with business activity.

Christopher Scheiner's 1626 representation of the changes in sunspots over time

(1630, recordings
from 1611). Scheiner, a Jesuit astronomer, eventually published the definitive work
of the 17th
century on sunspots, in which he accepted Galileos argument that sunspots "move
like ships" on
the surface of the Sun. Scheiner and Galileo agreed that sunspots counted against
the Aristotelian
doctrine of celestial incorruptibility. Earlier Jesuits had been open on this point.
Clavius argued
for the corruptibility of the heavens after the nova of 1572. Scheiner here publicized
the fact that
the Jesuit theologian Robert Bellarmine had argued for the igneous nature of the
stars and the
corruptibility of the heavens even before 1572 on the basis of biblical exegesis and
the tradition
of the Church Fathers. Cardinal Orsini paid for the printing of this lavish work (Rosa
Ursina - The
Rose of Orsini, 1630).

The third essay on sunspots and the business cycle was entitled Commercial Crisis
and Sun-Spots Part I (1878) and Part II (1879) completed W. S. Jevons thoughts on
the relationship of weather and business activity. In this essay he continues to discuss
the existence of a solar cycle of 10.45 years as being wholly consistent with his
findings and being a better predictor of economic variables than the now widely used
duration of 11.11 years. Despite this potentially unfortunate conclusion Jevons
elaborates on the potential relationship between solar and weather cycles and
economic activity. He concludes that solar patterns should be studied to determine if
a causal relationship does indeed exist between solar patterns and economic activity.
If so, then policies should be enacted to reduce the magnitude of the
contraction/recession parts of the business cycle. Jevons further elaborates on the
importance of the solar cycle on consumer confidence and spending. From that sun
which is truly of this great world both eye and soul we derive our strength and our
weakness, our success and our failure, our elation in commercial mania, and our
despondency and ruin in commercial collapse. Jevons also finds more empirical
evidence that corn prices in Delhi reach maximum and minimum in a similar eleven
year pattern which has been exhibited in Europe. Once more this theory seems much
more applicably to arid and semi-arid regions such as India.

Sunspot illustration from Scheiner's Rosa Ursina, 1630.

William Stanley Jevons son H. Stanley Jevons continued his work on sunspots and
published Changes at the Suns Heat as the Cause of Fluctuations of the Activity of
Trade and of Unemployment in Contemporary Review in 1909. He reissued it in a
monograph entitled The Suns Heat and Trade Activity (1910) in which he further
examined and elaborated on the subject. H. S. Jevons believed that his father had
some excellent ideas in relating the sunspot theory to the length of business cycles
although he does acknowledge some of the criticisms which have been leveled at the
work W.S. Jevons did. He states that the suns activity has some effect on economic
outcomes and while it is not the only variable which should be considered when
formulating economic policy it is worth considering when formulating economic

H.S. Jevons acknowledges that his father was in error when he claimed that he solar
cycle would only last approximately 10.45 years. He claims that W.S. Jevons
attempted to oversimplify his findings and he ignored some events which created
economic booms and busts which had nothing to do with arid lands agricultural
productivity. This is what led him to the false 10.45 year business cycle predictor.
However he found that wheat production in the United States displayed significant
variation during the nineteenth century and reached its peak approximately every
11.11 years. He found a direct relationship between solar activity and wheat
production in the United States. H.S. Jevons believes that the eleven year sunspot
cycle is actually a combination of three shorter sunspot cycles which were just over
three years in duration. There would be a period of drought approximately every 3.5
years and a period of cold damp weather approximately every 3.5 years. This great
harvest would precipitate a trade boom according to Jevons. He finds data that
suggest the production of pig iron and agricultural produce in the United States were
closely related and followed the sunspot cycle closely. He also states that on
occasion the business cycle will only correspond with two of these shorter sunspot
cycles explaining the variation in business cycles between seven and eleven years.
This can explain the error that W.S. Jevons did not understand about the variation in
the length of business cycles. H.S. Jevons provides several suggestions as to how this
information about solar activity can be useful. He believes that if output and
therefore trade can be expected to decline in the near future that there should be
wage cuts to attempt to ensure full employment. This suggestion is not reasonable
today but if we are going to engage in interventionary fiscal and monetary policy the
potential to predict shortfalls in productivity and potentially consumer confidence
can have meaningful implications for expansionary monetary policies being enacted.
This is particularly useful if there are actual psychological ties between solar activity
and consumers attitudes which sounds far fetched but may occur. Jevons also
recommends less domestic reliance on crops would reduce the variation in economic
prosperity. While crop production is still important in many arid and semi-arid lands,
this is not as meaningful to the economy as it was when Jevons wrote.

The Wheel of Time | Raymond H. Wheeler's Drought Clock

Peter Temple (Feb 5, 2017) - Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler (1892-1961) developed a clock
to forecast recurring droughts, which coincided with colder climates. He found that
every 170 years, the climate would turn colder and dryer, social mood would turn
negative, civil wars would proliferate, and the economy would suffer from financial

Although he completed his work during the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, he was able to
accurately forecast the second half of the 20th century, based upon the cycles that
occurred over and over again like clockwork from 600 BC through today. The Drought
Clock shows shorter 100 Year Cycles of cold and dry which are compounded by the
larger degree 170 Year Cycle, when they happen at the same time. You can see that
he forecast the start of a cold, dry 170 Year Cycle just before the year 2000. Cold dry
periods in history have almost always led to droughts (limited access to food), civil
wars, riots, and economic recessions or depressions [...] The 515 Year Climate Cycle
is also a major Civilization Cycle where virtually everything around us changes

Fibonacci-Relation between Lunar Cycle and Rainfall in the U.S. | 1900 -


The Effect of Sunspot Activity on the Stock Market | Charles J. Collins

Charles J. Collins (1965) - Solar phenomena have been a source of scientific interest
and investigation since Sir William Herschel, in 1801,found a correlation between
sunspot activity and terrestrial phenomena [...] Modern science is giving considerable
attention to solar phenomena in relation to disruption of the earth's magnetic field,
to human health, and to weather, including rainfall, temperature, and cyclone
frequency. The security analyst's interest is more directly concerned with the
directly concerned with the effect of solar phenomena on business, and on
speculation as evidenced by the ebb and flow of prices over our stock exchanges
[This paper points] out one simple correlation of solar-stock market movements that
will, fortunately, come to another test within the two or three years ahead. This is
an apparent relationship between a recurrent phase of each sunspot cycle and an
important stock market peak. The matter is of interest at this time for the reason
that considerable attention is being given by students of the stock market as to when
the broad advance that has been under way for a number of years is to reach a
terminal point. This sunspot correlation, as discussed below, may throw some light
on the subject. Briefly stated: It appears that an important market peak has been
witnessed or directly anticipated when, in the course of each new sunspot cycle,
the yearly mean of observed sunspot numbers has climbed above 50.

[...] Over the 94-year period under review, there were seven completed sunspot
cycles, and it appears that an eighth was completed and a new cycle was started in
1964.During these eight cycles, not onlywas an important stock market peak
concurrently witnessed (1881, 1892, 1916, 1936,1946, 1956)or directly anticipated
(1906, 1929) by the above-50 count in sunspots, but, in four instances (1881, 1916,
1929, 1936), the designated peaks also marked the extreme or secular peaks for the
entire sunspot cycle. The year 1890 seems an exception. In May of that year, the
stock index reached its high of 5.62. In August 1892, the 5.62 level was again
attained and, as concerns the yearly mean of the monthly stock indexes, the year
1892 peaked at 5.55, as compared with 5.27 for the year 1890 [...] In other words, in
six instances, important stock market peaks and the sunspot climb above 50 came
the same year, the two exceptions being 1906 and 1929. As to the 1906 exception, it
will be noted, from the monthly range stock market chart, that the market peaked in
January of that year, with December 1905 not far behind the January 1906 peak.

From a study of stock market history in relation to solar phenomena, a second

theorem may be adduced: In each solar cycle, the largest stock market decline, in
terms of percentage drop, comes after the sunspot number, on an annual basis,
has climbed above 50. In the light of the foregoing observation, the 94 years of
sunspot activity under review seems to occupy a rather narrow latitude for
dogmatism. Thus, the preceding remarks should not betaken as a definitive prognosis
of pending stock market behavior. Instead, they present a rather interesting
correlation that has existed for a period of years between sunspot activity and major
market peaks. Ergo, since the solar cycle is now at a point germane to this
correlation, it seems worthwhile to present the previous relationship and await
events, not without interest, of course, but mostly in the spirit of an enquiring
Originally printed in Financial Analysts Journal, November-December 1965; reprinted in
Cycles Magazine in March 1966, and again in Cycles Magazine, Vol. 40, No. 3,
September/October 1989]; editor's postscript of the 1989 reprint: "It is interesting to
note the relation between above-50 crossingsand the stock market since 1965. In July
1966, the mean sunspot number moved above 50. The stock market shortly thereafter
plunged in a major correction. In January 1978, the mean sunspot number again went
above 50. The stock market, which had been in a downtrend, continued into a bottom
after this date. In October 1987, the mean sunspot number went well above 50 to 60.~
and the 1987 crash followed. The mean sunspot number will next rise above 50 in
about 1998."

The Sunspot Cycle and Stocks | Robert R. Prechter, Jr. and Peter
Robert R. Prechter, Jr. and Peter Kendall (2000) - Some effects from solar radiation
are well documented. Sunspots disrupt satellite systems, radio transmissions and
electric power grids. In the realm of mass human activity, the suns role has been a
source of speculation since the dawn of civilization. In 1926, Professor A. C.
Tchijevsky traced the sunspot activity back through 500 B.C. and found that it
produced nine waves of human excitability per century. As sunspot activity
approaches maximum, Tchijevsky found, the number of mass historical events
taken as whole increases. [...] the Wave Principle and unconscious human herding
behavior as a function of the human limbic system, which is the gatekeeper of
emotion within the human brain. However, the limbic system is not necessarily
independent of outside forces. As the radiating center of our solar system and the
wellspring of practically all the energy on the planet, the sun is certainly an
intriguing contender for some degree of external mass mental influence.
Why does the stock market typically peak before sunspots do? One very plausible
explanation is that the collective tendency to speculate peaks out along with the
rate of change in sunspot activity. If sunspots affect humans positive-mood
excitability, that appears to be the point of maximum effect. When we explored this
possible explanation, we found something additionally interesting.
The figure above shows that as the solar radiation thrown off by the sun increases to
a maximum rate (shown by our optimized 39-month rate of change in sunspot
numbers), the human urge to speculate in general hits a fever pitch. Two months
after the rate-of-change peak in 1916, the stock market established an all-time high
that was not materially exceeded until the sunspot count was accelerating again in
the mid-1920s. The next rate-of-change peak in October 1926 preceded the final
stock market high by a full three years, but the speculative fever that accompanied
the Florida land boom ended almost coincidentally, about two months earlier. The
next peak was a double top that finished in February 1937, one month before a major
stock market high. In 1947 and 1967, the rate of change peaked within 13 months of
major stock peaks. In 1957, the peak coincided with with the all-time high in the
advance-decline line, which stands to this day. The September 1979 peak was four
months before a century-long high in precious metals prices. The August 1989 peak
accompanied the all-time high in the Nikkei and the end of a big real estate boom in
California and Japan. Since scientists grasp of the sunspot cycle is based on
empirical observation rather than an understanding of what causes it, there is no way
to verify that a rising rate of sunspot activity is behind these outbreaks. However,
the speculative fall-off in the wake of every peak since 1916 is itself strong evidence
of an effect. The latest peak rate of change came in December 1999, and that sets
up a test. Will this peak in sunspots mark the end of the greatest mania in the history
of the stock market?

"Lower sunspot cycle maximums portend the largest bear markets."

"Shortly before a sunspot cycle hits bottom, stocks turn up." [Chart HERE]

On the Insignificance of Herschels Sunspot Correlation | Jeffrey J. Love

William Herschel started to examine the correlation of solar variation and solar cycle
and climate. Over a period of 40 years (17791818), Herschel had regularly observed
sunspots and their variations in number, form and size. Most of his observations took
place in a period of low solar activity, the Dalton minimum, when sunspots were
relatively few in number. This was one of the reasons why Herschel was not able to
identify the standard 11-year period in solar activity. Herschel compared his
observations with the series of wheat prices published by Adam Smith in The Wealth
of Nations.In 1801, Herschel reported his findings to the Royal Society and indicated
five prolonged periods of few sunspots correlated with the price of wheat. Herschel's
study was ridiculed by some of his contemporaries but did initiate further attempts
to find a correlation. Later in the 19th century, William Stanley Jevons proposed the
11-year cycle with Herschel's basic idea of a correlation between the low amount of
sunspots and lower yields explaining recurring booms and slumps in the economy.
Herschel's speculation on a connection between sunspots and regional climate, using
the market price of wheat as a proxy, continues to be cited. However, according to a
study of Jeffrey J. Love of the USGS the evaluation is controversial and the
significance of the correlation is doubted:

Jeffrey J. Love (Aug 27, 2013) - Our nding is that Herschels hypothesis is
statistically insignicant [...] All of the data Herschel discussed in his 1801 paper
were collected prior to 1717, during the Maunder Minimum and long before his paper
was published. His identication of ve durations of time with few sunspots and
inated wheat prices and ve other durations that might have had sunspots and
which had deated prices [Herschel, 1801, pp. 313-316] would be an unlikely
realization of binary statistics, but it is not clear whether or not Herschel was
inspired to state his hypothesis after inspection of these data. Having said this,
Herschel acknowledged that predictions based on his hypothesis ought not be relied
on by any one, with more condence than the arguments ... may appear to deserve
[Herschel, 1801, p. 318]. Today, we have considerably more data than were available
to Herschel; these were collected both before and after he stated his hypothesis, and
they can be used for both retrospective and prospective testing. For London wheat
prices both before 1801 and, separately, after 1802, binary signicance probabilities
and Pearson correlations and their effective probabilities are [...] indicative of
statistical signicance. While solar irradiance may affect global climate, from our
analysis of data of the type considered by Herschel, we conclude that historical
wheat prices are not demonstrably useful for inferring past sunspot numbers, and,
conversely, sunspot numbers are not demonstrably useful for predicting future wheat

Droughts and Floods vs Jupiter-Saturn Cycle and Lunar Declination


When the sunspot and lunar cycles coincide there are distinct rainfall peaks. The
18.6 year Lunar cycle
created flood years in Central Victoria in 1954-56, 1973-75, 1992-93 and 2010-11. The
2010-11 floods in
northern Australia reflected a peak lunar rain-enhancement cycle. This particular
lunar cycle was strongly
enhanced by the closely synchronised 19.86 year Jupiter-Saturn Synodic Cycle.

Kevin Long (Jul 7, 2011) - Planetary and lunar cycles play an important part in
shaping the climate, and also Australias flood and drought cycles are influenced by
these forces. The Central Victorian rainfall records reveal that the 18.6 year lunar
declination cycle and the 19.86 year synodic cycle of Jupiter-Saturn can each
enhance or diminish average rainfall over prolonged periods resulting in extreme
flood and extreme drought cycles. When these two cycles are closely in-phase with
each other and are supported by the El Nino or the La Nina cycle, extreme droughts
and extreme floods are likely to occur. This was the case during the early months of
2011 and enhanced by a very strong La Nina cycle during the preceding 9 months.
Another major drought period is scheduled to occur around the middle of this lunar
cycle (2020).

The above graph shows the long-term rainfall record for Bendigo in Central Victoria,
Australia. The Central Victorian climate is particularly sensitive to any changes in
average air movements (air tides). This is due to the generally flat terrain of the
area, which means the effects of the cosmic cycles are more prominent than in most
other places in the world. This can be seen to occur with about 80% reliability during
the last 66 years. The dominating effects are most obvious when a four-year rolling
average line is used (thick line). The spacing of the recent droughts to flood periods
appears to closely follow the 9.3 year rule (i.e. half of the 18.6 year moon cycle).
Peaks and troughs relative to the Bendigos long-term average of 544 mm are:

1944 Severe drought (284 mm)

1954-56 Typical three years of major floods (average 737 mm)
1967 Severe drought (278 mm)
1973-75 Wettest ever three year flood period (average 861 mm).
1982 Driest year on record (206mm)
1992-93 Two years of flood period (averaging 729 mm per year
2002 After 9 years of declining average rainfall, 2002 delivered only 271mm
2010 Eleven consecutive months of above-average rainfall set a new Bendigo
record of 1061 mm.

Solar and Economic Relationships | Garca Mata & Shaffner

Carlos Garcia-Mata & Felix Ira Shaffner (1934) - It is common knowledge that people
from all walks of life and every station of society participated in what is now
generally agreed was - considering the number of persons and transactions involved -
the greatest speculative mania of modern times. The bursting of this speculative
bubble at the end of 1929 affords an excellent opportunity for something analogous
to an experiment on the correlation of turning points in solar and speculative
activity. Stock prices had experienced an extraordinary rise from a level of around
100 in 1924 to approximately 320 in the first half of 1929.
[] With this in mind, we compared monthly data of speculation in 1929 with
variations in solar phenomena for the same year [] In the upper part of the chart
the solar-radiation curve is plotted upside down to help visualize the inverse
correlation. Another comparison between business and solar data was made
employing an index computed since August, 1924, by the Mount Wilson Observatory.
This is an index of a part of the solar spectrum, the ultraviolet rays, which, it will be
remembered, vary within a much wider range than the total solar radiation curve.
This index was reduced to a 12-month moving average to make it comparable with
the rest of the chart. Although the period is so short that nothing statistical can be
deduced, the existence of a direct correlation with the business curve is apparent
[] For an index of American speculative sentiment, we chose Professor W.L. Crum's
index of industrial stock prices, known as Barron's Averages, because they are
constructed to portray the speculative movement of stock prices rather than the
trend of investment prices.
[...] A glance at the chart will show a striking similarity in the date of the turning
points. Furthermore, contrary to expectations, the behavior of the two curves during
the whole year is similar. The lowest prices for common stocks in the New York and
London Stock Exchanges were reached in the first half of July 1932 [...] The [third]
chart shows the curious fact that the recession in the last quarter of 1932 is also
visible in the solar curve. And it is interesting to note that the solar curve makes a
second low in February, 1933, turning up again in the following months. Although this
is a fact, too much should not be expected of comparisons for the year 1933 because,
except for clear solar changes which are sudden and which can be associated with
the turning points, it is too much to hope for an exact month-to-month correlation.
In the years in which the speculative curves moved steadily up or down, such as in
1930-31 and previous to 1929, no clear moth-to-month relation has been found
between solar and speculative short swings, except for the seasonal movements of
the speculative curve in the down swing, which perhaps can be associated with the
similar seasonal variations of the solar-terrestrial physical curves such as magnetic
activity and aurora borealis.

An Astronomer's Magnetic Theory of Astrology | Percy Seymour

Woodcut from Nrnberg, Germany, showing the Seven-Planet-
Conjunction in Pisces in 1524. The upper caption reads:
A practica concerning the major and extensive interaction of the
planets which will appear in the year 1524 and without a doubt will
bring many wonderful things. [British Library C.71.h.14]

In 1997 Percy Seymour, Director of the William Day Planetarium and principal
lecturer in astronomy at the University of Plymouth in the U.K., published The
Scientific Basis of Astrology. He was holding doctorates in astronomy and
astrophysics, and his expertise in magnetic fields had won him academic acclaim.
Prof. Seymour outlined his Magnetic Theory of Astrology as follows:

It is now accepted by almost all scientists that the sunspot cycle effects the
magnetic field of Earth, and the agency responsible for this effect, the solar wind,
has been detected. It is also beyond doubt that the Moon causes tides in the upper
atmosphere which give rise to electric currents, and these generate the lunar daily
magnetic variation. There is also plenty of evidence that both the steady state as
well as the fluctuating behavior of the geomagnetic field can be used by organisms,
including man, for purposes of finding direction and keeping internal body time. This
much is all well documented, and widely accepted. There is evidence, largely
ignored, that positions and movements of planets as seen from the Sun, play a major
role in the solar cycle.

Furthermore, there is some evidence - highly controversial but difficult to dismiss -

that some positions of the planets as seen from Earth at time of birth and linked to
personality characteristics of individuals. This evidence exists. What my theory does
is to prepare an interpretation, based on this evidence, which can be scientifically
tested. Very briefly the steps are:

1. Planets effect the solar cycle in specific ways.

2. The solar cycle effects the geomagnetic field.
3. The geomagnetic field affects life on Earth in certain observed ways.
4. Specifically, many species, including man, can be influenced by particular
states of the geomagnetic field.
5. The particular influences appear to correlate with the planetary positions.
6. I propose that the behavior of the fetus at the time of birth is linked to the
cycles within the geomagnetic field, which in turn are influenced by the solar
cycle and positions of the planets. Resonance is the phenomenon by which the
fetus is phase locked to specific cycles.

To put this in more specific terms, my theory proposes that the planets Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune control the direction of the convective motions within
the Sun, which generate the solar magnetic field. They do so because they play the
major role in moving the sun about the common center of mass of the solar system.
As the solar cycle builds up to a maximum, so certain configurations of all the
planets, at different stages, play a part in the disrupting the magnetic field of the
sun, by means of the tidal tug (due to gravitation) of the planets on the hot gases in
the Sun. Thus the planets play a role in the modulation of Earth's magnetic field by
the solar wind. I am also proposing that the tidal tug of the planets on the hot gases
trapped within our magnetosphere will, because of resonance, lock some of the
vibrations of the Earth's field in step with the planetary movements. The resulting
fluctuations of Earth's field are picked up by the nervous system of the fetus, which
acts like an antenna, and these synchronize the internal biological clocks of the fetus
which control the moment of birth. The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is
carried on by the genes which it inherits, and these to some extent will determine its
basic genetically inherited personality characteristics. Thus the positions of the
planets at birth are not altering what we have inherited genetically but are labeling
our basic inherited personality characteristics. (see also HERE)
A Theory of Astrology | L. Edward Johndro
In the 1930s electrical engineer and astrologer L. Edward Johndro (1882-1951) and
astrologer Charles Jayne (1911-1985) simultaneously contributed to the
development of the GEM Theory (Gravity, Electrical, Magnetism). In 1929 Johndro
presented his Theory of Astrology as follows:

Tesla demonstrated years ago that the earth is at a relatively constant electrical
potential or charge of some seven million volts. It may now be accepted that all
material bodies are in a state of relative charge, negative or positive, with respect to
each other - man, atoms, earth, planets and stars, and that this manifests as love,
cohesion, magnetism or gravitation, or their wholly illusionary opposite (repulse),
according as the law manifests in a magnitude series ranging from the microcosm to
the macrocosm.

[...] We cannot escape the fact that the earth is a charged body at a potential of
millions or volts, nor can we easily escape the conclusion that the other planets are
in a state of high charge. While that man is a charged body, with an accompanying
electromagnetic field, is easily demonstrated by countless experiments [...] Suns and
stars (not planets) are radioactive [...] they emit electromagnetic waves which,
because of their exceedingly high frequency, we term light [...] The sun and stars,
the planets, the earth, and man upon the earth are charged bodies, and that all their
accompanying electromagnetic fields intersect and interact.

[...] The planets reflect light waves and they each, have a different natural
frequency of oscillatory response to the solar and stellar light waves which constantly
bombard them (consequently their reflected light is variously tinted) and that the
phase angles of their field couplings, as their relative movements in space change
them, changes the power factor at these frequencies; accept also the fact that these
planetary frequencies, being of a far lower order than those of the sun and stars-a
mere octave of lower harmonics, since they emit no light of their own, are within the
range of man's sensibilities to subconsciously detect and respond to.

[...] The solar waves continually directly bombard half the earth [...] they are also
reflected to the earth by the Moon and planets [...] These waves constantly interact
with the earth's electromagnetic field [...] as the inductive couplings of the earth,
sun and planets change their mutual angular relations in space.
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Earth
each have a surrounding interactive sphere. These spheres have magnetic poles. At
the magnetic poles there can be auroral ovals. One auroral oval sits above the
attracting magnetically negative pole and the other above the discharging
magnetically positive pole. The discharge travels through open space. It follows the
path of least resistance and greatest attraction to cover vast distances while creating
continuous waves in the yielding dark and cold medium of interplanetary space. The
discharge energy from a planet is drawn in by Earths magnetic field and enters
Earths environmental sphere. Some energy is visible light. Some become
quarks and hadrons and neutrons and protons, and hydrogen atoms a universal
building block that interacts with the nitrogen rich atoms of Earths atmospheric
environment. Electron beams from interplanetary space hit Earth along a ring shaped
oval where cathode rays interact with high speed electrons. This creates an
electrical discharge powered by the solar wind that interacts with the
magnetosphere. Solar wind and the effects of solar discharges upon the solar wind
create a pressurizing mechanism for the continuous auroral flow at the negative
(incoming) pole that will contain travelling matter and unique signatures from all of
the planets in our solar system. On Earth, the planetary discharges arrive channelled
by the magnetic field and are drawn through the negative auroral oval and through
electromagnetic commonality and through biophysical processes are acted upon
by human beings.

Harmony of the Spheres | Dance of the Planets

James Fergusons (1710-1776) representation of the apparent motion of the Sun,

Mercury, and Venus from the Earth, based on similar diagrams by Giovanni Cassini
(1625-1712) and Roger Long (1680-1770). Taken from the "Astronomy" article in the
first edition of the Encyclopdia Britannica (1771; Volume 1, Fig. 2 of Plate XL facing
page 449). This geocentric diagram shows, from the location of the Earth, the Sun's
apparent annual orbit, the orbit of Mercury for 7 years, and the orbit of Venus for 8
years, after which Venus returns to almost the same apparent position in relation to
the Earth and Sun. In Arabic, Venus is called El Zahra - the flower. See HERE +

Earth - Mercury Cycle.

This and all following graphics by John Martineau.
Earth - Venus Cycle:
Earth = 8 years x 365.256 days/year = 2,922.05 days
Venus = 13 years x 224.701 days/year = 2,921.11 days (ie. 99.9%)

Earth - Mars Cycle.

Earth - Jupiter Cycle.

Saturn - Uranus Cycle.

Jupiter - Saturn Cycle.

Venus - Mars Cycle.

The radius of the Moon compared to the Earth's is 3:11

Radius of Moon = 1,080 miles = 3 x 360

Radius of Earth = 3,960 miles = 11 x 360 = 33 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
Radius of Earth plus Radius of Moon = 5,040 miles = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 7 x 8 x 9
x 10
The ratio 3:11 is 27.3%, and the orbit of the Moon takes 27.3 days, which is also the
average rotation period of a sunspot. The closest to farthest distance ratio that
Venus and Mars each experiences in the Mars-Venus dance is also 3:11. The Earth
orbits between them. The sizes of the Moon and the Earth is drawn to scale in the
last illustration above, where the perimeters of the dotted square and the dotted
circle are of the same length: The perimeter of the dotted red square is 4 x Earths
diameter = 4 x 7,920 miles = 31,680 miles. The circumference of the dotted blue
circle is 2 pi x radius = 2 x 3.142 x 5040 miles = 31,667 miles (ie. 99.9%).

The Measure of the Circle | Math for Mystics

Pi () is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
As a fraction, its closest approximations are 22/7, 333/106 and 355/113.
Projection on the plane of the ecliptic of the parabolic
orbits of 72 comets, 1802. Engraving by Wilson Lowry after
Johann Elert Bode.

Circle of Fifths, and relationship of relative

minor keys to major key signatures.

"The circle is one of the noblest representations of Deity, in his noble works of
human nature. It bounds, determines, governs, and dictates space, bounds latitude
and longitude, refers to the Sun, Moon, and all the planets, in direction, brings to
the mind thoughts of eternity, and concentrates the mind to imagine for itself the
distance and space it comprehends. It rectifies all boundaries; it is the key to
information of the knowledge of God; it points to each and every part of God's noble

John Davis (1845): The Measure of the Circle [p. 12].

Wheels Within Wheels | The Vedic Concept Of Time

"Outside of the three planetary systems, the four Yugas multiplied

by one thousand comprise one day on the planet of Brahma. A similar
period comprises a night of Brahma, in which the creator of the
universe goes to sleep."
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, Chapter 11, Text 22

The Vedas and the Puranas describe a number of time cycles within cycles, from
Paramanu (about 17 microseconds) to Maha-Manvantara (311.04 trillion years). The
creation and destruction of the universe is a cyclic process, which repeats itself
forever. Each cycle starts with the birth and lifetime of the Universe equaling 311.04
trillion years, followed by its complete annihilation which also prevails for the same
duration (HERE).

The universe always existed. It was not created, and the concept of eternal and
cyclical time lies at the heart of the Hindu philosophy. In the Hindu conception of
time there is no final cataclysm. The closing of one door implies the opening of
Michael A. Cremo (1996): "Linear-progressivist time concepts [...]
pose a substantial barrier to truly objective evaluation of the
archeological record and to rational theory- building in the
area of human origins and antiquity." (HERE+ HERE)

Destruction of the cosmos only portends its re-creation. The entire material world is
thus subject to everlasting cycles of creation, sustenance and destruction. This idea
is closely related to the concept of Atman (the eternal self), ever-existing, not only
in the future but also from the past. This notion of two-way eternity, however, is not
reserved solely for the realm of spirit (Brahman) but extends to this temporal world.
This universe exists for the lifetime of Brahma, the creator. His one day is 1,000
Maha-Yugas (Great Ages). The Puranic concept of time involves cycles of Yugas
(Ages), each progressively shorter and more degraded.

Each Yuga cycle is composed of four Yugas. The first, Satya-Yuga, is the Golden age
and lasts 1,728,000 years. The second is the Silver Age, the Treta-Yuga, which lasts
1,296,000 years. The third is the Bronze Age, the Dvapara-Yuga, which lasts for
864,000 years. And the fourth is the Iron Age, the Kali-Yuga, lasting for 432,000
years. This gives a total of 4.32 million years for the entire Maha-Yuga cycle, the
period of a Great Year.

One thousand of such cycles 4.32 billion years make up one Day of Brahma, the
demigod who governs the universe. One Day of Brahma is called a Kalpa. Each of
Brahma's Nights lasts as long as his day. Life is manifest on earth only during the day
of Brahma. With the onset of Brahma's night, the entire universe is devastated and
plunged into darkness. When another day of Brahma begins, life again becomes
manifest. Each Day of Brahma is divided into 14 Manvantara periods, each lasting 71
Yuga cycles. Preceding the first and following each Manvantara period is a juncture
(sandhya). Typically, each Manvantara period ends with a partial devastation.

Today we are living in the 28th Yuga cycle of the 7th Manvantara period of the
present Day of Brahma. This would give the inhabited earth an age of 2.3 billion
years. Altogether, 453 Yuga cycles have elapsed since this Day of Brahma began.
Each Yuga cycle involves a progression from a golden age of peace and spiritual
progress to a final age of violence and spiritual degradation. At the end of each Kali-
Yuga, the earth is practically depopulated.

Currently, 50 years of Brahma have elapsed. The last kalpa at the end of 50th year is
called padma kalpa. We are currently in the first 'day' of the 51st year. This Brahma's
Day, Kalpa, is named as Shveta-Varaha Kalpa. Within this Day, 6 Manvantaras have
already elapsed and this is the 7th Manvantara, named as Vaivasvatha Manvantara.
Within this Vaivasvatha Manvantara, 27 Maha-Yugas, and the Krita, Treta and
Dwapara Yugas of the 28th Maha-Yuga have elapsed.

The current Kali Yuga began at midnight of February 17th to February 18th in 3102
BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar. As per the information above about Yuga
periods, only 5,118 years are passed out of 432,000 years of current Kali Yuga, and
hence another 426,882 years are left to complete this 28th Kali Yuga of Vaivaswatha
Manvantara.The time elapsed since the current Brahma has taken over the task of
creation can be calculated as

432,000 10 1000 2 = 8.64 billion years (2 Kalpa - Day and Night)

8.64 109 30 12 = 3.1104 Trillion Years (1 Year of Brahma)
3.1104 1,012 50 = 155.52 Trillion years (50 Years of Brahma)
(6 71 4,320,000) + 7 1.728 10^6 = 1,852,416,000 years elapsed in the first six
Manvataras, and Sandhi Kalas in the current Kalpa
27 4,320,000 = 116,640,000 years elapsed in first 27 Maha-Yugas of the current
1.728 10^6 + 1.296 10^6 + 864,000 = 3,888,000 years elapsed in the current
3,102 + 2,016 = 5,118 years elapsed in the current Kali Yuga.

So the total time elapsed since current Brahma is: 155,520,000,000,000 +

1,852,416,000 + 116,640,000 + 3,888,000 + 5,115 = 155,521,972,949,117 years (one
hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred twenty-one billion, nine hundred seventy-two
million, nine hundred forty-nine thousand, one hundred seventeen years) as of 2016
The main time cycle governing mankind is the precessional cycle:
The period of 25,000 years the seasons in the life of humanity.
Surya Siddhanta: "A lunar month, of as many lunar days (tithi);
a solar (saura) month is determined by the entrance of the sun
into a sign of the zodiac; twelve months make a year. This is
called a day of the gods."
Primordial Tones | The World Is Sound

Joachim-Ernst Berendt (1987) - According to the Law of the Octave, the duration of a
planet's rotation, that is, the time a celestial body takes to revolve around its own
axis and/or the time it needs for one orbit around the Sun, can be transposed into
tones and colors. The tones and colors are analogous to rotation and revolution. In
order to arrive at the frequency in Hertz (vibrations per second) from an astronomic
period, the reciprocal value has to be formed of the duration (expressed in seconds)
[...] The Earth, for instance, has a rotation period of 24 hr, or to be more precise, of
23 hr. 56 min, and 4s, totaling 86,164s. If one takes the reciprocal value, that is,
divides 1 by this number, a frequency of 0.00001160577 (an inaudible G) is obtained.
Though this G is below the hearing range (which starts at about 16 Hz). transposing it
by 24 octaves will create an audible G.

[...] Tones exist, whether we hear them or not. Any music lover knows that a melody
can resound within even when it is not being played. A composer hears the music
within while notating it and before any sound has been made. For this reason,
transposing by octaves is a legitimate process. Even scientists are using it (for
instance, to transpose sound of deep sea fish and bats from the ultrasonic range into
human audibility or to better understand signals of pulsars and other stars). The
octave (1:2) is the most frequent relationship in the universe - not only in music, but
anywhere in nature, from the micro- to the macro-cosmos. We use the same names
for tones that are octaves apart [...] When a cell divides in mitosis, it chooses the
"position" of the octave. The result is the "same cell" again. An octave may vibrate at
twice or half the rate (or in powers of two or one-half) but it still is the same tone. It
may split the one in two parts or double it, and the result is the same again. Its
frequency may be completely different from the basic tone, many Hertz above or
below it, but the result is still the same tone again. The octave is the most
convincing symbol of unity that we can find in nature. And in nature, it is

[...] Because the Law of the Octave is universal, one can continue transposing by
octaves to reach the electromagnetic vibrations of colors. From the tone of the Earth
(194.71 Hz) another 36 octaves are required to reach 700.16 Nm (Nanometer), which
is analogous to the color of orange-red (also analogous to the tone G and to the
rotation of the Earth around the Sun). However, the range of human vision is limited
to only one octave compared with the ten octaves of the hearing range [...] The tone
of the Earth is the most important tone for all living beings on this planet, whether
we leave it inaudible or make it audible by transposing it into higher octaves. It is
with this tone that we rise in the morning and go to bed at night; to this tone we do
our work, we get hungry, and we love. But other planetary vibrations and tones,
especially those of the Sun, the Moon, Venus. Mars, and Jupiter, also vibrate directly
into our earthly existence. This is why I call them primordial tones [...] For millions
of years, longer and more steadily than any other comparable vibration, the Earth.
Sun, Moon, and the planets have been vibrating in cosmic space. Our genes and those
of all living beings have experienced these vibrations so often that the processes and
mechanisms of genetic programming must have stored them long ago.

[...] The period from Full Moon to Full Moon (the "synodical month") lasts 29 days, 12
hr, 44 min and 2.8s; a total of 2,551,442.8s. In order to transpose the corresponding
frequency into the average range of human hearing, we have to transpose it by 30
octaves. The result is a tone of 420.837 Hz (G sharp), a tone of no great importance
to our Western music today, but during the Baroque and early Classical periods, it
was of major importance. Mozart's tuning fork, for example, had 421.6 Hz. At its
pinnacle, Western music was directly connected with the tone of the Moon. Concert
pitch started to rise in the middle of the 19th century, striving for the superficial
effect of making the music sound brighter. Thus Western music started to turn away
from the moon's field of resonance, but the Moon, in all traditions, is responsible for
the arts and the artists, being the planet of sensitivity and creativity. In the 20th
century, major American symphony orchestras kept raising the concert pitch tone
more and more. In doing this, they have banished Western music from its cosmic
relationship to the celestial body of the arts and the artists.

[...] The tone of the Sun results from the tropical year lasting 365.242 days or
31,556,926s, and it is C sharp. We can hear it at 136.10 Hz. In Indian classical music,
this C sharp is still the fundamental tone. It is called sa or sadja, the "Father of
Tones." Bells (e.g., temple bells and gongs) are often tuned to this tone, not only in
India but also in Tibet, Japan, and on Bali. The prime word OM, the holiest of
mantras, has been chanted to the sa more often than to any other tone. Today
classical Indian music remains in a relationship to the Sun, as Western music of the
Baroque, Classical and Early Romantic periods was formerly in relationship to the

Sound, Light, Color, Heat = Different Manifestations of Energy.

From Conquest To Affluence To Collapse | The 250 Year Empire Life

Empire Life Cycle 250 Years 10 Generations

Serge Bernard (Jul 25, 2016) - Regardless of financial strength, political power and
knowledge of previous history life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to
prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties
would always rise, stay and fall regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire
life cycles would repeat over and over following a same cyclical pattern.

In 1977, Sir John Glubb wrote an essay titled The Fate of Empires: [] during 3
millenaries the average superpowers duration period has been consistently of about
250 years [] the full 250-year cycle corresponds to about ten 25-year generations.
This 250-year duration presents an unexpected consistency, especially if we consider
all the major changes during the 3,000 years in transportation speed and weapons
sophistication, which has expanded territories conquests from local to global.
Regardless of the historical period, the life cycle was always of about 250 years.

Something bigger than their leaders was inclining empires to rise and also to fall.
While we could seek a spiritual explanation of divine influence, we can also look at
the sky from an astrologer perspective and find out that there are perfect
correlations between the 250-year empires live cycles and Plutos 248 year orbital
cycle. When a country is born, Pluto occupies a certain position in the sky, which
eventually will return to the same position in about 248 years. That period
corresponds to the entire superpower life cycle.

In his essay, Sir John Glubb also revealed that all empires cycles in history have
followed a same 8-phase pattern process, which is represented below [] here are
the empires 8 common phases and their corresponding heroes. While not necessarily
of equal duration, each phase would last an average of about 41 years.
During the past 3,000 years the average life expectancy of
superpowers has been 250 years. All Empire Cycles followed
the same 8-phase pattern, and this pattern along with the
Pluto Cycles indicates that 2015-2022 will be the last 7 years
of the USA as the world superpower (HERE)

The USA is now in the final phase of the superpower life cycle pattern. The USA was
born on July 4, 1776. That day Pluto was positioned at 2733 of Capricorn and will
return to that same natal position during the years 2021-2023, which is about 248
years later as found with most of the historical empires lives. During that orbital
period, transiting Pluto covered all angles from 0 to 360 with natal Pluto. Angles
multiple of 45 degrees are critical and correspond to tensions during each of the 8
phases transitions.

At left is a rudimentary historical outline associating USA superpower life cycle with
Pluto orbital cycle. Human death is unavoidable regardless of wisdom and knowledge
about what happened to previous dead people, and so are empires that rise and live
until their inexorable collapse. Superpowers' life and death patterns will repeat itself
whether their leaders study past history cycles or not.

Cosmic life is bigger than human life. The USAs last phase runs from Pluto semi-
square in 2001 to Pluto's return to its natal position in 2022. It is worth noting the
year 2001 amazing synchronicity between Pluto semi-square (45), the historic
empire transition from decadence to collapse and the September 11 terrorist attack.
Now, during their last phase from 2001 to 2022, the USA will not give up its
supremacy without a full fledge military, political, economic and religious war. The
next financial bubble burst may be fatal and global. USA will win the battle against
terrorism, but will lose the supremacy war against the rest of the world, where
contenders such as China are already preparing themselves for the opportunity to fill
the vacuum [on the coming US-war on China see HERE + HERE]. This process started
in 2001 and most USA power strategies miserably failed ever since. We are now
seeing a growing world chaos that will likely expand into a worldwide war during the
next 7 years until USA final supremacy collapse around 2022-2023 [](see also HERE)
Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb (1978):
The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival (HERE)

German DAX: Gloom, Boom and Doom | Cyclic Vibrations

Ahmed Farghaly (Oct 02, 2016) - There is no question in most commentator's minds
that the growth in Germany has certainly slowed relative to what this great country
has enjoyed in the 20th century [] The reason for my post about Germany is
because the first domino to fall in the upcoming financial calamity seems to be
Deutsche Bank [] The upcoming calamity is not going to be like 2008 which was
merely a correction of the 18 year cycle. The decline is likely [] of the 324 year
cycle and will make 2008 seem like a tiny little hick up within the unraveling of a
much larger cycle correction.

[] The German DAX is likely to not only decline but have an outright collapse of a
magnitude not witnessed in our lives. The S&P/DAX ratio is in favor of the S&P which
suggests that we are likely to see a larger decline in Germany.

German Stocks In Trend Limbo

Source: Dana Lyons' Tumblr.

New Insights in Commodities | Cyclic Vibrations

Ahmed Farghaly (Jul 1, 2016) - The first chart is a synthetic chart of commodities.
The way it was constructed was by isolating the second 18 year cycle of three 54 year
cycle. The reason why I extracted the second 18 year cycle is because this is the
cycle we are in right now in terms of commodities hence it should be correlated
more with its counterpart in past 54 year cycles. I have also altered the length of the
cycles to match the current average length of the 18 year cycle which is
approximately 14.4 years. I then combined those cycles together in order to get a
continuous series so I can isolate the cycle via spectral analysis and run neural
network models on this particular position of the Kondratieff wave. The indicator
that you see above is a neural network model with an 14.4 year cycle used as an
input and the detrended zigzag as the output. This indicator's turning point should
mimic those in the future provided that no significant changes occur to the length of
the nominal 18 year wave. The second chart depicts the dates more clearly.

It is worth mentioning that the 14.4 year cycle with 4 harmonics was used as the
input rather than just one harmonic, the reason for this was to aid us in depicted the
peaks and troughs of the cycles smaller than the 14.4 year wave. As is visible on the
chart above, we seem to have a clear path in the CRB index until late 2017. The
projection also suggests that 2018 is likely to be a bad year for commodities. This
correction should then be followed by a move into 4th quarter of 2020 followed by a
correction to 2022 and so on (third chart).
In the neural network model below the price chart is an up percentage move
indicator (fourth chart). It is calculated by having the cycle as an input and
measuring the position of moves of over 7% a month and projecting something similar
for the future of the current cycle. The likelihood of large percentage months on a
closing basis is greatest from here going into mid 2019. Hence capital is best
allocated in the commodity market now rather than chase the move after most of
the large percentage gains have already been realized (fourth chart).

This indicator (fourth chart) is a forecast of the volatility index indicator using the
same input as the charts above. It seems evident that the likelihood of high volatility
is greatest from now going into 2020. This would mean that the purchase of call
options are likely to be a better play than their sale in the upcoming environment.
Trading in expectation of low volatility will probabalisticly lead to a loss going into

Archeology of the Man-Made Global Warming Fraud | The Eugenics

It is very crucial to understand that the "Man-Made Global Warming" hoax along with all
its entailing policies is an important tool out the Eugenics Tool-Box of the global
oligarchy, aiming to drastically downsize human population by de-industrialization, no-
industrialization and global de-developement programs. This genocidal agenda includes of
course various carbon tax-schemes, science policies, mass vaccination and sterilization
programs, induced sterilization through chemicals in publicly supplied drinking water, etc.

The man-made global warming scam was fabricated in 1975. At that time, all the
evidence for the theory on natural cyclical climate change of the Serbian
geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milankovi was already published. It was widely
accepted to be the Rosetta Stone of climatology: The cyclical nature of the Earth's
glacial and interglacial periods within the present Ice Age have been caused primarily
by changes in the Earth's circumnavigation of the Sun. Variations in the Earth's
eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles,
collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles. Many scientists that later
propagandized for man-made global warming, during that period actually published
books and papers, and made public pronouncements on television, warning that the
Earth was going into a period of global cooling. But, because powerful Eugenicists
and Malthusians of the global oligarchy and their Club of Rome wanted to shut down

The three Milankovitch Cycles:

Eccentricity = 95,000 - 125,000 Year Cycle
Axial Tilt = 41,000 Year Cycle
Precession = 26,000 Year Cycle

and reduce the world's population, scientists were pressured to change their story.
The scientific conference at which this switch occurred was staged on October 26-29,
1975 in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Chaired by malthusian activist
Margaret Mead, it was called "The Atmosphere: Endangered or Endangering." Mead
told the assembled scientists, most of whom were the media science stars that later
on promoted global warming, the following: The unparalleled increase in the human
population and its demands for food, energy, and resources is clearly the most
important destabilizing influence in the biosphere [...] What we need from
scientists are estimates, presented with sufficient conservatism and plausibility,
that will allow us to start building a system of artificial, but effective warnings,
warnings which will parallel the instincts of animals which flee the hurricane [...] in
a way that will draw from the necessary capacities for sacrifice, of which human
beings, as a group, have proven capable. It is therefore a statement of major
possibilities of danger, which may overtake humankind, on which it is important
to concentrate attention.

The conference presentations elaborated how the participants would be able to scare
people out of their wits with these intangible global catastrophes, which would
overcome mankind; how they could use these scares to get otherwise sane people to
act in an insane fashion and destroy their own nations and civilization itself. And
Margaret Mead pushed the global warming theory, so all the scientists who went into
that conference promoting global cooling, came out of the conference promoting
global warming. Shortly thereafter, these same scientists came up with scares about
ozone depletion, acid rain, "nuclear winter," and many other things. And every one of
these scares is a scientific fraud. Compare the above statements by Mead to one of
the last statements of Milutin Milankovi in 1941. He did not even bother to argue or
defend his theory on cyclical climate change, and before starting to dedicate himself
to other research, he simply said: My theory proves itself; the astronomical proof is
there, and I don't need to argue with people about it. See also HERE

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