English Test Report

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Name_________________________ Class___________Date_______________

I. Report these sentences

1. The man said, Is your father at home?

2. The policeman said to the stranger, Who are you? Where do you come
3. They go to Miami
4. The people are watching the accident
5. The car crush
6. He watches the WWE

II. Report the Following Dialogue:

Customer Can I have a cigarette, please?

Saleswoman Of course, but you cannot smoke here.

Customer What?

Saleswoman Yes sir, smoking is prohibited here.

Customer Thats funny. You sell cigarettes in here, but you prohibit smoking?

Saleswoman (smilingly) We also sell bath towels here, sir.

III.- Choose the correct alternative (elige la alternativa correcta par contar lo que
se dijo)

1. Hannah: "They live in Boston." Hannah said (that)____________ in Boston

a. They lived
b. They lives
2. Dominic: "She understands Japanese." Dominic said
(that)_______________understand japanese.
a. She understood
b. She understanded
3. Sophia: "Bella doesn't collect stickers." Sophia told me
(that)________________collect stickers
a. Dont
b. Didnt

4. Robert: "Dennis downloads the latest tunes." Robert said

(that)_____________the latest tunes.
a. Downloaded
b. Didnt download
5. Luke: "I don't know what to do." Luke said (that)_______________what to
a. Doesnt know
b. Didnt know
6. Lily: "Mr Jones is rude to Samantha." Lily told me (that) Mr.
Jones__________ rude.
a. Was
b. Were
7. James and David: "We have to go now." James and David said (that)
____________go now.
a. They had to
b. They has to

IV. Transform these sentences into reported speech

1. Mum said: " I'm angry with you Mum said she___________ angry with me
2. Geoffrey said: I'm cooking lunch today Geoffrey said
he___________________________ lunch
3. My boyfriend said: I'll go to the cinema tomorrow. My boyfriend said
he________________ to the cinema.
4. Her teacher said: " You do your homework every day" Her teacher said
she ______________ her homework every day
5. Their father said: " I speak three languages" Their father said
he_________ speak three languages.
6. Paul said: "I am going on holidays" Paul said he_________going on

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