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The Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the development of nano science. The word
"nanotechnology" is used extensively to define the sciences and techniques that
are applied at a nanoscale level, it is an extremely small measure that allows to
work and to manipulate the molecular structures and their atoms.
At present, progress has been growing considerably, which can be both
beneficial and detrimental, it is enough that each one acquires his position on
the subject.

What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is the study, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation and
application of materials, apparatus and functional systems through the control of
matter and the exploitation of phenomena and properties of matter at nano
scale. In short, it would lead us to the possibility of making materials and
machines from the rearrangement of atoms and molecules. Nanotechnology is
a field of applied sciences dedicated to the control and manipulation of matter
on a scale smaller than a micrometer, that is, at the level of atoms and
molecules (nano materials).

Benefits of nanotechnology.
There are many benefits of nanotechnology for humanity, I think the most
important is in terms of medicine, without detracting from other areas, then I'll
talk about each one:

Medicine: Infectious diseases cause problems in many parts of the world.

Simple products like pipes, filters and mosquito nets could reduce this problem.
Molecular nanotechnology could manufacture cheap and advanced equipment

for medical research, making the availability of more advanced medicines much

Economy: Information and communication are useful tools, with

nanotechnology, computers would be extremely cheap.

Resources: Many sites still lack electrical power. But efficient and inexpensive
construction of lightweight and strong structures, electrical equipment and
energy storage devices would allow the use of solar thermal energy as a
primary and abundant source of energy. Water scarcity is a serious and growing
problem. Most water consumption is used in production and agriculture
systems, something that the manufacturing of products through molecular
manufacturing could transform.

Environment: Environmental waste is a serious problem all over the world. New
technological products would allow people to live with a much lower
environmental impact. Many areas of the world can not quickly assemble a
manufacturing infrastructure at the level of more developed countries. Molecular
fabrication can be self-contained and clean: a single box or a single suitcase
could contain everything necessary to carry out the industrial revolution at the
village level.

Despite the many benefits of this technology, we must not forget the risks
involved, I consider that the main risk is the development of new weapons that
could lead to a panic in the humanity or even the end of it, with the development
of each science is always important to know about all risks since this way you
can avoid things that can be catastrophic, the risks in these areas are:
Social and political: Important changes in the structure of society and the
political system. The production of weapons and devices of espionage could
have a cost much lower than the present being also the smallest, powerful and
numerous products. An attempt by management to control these and other risks
could lead to the adoption of overly rigid regulations that would create a
demand for a black market that would be as dangerous as unstoppable

because it would be very easy to trade with small products and very dangerous
as the nano factories.

Economics: Low-cost production and duplication of designs could lead to major

changes in the economy, it is considered a risk since the economic structure as
we know it could change due to the cheapness of materials and even
production, the big technological industries would be Possibly the main source
of income of each country, so those who do not have many resources would be
without possibilities.

Environmental: Overexploitation of cheap products could cause significant

damage to the environment, and over time, the shortage of materials would
result from overproduction.

The development of nanotechnology is inevitable; however, I believe that great
care must be taken with it, rules should be established on its use to avoid
consequences, regulate access to it and focus on the benefits that it brings with
it. Should prohibit their use for the development of weapons and should focus
more on the production of articles that harm less the environment and the
development of medicinal technologies, as health is a major problem worldwide;
And with the help of nanotechnology we would have a better quality of life.

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