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Wow Admin Panel

Version 2.0.0
Probably the best WoW Private Servers trainer out there

Wow Admin Panel will notify you on possible detectable cheats on your specific realm,
and how to avoid detection.

When logged in, you will see your realm name at the top right corner of the trainer.
If you see an icon near it, make sure to not ignore that icon.

The hazard icon means that there is an important information you need to know regarding to your
specific realm. Make sure you click it, read the notification displayed to you and act accordingly.

The shield icon means that the specific realm youre currently on, was tested and found safe to
activate all cheats on. You may hack freely.
Make sure however that updates may take place and you always have to make sure that the Last
Update: took place in less than a week or so from your current date. Or this prediction may not be as
In any-case remember that hacking in the game is a risk you take, and at your own risk.
it can always be detected and if server owner really wants to.

Global Keys

Wow Admin Panel allows you to broadcast keyboard key-presses to all open WoW Windows.
To enable that feature, simply activate Global Keys by clicking the Multiboxing menu and
then selecting 'Global Keys'

Once activated, your keyboard will implement all keys pressed by you to all wow sessions,
regardless to what window you are focusing on.

There are some keys however that will not be broadcast, to keep game-play smooth and
W, S, D, A Keys
E,Q Keys
Tab Key
Numlock Key
Enter Key
Up, Down, Left, Right, (Arrows) Keys
Forward-Slash Key
Notices that non premium members can use this feature to broadcast keys to up to 3
windows, premium members are able to broadcast to all open wow sessions without limits,
except pc hardware limitations.

Also, activating this feature will require resources from your PC, so if you're not using it, to
better performance, please set it to disabled.

Ground Speed
Change your walking \ running \ ground-mount speed. Default is 30.
Flying Speed
Enable \ Disable Flying and its speed. Default is 30.
Swim Speed
Change swimming speed. Default is 30.
No Falling
When activated, you cant fall, and keep your Z axis straight. Also disables the jumping.
Slow Falling
Allows you to fall softly to the ground, imitating levitation, keeping mind though, you will
still take full damage when you hit the ground, this is meant to allow you to reach places
Walk on Water
Enable \ Disable water walking (instead of swimming)
Wall Climb
Enable \ Disable the ability to walk over any mountain \ tree \ object regardless to its
Increase and decrease character size. Only seen by you.
Opens radar tracking menu
Teleport to Corpse
Click when youre dead to go straight to your corpses location.
eXtra Hacks

Each patch has different eXtra hacks available to it. This section will get updated in the near
future, some like patch 5.4.8, dont have any extra hack available to it.

Jump ++
Enable \ Disable infinite jumps
Show Levels
Show a creature or a players real level, ignoring the difference in levels between you and
your target.
Unlock Lua
Unlocks protected lua commands, great for scripting.
No Clip
Allows you to walk through trees, building, objects, etc
Talk while youre dead
No Terrain
Ignores terrain make sure you either fly or enable No Falling, or youll end up underground
Walk under Water
Ignores water, allow you to simply walk under water instead of swimming in it
Know all Languages
Allow you to understand every races language.
Allow you to have your in-game radar display any type of creature\item\quest-item\object
which is possible to be tracked by the game mechanics.
Simply click Tracking and tag the creatures and objects you would like to track.


Teleport menu allows you to get to places on your map instantly.

Make sure you are located on the continent\map of the location you would like to go to.
If your character is now in Stormwind (Eastern Kingdoms) it cannot teleport to Outland or
Pandaria, simply because they are not in the same continent. Same goes for dungeons.

The blue down arrow button ( ) above the coords will copy your characters current
position to the editable coords section, from which you can change to what ever X-Y-Z
values you would like to have your character positioned at, and click .
If you confused or got somewhere you didnt want to, click to go back to where you
came from.

Teleport List
To teleport to a location simply click its name on the list to the bottom left, and click
Load allows you to add a teleport list file to your list.
Edit allows you to edit your teleport list in notepad
History shows you all the teleports you did since wow admin panel was executed
Add New allows you to add your characters current position to the list and save it.
XYZ Moving
Enable disable the ability to move using the Numpad keys. On the X Y Z Axis.
You may click the settings icon ( ) to change its behavior
Xyz Moving Settings

Range per Move

Determines how far your each XYZ key press moves your character.
Server Sided
When Server-Sided is enabled, your character will have its position refreshed by
the server after every XYZ move. This means that it will have its location sent to the
server for every single move you do, this is to avoid having anti-cheats that are
based on location-calculations detect your XYZ moves on short distances.
No-Fall after each move
Enable this to activate No-Fall after every move, to avoid getting your character in
endless falling stuck underground in case you XYZ your character to a bad position.
Extended Teleport list

Allow you to search a location in your teleport list by typing part of its name, and pressing
the Enter key.To go to a location on the list, simply click it once, and click GO.
You may also bind that location to a keyboard key by clicking Bind to Key.

Stop Falling
No matter where you are, falling, walking, flying, swimming, this will have your character
stop moving.
Teleports back to the last location you came from
Server Sided
Notifies the server on your characters location right after the teleport.
If this isnt checked, the actual character teleport will only be visible to the server, once you
your character moves\turns.

Keyboard menu features 48 different actions that can be customized and bound to keyboard
keys as you wish.

Much of it is pretty much self explanatory.

Simply click the white Click to Bind Textbox, followed by a keyboard key of your choice.
This will bind that action to that key. To unbind a key, click it again and press ESC.

You may switch between available actions using and

If you bound an action on one page, you can move on to the next page, minimize the
window, move to another menu, your keyboard bind will stay as you left it, regardless to the
menu you are currently watching until you close the trainer or unbind it.

Tag between client feature menus.
Set Patch
Allow you to manually set a patch that the client will relate to in case the Automatic
detection system did not find it.
Save Settings
Save your current settings
Reset Settings
Reset settings to default
Memory If you dont know what this part is for, no need to touch this.
Change this title Click it to change the title of the client . this was implemented to
avoid having old-time anti-cheats detect a hack by its name.
Change WoW title If your in game world of game window is not named exactly like
it should the client will not work. It will simply not detect your game. So to solve
that, simply use this feature, type in the exact name of your current wow window
(and it will be changed accordingly)
Settings This menu will allow you to change settings of backend work of the client.

Interval is the refresh rate for the client.
It determines everything related to respond time of features.
For example, the XYZ Moving is based upon this value, even if you hold the numpad
key, it will only move your character at as fast as the interval allows it to.
Allow realm-specific
Allow automatic updates
If you would like to disable automatic updates please uncheck this.
Be aware however that all updates will no longer be downloaded automatically from
the server, all internet connection from the admin panel to the outside world will be
blocked, and if something is required for you to know, like a notification, change
about your realm, or a new cheat that was implemented, a fix that was released,
anything, will be blocked and unavailable to you.
If you choose this option, please, be wise, and make sure to manually download the
update file located here and place it on the same folder with the client, where your
wap.exe is.
Reset all active updates
Stops all active updates and downloads immediately
Unhook keyboard keys
Unhook all keyboard key binds, use this if something goes wrong with your keyboard
keys while the admin panel is active.
Font Layout
Allow you to change Font and charset for the admin panel to support foreign
languages (ASCII).
This is disabled by default, but if you wish to enable this, just type SHOW on the
interval textbox, press enter, and then change to what you wish and click Apply.
This part however is very advanced, and if you dont know what youre doing, please
avoids doing so.


There are many false and wrong cheats for WoW out there.
Most of them are viruses, key loggers, bad coded software which dont even work,
some of them even promise to do things which arent even possible, like changing
your gold, or your characters stats.

The Wow Admin Panel Project is meant to give every person out there the ability
to use cheats, without needing to search days for a valid file, scan it by 50 different
anti viruses, to eventually find out it either isnt even working or worse.

Premium memberships enable the project existence.

Without it, there is no way it can be done stay valid and up to date.

Your support is needed.

If you like this project, and would like to support it, please consider buying
premium for only 7$ using Paypal.

Doing that will not only unlock new features, and remove time limit usage.,
It will also grant you access to future updates, and releases through your mail prior
to public releases.
Your contribution is highly appreciated, and even if you decide not to go premium, I
personally thank you for using Wow Admin Panel. And spreading the word:

There is one trainer that actually works, enhances, and delivers what it promises.

Wow Admin Panel

Converting coffee to code lines since February 2014

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