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Basic Prestressed

Concrete Design
Sergio F. Brea
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Course Organization

Lecture 1: Basics of Prestressing, Prestressing Materials

Lecture 2: Simple Examples, Loads, and Code Organization
Lecture 3: Code Requirements and Design Example Part 1
Lecture 4: Design Example Part 2
Lecture 5: Design Example Part 3
Lecture 6: Design Example Part 4

Design Example
Design Procedure
Moving along
Assume Service Load condition controls
Assume tensile stresses control
Calculate the number of strands required
Calculate prestressing Loss
Check Service Load condition
Must check tensile and compressive stresses
Adjust the strands as needed
Check Release condition
Adjust parameters as needed
Check Ultimate Load condition
Adjust the strands as needed
Check Shear
Design Example
Check ultimate strength:

For prestressed concrete, the definition of ultimate moment is exactly

the same as for reinforced concrete.

Design Example
How to calculate nominal moment
The nominal moment is calculated as:

0.85 fc' ba A s fs
A s fs
0.85 fc ' b
Mn A s fs d
Mn 0.85 fc' ba d
PCI 7th ed. 5.2.1

Design Example
How reinforced concrete is designed

Reinforced concrete beams are designed such that the steel yields before
the ultimate strength is reached. This was called the underreinforced
condition in previous editions of the ACI 318 code. ACI 31814 promotes
design of tension controlled sections.

Mild reinforcing steel (ASTM A 617, Grade 40 or Grade 60) has a flat yield
plateau which extends for some distance. This steel can easily be
modeled as elasticperfectly plastic. This means that once the steel
yields, it is assumed that fs is equal to fy.

Design Example
How prestressed concrete design differs

Prestressing steel is different from reinforcing steel.

First, the code allows prestressed beams to be what was once called
overreinforced but is now called either compression controlled
or transition. Prestressed beams are not subjected to a minimum
net tensile strain limit of 0.004 ACI 318-14

Prestressing strand does not have a flat plateau like mild steel, so
the steel stress, fps, must be calculated. It cannot be assumed fps is
equal to yield.

Design Example
Finding stress in prestressing steel, fps
The stress in the prestressing steel can be calculated by either of two
Approximate method, found in ACI 318-14
Strain Compatibility, found in PCI 7th ed.

In this method, the actual strain in the steel which is due

to stress (some strain is due to relaxation) is calculated
for ultimate condition (concrete strain = 0.003). Then
using a mathematical formula for the stress/strain
relationship (recall that this point is beyond the linear
range), the steel stress is calculated.

In this design example, the approximate method found in ACI 318-14

will be used.
Design Example
PCI flowchart for nominal strength calculations

PCI 7th ed. Figure 5.2.2

PCI provides a flow chart to
help with nominal moment
calculations using the
approximate method.
The flow chart will let you know
when the approximate method
cant be used.
Design Example
Finding stress in prestressing steel, fps
The stress in the prestressing steel at ultimate flexural strength can be
calculated as*:

If there is only prestressed tension reinforcement and if any mild steel

tensile or compression reinforcement is ignored, the equation can be
simplified as:
p fpu
fps fpu 1 p Valid only if fse 0.5fpu
1 fc ' 10
Design Example
Finding stress in prestressing steel, fps
fps Stress in the prestressing steel at the ultimate flexural strength
fpu Ultimate strength of the prestressing steel
fpy Yield strength of the prestressing steel
fc Concrete design compressive strength
p A prestressing constant
0.55 for fpy/fpu 0.8 for prestressing bar
0.4 for fpy/fpu 0.85 for stress relieved strand
0.28 for fpy/fpu 0.9 for low relaxation strand
1 Stress block constant for concrete
0.85 for fc 4000 psi
0.65 for fc 8000 psi
Must interpolate between the two values given above
Design Example
Finding stress in prestressing steel, fps

Ap As A s' fy ' fy
p ' '
bdp bd bd fc fc'

dp Effective depth of the prestressing steel (note that this is to the

prestressing steel on the tensile side of the beam only).
Prestressing strand is never considered effective in compression.
b Width of the compression face.
d Effective depth to the non-prestressed tensile steel.
d Depth to the non-prestressed compression steel.
NOTE: For , the denominator uses d NOT d !!
Design Example
Finding stress in prestressing steel, fps

In cases where all tensile reinforcement is prestressed (no mild

tensile reinforcement), the following terms in the equation may be
written more conveniently as:

fpu d fy fpu A s fy A s ' fy

p '
( - ' ) p
fc ' dp fc fc ' bdp fc ' bdp fc '

Design Example
Regarding compression steel
PCI 7th ed. / ACI 318-14 and (b)
In order to consider compression steel in equation for fps, the
following two conditions must be met:

fpu d fy
p ( - ' ) 0.17
fc ' dp fc '
d' 0.15dp

If these conditions are not met, ignore the compression steel.

Design Example
Regarding compression steel

In this design example, the top steel is placed to control cracks. It

could be counted as compression steel IF it meets the previous

However, it is not intended as compression steel, it is not needed as

compression steel and it is CONSERVATIVE to ignore it as
compression steel.

Going forward, the top steel will not be considered as compression

steel in this design example.

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
Now fps will be calculated for this example
problem. Top steel is being ignored.
First, a check must be performed to verify
that the approximate method may be
fse 157.7 ksi 0.5(270 ksi) 135 ksi
The approximat e method may be used.

Now p will be calculated using the total strand area and the depth:
A p (10 strands )(0.153 in2 ) 1.53 in2
dp 25 in
Ap (1.53 in2 )
p 0.0051
bdp (12 in)(25 in)
Design Example
Calculations for this design example
The stress in the strands at ultimate strength (fps) can now be found:

p 0.0051 (From previous slide)

fc ' 5000 psi
1 0.80
p 0.28 (low relaxation strand)
p fpu
fps fpu 1 - p
1 fc '
0.28 270 ksi
fps (270 ksi)1 0.0051 244 ksi
0.80 5 ksi
The simplified formula for fps was used
because top steel is being ignored.
Design Example
Mn for this design example
The ultimate moment capacity of the beam can now be found:

A p fps (1.53 in 2 )(244 ksi)

PCI 7th ed. Eq 5-1 a 7.32 in
0.85 fc ' b (0.85)(5 ksi)(12 in)
7.32 in
PCI 7th ed. Fig 5.2.2 Mn (1.53 in )(244 ksi)25 in -

7967 kip in 664 kip ft

= 0.9 Mn 0.9(664 kip ft) 597 kip ft

(Assumed, but will
be checked later)

The capacity at midspan length of the beam is 597 kip-ft.

Design Example
Mu for this design example
Find the factored demand of the beam at midspan:

Mu 1.2MDL 1.6MLL
kips kips
Notice! This is (0.35 0.98 )(30 ft)2
a factored load MDL ft ft 149.6 kip ft
combination of 8
load effects. kips
(2.0 )(30 ft)2
MLL ft 225 kip ft
Mu 1.2(149.6 kip ft) 1.6(225 kip ft) 540 kip ft

Mu 540 kip ft Mn 597 kip ft OK

Design Example
Ultimate condition design check

The beam has enough moment capacity at midspan, but the moment
capacity must be checked along the entire span.

However, the strand pattern is constant, so Mn is constant along the

entire beam. And, the moment demand is maximum at midspan.

Thus, if the beam is OK at midspan, it is OK along the entire length,

EXCEPT within the Development Length.

Capacity in the Development length will be checked later.

Design Example
Verifying = 0.9
Was correctly assumed as 0.9 when finding Mn?

Recall, from ACI 318-14 21.2.2 / PCI 7th ed.

Strain t Type of Section

t > 0.005 Tension-controlled 0.9

0.002* < t < 0.005 Transition Interpolate

t < 0.002* 0.65
*Strain limits for prestressed reinforcement and grade 60 steel.

What is t for the steel strands in this design example??

Design Example
A quick review of prestressing strand strains
Recall that there are several steel strains to consider when working with
prestressed concrete. This is a quick summary of how they work.
Shown below is the strain diagram of the beam with prestressing loading
p is the strain in the steel strands due to prestressing.
po is the strain in the concrete at the level of the steel due to
prestressing only.

dt is measured to
the centroid of the
tension strand
furthest from the
compression face.
Design Example
A quick review of prestressing strand strains

Under a certain amount of external loading, the decompression state

occurs. At this state, the strain in the concrete at the level of the
prestressing strands is zero.
The total strain in the strands at this point is p + po.

dt is measured to
the centroid of the
tension strand
furthest from the
compression face.
Design Example
A quick review of prestressing strand strains
Shown below is the strain diagram at the ultimate condition.
The additional strain in the steel strands that occurs after the
decompression state is called t.
The strain t must be greater than 0.005 for the beam to be
considered tension controlled (and for = 0.9).


t is measured at the
depth dt.
Design Example
t for this design example
The additional strain, t, can be found from strain compatibility by
knowing the depth of the neutral axis, c, and then using similar
Keep in mind that t is the strain in the extreme tensile steel, so dt = 26

dt 26 in
a 7.32 in
26 in
1 0.80 t (0.003 ) 0.003 0.0055
9.15 in
7.32 in
c 9.15 in

Since the value of t is greater than 0.005, the assumption of

= to 0.9 is valid.

Design Example
Ductility limit
Ductility Limit
ACI 318-14 / PCI 7th ed.
The total amount of prestressed and nonprestressed reinforcement
shall be adequate to develop a factored moment of at least 1.2 times
the cracking moment on the basis of fr.
The equation for a non-composite beam is given.
Mn (1.2)Mcr
Peff Peff ey Mcr c
fr 7.5 fc '
Peff Effective prestressing force at service load level after losses.
Mcr Moment required to crack the concrete at critical section
fr Modulus of rupture for concrete (ACI 318-14
Design Example
Ductility limit check for this design example
The ductility limit will be checked for the beam in this design example
by first plugging in and solving for Mcr.

Peff 241kip (Found Previously)

Peff Peff ey Mcr c
7.5 fc '
(241kip ) (241kip )(11in)(14 in) Mcr (14 in)
7.5 5000 psi 2

(336 in ) (21952 in ) (21952 in4 )
Solving for Mcr : Mcr 4607 kip in 384 kip ft
The product (1.2)Mcr is then compared against Mn:
(1.2)Mcr (1.2)(384 kip ft ) 461kip ft
Mn 597 kip ft 461kip ft OK
The ductility limit check passes for this beam.
Design Example
Ductility limit

The ductility limit provision may be waived for beams with shear and
flexural strength at east twice that required by the strength limit state.
Also, the ductility limit provision does not apply to prestressed
members with unbonded tendons.

The previous slide assumes that the beam section is non-composite.

A composite section is created when a cast-in-place element (such as
a topping layer) or a precast element is bonded to the prestressed
element after the prestressing is applied.
For composite sections, a different formula is used for the ductility limit
Design Example
Ductility limit for composite members
PCI 7th ed.
The cracking moment for a composite section is:
Mcr Sbc ( fcpe fr ) Mnc bc 1
Sbc Composite section modulus to the tension fiber
P Effective prestress force, after all losses
fr Modulus of rupture (taken as positive)
fcpe Compressive stress due to prestressing at the tension fiber
(also taken positive)
Mnc Moment on the non-composite section due to loads applied
only to the non-composite section
Sb Non-composite section modulus to the tension fiber
Design Example
Ductility limit for composite members (derivation)
The derivation of the relationship on the previous slide is simple.
Begin by setting the sum of the stresses from prestressing,
prestressing moment and external moment to the modulus of rupture:

Peff Peff ey Mcr c

7.5 fc ' fr

The external moment (in this case the cracking moment) has two
parts, the non-composite moments and the composite moments.
The prestressed force is applied only to the non-composite section.
Peff Peff ey Mdnc c nc (Mcr Mdnc )c c
A nc Inc Inc Ic
Design Example
Ductility limit for composite members (derivation)

Peff Peff ey Mdnc c nc (Mcr Mdnc )c c

A nc Inc Inc Ic

The equation can be rewritten using section modulus.

Peff Peff e Mdnc (Mcr Mdnc )
A nc Snc Snc Sc
Peff Peff e Mdnc Mcr Mdnc
A nc Snc Snc Sc Sc
A new term fcpe will be defined as:
Peff Peff e
Define : fcpe
A nc Snc
Design Example
Ductility limit for composite members (derivation)
The newly defined term fcpe can be substituted into the equation.
Mdnc Mcr Mdnc
fr fcpe
Snc Sc Sc
This can be rearranged to arrive at the final equation for the cracking
moment of composite sections.
Mcr Mdnc Mdnc
fr fcpe
Sc Snc Sc

Mdnc Mdnc
Mcr Sc fr fcpe
S nc S c

Mcr Sc fr fcpe Mdnc 1
Snc 32
Design Example
Strain compatibility
PCI 7th ed.
As mentioned previously, ultimate strength can also be determined by
strain compatibility. Again consider the sequence of strain, but this time
consider it at the centroid of the steel.
Where the depth dt was considered previously (the depth to the extreme
tension steel), the depth dp will now be used (the depth to the centroid of
all prestressed steel).

total p p0 p* 33
Design Example
Strain compatibility
Once the total strain is determined, the stress/strain curve can be
used to find fps.

Strand stress/strain curve: PCI 7th ed. Design Aid 15.3.3, page 15-32
Design Example
Strain compatibility, using the design aid
PCI 7th ed. Design Aid 5.14.2, page 5-139
Clearly, calculating the strain is a challenge, but the PCI Design
Handbook has a design aid to use to solve this problem.
To use the design aid, the ultimate prestressed reinforcement index
(pu) must first be calculated.

For this design example:

Ap 1.53 in2
p 0.0051
bdp (12 in)(25 in)
fpu (270 ksi)
pu p (0.0051) 0.28
fc ' (5 ksi)
Note that pu is rounded to two decimal places.
Design Example

PCI 7th ed.

Design Aid 5.14.2
page 5-139
To use this table, first
calculate pu. Next, find fc in
the left column and the first
digit of pu in the next
The top row is the second
digit of the decimal pu.
The table then gives a
constant Ku. This constant
allows the calculation of Mn.
Design Example
Strain compatibility, using the design aid

1 2

For this example

pu = 0.28

Design Example
Strain compatibility, using the design aid

The Ku value found from the design aid is used to calculate Mn

K u ' 974 (From design aid)

Mn K u ' (kip ft )
(12 in)(25 in)2
Mn (974) 609 kip ft

Design Example
Approximate method versus strain compatibility

The capacity using the approximate equation for fps is:

Mn = 597 kip ft
The capacity using strain compatibility:
Mn = 609 kip ft
Note that there is a very small difference that is usually not worth
bothering with. However, this difference can be useful if the
approximate equation for fps results in Mn < Mu by a small amount.

Design Example
Check ultimate condition at ends of beam
The ultimate condition has been checked at midspan. Next, this
condition will be checked at the end of the beam (within the
development length of the strands).
Recall that the development length is given by the equation:
fse (fps - fse )
ld db db
3000 1000
The first term is the transfer length. Also recall that the stress over the
transfer length and the stress over the development length can be
modeled as bilinear.
ld Development Length (in)
fse Effective prestressing stress (psi)
fps Prestressing steel stress at the nominal moment (psi)
db Nominal strand diameter (in)
Design Example
Check ultimate condition at ends of beam
PCI 7th ed. Figure 5.2.8

lpx ltr
fpx fse ( fps fse )
ld ltr
lpx fse

lpx is the distance from end of strand

ltr db
fse (fps - fse )
ld db db
3000 1000
Design Example
Check ultimate condition at ends of beam
The strand development length for this design example:

fse (fps - fse )

ld db db
3000 1000
(157.7 ksi)(1000 lb kip ) (244.0 - 157.7 ksi)(1000 lb kip )
ld (0.5 in) (0.5 in)
3000 1000
ld 69.4 inch

This shows that the entire fps = 244 ksi is developed 69.4 inches from
the end of the beam.
Since the point of maximum stress is 16 ft (192 inches) from the END
of the beam, the beam is OK.

Design Example
Check strand development
According to, ACI 318-14, the strand must be bonded
at least one development length from the critical section. The
critical section is defined by as the point of maximum
stress for nonprestressed beams (can be also used for
prestressed beams). In the case of a simply supported beam,
the critical section is midspan.

Midspan is at 16 feet (192 inches) from the END of the beam

(recall that the beam extends 1 foot past the center of bearing).
No strands are debonded. If strands were debonded, the
distance would be measured from the critical section to the end
of the debonded length.

Since the strand is bonded 192 inches > 69.4 inches, the beam
is OK.
Design Example
Strand development length
Very important notes about development length:
ACI 318-14
Embedment less than ld is allowed, as long as the stress does not exceed the
stress given in the bi-linear curve shown in previous slides.
ACI 318-08 12.9.2 allowed:
Investigation near the end of the member can be limited to the sections
required to develop full strength EXCEPT:
If there is a concentrated load applied within the development length.
If any strand is debonded.
This requirement must be satisfied by checking strength of all sections
(including within the development length) ACI 318-14
ACI 318-14
If strands are debonded and there is tension in the precompressed zone at any point under
service loads, ld must be doubled.
Since none of the conditions above apply to this beam, the beam passes the development length
Design Example
Strand development length
There is one last check.
In the transfer length, the prestressing force is not fully developed,
therefore the moment resistance is reduced.
Also, within the entire development length, the factor is reduced.

x ltr 0.75
x ld 0.90
(Interpolate between)

Considering these two reductions to Mn, does the beam still have
sufficient capacity at the ends?

Design Example
Final ultimate moment check

Mn > Mu throughout the length of the beam OK

Lecture 1: Basics of Prestressing, Prestressing Materials

Lecture 2: Simple Examples, Loads, and Code Organization

Lecture 3: Code Requirements and Design Example Part 1

Lecture 4: Design Example Part 2

End of Lecture 5: Design Example Part 3

Lecture 6: Design Example Part 4

Design Example Alternative Solution


Design Example
Calculations for this design example
Now fps will be calculated for this example
problem. Top steel is being ignored.
Calculations will first be done for midspan.
First, a check must be performed to verify
that the approximate method may be
fse 160.6 ksi 0.5(270 ksi) 135 ksi
The approximat e method may be used.
Now p will be calculated using the total strand area and the depth:
A p (10 strands)(0.153 in2 ) 1.53 in2
dp 14in 10.2in 24.2 in
Ap (1.53 in2 )
p 0.0053
bdp (12 in)(24.2 in) 49
Design Example
Calculations for this design example
The stress in the strands at ultimate strength (fps) can now be found:

p 0.0053 (From previous slide)

fc ' 5000 psi
1 0.80
p 0.28 (low relaxation strand)
p fpu
fps fpu 1 - p
1 fc '
0.28 270 ksi
fps (270 ksi)1 0.0053 243 ksi
0.80 5 ksi

The simplified formula for fps was used

because top steel is being ignored. 50
Design Example
Mn at midspan for this design example
The ultimate moment capacity of the beam can now be found:

A p fps (1.53 in 2 )(243 ksi)

PCI 7th ed. Eq 5-1 a 7.29 in
0.85fc ' b (0.85)(5 ksi)(12 in)
7.29 in
PCI 7th ed. Fig 5.2.2 Mn (1.53 in 2 )(243 ksi)24.2 in -
7642 kip in 637 kip ft

= 0.9 Mn 0.9(664 kip ft) 573 kip ft

(Assumed, but will
be checked later)

The capacity at midspan length of the beam is 573 kip-ft.

Design Example
Mu at midspan for this design example
Find the factored moment demand of the beam at midspan:

Mu 1.2MDL 1.6MLL
kips kips
Notice! This is (0.35 0.98 )(30 ft)2
a factored load MDL ft ft 149.6 kip ft
combination of 8
load effects. kips
(2.0 )(30 ft)2
MLL ft 225 kip ft
Mu 1.2(149.6 kip ft) 1.6(225 kip ft) 540 kip ft

Mu 540 kip ft Mn 573 kip ft OK

Design Example
Ultimate condition design check
The beam has enough moment capacity at midspan, but the moment
capacity must be checked along the entire span.

How do we deal with the harped strand in the length between the end
of the beam and the harp points?

The ACI code states that fps must be found using strain compatability
and equilibrium methods if part of the prestressed reinforcement is in
the compression zone.

For now, lets ignore the harped strand beyond the harping points.

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
For the beam section at the harping point (12 feet from the support):
A p (7 strands)(0.153 in 2 ) 1.07 in 2
dp 14 in 11.1in 25.1 in
1.07 in 2
p 0.0036
(12 in)(25.1 in)
0.28 270 ksi
fps 270 ksi1 - (0.0036)
0.80 5 ksi
252 ksi

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
For the beam section at the harping point (12 feet from the support):

(1.07 in 2 )(252 ksi)

a 5.29 in
(0.85)(5 ksi)(12 in)
5.29 in
Mn (1.07 in )(252 ksi)25.1 in -

6055 kip in 505 kip ft
Mn 0.9(505 kip ft) 454 kip ft

Design Example
Ultimate moment plot

The next slide shows the ultimate moment for all points along the beam.
Beam moment capacity along its length is:

Mn 573 kip ft (12 ft x 18 ft)

Mn 454 kip ft (x 12 ft, x 18 ft)

Design Example
Ultimate moment plot

Design Example
Ultimate moment plot

According to the plot on the previous slide, the beam moment capacity
is exceeded at x = 9 feet (and through symmetry, x = 21 feet).

But remember that we are ignoring the contribution of the harped

strands at these points.

Lets examine the beam section at x = 9 feet, but this time include the
contribution of the harped strands. Note that these strands are still on
the tension side of the beam at this section.

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
For the section at 9 ft from the support, including the harped strands:

(10 ft )(12 in ft )(sin 7.3) 15.25 in

28 in (3)(2 in) 15.25 in 6.75 in
e 3(3.25 in) 3(10 in) 4(12 in) 10
8.78 in
dp 14 in 8.78 in 22.78 in

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
For the section at 9 ft from the support, including the harped strands:

A p 1.53 in2 dp 22.78 in

1.53 in2
p 0.0056
(12 in)(22.78 in)
.28 270 ksi
fps 270 ksi1 - (.0056)
.8 5 ksi
241 ksi

Design Example
Calculations for this design example
For the section at 9 ft from the support, including the harped strands:

(1.53 in2 )(241 ksi)

a 7.23 in
(0.85)(5 ksi)(12 in)
7.23 in
Mn (1.53 in2 )(241 ksi)22.78 in -
7000 kip in 583 kip ft
Mn 0.9(583 kip ft) 525 kip ft

Design Example
Ultimate moment plot

Mn = 573 kip ft

Mn = 525 kip ft

Mn = 454 kip ft


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