Letter To SCMPD Staff

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sav ditth CETY MANAGER'S OFFICE suly 27,2017 Dear Employees of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department, Last week the City Council ended our agreement with Chatham County to provide law enforcement services in unincorporated Chatham, This was nat a decision they taok lightly. The City and County had negotiated for several years to resolve differences in how costs were allocated, how management is structured, and how resources are deployed. \We thought we had moved past this period of uncertainty by agreeing to the County's desire to contract with Berkshire Advisors to develop a new funding formula and recommend operational Improvements. While the City adopted Berkshire’s 47 recommendations, the County failed to keep its promises and dismissed the report in its entirety. Most importantly, though, is that our philesophies and approaches to public safety were vasty different, Please know that the City Council labored over this decision, but In the end, it termined that it was in the City’s best interests to focus on our public safety needs \While the City Council's decision ends the combined Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department, it looks to the City’s origins for police services ~ the Savannah Police Department. Savannah PD has protected this great city since the 1790s, Beginning February 1, 2018, it wll do so once again. All oF you professionals have played a major role in the Department's evolution whether in SCMIPD or soan, and again, SPD. And, we hope that you will continue to do so going forward, \While there are many details to work through in the transition, | expect that very litle will change for you. Yes, you might have to replace your patches on your uniferms, and ‘your mobile office (ie, vehicle will be branded differently (and hopefully newer}, but our foal is to make the transition as smooth as possible. ut the core values that Chief Lumpkin has instituted wil remain. This change will also present new professional ‘opportunities for some of you within and outside of SPD. We know some of you willbe attracted by new opportunities outside SPD. For those that seek the elusive greener ass, we will wish them well, Our commitment to you as a city and employer remains rons 92.64.6415 09.67.6708. HeUTEaRhAlTSSAMANNAHEACON {or those who want to continue to serve this great city. You are all welcome at the new SPD. ‘The enhancements recommended by Berkshire Advisors were adopted by City Council and will guide usin improving how we protect our city. We have committed to a police officer staffing level to mact a seven-minute response time goal for Prionty | calls cityuide. We have committed to providing you the resources and technology you need 10 excel n your jobs. We are now ready to put uncertainty behind us and focus on Savannah's futur, On behalf of everyone who works lives or vist this city, | want to thank you for what you do to protect us each day. If you have questions, email me directly at rhernandex®savannahga gov or stop me and say helo. Sincere, Rob fob Hemandaz City Manager rows 9.651645 wo 9ta6516702 segHAxol7E swmwNawan.cov

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